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School should encourage more students to be part of activities. If you are involved in an activity in
school, you will be more prepared for your life when you grow up. Being in an activity will help you become
more compromised, responsible, and disciplined. It will also help you socialize with other people who share
some of your same interests. Depending on the activity that you choose, you can develop other characteristics
and become better at what you already like doing.

After studying this lesson, you are expected to:

• tell about the schedule and subjects of the class.
• tell about the tips in online class
• Describe about one’s study habit

Independence with the sub elements will generate awareness of self and situation, and also have self-

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Look at the following picture! Then, say what you know of it!

Do the following task, number one has been done! Then present it in front of the class.

10 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

Chapter 2: Yes, We Can 11
Look at the picture, then answer the questions!

1. When does Aan have a flag ceremony?

2. What time does he usually go home from school?
3. When does Aan have English?
4. When does Aan have Natural Science?
5. When does Monita have Art and Culture?

12 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

Asking Permission (Request Sentence)
Request adalah sebuah kalimat permohonan atau permintaan, dapat juga berbentuk kalimat perintah
namun bahasanya lebih halus dan tidak menggunakan exclamation (!), akan tetapi reques sentence
atau asking permission menggunakan tanda tanya (?). Asking permission atau sentence diartikan
sebagai kalimat permintaan yang lebih sopan.
Request biasanya diawali dengan will, could, would, and may.
Would you like to help me?
Could you mind to come to my house?
Will you pass the salt over there, please?
May you bring me the newspaper?

Choose the suitable verb!
(Pilihlah kata kerja yang tepat!)
1. Will you ______ your hands? (Eat, Wash)
2. May you ______ to the teacher? (Listen, Drink)
3. Would you ______ me, please? (Open, Help)
4. Could you ______ silent? (Keep, Clean)
5. May you ______ your homework? (Do, Does)
6. Could you ______ the bed? (Make, Dirt)
7. Will you ______ the bathroom? (Speak, Clean)
8. May you. ______ the window? (Eat, Close)
9. Will you ______ the orange juice? (Drink, Eat)
10.Would you ______ the floor? (Sweep, Help)

Match the picture with the suitable description by giving a line!

Chapter 2: Yes, We Can 13

Look the picture, then answer the questions!

Choose the best answer by crossing A, B, C or D!

1. How many rules does Mr. Sarif have for his online class?
A. 3 rules C. 5 rules
B. 4 rules D. 6 rules
2. When the students want to say their questions, they are …
A. Use “the raise hand” button
B. Turn on the mic
C. Turn off the mic
D. Leave the meeting
3. Ali wants to ask a question. He …
A. Use “the raise hand” button
B. Turn on the mic
C. Turn off the mic
D. Leave the meeting
4. Sari wears … to study English online.
A. a formal dress C. a dress
B. a casual outfit D. a school uniform
5. Which is NOT an example of respecting others in online class?
A. Unmuting the microphone, speaking loudly, and non active camera
B. Chatting in chat box with others while the teacher is explaining
C. Using “Raise Hand” before ask to the teacher
D. Leave the meeting while are having online class

14 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
terjadi secara teratur, rutin, atau biasa dilakukan pada masa kini.
Nominal Simple Present Tense
S+To Be+O
S+To Be+Not+O
To Be+S+O+?
She is a student
She is not a student
Is she a student?
Verbal Simple Present Tense
They go to the school
They do not go to the school
Do they go to the school?

I. Complete these entence with the suitable verb!

Hello! My name …(1) Andin. I …(2) a 7th grade junior high school student. I …(3) some study
Every day, I usually …(4) at 5 am to pray and read the material that I will study at school that
day. Then I take a shower, have breakfast and …(5) to school.
After school, I always take a shower and have lunch. After lunch, I normally …(6) my class
notes and made a mind map which I posted near my study table. From that note, I understand
the lesson better.After dinner, I always …(7) my homework and …(8) books for tomorrow's
lesson. I like to … (9) a class schedule of what I have to learn. I never use or play with my phone
when I study, because I can focus on my learning. After study, sometimes I …(10) a rest, then
go to the bed.
II. Change these sentence into Positive, Negative, and Interrogative Sentence!
A. (+) I have an umbrella in my home
(-) …………………………………………….
(?) ……………………………………………..

B. (+) …………………………………………………..
(-) He does not go to swim at the river
(?) ……………………………………………………

C. (+) ……………………………………….………………….
(-) …………………………………………………….…….
(?) Are they football players in their nation?

Chapter 2: Yes, We Can 15
Do the following task.
Write your hobby or something what you like or don’t like. Collect it to your teacher. Apply
the “Pelajar Pancasila” Profile which contains the dimension of independence, critical
thinking, and creativity in doing this work.

Do the following task.

Work in pairs. Write an essay about what your best activity in your school. Present the essay
that you have made in front of the class. You can use media such as laptop and projector to
present your essay. Apply the “Pelajar Pancasila” Profile which contains the dimension of
independence, critical thinking, and creativity in doing this work.

Asking permission or request sentence is an expression to ask something in polite condition. It

is remarked by will, may, would, could, and with the sign “?”/ Question. Then Simple present
tense has 3 patterns, they are: positive, negative, and interrogative sentence that iti is used for
telling daily activities, routine, and general truth.

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c,

or d.
Lembar Jawab Digital!
1. Read the following text. Scan QR Code untuk
In this era, technology grows fast, there are mengerjakan secara
many media which provide many online!
informations. That’s way students in this era
is so lucky. Even very easy to access
information and technology, students must choose the right way which are useful or not,
giving advantages or not. So, the students must know how to differenciate between the
good and bad for them. They also need to check whether it is suitable for Indonesian
identity or not. By doing this, students can be success in the future and make Indonesia

16 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

to be better. Based on the text above, put the tick (✓) in the correct statement based on your
attitude. (A= Agree, DA = Don’t Agree)
Statements A DA
Students can learn many cultures in the world without forgetting
Indonesian cutures and identity.
b. Students like promoting Indonesian identity by accessing high technology.
c. High technology is not being the criteria of the successfull students.
d. Trying to be a good students to take a apart in Indonesian development.
2. Read the following text.
Sam : It is nice to meet you, Khaled. What do you like to do in your free time?
Khaled : I like to write songs and sing.
Sam : Wow, that’s really cool.
Khaled : Thanks. I also like playing tennis, but I am not very good.
Sam : I like playing tennis too. We should play together sometime.
Based on the text above, which one is correct? Put the tick (√) in the correct one.
Statements True False
a. Sam and Khaled have some hobby in sport.
b. Sam and Khaled met in the first time.
c. Khaled very good in playing tennis.
d. Khaled is a composer.
The following text is for questions 3 and 4.
Andy : Would you accompany me to libarary?
Dony : Yes, no problem.
Andy : Do you have experience to lead the physics seminar?
Dony : No, I have no experience to lead physics seminar.

3. Based on the dialogue above, what kind of expression Andy used?

a. Expression of ability. c. Expression of annoyance.
b. Expression of like. d. Expression of requesting.
4. The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
a. ascent c. spend
b. rear d. preside
5. Siska : I am confused about the algebra. ... please?
Janeta : Okay, fortunately I understand about it.
a. I will study with you c. Can I understand it
b. May I make you understand d. Could you help me to understand it
6. Kinan : This bag is really big and heavy. Will you help me to bring it to the lobby?
Fairin : I am sorry, ….
Kinan : No problem I will look for help to other.
a. I will help you to bring it c. Bring it by yourself
b. I can’t help you to bring it d. You need someone else
7. The questions … not difficult.
a. is c. are
b. am d. were
8. I and my friends … in library. We read some books
a. am
b. is
c. have
d. are
9. He … not work because he has flu.
a. is

Chapter 2: Yes, We Can 17

b. does
c. do
d. be
10. Jisoo … song every night.
a. sings
b. sing
c. is
d. does
11. My father … coffee every morning.
a. drink
b. drinks
c. drinking
d. is
12. They … a test every week.
a. does
b. has
c. are
d. have
Hi! My name is Mariana. These are my friends at school. Their names are Elizabeth
and Helen. My favorite subject is Math and English. Math is at 8:30 on Monday. English is at
10:15 on Tuesday. Elizabeth’s favorite subject is History. History is at 9:15 on Wednesday.
Helen’s favorite subject is art. Art is 12:00 on Friday.
13. What is Mariana’s favorite subject on Tuesday?
a. English
b. History
c. Math
d. Art
14. What is the writer’s favorite subject?
a. English
b. History
c. Math
d. Art
15. What time does Helen favorite’s subject begin?
a. 8.30
b. 10.15
c. 9.15
d. 12.00
16. “These are my friends at school.” The word 'my' refers to ….
a. the writer’s friend
b. Elizabeth
c. Mariana
d. Helen
The text is for number 17-20!
Hello! My name is Andin. I am a 7th grade junior high school student. I have some study habits.
Every day, I usually wake up at 5 am to pray and read the material that I will study at school
that day. Then I take a shower, have breakfast and go to school.
After school, I always take a shower and have lunch. After lunch, I normally read my class
notes and made a mind map which I posted near my study table. From that note, I understand
the lesson better. After dinner, I always do my homework and prepare books for tomorrow's
lesson. I like to make a class schedule of what I have to learn.

18 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

I never use or play with my phone when I study, because I can focus on my learning. After
study, sometimes I take a rest.
17. What time does the writer wake up?
a. three o’clock
b. four o’clock
c. five o’clock
d. six o’clock
18. What does the writer do after she have breakfast?
a. take a shower
b. go to the school
c. have a lunch
d. do the homework
19. Why does the writer make a mind map?
a. to get solution to study
b. to bring some note easily
c. to know the timeline for study
d. to understand the lesson better
20. Does she use her phone while she study?
a. No, she doesn’t
b. Yes, she does
c. No, he do
d. Yes, he don’t
B. Choose the correct verb from the bracket!
1. I _____ the clothes every saturday. (iron/irons)
2. She _____ the windows every weekend. (clean/cleans)
3. We _____ the dishes every afternoon. (wash/washes)
4. He _____ the floor every day. (sweep/sweeps)
5. My sister _____ the laundry twice a week. (do/does)
6. My father _____ a policeman. (Isn’t/aren’t)
7. They _____ water the plants every day. (water/waters)
8. My brother _____ take out the trash on Monday. (don't/doesn't)
9. The boy ____ my brother. (is/am)
10. Fani and Fahmi ___ siblings (is/are)

Make 3 sentences to express using of simple present tense with pattern affirmative,
negative, and interrogative!
Sentence 1: Sentence 4:
Sentence 2: Sentence 5:
Sentence 3:

Find the meaning of the following words, then write it in sentences.

Will Would May Could Can

Chapter 2: Yes, We Can 19

20 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

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