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Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

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The review of the geological disaster of Bandung

Basin subsurface: perspective from geological

Nugroho Aji Satriyo, Asep Mulyono, Sunarya Wibawa, Anita Yuliyanti,

Anggun Mayang Sari, Moch. Hilmi Zaenal Putra & Kurnia Arfiyansyah

To cite this article: Nugroho Aji Satriyo, Asep Mulyono, Sunarya Wibawa, Anita Yuliyanti,
Anggun Mayang Sari, Moch. Hilmi Zaenal Putra & Kurnia Arfiyansyah (06 Jun 2024): The review
of the geological disaster of Bandung Basin subsurface: perspective from geological approach,
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, DOI: 10.1080/24749508.2024.2359781

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Published online: 06 Jun 2024.

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The review of the geological disaster of Bandung Basin subsurface: perspective

from geological approach
Nugroho Aji Satriyo a, Asep Mulyonoa, Sunarya Wibawaa, Anita Yuliyantib, Anggun Mayang Saria,
Moch. Hilmi Zaenal Putraa and Kurnia Arfiyansyahc
Research Center for Geological Disaster, Research Center and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bandung, Indonesia; bResearch Center for
Geological Resources, Research Center and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bandung, Indonesia; cFaculty of Geological Engineering,
Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung, Indonesia


The basin area is at risk of geological disaster. The Bandung Basin is a crucial part of the Received 17 January 2024
country’s political, economic, and social. The Indonesian Disaster Risk Index show average Accepted 21 May 2024
value of 153.85 in 2015–2020 indicates that this region is extremely susceptible to natural KEYWORDS
disasters because may disaster event happened in this location. The Bandung Basin Region is Geological disaster; strategic
a crucial economic and political hub for Indonesia. However, its natural environment and the region; Bandung Basin;
region’s importance as a national strategic sector are at odds with one another. Geological subsurface; geological
subsurface conditions and vulnerability content must be understood to provide an overall perspective
picture of the situation in this location. The main goal of this research is to summarize how
underground conditions affect natural disasters, which is the main factor of this event.
Earthquakes, landslides, and liquefaction are only a few geological disasters strongly linked
to conditions below ground. Due to the Holocene sedimentary layer, the stability of the basin is
threatened. All these things happen naturally: liquefaction, subsidence caused by an inter­
calated sand layer, and structural failure by settlement. Considering the area’s capacity and
population growth, more research related to mitigation and laboratory analysis is needed to
decide if this area needs to be turned into a strategic city.

condition of a basin’s Holocene sedimentary layer will
Geological disaster is a threat in one area, including the make it unstable; additionally, an active Lembang Fault
basin region. Earthquakes, landslides, settlements, and will make the layer unstable. Natural conditions include
even liquefaction threaten this region. Bandung Basin is weak slopes causing landslides, the dominant layer of
a national strategic sector because of its central position clay causing flooding, an intercalated sand stratification
in politics, economics, and social activities. Based on causing liquefaction, and the failure of building struc­
(BNPB, 2020) from 2015–2020, this region has a high tures due to settlement. In this regard, further research
natural disaster vulnerability with an average index is required to determine if this area needs to be devel­
value of 153.85. This value for Indonesia included the oped into a metropolitan or strategic city, considering
area with the highest potential threat of disaster. The the capacity of this area is decreasing along with the
natural conditions and the significance of the Bandung development of its population.
Basin Region as a national strategic sector are obviously A national strategic area is one in which spatial
at odds. A review of several studies needs to be observed planning is emphasized because it significantly
to identify the disasters that threaten the study area impacts state sovereignty, defense and security, econ­
from subsurface aspects. As a result, understanding omy, society, culture, and environment, including
the subsurface of this area is critical for providing an locations designated as world heritage sites (Republik
overview of the geological subsurface conditions and Indonesia, 2007). In this light, the Bandung Basin,
vulnerability content. Some previous studies have dis­ which features critical natural characteristics as well
cussed the vulnerability of this area related to geological as rapid population expansion and infrastructural
hazards. This paper reviews subsurface conditions and development, is a national strategic area.
their relationship to geological disasters that have Furthermore, this region is one of the largest in the
occurred from a geological perspective. The result is densely populated West Java Province as well as one of
predominantly geological disasters such as earthquakes, Indonesia’s most important political, economic, and
landslides, and liquefaction, which are closely related to social hubs (Tarigan et al., 2016). Cimahi City and
the subsurface geological conditions of this area. The Bandung are among the areas included in this area.

CONTACT Nugroho Aji Satriyo;

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society(INWASCON).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting
of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

This situation directly opposes the existing state Study area and geology
of the Bandung Basin. Several studies on the geo­
logical disasters that have struck this region have
resulted in significant economic damages. Bandung Basin is an inter-mountain basin surrounded
Furthermore, the existence of the Bandung Basin by Quaternary volcanoes. The product of volcanic
as a national strategic area is jeopardized by the activity dominates the lithology of this region. The
presence of an active Lembang fault in the north­ Bandung Basin was filled by sequences of lacustrine
ern portion. Earthquakes and ground movements, and volcaniclastic deposits, particularly in the alluvial
such as landslides and ground movements, are plain morphology of the basin’s center (Dam et al.,
examples of geological disasters. As a result, the 1996), and in the middle of this zone are the Bandung
disaster risk score for the Bandung Basin is 174,0 Basin and Batujajar Basin (Delinom, 2009) (Figure 1).
(Republik Indonesia, 2007) which indicate has Tjia (1968) explains that the Lembang fault is
a high disaster risk area. It is corroborated by a sinistral fault with a descending (normal) fault com­
disaster statistics, which show that there were 8 ponent, with an average ratio between strike-slip and
earthquakes and 110 landslides between 2015 and dip-slip of about two to one. Moreover, Daryono et al.
2020 ( (Daryono et al., 2019) also explain that The Lembang
Several results of geological engineering investiga­ Fault is a strike-slip fault, which is proven by the
tions indicate that the condition of the soil layer to existence of several rivers that were once a whole
a depth of 35 m in the eastern part of the Bandung river, separated by a distance of several meters from
Basin will have a low bearing capacity so that it has the estimated initial position. Regionally, the bedrock
a high vulnerability to seismic hazards and land of the Bandung Basin consists of conglomerates and
subsidence (Tohari et al., 2015). Directorate of compact breccias, tuff, and Early Pleistocene andesite
Environmental Geology and Planning Board of lava from the Cikapundung Formation, overlain by
West Java Province (1996) added that the Bandung the Cibeureum Formation and the Kosambi
Basin was formed by alluvial deposits such as tuffac­ Formation. The Cibeureum Formation consists of
eous clay and peat (organic) layers. The condition of breccias and tuff interbed with several Late
this sediment layer makes the Bandung Basin area Pleistocene – Holocene age basalt lava insertions.
vulnerable to land subsidence (H. Z. Abidin et al., The breccias in this formation are volcanic breccias
2008; Narulita et al., 2008; Sumantyo et al., 2009), composed of scoria fragments of igneous andesite
liquefaction (Dewi et al., 2020; Febriana et al., 2020; basalt and pumice (Koesoemadinata & Hartono,
Satriyo et al., 2022; Widodo, 2021), and the failure of 1981). The study area is located in the southern part
building foundations due to soil movement of the Bandung Basin, covering Bandung City,
(A. M. Sari et al., 2021; Zakaria et al., 2019) Bandung Regency, and parts of Sumedang Regency.
Landslides are also common in the Bandung Basin Geologically, according to Silitonga (Silitonga,
area (Darana et al., 2015; Hadmoko et al., 2017; 2003), the Bandung Basin area is an area prone to
Jimawan & Pratama, 2018). natural disasters because it is dominated by ancient
The focus of this literature study is on the geological lake deposits that have unstable soil layers. The lake
susceptibility of a region to potential disasters. Because deposit (Ql) in the Bandung area, West Java, consists
of the devastating potential of the Lembang Fault and of tuffaceous clay, tuffaceous sandstone, and tuffac­
its proximity to the Bandung Basin, a hub for eco­ eous gravel. This lake deposit became known as the
nomic development, cultural diversity, burgeoning Kosambi Formation (Koesoemadinata & Hartono,
tourism, and the emergence of a satellite metropolis 1981). The lithology of this formation is dominated
in the adjacent sub-city, it faces the risk of geological by clay, silt, and sandstone that has not been com­
disasters. One of the previous studies stated by pacted with the age of the Holocene. Dam (Dam,
(Yulianto, 2011) earthquakes with magnitudes ranging 1994) added that the Bandung Plain is an inter-
from 6.6 to 6.8 over a two-millennia-long period of mountainous basin composed of lake deposits, lake
active activity have been recorded at approximately 2 fans, swamps, alluvial fans, flood plains, and Late
and 0.5 kyrs BP, respectively. This situation suggests Quaternary paleosols. In the middle of this basin,
that the fault has the potential to cause earthquakes there are four lake clay sedimentary sequences with
that are about as powerful as previous earthquakes. If an insertion layer of volcaniclastic and volcanic facies
one of these disasters were to happen, the subsurface (Dam, 1994).
conditions and potential for disasters that could be The subsurface lithology in the center of the
encountered in this area are detailed in this report. Bandung Basin area refers to the results of deep dril­
Soil and mineral conditions, sedimentary layer types, ling (Dam et al., 1996), geotechnical drilling (Tohari
hydrological factors influencing surface activities, and et al., 2015), and CPT analysis (Ambarwati et al., 2020)
potential geological hazards can all be understood in (Figure 2). The subsurface lithology is dominated by
the subsurface context. clay, which contains organic matter (organic clay),

Figure 1. The Bandung basin morphology (a) and structural cross-section (N – S) throughout West java province. The Bandung
basin is located in a mountainous area controlled by geological structures (b) (Delinom, 2009).

paleosol, and peat horizon interstratified within the maps, especially from aerial photos or satellite images,
clay layer. These organic sequences are formed in and has a length of up to 22 km (Figure 4) and based
a lacustrine depositional environment. This sequence on Tjia (Tjia, 1968), this fault has lateral strike-slip
(silt and organic clay) belongs to the Kosambi movement. From east to west, the height of the fault
Formation and has a thickness of 50–80 m (Figure 3) escarpment reflects the magnitude of the fault displa­
that covers the basin extending from the cement (vertical throw/throw or dislocation) changes
Dayeuhkolot – Majalaya – Cicalengka – from about 450 meters at the east end (Maribaya,
Ujungberung area (Dam et al., 1996; Tirtomihardjo, G. Pulusari) to 40 meters in the west (Cisarua) and
2016; Tohari et al., 2015). The uppermost sediment is disappears at the northwest end in Padalarang
a soft sediment layer of various thicknesses, ranging (Brahmantyo, 2005).
from 25 to 150 m (Tohari et al., 2016). The existence of this Lembang fault is a threat to the
Bandung Basin area if there is tectonic activity that
triggers movement in this fault. Threats of ground
movement in the form of subsidence and landslides
The Lembang Fault is one of the clear geological pieces can cause damage to buildings, cracks in bridges and
of evidence and geomorphological expressions of neo­ roads, and failure of high-rise buildings.
tectonic activity in the Bandung Basin. The Lembang Several studies on landslides have been conducted
Fault is morphologically expressed as a fault escarp­ by previous researchers (Mulyadi, 2018; Pratama et al.,
ment with the escarpment wall facing north. The 2017; Triandanu et al., 2016). BNPB data on
Lembang Fault can be seen both from topographic 10 April 2014 (, 2022a), recorded

Figure 2. The geological map of Bandung Basin, modified from (Tirtomihardjo, 2016).

a landslide that caused 2 houses to be heavily damaged Hydrology

and 6 houses to be slightly damaged in Cicendo sub-
According to the analysis by the Directorate of
district, Bandung City (,). Meanwhile, Environmental Geology (Geologi Lingkungan, 1990),
in 2022, BNPB recorded bridge damage due to land­ there are 21 recharge areas in the Bandung Basin, the
slides in Cikadu Village, West Bandung Regency, on main recharge area accounting for 608.8 km2 or 26%
9 March 2022 (, 2022c). Not only of the total recharge area. The Directorate added that
damage to buildings and infrastructure, but landslides the recharge mechanism in the shallow aquifer in the
also caused fatalities. The most significant damage due Bandung Basin is a direct process, irrespective of
to landslides occurred in 2021 when 92 residents had whether it is natural recharge or recharged by human
to be evacuated to avoid casualties (DIBI ID data for intervention, and it occurs either instantaneously or
over a week. Furthermore, The process of recharging
2021). It is a concern for local governments because
in mid-level aquifers and deep aquifers occurs directly
landslides are an event that repeat yearly (Putra et al.,
or indirectly. Direct processes occur in the main
2020). Therefore, it is necessary to take concrete steps recharge area, while indirect processes occur through
to handle landslides properly. This condition indicates leakage or structural geology control.
that the Lembang Fault is a potentially active Hydrogeological Map Sheet Bandung Scale 1:
Quaternary fault (Daryono et al., 2019). 250,000 (Irawan, 2009) illustrates the depth of the

Figure 3. The drill hole locations and lithology profiles from (Dam et al., 1996).

Bandung Basin consists of shallow aquifers (<35 total dissolved solids (TDS) of 38.5 ppm, an average
meters), middle aquifers (45–90 meters), and deep pH of 6.82, and a water discharge of 1.07 liters/
aquifers (90–100 meters). Irawan (Irawan, 2009) second.
added an analysis of water quality in this basin The physical characteristic of topsoil texture based
area by stating high levels of bicarbonate and iron, on (Sunarwan et al., 2015) is silty clay (SiC), clay (C),
which are the elements that flow in the lake deposits and silt clay loam (SiCL). Silty clay and silt clay loam
aquifer. Based on the study by Sunarwan (Sunarwan, formed in the upper slopes, whereas clay texture is
1997) stated that water conditions in the Bandung found in valleys and basins. Soils of fine texture
Basin area have an average temperature of 24,706 C, (dominant clay) are generally cohesive and difficult

Figure 4. The segmentation path of the lembang fault (Satriyo et al., 2022), modification from (Daryono et al., 2019).

to crush, and sand fractionation soils with larger sizes permeability with group C soil hydrological type
than dust and clay are more resistant to erosion since found in valleys or inoculated sites (Gleisol Eutrik
soils dominated by sand fractions have high infiltra­ and Andosol Gleik), whereas moderate soil permeabil­
tion and permeability capacities and low sensitivity ity with group B soil hydrological type, located on the
(Sunarwan et al., 2015). Soil texture is one of the central or upper slopes (Cambisol Eutrik, Cambisol
factors that really determines soil hydrological types. Distrik, Andosol Eutrik and Andosol Melanic),
Hydrological soil type classification is a classification whereas rapid permeability found in rocky areas
used to determine land surface runoff during rain (Litik). Intensive soil management without resting
events and is an important parameter for soil and the soil and adding organic matter can cause damage
water conservation efforts. Hydrological soil type to soil structure, which results in decreasing soil per­
appears to be influenced by soil organic matter, soil meability (Arifin, 2010).
texture and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The latest study shows the changes in future
Soil hydrological types are divided into four cate­ hydrology extremes in the Bandung basin. Shrestha
gories groups (USDA, 2009). Group A soils have low et al. (2021) explain that Bandung River Basin has
runoff potential and high infiltration rates even when exhibits a decreasing trend. The increment in low
thoroughly wetted. They consist chiefly of deep, well flow is mainly expected to be higher than for high
to excessively-drained sand or gravel and have a high flow within Southeast Asian river basins.
rate of water transmission (greater than 0.30 in/hr). Furthermore, He added that the percentage change
Group B soils have moderate infiltration rates when in low flow within South Asian river basins is esti­
thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of moderately mated to range from − 27.8 to 5% (−38.9 to 6.5%),
deep to deep, moderately well to well-drained soils −66.7 to 16.1% (−66.7 to 14.8%), and − 55.6 to 18.4%
with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. (−83.3 to 13.1%) in 20 s, 50 s, and 80 s under emission
These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission scenario RCP4.5 (RCP8.5).
(0.15–0.30 in/hr). Group C soils have low infiltration
rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of
Clay and organic matter
soils with a layer that impedes downward movement
of water and soils with moderately fine to fine texture. The occurrence of clay zones has been known to have
These soils have a low rate of water transmission a significant impact on land subsidence, affecting the
(0.05–0.15 in/hr). Group D soils have high runoff degree and rate of subsidence. Land subsidence occurs
potential. They have very low infiltration rates when in clay layers due to primary consolidation and smec­
thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of clay soils with tite dehydration (clay dehydration) processes. Liu
a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high- et al. (2001, 2006) study on the cumulative land sub­
water table, soils with a clay pan or clay layer at or near sidence in the coastal area indicated that smectite
the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious dehydration was responsible for a significant level of
material. These soils have a very low rate of water land subsidence in almost 50% of the corresponding
transmission (0–0.05 in/hr). land subsidence due to primary consolidation. In
The soil permeability in the study location is a clay-poor stratum, primary consolidation is domi­
divided into low, moderate, and rapid. Low nant, but smectite dehydration is more important and

contributes significantly in a clay-rich stratum. The smectite structural layers accelerates the process.
major land subsidence caused by smectite dehydration The delay in the illitization process at shallower
occurs in the shallow sediment layer. In addition, the depths (<3,100 m) may imply that the clay layer
overburden weight was thought to have a greater at the surface sediment has a higher smectite pro­
influence on clay dehydration than the effective stress portion than deeper clay, affecting the sediment
change caused by overpumping. Therefore, the study engineering properties.
on smectite dehydration is important for assessing and It was hypothesized that, in some areas, the
predicting land subsidence, especially in the area subsidence in Bandung Basin was more likely con­
where the lithology comprises significant clay-rich trolled by lithology despite the excessive ground­
sediments. water extraction factor solely. This assumption was
The experimental results found that clay’s specific based on the study of the subsidence rates, geologic
gravity and void ratio changed linearly with the features, and aquifer-groundwater extraction con­
change of organic matter content in clay sediment. ditions. The most prominent area showing this
In contrast, the moisture content, Atterberg limit, indication is in the northeastern part of Cimahi.
shear strength, cohesion, and friction angle changed Significant subsidence was reported in the area
nonlinearly (Gui et al., 2021). The void ratio, moisture with a lithology of Kosambi and Cibeureum
content, Atterberg limit, and cohesion value increase Formations (Li et al., 2016) and minor in Tertiary
with the increase of organic matter. On the contrary, Volcanic Formations (Khakim et al., 2014). The
the specific gravity and friction angle decreases with areas associated with poorly unconsolidated mate­
increased organic matter content. The effect of rials or deep weathered soils, fault escarpments,
increased organic matter on the decrease of the sedi­ and the steep slopes are considered unstable,
ment-specific gravity can be explained by the low while the alluvial plain in the centre of Bandung
specific gravity values of the organic matter. Changes Basin, which is known to have the thickest ancient
in the engineering properties of sediments related to lake sediment, is considered to provide a poor
organic matter content have the potential to increase foundation due to the engineering characteristics
the vulnerability of geological hazards in the area of the sediment (Suhari & Siebenhüner, 1993).
where the sediment is located. Special attention is given to the lacustrine sedi­
The subsurface lithology in Bandung Basin com­ ment unit in the Bandung Basin area, the rocks
prises a significant lacustrine (lake) sediment contain­ unit belongs to Kosambi Formation. The organic
ing organic clay and peat layers. The concentration of sequence and volcaniclastic clay are suspected of
the organic matter, however, is poorly known. For having a role and influence on the lithology-related
example, bottom sediment in several lakes in geological hazards in the Bandung Basin area.
Indonesia (Table 1) may contain up to 22% TOC There has been substantial research on how clay
(Dianto et al., 2020; Hasberg et al., 2019; Henny & content affects sediment engineering properties.
Nomosatryo, 2012; Nomosatryo et al., 2021; Vuillemin The presence of clay and organic material in the
et al., 2016). This fact might reveal a similar situation subsurface lithology of the Bandung Basin has long
in the Bandung Basin and suggests that the organic been identified. Still, there has been little detailed
sequences underlying the area might contain TOC in research on the mineralogy and geochemistry of
a similar amount. the sediment. Thus, the degree of their effect on
The study on the influence of organic matter on the engineering properties of the sediment in the
smectite illitization during diagenesis suggests that area remains unknown.
smectite illitization in a dark mudstone containing
higher organic matter is accelerated more rapidly
than in a red mudstone with less organic matter Disaster potential
(Nomosatryo et al., 2021). The same study also
reveals that at < 3,100 m, smectite illitization in
dark mudstones was delayed due to the OM pillar Several disasters that have occurred recently in the
effect in smectite interlayer gaps. This state is Bandung Basin, among others, are landslides.
reversed at greater depths when the dissolving of According to West Java Provincial Government

Table 1. Organic matter content in several bottom lake sediments in Indonesia.

Sources Location Organic matter
(Dianto et al., 2020) Lake Maninjau, Indonesia up to 34% TOM, up to 9% TOC
(Hasberg et al., 2019) Lake Towuti, Indonesia 0.17–6.43% TOC
(Henny & Nomosatryo, 2012) Lake Maninjau, Indonesia ~22% TOC
(Nomosatryo et al., 2021) Lake Sentani, Indonesia 8 - 16t% TC containing at least 80% OC
(Vuillemin et al., 2016) Lake Towuti, Indonesia 2–3.5% TOC

(, 2022), landslides in the is the type of soil with the type separated into seven
Bandung Basin area have occurred 167 times through­ major land classifications based on FAO classification:
out 2021. Research on this landslide has been carried regosol, andosol, grumusol, mediteran, podsolic red-
out by several researchers, such as northern Bandung yellow, and podzolic red yellow while based on USDA
(Wijatmoko et al., 2015; Yuda et al., 2021), western classification (Soil Survey Staff, 2014) divided into three
Bandung (Darana et al., 2015; Tejakusuma, 2017, Order of soil (Table 2): Andosol (Devnita et al., 2010;
2019), and southern Bandung (Marjiyono et al., Suratman et al., 2018; Suriadikusumah, 2018),
2006). Uniquely, this landslide occurrence is dominant Inceptisol and Entisol (Suriadikusumah et al., 2017).
not due to tectonic processes but from external slope Based on GPS data, the Lembang Fault is an active
processes such as rain (Putri et al., 2021) and climate fault. It is evidenced by the fact that the fault shift is
change (Subarna, 2014). In addition to the rain factor, still very small, with an average rate of 0.3 to 1.4 cm/
internal factors influence the occurrence of landslides, year compared to the displacement of the Indo-
such as lithological composition, slopes, and ground­ Australian plate to the island of Java (Eurasia plate),
water level conditions. which reaches 6–7 cm in a year. Moreover, Daryono
One of the areas in the Bandung Basin that fre­ (Daryono et al., 2019) added that the Lembang Fault is
quently experience landslides is the area of North an active fault located in the north of the Bandung
Bandung and West Bandung Regency, which impacts Basin with a fault length of 29 km and a slip rate of
building damage (Figure 5). The main controlling factor 1.95–3.45 mm/yr.

Figure 5. Building damage due to landslide disaster in West Bandung Regency, West java in 2022 (, 2022).

Table 2. Soil type and its extent in Bandung district (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).
Soil type Area
Soil Order BBSDLP USDA Ha %
Andosol Andosol Eutrik Typic Hapludands 54,249.04 31.42
Andosol Gleik Aquic Hapludands 5,105.46 2.96
Andosol Litik Lithic Hapludands 1,634.31 0.95
Andosol Melanik Typic Melanudands 9,021.08 5.22
Inceptisol Gleisol Eutrik Typic Endoaquepts 47,224.23 27.35
Cambisol Distrik Typic Dystrudepts 7,410.08 4.29
Cambisol Eutrik Tyoic Eutrudepts 46,659.54 27.02
Cambisol Litik Lithic Dystrudepts 752.05 0.44
Latosol Kromik Typic Dystrudepts 25.45 0.01
Entisol Arenosol Typic Udhortents 341.94 0.20

Figure 6. Soil types of the Bandung District area (Suriadikusumah, 2018).

Soil types in the Bandung district are formed by from volcanic materials are characterized by the abun­
volcanic soil (Figure 6). Volcanic soils have unique dance of short-range order minerals assemblage domi­
and distinct physical properties to encourage plant nated by allophane, imogolite, and ferrihydrite
growth, such as low bulk density (Broquen et al., (Van Ranst et al., 2008). These minerals are defined
2005), high water retention, high organic matter con­ as variable charge minerals and the soils charge there­
tent (Yuan et al., 2000), high permeability, and stable fore are largely dependent on the pH and electrolyte
structure (Hoyos & Comerford, 2005), as well as pro­ concentration of the soil solution (Uehara & Gillman,
vide an important area for agriculture, especially for 1981). Soils derived from Mt. Tangkuban Parahu are
tea plantation and horticulture. However, soils derived of andesite origin from the Holocene age (Silitonga,

2003); meanwhile, soils derived from Mt. Tilu are of about land subsidence in the Bandung Basin, with losses
basalt origin from the Pleistocene age (Alzwar et al., reaching 452 billion rupiah for building structures and
1976). Volcanic soils in Indonesia could also contain 633 billion rupiah for building content (Ilham Maulana
quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, feldspar, gibbsite, Ihsan Nugraha, 2020).
goethite, hematite, mica, and some other layer silicate The results of this geological engineering investiga­
minerals (Fiantis, 2000; Syarif, 1990; Utami, 1998). tion indicate that the condition of the soil layer to
The intensive rock weathering process in Bandung a depth of 35 m (Figure 7) in the eastern part of the
district produces a thick and fertile soil layer. Bandung Basin will have a low bearing capacity so that
Weathering, both physically and chemically, leads to it has a high vulnerability to seismic hazards and land
the breakdown of various mineral constituents due to subsidence (Tohari et al., 2015). This situation makes
the tropical conditions of this region. High rainfall, the Bandung Basin an unstable area because it consists
deep root penetration of forest plants, and mineral of layers of quarter lakes. This layer still has the poten­
properties that are easily weathered, especially from tial to consolidate because it consists of a medium to
sedimentary rocks, cause the soil properties to decay, fine-grained layer.
become loose, and be easily eroded and fertile as they The problem of land subsidence in the Bandung
can provide various natural chemical content needed Basin area is an issue that must be immediately con­
by plants. So, it is not surprising that Bandung district sidered because this land subsidence is one of the
includes a very intensive area for landslides. The local silent disasters. This disaster occurred due to several
government should monitor this situation and focus factors, such as excessive groundwater extraction, nat­
on the regional arrangement of landslide areas so they ural consolidation, and overburdening of the surface.
can be converted into development areas of agricul­ It is in line with what (Galloway & Burbey, 2011;
ture, plantation, and forestry. Syvitski, 2008; Syvitski et al., 2009). If this condition
is not addressed immediately, it will cause material
losses to the community. Several strategies to over­
Land subsidence come and reduce the impact of land subsidence are
controlling groundwater use through zoning conser­
In addition to landslides, land subsidence events are vation, utilization of surface water to reduce ground­
also a developing disaster issue in this city. Several water consumption, increasing the amount of
studies related to land subsidence in Bandung have groundwater recharge with injection wells, spatial
been carried out because this area of the city is the planning that can adapt to the problem of land sub­
center of development, and this activity is carried out sidence, implementation of monitoring of land sub­
to increase the pace of the economy in Indonesia (Haris, sidence, and groundwater level on a regular basis and
2009). A study conducted by Gumilar et al. (Gumilar application of soft soil improvement methods.
et al., 2015) showed that the average land subsidence
rate obtained from GPS data during the period 2000 –
2012 in the Bandung Basin varied between 1.1–16.9 cm.
The total subsidence at each location in the Bandung
Basin varies depending on the thickness of the soil layer In the case of this disaster, some research is still ana­
(Ambarwati et al., 2020). It is supported by information lytical. The lineament of the fault ridge consists of

Figure 7. The drill hole location (left) from (Tohari et al., 2015) and soil profile (right) from (Ambarwati et al., 2020).

various Quaternary volcanic rocks (Silitonga, 2003), so groundwater table, and maximum ground vibration
the Lembang Fault is a potentially active Quaternary acceleration are a few elements to consider (Seed &
fault (Daryono et al., 2019). Several previous studies Idriss, 1971).
have stated that liquefaction disasters will occur if an The efforts that can be made to minimize the
earthquake with a magnitude of 6–7 Mw occurs in this impact of liquefaction, such as land subsidence, move­
area (Dewi et al., 2020; Febriana et al., 2020; Satriyo ment of soil mass, damage to building structures, and
et al., 2022; Widodo, 2021). The potential for earth­ others, one of which is by not constructing residential
quakes in the Bandung Basin is classified as existing buildings or buildings that are crucial above the med­
based on conditions. Furthermore, Satriyo et al. ium-high liquefaction vulnerability zone. In the vul­
(Satriyo et al., 2022) added that liquefaction will nerability zone, it is more suitable to be converted into
occur at the border of Bandung City and Bandung agricultural land or plantations. In addition, geotech­
Regency to the south and southeast because the sedi­ nical engineering can also be carried out, such as soil
ment layer tends to thicken (Figure 8). In this figure, compaction, prior to the erection of the building
based on the liquefaction potential calculation, the structure on it.
phenomenon will occur to these layers in elevation
from 647 to 655 meters because it has a score of < 1.
It is possible for geological risks to materialize and
Geotechnical impact due to natural disasters
inflict significant harm to structures and infrastruc­
ture, particularly liquefaction events during strong Natural disasters such as erosion, land settlement,
earthquakes in the seismic zone or earthquake path. ground shaking, and liquefaction can cause various
Moreover (Febriana et al., 2020), explains that the problems from a geotechnical engineering point of
layers with cohesion types such as silty clay and silty view. Problems, in general, involve damage to the
sand are possible liquefaction to occur (Figure 8). building structure, be it the superstructure, namely
Subsidence, collapse, building tilting, soil fractures, columns, beams, or walls of the building, or the sub­
landslides, and other problems are all brought on by structure, namely the building foundations and high­
liquefaction events. The damage caused by an earth­ way pavements. Areas potentially affected by this
quake is one example of a liquefaction effect. The natural disaster can be seen in buildings located both
engineering qualities of the soil, geological, environ­ in residential areas and in government areas, offices,
mental factors, and seismic characteristics all affect schools, and supporting infrastructures such as tun­
liquefaction events in the soil layer. Grain size, nels and bridges.

Figure 8. The subsurface interpretation of liquefaction potential (southwest - northeast) (Febriana et al., 2020).

Landslide and land settlement disasters also contri­ pavement using improvised casting techniques causes
bute to building damage, especially damage to roads in the service life of the highway to be shorter than it
general. It can be seen in the district of Bandung should be, so road damage occurs again in a short
(H. S. Abidin et al., 2013; Gumilar et al., 2012), time. The basic thing that should be a concern in the
which experienced severe road damage due to the road construction process lies in soil investigation,
influence of land subsidence. H. S. Abidin et al. where, from the results of this field investigation,
(2013) explained the main factors that caused signifi­ road design calculations can be made according to
cant land subsidence, namely the massive ground­ road conditions so that the road construction process
water extraction, the load from building takes place optimally.
construction, the compaction of sediment layers, and Another natural disaster that threatens the
the influence of earthquake waves. This land subsi­ Bandung Basin area is the ground-shaking disaster
dence causes a tremendous impact on the problem of caused by earthquake waves. This is due to the tectonic
building foundations in general, which will gradually setting of the Bandung Basin area, which is sur­
cause various damages to other main building struc­ rounded by earthquake sources, both fault and thrust
tures, such as cracks in the columns, beams, and walls earthquake sources. Some of the faults surrounding
of the building. The necessity for home improvement the Bandung Basin area can be seen in the following
becomes a significant need every year, which is very figure:
detrimental to the population, especially the lower Several studies have been carried out concerning
economic community. seismic hazards in the Bandung basin area (A. M. Sari
On the other hand, which geotechnical impact that & Fakhrurrozi, 2020; A. M. Sari et al., 2020). Research
affect the natural disaster has been conducted by sev­ by (A. M. Sari et al., 2020) states that the West
eral studies. Landslides can occur as a result of many Bandung Regency area has the highest seismic hazard
construction activities, including the construction of value compared to other regencies/cities, indicated by
toll roads (Rahardjo et al., 2023; P. T. K. Sari & the PGA value in the bedrock of 0.70 g (Figure 10).
Mochtar, 2023; Sholehah et al., 2020), communication The results of the analysis using PSHA show that the
towers (Salimah et al., 2021), and buildings (Arief value of the acceleration of the earthquake wave in the
et al., 2015; Patuti, 2017). In these instances, the occur­ bedrock is influenced by the Lembang fault, which is
rence and potential for landslides transpired after to quite close to the West Bandung area.
the completion of structural building. This leads to soil One of the earthquakes that caused material and
instability as a result of the applied load on the soft soil immaterial losses was the Tasikmalaya earthquake on
layer. In addition to altering soil conditions, soil com­ 2 September 2009. This earthquake resulted in 23
position and substantial precipitation are also highly deaths and more than 771 injuries. Meanwhile, the
relevant elements. Rainwater infiltrates soil pores, material loss was around 51,102 housing units
leading to alterations in soil structure that render it damaged (Bappenas, 2009; Pranata, 2013).
more susceptible to instability, ultimately resulting in Meanwhile, a BNPB report on 9 September 2009
the occurrence of a landslide event. (BNPB, 2009), stated that around 15,156 houses were
Another example of damage to construction is road seriously damaged and 26,400 houses were slightly
construction (Figure 9). The process of highway damaged in the Bandung Regency area. For the West

Figure 9. Photographs of evidence of land subsidence that occurred in the Bandung basin area (a) subsidence of house
foundations in the Dayeuh Kolot area, Bandung Regency, (b) crack lines in road construction in the Cimahi area. The photo
was taken from the documentation of (Gumilar et al., 2012).

Figure 10. Seismic hazard map of Bandung basin (A. M. Sari & Fakhrurrozi, 2020).

Table 3. Data on damage to residential buildings and public facilities due to the earthquake on September 2, 2009 (BNPB, 2009).
Location Collapse/heavy damage Moderately damage Lightly damage School Worship place Office
West Java Province
Cianjur District 4,361 15 11,157 390 539 103
Garut District 9,985 19,481 264 432
Sukabumi District 5,189 14,266 90 265 21
Tasikmalaya District 11,932 30,967 1,010 1,647 261
Tasikmalaya City 1,070 4,224 3 100
Bandung District 15,156 26,400 535 281 43
West Bandung District 2,426 6,148 14 52 6
Bogor District 156 551
Kuningan District 166 326 6 5 3
Ciamis District 13,678 19,493 267 494 68
Banjar District 90 275
Purwakarta District 15 51 1
Majalengka District 157 945 15 13 1
Subang District 32 61 6 5 4
Central Java Province
Cilacap District 1,246 1,446 15 8 4
Total 65,659 15 135,740 2,615 3,912 511

Bandung Regency area, 2,426 houses were severely in the area are accompanied by conventional house
damaged, and 6,148 were lightly damaged (Table 3). construction procedures by heeding structural design
The distribution of building damage data can be seen standards, which should cause many buildings to suf­
in Table 2. Then, in July – August 2011, an earthquake fer minor to severe damage. Some of the documenta­
with a magnitude of 2.9 and 3.3 caused 103 buildings tion of the results of field surveys related to buildings
in the Bandung Raya area to be damaged (Meilano exposed to earthquake waves on the surface can be
et al., 2012). seen in the following image.
Research on the potential for areas exposed to
earthquake waves can be seen from the results of
Discussion and recommendation of future
research conducted by (Fakhrurrozi et al., 2020).
This study shows the condition of buildings exposed
to earthquake waves in the West Bandung area Several cases of geological hazards still happened
(Figure 11). The condition of the buildings not under intensively in Bandung Basin, including landslides. It
the standards of residential buildings and the lack of needs serious handling from the local government if
public knowledge regarding the threat of earthquakes they want to minimize the disaster effects. The

Figure 11. Cracked condition of houses in Cihampelas District (left) and Cililin District (right), West Bandung Regency (Fakhrurrozi
et al., 2020).

residential growth, public facilities such as roads, fly­ sediment layer in the Bandung Basin, so further
overs, buildings, and housing areas, and the land-use research is needed on the microstructure of the
change have become the main factors causing the organic layer.
vulnerability of this area to be damaged. The review The mitigation process for all the threatened disas­
of subsurface conditions has explained that several ters is still needed to avoid loss both of material and
previous studies described the Bandung Basin area as soul. The regional administration has implemented
prone to disasters because there is a sediment layer numerous disaster mitigation measures specifically
containing mineral clay and organic matter, which targeting landslides, including establishing evacuation
causes the sediment layer to be less stable. In addition, routes along fault lines, formulating laws governing
the layer is fine to fine-grained (e.g., very fine sand to residential development, and imposing restrictions on
silt). Furthermore, this area’s location, which is very permits for the construction of 2-story buildings.
close to the Lembang fault, causes a greater threat if Nevertheless, there are still deficiencies in practice
the fault movement occurs and affects its bearing since indigenous individuals prefer to reside on their
capacity. own land rather than relocate to inclined regions. The
The Bandung Basin is formed from a shallow federal government should offer financial compensa­
subsidence process caused by organic clay, which tion in the form of funds to support residents who
causes physical and material losses due to the choose to relocate to the region.
unstable conditions of subsurface sediments. It also In addition, in order to mitigate the risk of shallow
causes damage to the structure of the building above land subsidence, it is advisable to perform soil com­
it, so the potential for economic losses is unavoid­ paction operations using instruments such as stam­
able. The Bandung Basin area is an area that is pers. It will result in denser soil, capable of supporting
dominated by a layer of clay and is inserted with the construction of a 1–2 terraced house. Despite their
organic clay due to its formation in a lacustrine higher cost, geotechnical instruments, such the cone
environment. Recently, the determination of sedi­ penetration test, are valuable for conducting subsur­
ment parameters for lacustrine deposits in Bandung face investigations to identify robust soil layers suita­
(Lee et al., 1988; Soilens, 1988) provided an explana­ ble for foundation bases (Satriyo & Soebowo, 2018).
tion of the material’s physical properties up to The liquefaction disaster poses another significant
a depth of 30 meters. Next, they added the natural threat to this area (Satriyo et al., 2022). To effectively
water content in the sediment, and the porosity, address this potential calamity, it is advisable to refrain
density, and other lithological parameters of the from utilizing shallow foundations during the con­
lacustrine deposits were determined at variable struction of buildings. Instead, it is recommended to
depths at various locations. Sediment compaction reinforce the soil layers by injecting liquid combina­
of ±3.0 m thick was calculated in response to the tions, such as cement and soil lime, to enhance the
additional load on top. Furthermore, as a result, stability of the soil structures.
the sediment contains about 20–30% grain (with The scope of further research can be focused on
about 70–90% <16 m and almost no sand) and 8– several things, such as 1) Identification of the char­
12% organic matter (LOI). From this explanation, it acteristics and techniques of developing Quaternary
can be concluded that the organic layer has an clay sediments in the Bandung Basin; 2) Laboratory
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