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School is the very basic place where a child starts his or her education and for the first time make friends and make
memories. So school according to me acquires a special place in one's life. I feel blessed to be a part of my school as
it teaches me many aspects of life and groomed me to be a better human being. I will be forever grateful to my
school for the impact that this institution brings on me.

After studying this lesson, you are expected to:

• Know and use about preposition (Direction)
• Know about School Building
• Know about School Festival

Creativity with the sub element can generate original ideas, works and actions, have flexibility in
thinking to find the alternative solutions of problems.

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Do you know, what is it? Mention some facilities that are in the place!

A. Preposition
Study the example in the following table.
at in On
8.30 October Fryday
Nine oclock November Wednesday
09.00 1991 Sunday
1. At is only used to describe specific times. It might be to describe a particular numerical
time on the clock, or it could also be used to refer to particular and specific events or times
of day.
a. Her train is arriving at 8 o’clock. b. We had lunch at 11:30.
2. In is used in phrases that describe a more general period of time that doesn’t have a
specific clock time or time of day.
a. We got up very early in the morning. b. She is planning to move in December.
3. On is a very particular preposition of time that is only used with specific days, dates, or
named days. For instance, you would use “on” to refer to a calendar date, a day of the week,
or a special day that can be named for its significance, such as a birthday or
a. On March 12, I first learnt to swim. c. Let’s all meet up on Tuesday.
b. She felt nervous on her wedding day.

Listening and Reading

26 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

Reading - Writting
Read the following articles after your teacher, then Find out Prepositions from the text
by underline of the word!
Kebo-Keboan Watukebo, an Old and Unique Tradition from Banyuwangi
A beautiful old tradition from Watukebo Banyuwangi had just been held again on Sunday,
June 16th, 2019. This unique tradition, which is known as Kebo-Keboan (bull impersonification),
is a local tradition that is held annually by the village as their gratitude to the lord. Thus, tradition
believed by the local community could cast away the baf spirit around the varea and protect them
from the bad things that happened. And since most of the villagers are farmers, they also believe
that this tradition could give them a massive yield.
"This tradition has high value in each of the acts performed. This tradition implies the name
of the village itself, the Watukebo (frozen bull), "Syahrin, a local cultural bearer, said.
According to his story, once upon a time, a princess from Bali asked for around 44 bulls (kebo)
as a gift for her engagement to the king of Majapahit at that time. One of the bulls was too lazy to
walk and just sat over the street. There then, Tiki Siem, as the shepherd, curses the bull in stone
(watu). There the name of the village was taken, Watukebo (Frozen bull).
On this occasion, the local community will start the tradition by village. March after the
sunset, followed by reciting some Quran and visiting some tombs of their ancestors, and the visit
that they believe is the frozen bull stone, ended with a traditional feast next to those places.
In the mean time, this kebo-keboan tradition from Watukebo, Banyuwangi to be last forever
and will have more attention from the local citizen and the government as to preserve the local

Chapter 4: Special Days 27

Where is the supermarket?
(You are in the police station)

28 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

Do the following task. Name of the extracurricular bellow based on the picture!

Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe
and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.
2. Description
contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its
features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.
Purpose of Descriptive text
1. To describe person, thing or place in specific
2. To describe a particular person, thing or place.
Language Feature of Descriptive Text
1. Specific participant :
It has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach,
my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim
2. The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a
handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.
3. The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells
the fact of the object described.
4. Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

Chapter 4: Special Days 29

Describe about your classroom by clues that have give bellow!
Structure Text
The name of the room
Feature 1
The size, capacity, shape, etc

Feature 2
Some things at the room

Feature 3
The activities are at the room

Do the following task.

1. Mention some of your school festival that are in your school!
2. Write a dialogue about an school festival of your school. Then give attention of using
preposition and language feature of descriptive text. Present the dialogue that you have
made in front of the class. Apply the “Pelajar Pancasila” Profile which contains the
dimension of independence, critical thinking, and creativity in doing this work.

Preposition is used for give an direction of how we guide an trip to somewhere. Then,
descriptive text is a text that describe a person, place, or thing. While we make an short essay,
we have to understand to diffrend about to be or verb that we make a sentence.

30 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c,
or d.
1. Read the following text. Lembar Jawab Digital!
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You will have a Biology test in 8 September mengerjakan secara
2019, on Wednesday. Today is Tuesday, but online!
you forget that tomorrow you will have
Biology test. You just remembered it now
that it is already 07.00 PM. On this day, you have an invitation to attend your birthday
party from your best friend. You are confused about going to the party or studying for a
Biology test tomorrow. On this test, you hope to get a better score than before. Based on
the text above, put the tick (✓) in the correct statement based on your attitude. (A= Agree,
DA = Don’t Agree)
Statements A DA
a. You will bring the book to read in your friend’s birthday party.
You will attend your birtday party early then back home early so
you will not attend the party until finish.
You will attend the party until finish event too late, then in the
morning before going to school you will study for your test.
You will cancel attend your friend’s birthday party and bring the
birthday present tomorrow after you finish your test.
The following text is for question number 2 to 10.
Indonesia is a home to more than two hundred and thirty million people with various religious and
cultural backgrounds. This huge population makes the country the scene of a lot of festivals, cultural
events, and ceremonies. Indonesia is populated with different ethnic groups, languages, and
religions. Even the minorities have many local celebrations. This makes the list of festivals in
Indonesia really long. You will never be short of choices regarding days for celebration. Throughout
the year, there is some special or important day that needs to be celebrated or has some kind of
religious belief attached to it.
The best way to get to know the culture of a city is by indulging in its vibrant festivals. Read on
to find out the most popular festivals in Indonesia and how they are celebrated across the nation.
Here are the famous Indonesian festivals.
Rambu Solo Ceremony – 22nd May 2020 Mappanretasi – April 2020
Nyepi – 25th-26th March 2020. Bau Nyale – February/March 2020
Jember Fashion Carnival – 6th-9th August Dieng Culture Festival – 2nd August 2020
2020 Lampung Krakatau Festival –August 2020
Baliem Valley Festival – 7 -10 August 2020 Yadnya Kasada –July 2020
th th

Sekaten – 21st-29th October 2020 Eid-Ul-Fitr – 23rd-24th May 2020

Pasola – January 2020 Bidar Boat Race – August 2020
Waisak – 7th May 2020 Cap Goh Meh – March 2020
Galungan – 19th-29th February 2020 Tomohon International Flower Festival –August
Independence Day – 17 August 2020 2020
2. Based on the text above, which one is correct? Put the tick (√) in the correct one.
Statements True False
a. Indonesia is home to many religious and cultural backgrounds.
b. The Indonesian celebration or festival is only for religion.
There are more than six Indonesian festivals or celebrations in
d. Galungan festival is not in Bali.

Chapter 4: Special Days 31

3. How many days the Sekaten is hold?
a. More than one week c. Seven days
b. One week d. One month
4. There are ... festival in May.
a. 3 c. 4
b. 2 d. 5
5. Where is the Dieng festival?
a. West Java c. Bali
b. Central Java d. Sulawesi
6. The Waisak is celebrated in ... May.
a. 17th c. 8th
b. 27th d. 7th
7. 17th August is Indonesian ... day of Indonesia.
a. ceremony c. celebration
b. independence d. born
8. Where is the the Krakatau Festival?
a. Lampung c. Padang
b. Palembang d. Pekanbaru
9. You will never be short of choices regarding days for celebration,
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
a. abandons c. commemoration
b. hinders d. obliterate
10. The names of celebration or festival in Indonesia, except ....
a. Galungan c. Bau Nyale
b. Pusuka d. Yadnya Kasada
11. … the moment, we are practicing prepositions of time.
a. in c. at
b. on d. in/on
12. I usually play tennis … Sunday morning.
a. on c. at
b. in d. at/in
13. We moved to Jakarta … 2015.
a. on c. in
b. at d. in/on
14. They will be back … a minute.
a. in c. at
b. on d. in/on
15. … the past, people didn’t travel so much.
a. in c. at
b. on d. in/on
The text is for number 16-20!
My school is big and amazing. It is different from another school. This place has football field
and auditorium for meeting and performing a drama. The main building of this school has 30
Each grade divided into 6 classes. So the total room that can be used to learning and studying
by students is 18. Then, there are more rooms for another activity like teacher office,
headmaster room, cafetaria with cheap price and etc.
In addition, my school also has two basketball court, one laboratory for science, and one
computer laboratory. Moreover, this school has the nice hall which we call as pendopo, one
Al-Ikhlas mosque, 3 clean toilets and large parking area for students and also guests.

32 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

One place that I love most at my school is the fish pond. At the break time, I always sit there
to find inspiration by seeing the fish swimming in the pond.

16. What does the text talk about?

a. The writer’s study habit c. The festival school
b. The writer’s school d. The writer’s activity
17. What is the function of auditorium room?
a. for meeting and performing a drama
b. as a place to park the vehicles
c. to play some sports activities
d. as an exhibition of the arts
18. How many rooms does the school have main building?
a. thirteen c. three hundred
b. thirty d. three thousand
19. “One place that I love most at my school is…” What is the meaning of the underlined
a. hate c. like
b. dislike d. happy
20. Is there a pond at the writer’s school?
a. Yes, it is c. Yes, there is
b. No, it isn’t d. No, there isn’t

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions of time (in, on, at).
1. I go to school … the morning.
2. They left … the same time.
3. We have English … Wednesday.
4. The stars shine brightly … night … summer.
5. Ani goes to dance class … Wednesday.

C. Describe the position of certain things based

on the following pictures!

1. Do you see the broom? Where is it?

2. There is a map. Where can you find it?

3. Can you show me where the clock is?

4. The position of the door is ...
5. The position of the vase is …

Chapter 4: Special Days 33

Translate the following sentences in English.
1. Bank berada di samping sekolah. 4. Kantor polisi di seberang sekolah
2. Rumah sakit di depan museum. 5. Bank diantara rumah sakit dan sekolah
3. Pasar di belakang bank

Do the following task correctly.

Make a short conversation about Indonesian festivals.

34 Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Kelas VII

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