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Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

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Macrolitter and microplastics along the East Pacific coasts — A homemade

problem needing local solutions
Daniela Honorato-Zimmer a, Gabriela Escobar-Sánchez b, c, Katie Deakin d, Diamela De Veer a, e,
Tamara Galloway d, Valeska Guevara-Torrejón a, Jessica Howard f, Jen Jones f, Ceri Lewis d,
Francisca Ribeiro d, Georgie Savage d, Martin Thiel a, g, h, *
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile
Coastal and Marine Management Group, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), Seestraße 15, 18119 Rostock, Germany
Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda University, Universiteto Ave. 17, LT-92294, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Department of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QD, UK
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA
Galapagos Conservation Trust, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YR, UK
Millennium Nucleus Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic Island (ESMOI), Coquimbo, Chile
MarineGEO, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA


Keywords: The East Pacific (EP) region, especially the central and southern EP, has been fairly less studied than other
Eastern boundary currents world's regions with respect to marine litter pollution. This comprehensive literature review (257 peer-reviewed
Litter sources publications) showed that both macrolitter (mostly plastics) and microplastics tend to accumulate on EP
Plastic transport
shorelines. Moreover, they were also reported in all the other compartments investigated: sea surface, water
Sea surface
column, seafloor and ‘others’. Mostly local, land-based sources (e.g., tourism, poor waste management) were
Prevention identified across the region, especially at continental sites from low and mid latitudes. Some sea-based sources (e.
g., fisheries, long-distance drifting) were also identified at high latitudes and on oceanic islands, likely enhanced
by the oceanographic dynamics of the EP that affect transport of floating litter. Our results suggest that effective
solutions to the problem require local and preventive strategies to significantly reduce the levels of litter along
the EP coasts.

1. Introduction pulled into the open ocean, where they are captured by the large-scale
gyre systems; there, litter further fragments into smaller pieces or
Plastic pollution is affecting all oceans, from coastal waters near sinks into deeper water layers (Eriksen et al., 2014; Lebreton et al., 2018;
major population centers on all continents (Jambeck et al., 2015; Leb­ Luna-Jorquera et al., 2019; van Gennip et al., 2019).
reton et al., 2017), deep oceans and seafloor (Chiba et al., 2018; Marine litter moves through five main oceanic and coastal com­
Zablotski and Kraak, 2019) to remote areas in the polar oceans (Hals­ partments: shorelines, sea surface, seawater column, seafloor and ma­
band and Herzke, 2019; Rota et al., 2022) and pristine islands (Nichols rine organisms (GESAMP, 2016), being either directly deposited in the
et al., 2021). In many regions of the world, plastic pollution has been respective compartment or passing through during transport between
intensively studied and despite existing knowledge gaps, the scientific other compartments. How plastic litter is transported between com­
community has a reasonable grasp of the main litter sources (Jambeck partments will depend on a variety of factors. First, the type of marine
et al., 2015; Lebreton et al., 2017), pathways (Miron et al., 2021), and litter itself will influence the rates of sinking, fragmentation and trans­
important sinks (Eriksen et al., 2023; Morales-Caselles et al., 2021; port (ter Halle et al., 2016; van Sebille et al., 2020). Items that are
Pabortsava and Lampitt, 2020). In the case of the Pacific Ocean, evi­ negatively buoyant (due to material type, litter size or biological
dence suggests that large quantities of litter come from continental fouling) may rapidly sink and accumulate in benthic systems close to the
sources and either end up on nearby beaches (Rech et al., 2014) or are original source (Ryan, 2015), whereas highly buoyant items such as

* Corresponding author: MarineGEO Program, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA.
E-mail address: (M. Thiel).
Received 8 February 2024; Received in revised form 24 April 2024; Accepted 28 April 2024
Available online 7 May 2024
0025-326X/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

plastics may float for long time periods and, depending on their buoy­ the equatorial region (mainly 15◦ N–5◦ S), strong onshore currents may
ancy and exposure to winds, their transport direction and velocities may be responsible for extensive strandings of oceanic litter as well (Chas­
vary (Maximenko et al., 2018; van Sebille et al., 2020). Second, envi­ signet et al., 2021; Onink et al., 2021), even though offshore transport
ronmental and physical factors like wind and wave transport (Critchell also occurs (van Sebille et al., 2019).
and Lambrechts, 2016), salinity, temperature and precipitation, as well Most research about marine litter along the EP coast has been done in
as shoreline morphology and the presence of vegetation and dunes will the Northern Hemisphere, with fewer scientific studies in South America
influence the abundance of litter, its weathering, distribution and and little to no research in Central America. For instance, high levels of
accumulation hotspots (Hardesty et al., 2017; Jahnke et al., 2017). litter pollution have been reported for the Caribbean shores in Panama
Coastal dynamics and the oceanography of the region also play an (Garrity and Levings, 1993), Guatemala (Mazariegos-Ortíz et al., 2020)
important role in the transport, transformation and deposition of marine and Colombia (Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2019, 2020a; Gracia et al., 2018;
litter. Not all coastal systems are equal, and the dynamics of floating Williams et al., 2016), as well as on islands of Honduras (Kikaki et al.,
litter in the Pacific Ocean are thought to differ in the eastern and western 2020), but almost no studies have been published for the Pacific shores
boundary current systems, similar as suggested for the Indian Ocean of these same countries. In this sense, the abundance, composition,
(Pearce et al., 2019). In eastern boundary currents, upwelling conditions distribution and sources of marine litter are not well known for many EP
may prevent floating litter from reaching the coast (Chenillat et al., countries.
2021; Pereiro et al., 2019), whereas in the western boundary currents a The EP region hosts a diversity of ecosystems of ecological and socio-
large proportion of marine litter floating in coastal waters might be economic importance. Given that both environmental and socio-
pushed onto the shore (Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022; Willis et al., economic aspects are affected by and also influence marine litter, it is
2017). The currents at mid latitudes in the East Pacific (EP) Ocean are of great relevance to improve knowledge about this issue. Ivar do Sul
primarily in offshore direction (Onink et al., 2019; van Gennip et al., and Costa (2007) carried out a first baseline of the marine litter problem
2019), suggesting that marine litter will be exported from coastal waters in Latin America, offering a complete review between 1970 and 2007.
toward the open ocean. In contrast, at high latitudes (> 40◦ ) the main The present, updated overview compiles currently available peer-
ocean currents flow in onshore direction (Onink et al., 2019) and may reviewed research on marine litter with a focus on the EP region, aim­
bring litter from oceanic sources to the coast (Lumpkin et al., 2012). In ing to provide knowledge on the pollution problem in this area to

Fig. 1. East Pacific (EP) region with (A) main marine and coastal ecosystems, major rivers and oceanic islands, and (B) main population centers, maritime ports,
ocean currents and gyres. Maps were made based on GIS layers (see sources in the figure and Appendix S1), from which only the data for the EP is shown. Major rivers
consider those with a Strahler number ≥ 5, whereas population centers are shown only for cities with >0.25 million inhabitants and located <100 km from the coast.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

identify common patterns and trends regarding abundance, sources and flowing in the rivers, be it by trapping it (Zhang et al., 2015) or by
transport. Based on the above-described background, we hypothesize contributing to its deposition in bottom sediments (Watkins et al.,
that (1) continental shorelines of the EP are sinks and hotspots for litter 2019).
coming from land-based sources, (2) at mid latitudes of both hemi­ Climate along the EP is variable and encompasses all five Köppen-
spheres, most transport of buoyant litter is in offshore direction, and so Geiger climatic zones (tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar;
litter tends to leave the coastal waters toward the open ocean, whereas Beck et al., 2018). The EP's climate is also influenced by trade winds, the
at high and low latitudes the opposite occurs, and (3) EP oceanic islands Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), upwelling and cold-water
and the open ocean receive litter that is mainly coming from sea-based currents, and by the Andes Mountains, which act as an important bar­
sources, as well as from distant land-based sources via long-distance rier by trapping precipitation (Insel et al., 2010). The convective action
drift (van Gennip et al., 2019). The findings and conclusions of this re­ of the ITCZ causes high precipitation patterns between the Equator and
view should serve researchers, policy-makers and conservationists to 10◦ N, with over 3000 mm per year (Sear et al., 2020) and a high like­
access the available data, address knowledge gaps, as well as design and lihood of land-based litter being frequently flushed to the sea by urban
implement prevention and mitigation measures to reduce marine litter runoff and tropical rivers (e.g., Gaibor et al., 2020). Along the cold
in the region. California and Humboldt Current systems, precipitation levels are below
1000 mm per year and can be even <200 mm per year in the Baja
2. Methods California Peninsula and the Atacama Desert (Adler et al., 2003; Amador
et al., 2006; Sear et al., 2020), leading only to sporadic flushing of litter
2.1. Study area: the EP region into coastal waters (e.g., Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2021). At high lati­
tudes (>40◦ N and >40◦ S), precipitation again increases above 1000 mm
2.1.1. Geomorphology, climate and coastal ecosystems (Adler et al., 2003; Amador et al., 2006). In addition, the El Niño
The EP region comprises 13 countries from north to south (Canada, Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle also influences precipitation, tem­
United States of America, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, perature and wind patterns, causing irregular cycles of warmer/drier or
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile). colder/wetter periods across the EP, and influencing the dynamics of
These countries differ mainly in their oceanography, geomorphology floating marine litter as well (Ribic et al., 2012a).
and climatic conditions, which strongly affect the dynamics of litter and EP oceanic islands and archipelagos (e.g., Hawaii, Coco Island,
which, together with socio-economic aspects of each country, may in­ Galápagos, Rapa Nui and Juan Fernández) host important coastal eco­
fluence the types, sources and sinks of litter. systems with a high diversity and number of endemic species, pristine
The EP is characterized by intense upwelling along large extensions coral reefs, wetlands, mangroves and important habitats for migratory
of the American coast, within two major eastern boundary current sys­ seabirds, mammals and sea turtles (Baine et al., 2007; Cortés, 2012;
tems: the California Current in the Northern Hemisphere and the Friedlander et al., 2013; Wilkinson et al., 2009). All these islands are
Humboldt Current in the Southern Hemisphere (Fig. 1). These currents within Marine Protected Areas, according to the UNEP-WCMC and IUCN
move cold water masses from high to lower latitudes where they are (2021) (Fig. 1).
deflected to the west and join the Equatorial Current system (Fig. 1). The
coastal waters of the EP are highly productive due to the intense up­ 2.1.2. Socio-economic activities
welling, bringing cooler and nutrient-rich subsurface waters (from 100 The productivity and variety of ecosystems in the EP region support
to 400 m depth) to the surface and sustaining large populations of fish, important economic activities. Tourism is one of them, especially in
seabirds and mammals (McClatchie, 2014; Thiel et al., 2007). As seen in Central and South American countries. Although the Caribbean tends to
the EP and other eastern boundary current systems, upwelling also af­ be a more popular tourist destination, the EP countries have experienced
fects the dynamics of floating litter, influencing its spatial and temporal a constant and rapid increase in number of visitors per year since 2005
patterns of transport (Pereiro et al., 2019; Ribic et al., 2012a; Uhrin (World Bank, 2023). Tourism is also the main economic activity on
et al., 2020). oceanic islands, and the one that causes most pressure on coastal eco­
The geomorphology of the EP coast is highly variable, with varying systems, in addition to steadily increasing urbanization (Barragán and
shoreline types at low latitudes, relative straight stretches of shoreline at de Andrés, 2016; Wilkinson et al., 2009).
mid latitudes, and fragmented coasts with deep channels and fjords at The EP region is subject to intense urban development with large
high latitudes (Fig. 1), with abundant freshwater inputs. The region is population centers located along the coast (Fig. 1). In the northern EP,
also shaped by some of the most tectonically active margins of the world, estuaries and deltas have experienced growing urbanization and main
where the oceanic plates are moving to the east, being subducted rivers serve as important harbors, where wastewater discharges, fishing,
beneath the continental plates (Martinod et al., 2010; Sigloch and industry and tourism are the main stressors (Wilkinson et al., 2009). In
Mihalynuk, 2013). Where this occurs, the oceanic bathymetry is char­ the central EP, urban development also has increased (Barragán and de
acterized by steep and narrow continental slopes, reaching into deep Andrés, 2016), which together with agriculture and shipping cause the
trenches of 5000 to 8000 m depth (Lacey et al., 2016). On the conti­ pollution of rivers, estuaries and mangroves (Wilkinson et al., 2009).
nental plates, this process creates high mountain chains (Rocky Moun­ The largest population centers at or near the coast of the EP (> 1 million
tains, Andes Mountains) and comparatively narrow watersheds, where inhabitants and within 100 km from the coast, Fig. 1) include the San
rainwater is rapidly flushed into coastal waters (carrying land-based Francisco-San José conurbation (USA), Los Angeles (USA), San Diego
litter, see e.g., Gaibor et al., 2020; Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2021). (USA), Guatemala City (Guatemala), San Salvador (El Salvador), Teg­
Consequently, rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean in Central America ucigalpa (Honduras), Managua (Nicaragua), Cali (Colombia), Guayaquil
are relatively short (Andreani and Gloaguen, 2016), similar to rivers in (Ecuador), Lima (Peru), Arequipa (Peru) and Santiago (Chile; Fig. 1);
South America whose lengths are limited by the presence of the Andes although many of these are not located directly on the coast, their in­
Mountains and the low rainfall between Ecuador and central Chile habitants frequently visit the nearby beaches.
(Adler et al., 2003; Amador et al., 2006; Sear et al., 2020). Rivers Fishing and aquaculture are important activities throughout the EP
running into the northern EP are slightly longer but they are heavily (FAO, 2022). For instance, marine captures are higher in the Pacific area
fragmented by dams, whereas along the central and southern EP coasts of the Americas than in its Atlantic counterpart (FAO, 2022). Particu­
the rivers (albeit shorter) are more free-flowing (Grill et al., 2019; larly in Latin America, fisheries production has consistently been several
Opperman et al., 2021). However, the pattern of dam construction and times larger in the Central and South EP than in the Caribbean and South
river alteration is increasing in the global south as well (Zarfl et al., West Atlantic since at least the 1980s (Tambutti and Gómez, 2022).
2015), and the presence of dams heavily impacts the transport of litter While industrial fishing constitutes an important fraction of the activity

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

in the region, fishing is also carried out at the artisanal scale for local complementary material for discussion, where suitable. Similarly, we
food consumption, mainly in Central America and on oceanic islands did not include data based on identification/characterization/quantifi­
(Aburto and Gaymer, 2018; Cavole et al., 2020; Lemay, 1998). Aqua­ cation of marine litter from satellite images due to their usually low
culture activities in the EP focus on finfish (e.g., salmon) and mollusks resolution, disparate scale and their need for automated techniques for
(e.g., oyster, clam, mussel), and are concentrated at high latitudes in analysis. Based on these criteria, a total of 257 publications were chosen
both hemispheres, mainly in British Columbia and Washington (Wil­ as eligible, which reported data on the abundance, composition, distri­
kinson et al., 2009) and in southern Chile (FAO, 2022). Shrimp farming bution and/or sources of marine litter in the EP region (Table S1).
has also become increasingly relevant in Central American countries
(Wurmann et al., 2004). 2.3. Analysis of selected publications
Shipping is mainly carried out across the North Pacific, as seen by the
higher density of shipping routes (Erol, 2016) and the presence of some For this literature analysis, we gathered data relating to country and
of the world's busiest ports, such as Vancouver (Canada), Seattle, San locality of research, coordinates and latitude (divided into six latitudinal
Francisco, Los Angeles and Long Beach (USA; Fig. 1). Nevertheless, there zones from north to south: 60◦ N–40◦ N, 40◦ N–20◦ N, 20◦ N–0◦ , 0◦ –20◦ S,
are also important maritime ports along the central and southern EP 20◦ S–40◦ S, 40◦ S–60◦ S), sampling frequency (according to the categories
(Fig. 1), including Manzanillo (Mexico), Buenaventura (Colombia), defined in Table S2), size of targeted litter (divided into Macrolitter and
Guayaquil (Ecuador), Callao (Peru) and Valparaiso (Chile). In Central Microplastic studies following the criteria defined in Table S3), and type
America, the Panama Canal is an important route of commerce for ships of compartment sampled (Shoreline, Sea surface, Water column, Seafloor
from the USA, Europe and Asia. and Others, defined in Table S4).
For each publication we recorded the abundance of litter found in
2.2. Literature search each compartment, and the presence/absence of different types of
macrolitter/microplastics and the polymer they are composed of. All
For this review we conducted literature searches within the Web of these data were extracted from anywhere within the publications,
Science and Google Scholar databases, using the keywords marine litter, including the main text, tables, figures, datasets (if available), and the
marine debris, marine plastics, macrolitter, microlitter, debris, macrodebris, supplementary materials. When abundance data were only included in
microdebris, plastics, macroplastic, microplastic, anthropogenic litter and figures and exact values were not entirely clear, they were estimated as
anthropogenic debris together with the names of the EP countries. In the precisely as possible from the figures. For the studies that covered more
case of the USA and Canada, the names of the states located at the Pacific than one latitudinal zone (as defined herein), data were extracted for
coast were also used. Additionally, we searched for literature in Spanish each of them; in the case of abundance data, a mean value was extracted
with the keywords basura marina, macroplástico and microplástico. The (or calculated) for all sampling sites contained within a given latitudinal
database Litterbase from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) was also zone. For plotting the abundance data, only studies that considered all
considered for identifying additional references. types of macrolitter/microplastics were included, whereas abundance
We selected publications that complied with four criteria: the study for specific types of items (e.g., units of fishing gear, units of COVID-19
(1) contains at least one of the keywords listed above, (2) provides in­ PPE, microfibers) were excluded. Given the variety of reporting units
formation on either abundance, composition, distribution or sources of used for macrolitter and microplastic abundance (see Section 3.1.6 and
marine litter in the EP region, (3) was peer-reviewed, and (4) was Appendix S2), and to ensure comparability within this review and with
published before the end of 2023. Studies were included if they reported other studies elsewhere, here we only present abundance data reported
marine litter data in any marine compartment (i.e., shoreline, sea sur­ and expressed in terms of items per linear distance, per unit area, and
face, water column or seafloor) or in rivers draining to the Pacific Ocean. per volume. Thus, whenever necessary and possible, numerical abun­
For this review, we defined the EP as the region delimited by the dance data were standardized to the same unit, within the same type of
American continent to the east, the longitude of the Northwestern Ha­ unit: to items 100 m− 1 or items km− 2 for macrolitter, and to items m− 2
waiian Islands to the west in the Northern Hemisphere (178◦ W), the or items m− 3 for microplastics. For instance, if a study reported a mac­
longitude of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to the west in the Southern rolitter abundance of 8.5 items m− 2, here it was reported as 8,500,000
Hemisphere (109◦ W), the Bering Strait to the north (65◦ N), and the items km− 2.
latitude of Diego Ramírez Islands to the south (56◦ S; Fig. 1). The types of macrolitter (according to material) and microplastics
In the case of microplastic studies, we did not consider the spectral (according to shape) identified in the studies were classified herein ac­
identification of polymers as a criterion for inclusion of studies, because cording to the categories in Table S5. Identified polymers were recorded
spectral analyses are not widely used in the central and southern EP, only for microplastic studies (Table S5), and only if they had been
likely due to economic limitations (see Section 3.1.4 and Section 3.1.5). confirmed using spectral analysis (e.g., FTIR, Raman) to avoid their
Also, given the relatively low number of published marine litter studies overestimation. The studies that identified types/polymers used these
in the region, especially in Latin America, studies focusing on topics same categories (Table S5) or similar; in the latter case, we harmonized
outside the marine litter discipline but which mentioned the presence of them to those used here (e.g., ‘spheres’ and ‘nurdles’ were considered
marine litter (quantitatively or qualitatively) were also considered (e.g., ‘pellets’). For the classification of types/polymers, we only recorded
Corrales-Ugalde and Sibaja-Cordero, 2015; Lizarbe-Palacios et al., 2022; presence/absence (i.e., even if only one type/polymer was identified, it
Soto et al., 2021). Furthermore, to ensure that we identified all pertinent was marked as ‘present’ and the rest as ‘absent’). Proportions of presence
studies for this review, potentially relevant references cited within the were not considered because proportions with different bases cannot be
eligible publications were also checked, as well as references cited in averaged for plotting.
other papers reviewing marine litter studies; the studies identified in this Lastly, for all studies that identified any potential sources of marine
way and that complied with the criteria 2–4 listed above were also litter, these were categorized into land-based (Coastal Tourism, Urban
reviewed and included in the literature database. Areas, Industry, Wastewater, Rivers and Others) and sea-based (Fisheries,
Publications reviewing other studies on marine litter, as well as Aquaculture, Shipping, Maritime Recreation and Others), using the defini­
publications on other aspects (such as the effects of marine litter under tions in Table S6. Potential sources were recorded herein only if they had
experimental conditions, the presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants been identified or suggested in the studies (i.e., we did not make de­
[POPs] on plastic litter, microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants ductions based on the study site or the results). Environmental drivers
[WWTPs] or stormwater runoff, modelling of litter distribution and influencing the distribution of litter (e.g., wind, waves, tides, etc.) were
transport, the interaction of marine litter with organisms, and socio- considered as transport forces and not as sources of pollution, except for
economic aspects) were not analyzed and are used here only as long-distance drift (i.e., transport of litter across the open ocean via

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

45 North Hemisphere South Hemisphere

Number of studies
Year of publicaon

13% One-time event
9% Weekly
5% Seasonal
0% 51% Yearly
Mixed approach
Other frequency
Not clear
3% 1%
Shoreline Sea surface Seafloor
Percentage of initial litter abundance (%)


222.1 items km-1
193.2 items km-1 -2
0.00565 184.7 36.9 45.5 fishing items km 1.4 0.002
items m-3 items km-2 items km-2 gear items km -2
items m-2 items m-2

Year of sampling

Fig. 2. (A) Number of studies on marine litter in the East Pacific (EP) region throughout time, classified by hemisphere. It only considers the literature included in the
review and analysis. Studies from Ecuador (1◦ N–4◦ S) were considered for the Southern Hemisphere only. (B) Sampling frequencies of the studies included in this
review, according to the classification described in Table S2. (C) Temporal variability of macrolitter and microplastic abundance in the EP region. Each line rep­
resents one study in a given compartment, and only studies that sampled and reported annual abundance (at least three datapoints) are included (n = 9 studies).
Abundance values were taken as given by the studies, or were calculated from the available data. Values are shown in relation to the initial abundance recorded by
each study (which is indicated for each initial point [dashed arrows] and which corresponds to 100 %), expressed in logarithmic scale. The sea surface studies
correspond to microplastics, whereas all shoreline and seafloor studies correspond to macrolitter. In each case, the sampling method used was consistent throughout
years. For additional details about (A), (B) and (C), see Appendix S3. (For interpretation of the references to colour in the figure legends, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

oceanic currents and gyres), which was included in ‘other’ sea-based mainland coast and on nearshore islands were grouped together as
sources to classify litter that is coming from the sea, but not neces­ ‘Continental’, whereas sites on oceanic islands and in the open ocean
sarily from fisheries, aquaculture, shipping or maritime recreational were recorded as ‘Oceanic’. The analysis of the data, and hence the
activities. counting of studies, was carried out separately for each research ques­
The data for abundance, types/polymers and sources were separated tion (see figure captions and Appendix S3 for details).
according to whether sampling sites were located along the mainland
coast, on nearshore islands (within 150 km from the mainland), on
oceanic islands, or in the open ocean. To report the results, sites on the

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

A Number of studies per compartment B Number of studies per lier size

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Latudinal zone





Shoreline Sea surface Water column Seafloor Other Macrolier Microplascs

Fig. 3. (A) Distribution of marine litter studies in the East Pacific (EP) per latitudinal zone and compartment. Studies that covered more than one compartment (31
studies) were counted once for each compartment (which explains that the percentages mentioned in Section 3.1.3 do not add up to 100 %). (B) Distribution of
marine litter studies in the EP per latitudinal zone and size category (as defined following the criteria described in Table S3). For additional details about how studies
were counted in each case, see Appendix S3. (For interpretation of the references to colour in the figure legends, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

Number of studies per country

0 20 40 60 80 100



Central America

El Salvador

Costa Rica
South America


North Pacific


South Pacific

Fig. 4. Distribution of marine litter studies per country of the East Pacific region. Studies were counted only once per country, without distinction of latitudinal
zones, compartments or sizes. When a study reported data from more than one country, it was counted for each of them. Studies sampling open ocean areas beyond
national jurisdiction were categorized as “Pacific Ocean”.

3. Results and discussion between the years 1973 and 2023. There was a growing trend in studies
published annually, with a sporadic and rather low number of studies (<
3.1. Bibliometric analysis and findings 6 per year) between the years 1973 and 2010, and a rapid increase in
number and publication frequency from 2011 until 2023, reaching a
3.1.1. Temporal coverage and sampling frequency maximum of 40 studies published in 2023 (Fig. 2A). Studies published
Following our selection criteria, a total of 257 publications reporting before 2009 covered mainly the Northern Hemisphere, whereas after­
data on marine litter in the EP region were found, which were published ward there was an increase in studies reporting data from the Southern

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

Hemisphere (Fig. 2A). temporal monitoring needs to be conducted in the EP (see also Uhrin
Half (51 %) of the studies consisted of a one-time sampling event et al., 2022). This is especially important considering that this region is
(Fig. 2B), thus not allowing for temporal analyses within the studies. regularly affected by the ENSO cycle and thus interannual and seasonal
Among the studies that conducted repeat-samplings, seasonal studies variabilities in marine litter dynamics should be expected (see e.g., Ribic
were the most common, whereas other long-term monitoring studies et al., 2012a).
were very few (Fig. 2B) and temporally spaced apart (Fig. 2C). In 13 % of
the studies, it was not possible to identify the sampling frequency 3.1.2. Geographical coverage
(Fig. 2B). Consequently, it is not yet clear how spatiotemporal vari­ In general, studies took place across all of the EP region, but rather
ability plays a role in marine litter abundance in the EP region. First heterogeneously. The most covered latitudinal zone was by far
indications suggest an overall increasing abundance, especially for 40◦ N–20◦ N, which corresponds to the area of the US coast and the North
microplastics at the sea surface, but these come from very few long-term Pacific Gyre (Fig. 3A and B). The latitudinal zones 60◦ N–40◦ N, 20◦ N–0◦ ,
studies (Fig. 2C). Notably, this lack of spatiotemporal information ex­ 0◦ –20◦ S and 20◦ S–40◦ S have been fairly equally studied, whereas the
tends to all the North Pacific basin (Uhrin et al., 2022). In contrast, in austral zone (40◦ S–60◦ S) has been poorly covered (Fig. 3A and B).
other world regions long-term monitoring and accumulation studies In terms of countries, the USA and Chile accounted for 46 % of the
date back 40–50 years and/or have been conducted more consistently studies, whereas in Central America studies reporting marine litter were
(e.g., Nelms et al., 2020; Ribic et al., 2010; Schulz et al., 2015; Wilcox very scarce (Fig. 4), which hinders litter assessment in the equatorial
et al., 2019). As more frequent and longer-term monitoring yields more region; most of the studies there were conducted in Costa Rica (12
reliable and representative results than one-time sampling events (e.g., studies), while the other countries from Guatemala to Panama had none
Nelms et al., 2020; Ryan et al., 2014; Schulz et al., 2019), greater (Honduras, Nicaragua) or, at most, only five studies each (Fig. 4). This


Sea surface



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000

Litter size [mm] Litter size [mm]

Fig. 5. Size ranges of marine litter investigated per study and compartment, as described by the authors in the methodology, or deduced from the mesh size (of nets
or sieves) or from the size categories used to report the results. Size range limits (lower/upper) that could be clearly identified in the studies are indicated with dots,
whereas unclear limits (e.g., studies that mention “> 0.333 mm”, in which the upper limit is unknown) are shown with arrows (also, for details about the dashed
arrows, see Appendix S3). The black and white dots on the left side indicate whether the respective study was classified as ‘macrolitter’ or ‘microplastic’, respectively,
in this review according to criteria in Table S3 (special cases are detailed in Appendix S3). The vertical red dashed line marks 5 mm, which is the most common cut-
off size for microplastics. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

difference is likely due to the higher GDP (Gross Domestic Product), focused mainly on microplastics (indicated by the black/white dots on
research expenditure (% of GDP), and HDI (Human Development Index) the left side in Fig. 5). A very similar pattern was reported for the studies
of the USA and Chile (compared to the other Latin American countries, conducted in the Western Indian Ocean region (Honorato-Zimmer et al.,
especially from Central America; see Table S7), which might drive dif­ 2022), possibly due to the easiness and accessibility to sample macro­
ferences in the countries' capacities for research and conservation, as litter on shorelines, which allows for wider groups of people (including
already discussed by De Veer et al. (2023). citizen scientists, Kawabe et al., 2022) to participate in such research,
Marine litter was also studied in and around oceanic islands of the whereas for other compartments accessibility is more difficult.
EP, with a total of 10 oceanic islands or archipelagos investigated
(Fig. S1). Most studies were carried out in the Hawaiian Islands 3.1.5. Identification of types and polymers of litter
(including the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands) and in the system From the total number of macrolitter studies (145), 94 % identified
formed by Rapa Nui and the Salas & Gómez Island, followed by Gal­ at least one macrolitter type (according to material, Table S5), whereas
apagos (Fig. S1). 86 % out of 134 microplastic studies identified at least one microplastic
type (according to shape, Table S5). Some studies (45) focused on only
3.1.3. Marine compartments covered one type of litter (such as only plastics, e.g., Day and Shaw, 1987;
From the total number of studies carried out at different latitudes, 52 cigarette butts, e.g., Currie and Stack, 2021; or microplastic fibers, e.g.,
% provided information about marine litter on shorelines, 33 % at the Browne et al., 2011), or even on only one use-type of litter (such as only
sea surface (both coastal and offshore), only 5 % in the water column, fishing gear, e.g., Good et al., 2010; or COVID-19 PPE, e.g., Thiel et al.,
16 % in benthic environments (both nearshore and deep seafloor), and 8 2021). Six microplastic studies purposely excluded fibers due to the
% in ‘other’ compartments (rivers, riversides, riverbeds, urban canals; possibility of sample contamination (Castillo et al., 2020; Cózar et al.,
Fig. 3A). Of the studies conducted on shorelines (133), 77 % included 2014; Gallardo et al., 2021; Galli et al., 2023; Honorato-Zimmer et al.,
samplings on sandy beaches, while far fewer reported data on rocky 2021; Ory et al., 2017). Moreover, in several cases in which we recorded
shores (14 %), mangroves (5 %), or other types of beaches or shorelines types of macrolitter/microplastic as ‘absent’, it was not entirely clear
(e.g., pebble/cobble/gravel beaches, estuaries, coastal wetlands, artifi­ whether these were indeed not found, or whether they were simply not
cial structures). This bias toward sampling sandy beaches is reflective of recorded (i.e., not considered in the study) or were included in another
similar work in other regions (e.g., Western Indian Ocean; Honorato- category. This heterogeneity and uncertainty about the studied litter
Zimmer et al., 2022) and worldwide (Melvin et al., 2021). This affects have also been reported for the entire North Pacific basin (Uhrin et al.,
the representation and understanding of litter dynamics and accumu­ 2022) and highlight the need for harmonization of research methods
lation in other compartments and other types of shorelines, as these may and for a clearer reporting of the data and results (see also e.g., Browne
behave very differently to sandy beaches. For instance, varying types et al., 2015; Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022; Serra-Gonçalves et al., 2019;
and sizes of litter items fragment and accumulate differently on sandy Shim et al., 2022).
beaches than on rocky shores (Thiel et al., 2013; Weideman et al., 2020). From the total number of microplastic studies (134), only 49 %
Other types of shorelines, such as mangroves and artificial breakwaters, identified microplastic polymers, which implies that our results and
are known to trap and accumulate marine litter (e.g., Aguilera et al., interpretations based on microplastic data should be treated with
2016, 2023; Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2023; Riascos et al., 2019). These caution. Of these studies, most (52) used Fourier Transform Infrared
differences need to be further studied in the EP region, considering that Spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, whereas 10 studies used Raman Spec­
here rocky shores and mangroves are as abundant as sandy beaches troscopy, and four studies used both. Most of these studies applied these
(Nyberg and Howell, 2016; Whitfield and Elliott, 2011), but they are spectral analyses to a subsample of all microparticles collected. While
completely underrepresented in sampling. Also, considering that the this is a regular and accepted practice, only 11 studies analyzed at least
water column and the seafloor accumulate different types and sizes of 50 % of particles, which is the minimum recommended by Brandt et al.
marine litter (Pabortsava and Lampitt, 2020; Pham et al., 2014) and that (2021) to accept a maximum subsampling-error of 20 %. Moreover, in
rivers transport litter to the coastal zone (Lebreton et al., 2017; Rech 19 studies the proportion of particles analyzed was unclear, whereas in
et al., 2014), further investigating these compartments is fundamental. another 10 it was unclear whether subsamples or entire samples were
analyzed. Given that an important proportion of microparticles in the
3.1.4. Litter size categories and ranges marine environment are actually of natural origin (e.g., cellulosic fibers,
Macrolitter and microplastic studies (>25 mm and <5 mm, respec­ Suaria et al., 2020), more studies in the EP region need to conduct
tively, but see their expanded definitions in Table S3) were conducted spectral analyses in representative subsamples (ideally ≥50 %) to tell
across all latitudinal zones (Fig. 3B), and a few studies (22) investigated plastics apart from other particles. Nevertheless, when this is not
both size categories. As no study focused exclusively on mesolitter possible due to limiting financial or other resources (see Section 3.1.4),
(5–25 mm) and only three studies reported this size category separately more accessible methods, such as visual identification following estab­
(Fig. 5; see also Shi et al., 2023; Shim et al., 2022; Uhrin et al., 2022), lished guidelines combined with the ‘hot needle test’ (see e.g., Kapp and
that category was included in either macrolitter or microplastic studies, Yeatman, 2018), can be used as a first approach to identify plastic
depending on the predominant size of litter targeted, sampling meth­ particles (see also Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022).
odology and/or main results (Table S3). Macrolitter was investigated in
higher proportions in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas microplastic 3.1.6. Limitations of sampling and monitoring methods used
studies were more frequent in the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 3B), likely A wide variety of methods have been used for sampling in the
because researching microplastics requires more sophisticated in­ different compartments of the EP region, although for each compart­
struments (e.g., FTIR or Raman Spectroscopy) and associated financial ment and litter size category there was usually one preferred sampling
resources that are more limiting in Latin American countries and in­ method (see Appendix S4 for details). In the case of microplastics, the
stitutions (see also Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2023). use of different mesh sizes has yielded large discrepancies in the abun­
The marine litter investigated covered sizes from <0.63 μm (Kaz­ dances reported, even within the same latitudinal zone (see Section
miruk et al., 2018) to 48 m (Corniuk et al., 2023; Royer et al., 2023), and 3.2.2). These differences give rise to the question of whether they are
the sizes targeted per compartment varied (Fig. 5). Considering the actually due to different factors and processes affecting marine litter
studies that did specify the investigated size range(s) or at least the dynamics, or due to these methodological discrepancies (see also Haarr
lower or upper size limit (160 studies, Fig. 5), macrolitter and micro­ et al., 2022; Shim et al., 2022). Furthermore, given the wide variety of
plastics were equally investigated on shorelines and the seafloor, while sampling methods used (Appendix S4), the reporting units of macrolitter
at the sea surface, the water column and ‘other’ compartments studies and microplastic abundance also differed greatly among studies (Fig. 6,

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

A. Macrolitter

10,000 1,000,000,000


items 100m-1

items km-2
10 100,000

1 1,000

0.001 0.1
° °S °

–0 °S °S N N
–0 °S 0°

0° N 20 40 60 0° 0° 20
–4 –2 0° °– S– S– –4 –2 0°
°– S–4 S–6
°N °N 2 0 ° ° °N °N 2 0 ° °
60 40 20 40 60 40 20 40

B. Microplastics

100,000 100,000,000

items m-2

items m-3
0.001 0.01

0.00001 0.0001
N N ° S S S N N ° S S S
0° 0° –0 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° –0 0° 0° 0°
–4 –2 0°N °–2 –4 –6 –4 –2 0°N °–2 –4 –6
°N °N 2 0 °S °S °N °N 2 0 °S °S
60 40 20 40 60 40 20 40

Shoreline Sea surface Water column Seafloor Other

Continental Oceanic

Fig. 6. Marine litter abundance of (A) macrolitter and (B) microplastics found per compartment in continental (circles) and oceanic (triangles) sites at different
latitudinal zones of the East Pacific. Abundance units are expressed in logarithmic scale. The figure includes only data on mean abundance of litter calculated for each
study and latitudinal zone (but see Appendix S3 for exceptions reporting the median). Thus, points could represent one site or several sites averaged for one lat­
itudinal zone per study. For simplicity, temporal and small-scale spatial assessments were not accounted for in this figure (see Appendix S3 for details). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Tables S8 and S9, Appendix S2), hindering their comparability (see also left), and from 1000 to 161,000,000 items km− 2 (overall mean
Uhrin et al., 2022). 5,311,627 ± 2,855,795 [SE] items km− 2; Fig. 6A right). While these
All these issues reinforce previous recommendations to harmonize values were relatively similar to those reported in other regions such as
research methods and units regionally (Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022; the Western Indian Ocean (Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022), they were
Uhrin et al., 2022) and even globally (Serra-Gonçalves et al., 2019). considerably lower than abundances registered on shorelines along
Notwithstanding this difficulty, which mainly affects comparability of Southern and Eastern Asia (Haarr et al., 2022), likely associated to the
abundance at the local level, we present and discuss the main abun­ larger inputs of mismanaged plastic waste estimated for those areas
dance, distribution and composition findings along the EP region at the (Lebreton and Andrady, 2019).
compartmental, latitudinal and continental/oceanic levels, to identify Within the EP, macrolitter was generally more abundant (by several
common regional patterns and trends. orders of magnitude) on the shorelines than in the other compartments
(Fig. 6A left and right). While the reviewed studies showed an important
bias in sampling effort among compartments (i.e., shorelines were more
3.2. Abundance and distribution of marine litter in the EP region
frequently sampled than other compartments, as discussed in Section
3.1.3), 93 % of all macrolitter abundance values recorded on shorelines
3.2.1. Macrolitter
(as items per unit area) were higher than the highest macrolitter
Macrolitter was mainly investigated on continental shorelines, fol­
abundance recorded on the seafloor or at the sea surface (Fig. 6A right).
lowed by the sea surface at both continental and oceanic sites (Fig. 6A);
A similar pattern has also been reported elsewhere (Haarr et al., 2022;
far fewer studies reported macrolitter abundance on the seafloor and in
Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022), and suggests that shorelines are
‘other’ compartments (almost exclusively at continental locations), and
important sinks and hotspots of marine litter (Onink et al., 2021; Uhrin
none in the water column. Notably, studies reporting macrolitter
et al., 2022). Considering this and their accessible nature (especially
abundance in terms of items per unit area (Fig. 6A right) were consid­
sandy beaches), beach cleanups are regarded as important actions to
erably more common across hemispheres and compartments than those
prevent litter turnover and redistribution in the marine environment, as
standardizing per linear distance (Fig. 6A left; see also Haarr et al., 2022
opposed to spending efforts and resources cleaning the sea surface and
and Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022).
the seafloor (Haarr et al., 2022).
Mean macrolitter abundance on the EP shorelines ranged from 2.1 to
Among continental sites, shoreline macrolitter was overall most
430 items 100 m− 1 (overall mean 114 ± 43 [SE] items 100 m− 1; Fig. 6A

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

abundant (as items per unit area) along Latin American coasts (roughly rivers all along the country (1,800,000 items km− 2, Honorato-Zimmer
from central Mexico to central Chile, 20◦ N–40◦ S; Fig. 6A right). Notably, et al., 2021), which were fairly similar to the highest litter abundances
the highest abundance values were recorded on shorelines different than found on shorelines (Fig. 6A right). These findings agree with previous
sandy beaches, namely in mangrove forests in Colombia (20◦ N–0◦ , suggestions that the Guayas River in particular and Chilean rivers in
Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2023; Riascos et al., 2019) and in artificial general contribute important shares of litter to the coastal zone (Gaibor
breakwaters in northern and central Chile (0◦ –20◦ S and 20◦ S–40◦ S, et al., 2020; Rech et al., 2014), especially during periods of high river
Aguilera et al., 2016, 2023). These findings indicate that these natural discharge (Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2021). This further supports the
and artificial structures effectively accumulate litter. High mean abun­ importance of conducting more seasonal and longer-term monitoring
dance values were also reported for sandy beaches in northern Chile efforts, in order to better cover and understand this temporal variability.
(20◦ S–40◦ S, Fig. 6A right; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2018; Honorato-Zimmer
et al., 2019; Kiessling et al., 2017). This has been attributed to several 3.2.2. Microplastics
socioeconomic and political factors, such as high levels of beach Microplastic abundance was reported mainly for the sea surface,
tourism, but also a lack of education/awareness/interest on environ­ followed by shorelines, ‘other’ compartments and the water column
mental issues, of both the local government and residents (Kiessling (Fig. 6B); only one study reported the abundance of microplastics on the
et al., 2017). Due to the relatively similar socioeconomic and political seafloor, once again highlighting the need for more studies in that
conditions of Latin American countries (compared to high-income compartment, especially considering the high mean abundance reported
countries; Table S7), these factors might affect marine litter abun­ (4720 items m− 2, Ramírez-Álvarez et al., 2020; Fig. 6B left). While
dance in all these countries, as well as in other low- and middle-income microplastic abundance on shorelines was reported for all latitudinal
regions (see also e.g., Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022). zones (although mostly at low and mid latitudes), most sea surface and
In terms of items per linear meter (Fig. 6A left), the highest shoreline water column studies were conducted in the Northern Hemisphere
macrolitter abundances were registered on oceanic islands at mid lati­ (Fig. 6B).
tudes of both hemispheres (40◦ N–20◦ N and 20◦ S–40◦ S), namely Midway Similar to macrolitter, microplastics were generally much more
Atoll (Ribic et al., 2012b) and Salas & Gómez Island (Luna-Jorquera abundant on shorelines than in the other compartments (as items m− 2
et al., 2019). These results agree with the role of oceanic subtropical and items m− 3, Fig. 6B left and right), suggesting that EP shorelines are
islands as accumulation zones of floating marine litter due to the sub­ hotspots for microplastic pollution as well (see also Honorato-Zimmer
tropical gyres, as suggested for the Pacific, Atlantic and Southern Indian et al., 2022). This apparent correlation between macrolitter and
oceans (Connan et al., 2021; Eriksen et al., 2013; Law et al., 2010; Moore microplastic hotspots makes sense since most microplastics likely orig­
et al., 2001; Ryan, 2014). Specifically, the North and the South Pacific inate from larger plastic items (Eriksen et al., 2023), and suggests that
subtropical gyres receive litter coming from nearly anywhere along the macrolitter abundance might be used as a proxy to identify potential
great Pacific basin, and even from other ocean basins (Chenillat et al., microplastic pollution hotspots. However, macrolitter and microplastic
2021; Maes et al., 2018). Interestingly, the North Pacific Gyre accu­ abundances do not always correlate, as they may present different
mulates more plastic litter and at a faster pace than the South Pacific sources and underlying processes (Palatinus et al., 2019).
Gyre (Chenillat et al., 2021; Lebreton et al., 2012), which might explain Mean microplastic abundance on EP shorelines ranged from 3 to 805
the considerably higher abundance of macrolitter registered on shore­ items m− 2 (overall mean 141 ± 37 [SE] items m− 2; Fig. 6B left), and
lines in Hawaii (18.1 plastic items m− 2, Brignac et al., 2019) than in the from 23,840 to 195,300 items m− 3 (overall mean 87,928 ± 30,965 [SE]
Juan Fernandez Archipelago (0.7 items m− 2, Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2018) items m− 3; Fig. 6B right). In terms of items per unit area, even the
and Rapa Nui (0.5 items m− 2, De Veer et al., 2023; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., highest magnitudes recorded in the EP region were lower than those
2018; Kiessling et al., 2017). reported in other regions, such as the Western Pacific (e.g., Korea, China,
Further supporting this, the highest mean abundances of macrolitter Taiwan) and Brazil (as reviewed in Shim et al., 2018). Within the EP,
floating at the sea surface (5123 and 1981 items km− 2) were reported at there were no large variations in microplastic abundance on shorelines,
mid latitudes in the northern EP (~40◦ N–20◦ N), within the North Pa­ as well as no clear latitudinal trends (Fig. 6B left). On the contrary, a
cific Gyre (Egger et al., 2020a, 2020b; Fig. 6A right), in contrast to the clearer trend was visible between continental and oceanic sites at mid
much lower abundance reported in the southern EP (0.99 items km− 2, latitudes, as the latter presented higher values (Fig. 6B left) due to the
Miranda-Urbina et al., 2015; Fig. 6A right). Nevertheless, it should be accumulation of fragmented microlitter on oceanic islands near the
noted that most macrolitter estimates for the sea surface are from visual center of subtropical gyres (Hidalgo-Ruz and Thiel, 2013), and espe­
transect surveys from ships, whereas the data reported by Egger et al. cially on high-wave-energy beaches on those islands (Rey et al., 2021).
(2020a) and (2020b) were collected with net trawls and also include Likewise, microplastic abundance at the sea surface of oceanic sites
mesoplastics from 1.5 to 2.5 cm in size. Considering all oceanic and at 40◦ N–20◦ N were also rather high (Fig. 6B left and right), especially
continental sites in the EP, mean macrolitter abundance at the sea sur­ within the North Pacific Gyre (Egger et al., 2020a, 2020b; Moore et al.,
face ranged from 0.44 to 5123 items km− 2 (overall mean 525 ± 277 [SE] 2001) and between the gyre and the coastal waters of the US and Mexico
items km− 2; Fig. 6A right). These magnitudes are well within the ma­ (Brandon et al., 2020; Carson et al., 2013; Cózar et al., 2014; Egger et al.,
jority of values recorded at the sea surface at a global scale (Morales- 2021; Eriksen et al., 2014; Goldstein et al., 2013; Law et al., 2014).
Caselles et al., 2021). Compared to macrolitter (discussed above), microplastics might accu­
In the case of macrolitter on the seafloor, mean abundance values mulate even faster in the North Pacific Gyre versus the South Pacific
ranged from 41 to 36,520 items km− 2 (overall mean 5112 ± 4498 [SE] Gyre, since differences in microplastic abundances at the sea surface of
items km− 2; Fig. 6A right). These magnitudes appear to be fairly similar the two gyres were even larger than for macrolitter. For instance, as
to those reported for the Gulf of Mexico, but considerably lower than items per unit volume (Fig. 6B right), microplastic abundances were
macrolitter abundance on the seafloor of the enclosed Mediterranean about eight orders of magnitude higher in the North Pacific Gyre and
Sea and the Western Pacific (Canals et al., 2021). The seafloor is globally surrounding waters (8,277,000 items m− 3, Brandon et al., 2020) than
one of the least studied marine compartments, so robust comparisons are around Rapa Nui (0.06 items m− 3, Ory et al., 2017; 0.27 items m− 3,
still difficult to make; however, it is increasingly clear that the seafloor is Gallardo et al., 2021). Nevertheless, the different mesh sizes used for
a major sink for marine litter (Canals et al., 2021), and thus more sampling microplastics likely contribute to these large differences (see
research is urgently needed. also Section 3.1.6), as the latter studies used 300 μm nets, whereas
In ‘other’ compartments, high abundances of macrolitter were Brandon et al. (2020) sampled microplastics 5–333 μm in size.
registered at riversides of two tributaries of the Guayas River in Ecuador Furthermore, considering continental and oceanic sites, there was a
(4,540,000 items km− 2, Talbot et al., 2022) and at riversides of Chilean large variability in microplastic abundances recorded at both the sea

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

Studies reporting macrolitter types [%]

Plastic & Styrofoam Cigarette butts Paper & Cardboard Metal Glass Others & Unidentified

60°N–40°N (17)

40°N–20°N (21)

20°N–0° (18)

0°–20°S (29)

20°S–40°S (25)

40°S–60°S (12)

Oceanic sites (48)

0% 50% 100%

Fig. 7. Percentages of studies that reported the presence of different types of macrolitter in the East Pacific region, in continental sites per latitudinal zone (black)
and in oceanic sites across all latitudinal zones (blue). The figure includes only studies that did identify any type(s) of macrolitter, and the total number of studies per
zone (100 %) is shown in parentheses (for additional details about study count, see Appendix S3). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

surface and the water column even within the same latitudinal zone Regarding the potential sources of macrolitter identified along the EP
(Fig. 6B left and right). For instance, microplastic abundance in the region, studies have reported both land- and sea-based sources, which
water column ranged from 0 to 4183 items m− 3 (Fig. 6B right); there, the vary depending on the environment (continental or oceanic) and lat­
lowest values were reported using mesh sizes of 100 μm (Choy et al., itudinal zone (Fig. 8). In general, land-based sources were mostly re­
2019), 202 μm (Goldstein et al., 2013) and 505 μm (Doyle et al., 2011), ported at continental sites at mid and low latitudes (40◦ N–40◦ S),
whereas a 62 μm mesh size yielded the highest abundances (Desforges whereas sea-based sources (especially fisheries and ‘other’) predomi­
et al., 2014). This agrees with Shim et al. (2022), who reported a nated at higher latitudes and at oceanic sites (Fig. 8). These results agree
negative relationship between microplastic abundance and mesh size with the findings described above, since cigarette butts and most non-
“regardless of sampling region and time”. The large variability of plastic items (paper/cardboard, metal and glass) do not float or float
microplastics in seawater may also be generated by physical processes for a very short time, and are thus indicative of local, land-based sources
concentrating microplastics in oceanic fronts and eddies (Eriksen et al., (Gaibor et al., 2020; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2018; Honorato-Zimmer et al.,
2018; Gallardo et al., 2021; Gove et al., 2019). Additionally, fjords may 2019).
trap marine litter in a similar way as mangroves, explaining the high Among land-based sources, coastal tourism and urban areas were the
microplastic abundances reported both in the water column and at the most reported (Fig. 8). Tourism was particularly predominant between
sea surface at 60◦ N–40◦ N (Fig. 6B right). The low number of studies in Ecuador and northern-central Chile (0◦ –20◦ S and 20◦ S–40◦ S, Fig. 8),
the southern EP does not allow to evaluate this for the austral fjords, most likely due to the high prevalence of beach tourism in these areas
highlighting a potential area for future research. and its importance for economies in the equatorial region (UNWTO,
2023; see also e.g., Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2018), in contrast to
less intense beach tourism activities along the northern EP coastlines
3.3. Composition and sources of marine litter in the EP region (UNWTO, 2023). These findings agree with other studies elsewhere, in
which high levels of touristic activity coincide with high levels of marine
3.3.1. Macrolitter litter (Abelouah et al., 2021; Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2020b; Grelaud and
Plastics and Styrofoam were ubiquitous across all continental lat­ Ziveri, 2020).
itudinal zones and oceanic sites of the EP region, with nearly all studies Studies reporting urban areas as a potential source of macrolitter
reporting these types of macrolitter items (Fig. 7), both on shorelines predominated in Central America and southern Mexico (20◦ N–0◦ ),
and at the sea surface (Figs. S2A and S2B). Correspondingly, plastic although they were also frequently reported at the other low and mid
items have been reported as the most common type of marine macro­ latitudinal zones (Fig. 8). Given their usually high population densities
litter worldwide (e.g., Morales-Caselles et al., 2021). Cigarette butts (and thus the high production of urban and domestic waste), urban areas
were mostly reported on continental shorelines in the southern EP, with have been regarded as sources of marine litter in other regions as well
very few reports in the continental northern EP and at oceanic sites (Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022; Leite et al., 2014; Poeta et al., 2016). In
(Figs. 7 and S2A), as well as almost no reports at the sea surface (either the EP, and especially in Latin America, the synergy between population
continental or oceanic; Fig. S2B). Non-plastic items such as paper/ size and poor waste management may be particularly relevant, since the
cardboard, metal and glass were more prevalent along the continental identification of urban areas and rivers as sources of macrolitter showed
shorelines of Latin America (especially from 20◦ N to 40◦ S), whereas some coincidence (Fig. 8). For instance, Riascos et al. (2019) reported
fewer studies reported these types of items along the coast of the US and significantly higher abundances of litter in two mangrove forests located
Canada (Figs. 7 and S2A). Moreover, these litter types were seldom re­ closer to Buenaventura City (Colombia) than in those located farther
ported at the sea surface, at both continental and oceanic sites away (Fig. 9). They suggested this was most likely due to their proximity
(Fig. S2B). Thus, although the studies that identified macrolitter types at and orientation facing the city and its surrounding rivers, which act as
the sea surface were considerably fewer (28) than those on shorelines major drivers in the abundance and spatial variability of marine litter
(109), plastics seem to heavily dominate the sea surface, while non- within Buenaventura Bay (Riascos et al., 2019). Notably, according to
plastic items have an important presence on shorelines (Figs. S2A and the estimates by Lebreton et al. (2017), the rivers discharging to

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

Studies reporting potential sources of macrolitter [%]

Coastal tourism Urban areas Industry Wastewater Rivers Land-other







Oceanic sites

0% 50% 100%
Fisheries Aquaculture Shipping recreation Sea-other

60°N–40°N (18 studies)

40°N–20°N (18 studies)


20°N–0° (14 studies)

0°–20°S (27 studies)

20°S–40°S (22 studies)

40°S–60°S (12 studies)

Oceanic sites (41 studies)

0% 50% 100%

Fig. 8. Percentages of studies that identified different potential sources of macrolitter in the East Pacific region (divided into land-based and sea-based sources), in
continental sites per latitudinal zone (black) and in oceanic sites across all latitudinal zones (blue). The figure includes only studies that did identify any potential
source(s) of macrolitter, and the total number of studies per zone (100 %) is shown in parentheses (for additional details about study count, see Appendix S3). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Buenaventura Bay and many rivers in Central America (mainly in case of floating litter). Aquaculture was consistently identified as a po­
Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica) transport high quantities of tential source only at continental sites in the austral zone (40◦ S–60◦ S,
plastic litter to the coastal zone (> 100 ton plastic/year). Nevertheless, Fig. 8), where salmon and mussel farming constitute two of the major
although poor waste management is a problem especially in low- and economic activities (Camelo-Guarín et al., 2021).
middle-income regions (see also Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022), runoff Consequently, the above findings on both land- and sea-based
from urban areas is actually a global challenge (e.g., Treilles et al., 2021; sources of macrolitter suggest that the specific litter sources occurring
Willis et al., 2017). at the different latitudinal zones and environments (continental/
Fishing was the most reported potential sea-based source for mac­ oceanic) are associated with the main economic activities carried out
rolitter, identified at continental sites across all latitudinal zones there. This had already been pointed out for macrolitter along the
(especially at higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere), and espe­ Chilean coast (Ahrendt et al., 2021; Hinojosa and Thiel, 2009; Honorato-
cially at oceanic sites (Fig. 8). Likewise, ‘other’ sea-based sources were Zimmer et al., 2019), and the present review suggests that this phe­
mostly reported on continental sites at higher latitudes in the Northern nomenon is widespread along the EP region.
Hemisphere and at oceanic sites (Fig. 8), mainly attributed to the 2011
Japan tsunami and to other long-distance transport (e.g., through the 3.3.2. Microplastics
North Pacific and the South Pacific gyres; Blickley et al., 2016; Brignac Fewer studies identified microplastic types and polymers, and the
et al., 2019; Kiessling et al., 2017; Rech et al., 2018). These findings vast majority of them were conducted in the continental northern EP
suggest that marine macrolitter at high latitudes and at oceanic sites and at oceanic sites (Figs. 10 and S3). Nevertheless, a few trends can be
comes mainly from high-seas fisheries (both industrial and small-scale, identified regarding microplastic composition. The most commonly
see e.g., Luna-Jorquera et al., 2019; Mecho et al., 2021) and from identified types were fragments and fibers/filaments (Fig. 10). Frag­
other land- and sea-based sources, carried by the ocean currents (in the ments were ubiquitous at continental sites across all latitudinal zones

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

and at oceanic sites (Fig. 10), whereas fibers/filaments were less com­
mon in the continental southern EP and at oceanic sites, but they were
still reported by most studies in the other zones (Fig. 10). These results
strongly agree with other studies from around the world, which have
also reported fragments and fibers as the most common microplastic
types in marine compartments (Curren et al., 2021; Rezania et al.,
Regarding polymer identification, most studies identified PE and PP
at continental sites across all latitudinal zones and at oceanic sites
(Fig. S3). This is unsurprising, given that PE and PP comprise the vast
majority of plastics, especially single-use plastics, and their utilization is
widespread at both land and sea (e.g., onboard ships). Furthermore,
these polymers are less dense than seawater (0.88–0.96 versus 1.03 g
cm− 3), which causes them to float long distances and reach even the
remotest places, so they also dominate in the subtropical gyres (Morét-
Ferguson et al., 2010). In contrast, polymers denser than seawater, such
as PET, PVC and PS (1.05–1.38 g cm− 3), were less frequently reported at
both continental and oceanic sites (Fig. S3), possibly because they tend
to sink once they enter the ocean (see also Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2021;
Morét-Ferguson et al., 2010). Indeed, in the EP region PET, PVC and PS
were reported more frequently in sediments (including shorelines and
the seafloor) than at the sea surface (Fig. S4).
Compared to PE and PP, PS is present in more distinct and specific
products (e.g., food containers, construction and fishing/aquaculture
materials) and may help to more specifically pinpoint sources. In the EP
region, PS was particularly frequent around the equator (Fig. S3), where
it has been associated to short-lived (single-use) containers (e.g., for
food) mainly coming from touristic activities and household sewage
Buenaventura city (Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2021, 2020c), as well as from fishing activities
(Asensio-Montesinos et al., 2023; see also Fig. 11). Likewise, a high
proportion of studies reported PS in the austral zone (40◦ S–60◦ S), most
likely associated with the mussel farming industry (Ahrendt et al., 2021;
Fig. 9. Abundance of macrolitter (as grams per unit area and items per unit Hinojosa and Thiel, 2009; Fig. 11), which uses expanded PS materials as
area) in mangrove forests at four locations within Buenaventura Bay, Colombia. floats that progressively degrade and disperse in the environment (e.g.,
Significant differences (p < 0.05) in litter abundance among the four locations Davidson, 2012). Curiously, although aquaculture was regarded as a
are shown by different numbers/letters beside the boxplots. In the lower panel potential microplastic source in the northernmost latitudinal zone
map, sampled locations (circles), rivers (blue shading), and the urban area of
(60◦ N–40◦ N, Fig. 11), where intensive shellfish farming takes place, the
Buenaventura city (black shading) are shown. Source of figure and information:
presence of PS microplastics was seldom reported there (Fig. S3). Some
Riascos et al. (2019), with permission from Elsevier. (For interpretation of the
authors argue that the shellfish industry in the Salish Sea (British
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.) Columbia and Washington) makes use of more durable materials, such
as PE and PVC (Schoof and DeNike, 2017).
Other potential sources of microplastics in the EP region were very
similar to those reported for macrolitter (except for fisheries, discussed

Studies reporting microplastic types [%]

Fragments Pellets Films/Sheets Fibers/Filaments Line/Thread Foam Others & Unidentified

60°N–40°N (17)

40°N–20°N (24)

20°N–0° (19)

0°–20°S (14)

20°S–40°S (7)

40°S–60°S (5)

Oceanic sites (37)

0% 50% 100%

Fig. 10. Percentages of studies that reported the presence of different types of microplastics in the East Pacific region, in continental sites per latitudinal zone (black)
and in oceanic sites across all latitudinal zones (blue). The figure includes only studies that did identify any type(s) of microplastics, and the total number of studies
per zone (100 %) is shown in parentheses (for additional details about study count, see Appendix S3). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

Studies reporting potential sources of microplastics [%]

Coastal tourism Urban areas Industry Wastewater Rivers Land-other







Oceanic sites

0% 50% 100%
Fisheries Aquaculture Shipping recreation Sea-other

60°N–40°N (13 studies)

40°N–20°N (21 studies)


20°N–0° (18 studies)

0°–20°S (14 studies)

20°S–40°S (8 studies)

40°S–60°S (7 studies)

Oceanic sites (16 studies)

0% 50% 100%

Fig. 11. Percentages of studies that identified different potential sources of microplastics in the East Pacific region (divided into land-based and sea-based sources),
in continental sites per latitudinal zone (black) and in oceanic sites across all latitudinal zones (blue). The figure includes only studies that did identify any potential
source(s) of microplastics, and the total number of studies per zone (100 %) is shown in parentheses (for additional details about study count, see Appendix S3). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

below). The most commonly reported microplastic sources were land- difficult to associate to specific sources (Auta et al., 2017; Rezania et al.,
based, among which urban areas and other urban-related sources (i.e., 2018).
rivers and wastewater) predominated (Fig. 11). Although wastewater is
likely an important source of marine macrolitter and microplastics in
3.4. Transport and fate of marine litter in the EP region
Chile (personal observation, see also Cowger et al., 2019), this was not
reflected in this review (Fig. 11), suggesting a lack of peer-reviewed
The results of our review indicate that shorelines of the EP region are
studies reporting this issue (but see Amenábar et al., 2024).
indeed hotspots of marine litter accumulation across latitudinal zones
Among sea-based sources, long-distance drift was reported at oceanic
and environments (continental and oceanic), as seen by the considerably
sites (‘Sea-other’ in Fig. 11), corresponding mainly to microplastic
higher abundance of macrolitter and microplastics recorded on shore­
transport via the subtropical gyres in the North Pacific (e.g., Brignac
lines compared to the other compartments. Shorelines have been iden­
et al., 2019; Doyle et al., 2011) and in Rapa Nui (e.g., Hidalgo-Ruz and
tified as pollution hotspots in other regions as well, highlighting their
Thiel, 2013). This further supports the hypothesis that oceanic islands
role as sinks of litter coming from land- and/or sea-based sources (Onink
and the open ocean of the EP region receive litter mainly coming from
et al., 2021; Uhrin et al., 2022). In the EP, our findings support the
sea-based sources, as well as from distant land-based sources via long-
hypothesis that on the continental shorelines most litter comes from
distance drift.
land-based sources, particularly from coastal tourism and urban areas
Fisheries showed a contrasting trend as a source of microplastics
(including urban runoff, wastewater effluents and rivers).
compared to macrolitter. Unexpectedly, fisheries activities were mostly
Nevertheless, this review's findings suggest that a fraction of this
reported near the equator (0◦ –20◦ S) but seldom at other continental
litter (mostly the buoyant fraction) can be transported to and from other
latitudinal zones and at oceanic sites (Fig. 11). This might be because
places through ocean currents. At mid latitudes of the EP (40◦ N–20◦ N
most microplastics recorded in the EP region corresponded to fragments
and 20◦ S–40◦ S), the low proportion of studies reporting sea-based
and fibers/filaments (Fig. 10), which, due to their level of fragmentation
sources for continental sites (Fig. 8 and Fig. 11) supports the hypothe­
and to the wide range (and distances) of possible sources, are usually
sis that litter transport in those zones is mainly in an offshore, rather

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

North Equatorial Current

Equatorial Counter Current

South Equatorial Current

Fig. 12. Synthetic scheme of the main oceanic current systems, the main marine litter sources, its transport dynamics and its accumulation in the East Pacific region.
The location of the main islands/archipelagos is also shown. The varying thickness of the current arrows reflects their different velocities and strengths (the thicker
the arrow and its tip, the faster and stronger the current). Main litter sources are indicated according to Fig. 8 and Fig. 11. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

than in an onshore direction. This offshore transport is mostly explained Lumpkin et al., 2012; see also Fig. 12). This was supported by our review
by the eastern boundary current systems, formed by the California and findings, as seen by the higher proportion of sea-based sources reported
the Humboldt currents in the northern and southern EP, respectively. for these zones (Fig. 8 and Fig. 11), as well as by the considerably higher
Along these currents, upwelling transport pushes buoyant marine litter litter arrival rates reported by Murray et al. (2018) along British Co­
(both stranded and at-sea) from the American continent toward the open lumbia's coastline compared to lower latitudes after the Japan tsunami
ocean (Amenábar et al., 2024; Onink et al., 2019; van Gennip et al., in 2011 (see Table S8). In the northern EP, this is likely caused by the
2019; see also Fig. 12), where it finally accumulates in the subtropical bifurcation of the onshore-flowing North Pacific Current, which at about
gyres (mostly as microplastics due to macrolitter fragmentation along 42◦ N–52◦ N separates into the California Current flowing south and the
the way; Eriksen et al., 2014). This in turn contributes to the high Alaska Current flowing north into the Gulf of Alaska (Freeland, 2006;
abundance of macrolitter and microplastics reported at oceanic sites (see Sydeman et al., 2011). Along Alaska and British Columbia's coastlines,
Section 3.2 and Fig. 6), most of which were located at mid latitudes surface currents flow in onshore direction generating slight down­
(Fig. S1), supporting the hypothesis that these sites receive litter coming welling, in contrast to the strong upwelling occurring along the coasts of
from the surrounding continents by means of long-distance drift (in California and Baja California (Froyland et al., 2014). In the southern
addition to litter from high-seas fisheries, as discussed in Section 3.2 and EP, the South Pacific Current in combination with the Antarctic
Section 3.3). Circumpolar Current (West Wind Drift) also generate onshore surface
At higher latitudes of the EP region (> 40◦ ), evidence and modelling flow and downwelling along South America's southwestern tip, which is
studies suggest that transport of floating litter may be in an onshore apparently stronger than downwelling in the Gulf of Alaska (Froyland
direction, resulting in litter beaching along continental coastlines (e.g., et al., 2014). Moreover, these latitudinal zones in both hemispheres are

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

much less populated than lower latitudes, likely contributing to sea- while the transport dynamics identified in this review correspond to
based sources outweighing land-based sources (Castillo et al., 2020). preliminary suggestions (as more studies are still needed in the less
According to modelling studies, a similar phenomenon of onshore covered latitudinal zones), our findings coincide with the outcomes from
transport and downwelling occurs in the equatorial region (mainly previous modelling studies (Lumpkin et al., 2012; Onink et al., 2019;
15◦ N–5◦ S; Chassignet et al., 2021; Onink et al., 2021), due to the van Gennip et al., 2019). Moreover, although our findings may be
onshore direction of the Equatorial Counter Current. However, the affected by a differential sampling intensity and/or focus (e.g., studies
analysis of litter sources conducted in this review supported this only targeting litter hotspots), most studies (~80 %) reviewed herein used a
slightly, given that land-based sources greatly outweighed sea-based random and/or opportunistic sampling design and focus on hotspots or
sources at low latitudes (Fig. 8 and Fig. 11). As equatorial currents are accumulation zones was generally not mentioned (except for micro­
very complex, presenting onshore and offshore currents adjacent to each plastic studies sampling over the high tide line, which is a common
other that oscillate in northward or southward directions (Onink et al., practice to capture microplastics). The results are thus consistent with
2019), one possibility is that both onshore and offshore transport are the oceanographic and topographic characteristics of eastern boundary
simultaneously occurring in this region (Fig. 12). Also, it is possible that current systems, suggesting that similar conditions of marine litter
waste management issues in Central America generate too large an input transport may be found in other eastern boundary current systems, such
of litter that makes land-based sources predominate. However, the very as in Western Africa and Western Australia.
low number of studies conducted in Central America (Fig. 4) likely limits
the representation of the equatorial current system in our review, not 3.5. Level of knowledge and main research gaps of marine litter studies in
allowing to obtain a more complete picture and understanding of litter the EP
dynamics in the equatorial region.
In addition to fragmenting into meso- and microplastics during Although research and knowledge on marine litter in the EP region
transport by oceanic currents and subtropical gyres, plastic litter also have considerably increased during recent years (Fig. 2A), there are still
fragments on land, e.g., while being transported by high-energy rivers several research gaps that need to be addressed (Table 1). First and
(Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2021), on shorelines by exposition to solar foremost, studies conducted across the EP show important geographic
radiation (Kalogerakis et al., 2017), in the swash zone where waves are and spatial gaps, in terms of the countries/areas and the compartments
breaking (Efimova et al., 2018), as well as by different types of in­ covered. Nearly half of all reviewed studies were conducted in either the
teractions with marine organisms (e.g., Davidson, 2012; Ryan, 2016; So USA or Chile, showing a high geographic bias of research findings,
et al., 2022). Besides horizontal transport, other types of transport exist which undoubtedly affects the understanding of marine litter dynamics
and need to be considered when studying marine litter. For instance, at the regional and local levels. For instance, the lack of studies in
motile marine organisms may ingest litter somewhere, but egest it in Central America hindered a more complete comprehension of marine
very different and distant places, and even in different compartments (e. litter sources and transport in that area. In terms of compartments, most
g., Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2021; Perold et al., 2020; Ryan, 2020). Further­ studies reported data on shorelines, particularly sandy beaches, whereas
more, macrolitter and microplastics may undergo vertical transport other compartments and other types of shorelines (e.g., rocky shores,
through the water column due to biofouling (Ryan, 2020), as well as due mangroves and saltmarshes) were seldom investigated. Consequently,
to the differential sinking/floating capacity of different materials or marine litter research in the EP region urgently needs to cover more
polymers (see above and Morét-Ferguson et al., 2010). countries/areas (especially Central America) and more compartments
In summary, the findings of this review support the three main hy­ (especially the water column, the seafloor, and shorelines other than
potheses (see Section 1) regarding sources and transport of marine litter sandy beaches).
in the EP region, which is an eastern boundary current system (Fig. 12). Most studies in the EP focus on only one or two compartments,
Our findings also suggested bidirectional transport of litter in the without investigating how these compartments interact with each other.
equatorial region, but the limited number of studies from Central Thus, further research is needed to understand the dynamics of marine
America did not allow to clearly identify these dynamics. Importantly, litter between compartments (e.g., exchange rate of litter between the
sea surface and the water column, and between the water column and
Table 1 the seafloor), as well as to assess the fragmentation of macrolitter into
Main gaps on marine litter research in the East Pacific region and a proposal of meso- and microplastics to evaluate the effect of particle size in litter
how to address them. movement and transport between compartments.
Main research gap Action(s) to address research gap The research available in the EP region also shows a strong temporal
gap, given that most studies are based on single sampling events and far
Spatial coverage Implement marine litter studies in less studied
countries and areas, such as Central America.
fewer have done long-term monitoring of marine litter. In a region
Conduct more marine litter research on regularly affected by climatic and oceanographic phenomena, such as
shorelines other than sandy beaches (e.g., rocky the annual cycles and the ENSO cycle (which generate dry/wet seasons
shores, mangroves, saltmarshes) and in other and years, respectively), marine litter abundance, sources and dynamics
marine compartments (e.g., water column,
are expected to vary at seasonal and interannual scales. These variations
Temporal coverage Establish more long-term monitoring programs must be better understood at the relevant temporal scales in order to
to understand the variability of marine litter at design adequate management strategies to reduce marine litter. To
different temporal scales (e.g., daily, seasonal, achieve this, long-term monitoring programs are urgently needed in the
interannual). EP.
Understanding of marine litter Study the dynamics of marine litter (e.g., how it
dynamics and processes is exchanged) between compartments.
It is also important to acknowledge that the different methods used in
Assess fragmentation rates of macrolitter into the EP region (e.g., different approaches, mesh sizes and reporting units)
meso- and microplastics. give rise to a large variability of results and even impede comparability
Methodological issues Harmonize the methods and reporting units among studies. Thus, it should be explored whether large differences
used in marine litter research and monitoring
(even within a same area) result from variables affecting litter deposi­
(e.g., GESAMP, 2019; Uhrin et al., 2022).
Determine whether variation is due to different tion and/or accumulation, such as sources, site geomorphology, currents
methods or due to actual factors and processes and transport, as well as other processes influencing macrolitter and
affecting marine litter. microplastic dynamics (e.g., litter fragmentation, vertical migration,
Whenever possible, microplastic studies should removal by biota). Variability in abundance and composition due to
include the spectral identification of polymers.
different sampling methods has frequently been reported elsewhere

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

(Lindeque et al., 2020; Zheng et al., 2021), highlighting the need for contributes to the beaching of litter coming from oceanic sources.
harmonized methodological approaches for investigating and moni­ These different litter dynamics have important implications on ma­
toring marine litter. rine litter management. Given that in the EP region most litter is
generated by local, land-based activities, measures to effectively reduce
3.6. Recommendations on action and policy marine litter should mostly be taken at the local level, prioritizing ed­
ucation, prevention, and the improvement of waste management sys­
The findings of the present review allow offering some recommen­ tems. Additionally, since rivers transport litter from inland areas to the
dations to tackle marine litter in the EP region. First of all, even though coastal zone, a watershed-scale approach should be considered for all
there is an important and urgent need to address several gaps regarding prevention and mitigation measures. We suggest that sources, transport
the research and understanding of marine litter in the region (see Sec­ and fate of marine litter in the EP region may be similar to those in other
tion 3.5), the available information allows identifying and describing eastern boundary current systems, thus similar approaches might be
patterns of abundance, distribution, sources and transport of marine undertaken to combat and give solutions to marine litter, such as taking
litter across the EP. This knowledge improves our understanding of litter actions aimed at curbing the production and disposal of single-use
dynamics in eastern boundary current systems, upon which recom­ plastics.
mendations on action and policy can also be made.
Since the continental coastlines of the EP region are important sinks CRediT authorship contribution statement
for litter coming from land-based sources, which are mostly related to
tourism, urban activities, poor waste management and a general lack of Daniela Honorato-Zimmer: Writing – review & editing, Writing –
environmental awareness, education and preventive measures need to original draft, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Project adminis­
be prioritized to curb the production and distribution of marine litter. tration, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualiza­
Specifically, single-use plastic regulations and better waste management tion. Gabriela Escobar-Sánchez: Writing – review & editing, Writing –
systems are urgently needed in Latin American cities. Furthermore, original draft, Visualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal anal­
given that rivers in the EP are relevant conduits for litter from inland ysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Katie Deakin: Writing – review
areas to the coastal zone, measures aimed at preventing the generation & editing, Investigation, Data curation. Diamela De Veer: Writing –
and distribution of litter should consider entire watersheds. review & editing, Methodology. Tamara Galloway: Writing – review &
Importantly, given the widespread and transboundary nature of editing, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Valeska Guevara-
marine litter, actions and policy must be taken at the international level. Torrejón: Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Data curation.
In this regard, international and legally-binding efforts, such as the Jessica Howard: Writing – review & editing, Project administration,
Global Plastic Treaty that is currently being discussed and negotiated by Investigation, Data curation. Jen Jones: Writing – review & editing,
UN member states (UNEP, 2022), are fundamental to effectively reduce Project administration. Ceri Lewis: Writing – review & editing, Project
plastic pollution. administration, Funding acquisition. Francisca Ribeiro: Writing – re­
Lastly, to achieve the above recommendations, it is pivotal that view & editing, Investigation, Data curation. Georgie Savage: Writing –
marine litter research and monitoring are made accessible for the review & editing, Investigation, Data curation. Martin Thiel: Writing –
different stakeholders (e.g., policy-makers and citizens), and that such review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Supervision,
stakeholders are engaged and aware of their own responsibilities in Resources, Project administration, Methodology, Funding acquisition,
reducing marine litter. Conceptualization.

4. Conclusions and outlook Declaration of competing interest

This review sought to gather and analyze all the available peer- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
reviewed information on marine litter abundance, distribution, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
composition and sources in the EP region, to understand the current the work reported in this paper.
status of marine litter, as well as its transport and fate. Studies in the EP
are still rather scarce and biased toward certain countries, areas and Data availability
compartments, and there is a need for harmonization of methodologies
and reporting units among studies. Nevertheless, the available infor­ All data extracted from the reviewed literature and used for the
mation still allowed identifying and comprehending patterns of sources, preparation of this manuscript are openly accessible at
transport and fate of marine macrolitter and microplastics in the EP (
The main findings of this review suggest that continental shorelines Acknowledgements
of the EP region act as sinks for marine litter mainly coming from land-
based sources, and that these sources are mostly related to touristic This review was conducted in the context of the international project
activities and urban issues (e.g., improper waste management). In “Reducing plastic waste in the Eastern Pacific Ocean” through the grant
addition, sea-based sources (mainly fisheries) dominated at oceanic GCRF NE/V005448/1 (initiative “Pacific Plastics: Science to Solutions”,
sites, where subtropical gyres also played a role as a transport force, which brings
accumulating litter. Moreover, this review allowed identifying transport together scientists and institutions from Europe and Latin America to
patterns of floating litter along the principal eastern boundary current research and reduce marine litter in the East Pacific region. DHZ and MT
systems in the EP. Here, most litter comes from local, land-based sour­ received additional support during the preparation of the manuscript
ces, and almost no litter arrives from the ocean at mid latitudes (along through EU-H2020-MINKE ref. 101008724.
the California and the Humboldt current systems), given the dominant
offshore transport. In contrast, in western boundary currents (e.g., Appendix A. Supplementary data
Western Indian Ocean), while a lot of litter comes from land-based
sources as well, an important fraction also arrives from the ocean due Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
to onshore currents, even bringing litter from very distant sources (e.g., org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116440.
Honorato-Zimmer et al., 2022). However, at high latitudes of the EP
(40◦ –55◦ in both hemispheres), onshore transport does occur and

D. Honorato-Zimmer et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203 (2024) 116440

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