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DATE: November 13-17,2023 Grade 6-Marangal

November 13, 2023 November 14, 2023 November 15, 2023 November 16, 2023 November 17, 2023


I. LEARNING Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Answer at least 75% from the First
COMPETENCIES/ Structural and Language Structural and Language Features Structural and Language Features Structural and Language Summative Test in the 2nd Quarter
OBJECTIVES Features of Various Types of of Various Types of of Various Types of Features of Various Types of
Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text
II.A. Various Types of Informational Various Types of Informational Various Types of Informational Various Types of First Summative Test
CONTENT/SUBJECT or Factual Text or Factual Text or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text 2nd Quarter
MATTER Problem-and-Solution Various Types of Informational or
Factual Text

VALUING Awareness Honesty Awareness Generous/Thoughtful Honesty

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages/ Quarter 2 - Module 1 Quarter 2 - Module 1 Quarter 2 - Module 1 Quarter 2 - Module 1 Quarter 2 - Module 1
Learner’s Material Pages Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key Identifying the Purpose, Key
Structural and Language Structural and Language Features Structural and Language Features Structural and Language Structural and Language Features of
Features of Various Types of of Various Types of of Various Types of Features of Various Types of Various Types of Informational or
Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Factual Text

2. Other Learning Laptop, Powerpoint presentation Laptop, Powerpoint presentation Laptop, Powerpoint presentation Laptop, Powerpoint Test papers
Resources presentation
A. Preparatory Activities Vocabulary Building of Reading of Statements of Presentation of quote passages Applying the Words in Written Answering of the comprehension
unfamiliar/vocabulary words unfamiliar/vocabulary words with unfamiliar/vocabulary words or Oral Form by using it in questions from REAS English 5
1. 5-minute Reading of from the REAS selection “Joy’s from the REAS selection “Joy’s from the selection “Joy’s Module meaningful sentences from the Activity Sheet “Joy’s Module
REAS Module Battle” by Jovelyn L. Module Battle”by Jovelyn L. Battle”by Jovelyn L. Lucio selection “Joy’s Module Battle” Battle”by Jovelyn L. Lucio
Lucio Lucio by Jovelyn L. Lucio
1.While walking to school, she
recalled, struggles, distant 1.While walking to school, she recalled her struggles when
learning, lucky, online classes, recalled her struggles when distant learning took place.
cellphone, modular instruction, distant learning took place.
fisherman, fish vendor, poor 2.Some of her classmates were so
eyesight, frustrated, assistance, 2.Some of her classmates were so lucky because they attended
chores, perseverance and lucky because they attended online classes.
persistence online classes.
3.She had no cellphone to use, so
3.She had no cellphone to use, so she chose modular instruction.
she chose modular instruction.
4.Her father is a fisherman, while
4. Her father is a fisherman, while her mother is a fish vendor, so
her mother is a fish vendor, so they always leave their house
they always leave their house early for work.
early for work.
5.Her grandmother lives with
5.Her grandmother lives with them, but she could not help her
them, but she could not help her answer the exercises in the
answer the exercises in the modules because of her poor
modules because of her poor eyesight.
6.She sometimes got frustrated
6.She sometimes got frustrated because she found some of the
because she found some of the activities too difficult to answer.
activities too difficult to answer.
7.She often goes to her aunt’s
7.She often goes to her aunt’s house for assistance.
house for assistance.
8.When her aunt was also busy
8.When her aunt was also busy doing house chores, she waited
doing house chores, she waited for her mother to come home.
for her mother to come home.
9.Her mother and father were so
9.Her mother and father were so proud of her because of her
proud of her because of her perseverance and persistence.
perseverance and persistence.
10.Joy was so grateful that face-
10.Joy was so grateful that face- to-face learning.
to-face learning.

2. Review Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
3. Motivation Let’s read: What are the various Types of
Informational or Factual Text
Jack was at his grandma’s house
playing with his brother, Sam.
They were throwing the ball back
and forth.

Jack threw the ball really hard.

Crash! It hit a lamp and broke.
Jack and Sam were scared they
might get in trouble. Jack did not
know what to do.

Grandma came into the room. What is the cause of the fire?
She looked upset. Sam was
crying. Jack decided to tell the What is the effect of fire in the
truth. He had broken the vase. lives of the people?
His grandma was glad he told the
truth and together they cleaned up
the mess.

What is the problem?

What is the solution?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation Today, we are going to learn Today we are going to learn Our lesson for today is another Today we will learn another Present the lesson about
informational / factual text another type of type of informational/factual text type of informational text about
Problem and solution informational/factual text

2. Discussion Discuss the types of Discuss the various Types of Discuss the various Types of Discuss the various Types of Discuss the various Types of
informational / factual text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text Informational or Factual Text
Problem-and-Solution Enumeration Enumeration Enumeration Enumeration
This text type is a pattern of a Time-Order Time-Order Time-Order Time-Order
text structure whereby Comparison and Contrast Comparison and Contrast Comparison and Contrast Comparison and Contrast
information is Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Cause and Effect
expressed as a problem or Problem and Solution Problem and Solution Problem and Solution Problem and Solution
dilemma and something can be,
should be or
was done to solve or to remedy
the problem. It may be fiction
or nonfiction (factual).
3. Generalization What is informational/factual What are the various types of What are the various types of What are the various types of What are the various types of
text? informational or factual text informational or factual text informational or factual text informational or factual text
What is problem and solution
4. Application UNDERSTANDING First Summative Test in 2nd Quarter

1. What problem has been

presented to be solved?
2. What solutions have been
3. How is this text different from
a cause-and-effect text?
IV. EVALUATION Arrange the following group of Checking and recording of Scores
sentences to compose a problem-
solution paragraph.
V. ASSIGNMENT Think of a problem and its Review the the various Types Review your lessons on the types of
possible solutions. Then, create a Write the cause and effect of the of Informational or Factual informational/factual texts
2-3 paragraph about it following: Text
Comparison and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
Directions: Write the possible
causes and effects of this event?


Total No. of Learners. 31 31 31 31 31

Percentage of Mastery

No. of learners within

“mastery level”
No. of learners needing
Remediation/Reinforcement/ Remedial Instruction/ Remedial Instruction/ Remedial Instruction/ Remedial Instruction/ Remedial Instruction/
Enhancement (RRE)
Reading Intervention Reading Intervention Reading Intervention Reading Intervention Reading Intervention



Second Quarter, S.Y 2023—2024



SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating TEST
TOPIC/S (30%) (20%) (20%) (10%) (10%) (10%) ITEMS
Various Types of
Informational or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11 12, 13 14 15 15
Factual Text

TOTAL 3 2 1 15
5 3 1

Name:_______________________________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Grade and Section: _______________ Date: ______________

Direction: Read the statements below. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What text type has two subjects that are being compared based on their similarities but are contrasted on their differences?
A. Comparison and Contrast B. Time Order
C. Cause and Effect D. Enumeration

2. Which of the following text types is a pattern of a text structure whereby information is expressed as a problem that should be
A. Problem and Solution B. Pattern Structure
C. Problem Solving D. Time Order

3. What reading text classifies, describes, and gives factual information about people, animals, things, and phenomena?
A. Information/Factual Text B. Reading Text
C. Pattern Text D. Type of Text

4. What text type usually starts with the statement of the general subject that is broken down into parts or classes and these parts are
introduced by signal words?
A. Comparison and Contrast B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

5. Which of these text types is generally used in expository and persuasive writing explaining reasons why something happened and
the results of something?
A. Comparison and Contrast B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

I. Read and understand the text in the box then identify the text types of the informational text given.

Corona Virus are family of viruses that can cause illness such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new corona virus was identified as the cause of a disease
outbreak that originated in China.
The virus is now known as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2
(SARS-Cov-2). The disease it causes is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In March 2020, the World Health
Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.
COVID-19 has affected day-to-day life and is slowing down the global economy. This pandemic has affected thousands
of people who are either sick or are being killed due to the spread of this disease.
As a precautionary measure, each one is mandated to observe social distancing, use alcohol, wear face mask and face
shield, wash hands with soap regularly and stay at home.
6. This informational text used _________
A. Comparison and contrast B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

How Does a Car Work?

A car runs because of its engine. The engine is a machine that transforms fuel or gasoline into heat energy, making the car's
wheels turn.

First, gasoline flows into the carburetor where it evaporates and mixes with air. Then, the fuel-air mixture is compressed inside
the cylinder as the piston moves up. A spark is produced by the spark plug and ignites the mixture. This drives the piston down to make
way as the burning fuel expands. The downward movement of the piston pushes other parts of the car. The energy released by the
gasoline is transmitted to the wheels. Used gas is then expelled into the air as the exhaust valves open.

7. This informational text used _________

A. Comparison and Contrast B. Cause and Effect
C. Time- Order D. Enumeration

8. This informational text used _________

I was surprised to see my sister
A. Time-order B. Cause-and-Effect
at home. She was far away from
C. Enumeration D. Comparison-and-
Contrast home for quite long because she
was studying at the city. I
9. Choose from the selections below the enumeration text. hurriedly ran onto her and
hugged her. Then I sat on the
A. Martin had an accident on his bike. He was on his way to the store to buy some bread. A sofa and watched her unpacked
car came weaving down and scared him. He rode his bike off the road so the car her things. She unpacked her
wouldn’t hit him. Now, his knee is scraped, but he’s all right. suitcase – her hairbrush and
Source: Joy in Learning toothbrush, her bathrobe and
English 6 slippers, her jeans and shorts,
dresses and blouses, socks and
B. In spite of the dangers, many people still smoke. Some of the young begin smoking sneakers, iPod and laptop, books
as an act of rebellion or independence. Still others find the effects of nicotine and papers – as if she would be
pleasurable. Nicotine stimulates the nervous system, the heart, and the other staying forever.
organs. Its effect on the nervous system, however, causes addiction to cigarettes.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

C. Joan of Arc, born in 1412 and died in 1431, was a French girl who believed that God told her to free France from its
English invaders. At the age of 17, she left the farm where she worked and persuaded King Charles VII of France to let her
lead his army. She won five battles. Then she was captured and burned as a witch. But she had saved France. In 1920, the
Pope declared her a saint.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

D. In America, there is so much magnificent scenery. Perhaps the most stunning of all is the Grand Canyon in northern
Arizona. It is the deepest, widest canyon on Earth. This canyon is 217 miles long, 4 to 18 miles wide, and in some places,
more than a mile deep. The rocks at the bottom of the steep walls are at least 500 million years old. Most of the rocks are
sandstone, limestone, and shale. By studying these rocks, scientists know that this part of the world was once under the sea.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

10. Choose from the selections below the problem-and-solution text.

A. Nestled among the peaks of eastern Hongkong, a new man- made mountain is emerging. While plans to expand some sites
are being proposed and a controversial mega-incinerator project remains a possibility, focus in the city is turning to how to
reduce the amount of waste it produces. The local government has created a task force to address the issue of food waste
and has set a 10% reduction target by 2016. Globally, only around 3% of food waste
is recycled.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

B. Among the Asian nations, I find the Philippines and Thailand so interestingly comparable in many aspects that when I visit
Thailand, I feel like I have never been away from my homeland, the Philippines. First of all, the Philippines has a total land
area of about 300 000 square kilometers while Thailand has 514 000 square kilometers. The latest census shows that
Filipinos are now 100 000 000 in number. Thais, on the other hand, are now 67 000 000.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

C. Smoking is drawing tobacco smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe into the mouth – and often into the lungs, and puffing it
out. The term casually refers to cigarette smoking.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

D. It seems that more and more accidents happen outdoors at night. One way to save yourself is by wearing bright clothing so
that cars can see you. White is a good color. If you are riding a bike, be sure that cars can see you. White is a good color. If
you are riding a bike, be sure that it has plenty of reflectors and headlamps. You should also take care when crossing the
street because sometimes drivers cannot see you in the glare of their headlights. Or better yet, avoid going out at night
unless it is a necessity.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

11. Choose from the selections below the comparison-and contrast text.

A. It seems that more and more accidents happen outdoors at night. One way to save yourself is by wearing bright clothing so
that cars can see you. White is a good color. If you are riding a bike, be sure that cars can see you. White is a good color. If
you are riding a bike, be sure that it has plenty of reflectors and headlamps. You should also take care when crossing the
street because sometimes drivers cannot see you in the glare of their headlights. Or better yet, avoid going out at night
unless it is a necessity.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6

B. Both Face-to-Face and Modular Learning are fun. Through Face-to- face, you meet your classmates and teachers in school.
You can talk and play with your classmates during recess and after class hours. When the bell rings, you enter the classroom
and start to listen to your teacher. Modular Learning allows you to learn on your own. You can’t be with your friends in
school. You can only communicate with them through cellphones. When you don’t understand some of your lessons, you
can message or call your teacher or you can ask for assistance from your significant others.

C. As a grade six learner, Adriel was already self-motivated and self-directed in many ways. He would help her mother with
some household chores and some errands especially in the morning before he goes to school. On weekends, he would also
help her mother in baking cakes and in selling them. On weekdays, he would work hard to answer his assignments and
studying his lessons.

D. I was surprised to see my sister at home. She was far away from home for quite long because she was studying at the city. I
hurriedly ran onto her and hugged her. Then I sat on the sofa and watched her unpacked her things. She unpacked her
suitcase – her hairbrush and toothbrush, her bathrobe and slippers, her jeans and shorts, dresses and blouses, socks and
sneakers, iPod and laptop, books and papers – as if she would be staying forever.

For number 12-13. Read and analyze the paragraph below. Distinguished the text type presented. Write the letter of the correct

12. By far, the greatest number of Chinese are farmers. In modern China, the farmers do not own their farms. Each village called a
commune owns its land. Everyone works on it, and the harvest is
shared among them. Hot summers and cold winters with plenty of rainfall all year round make the heart of China a good farming
region. But much of China cannot be farmed. Growing enough food for the fast-growing population is still a problem. The main
crops that are raised are rice in the south and wheat and millet in the north.
Source: Joy in Learning English 6
A. Time-order B. Enumeration
C. Cause-and-Effect D. Comparison-and-Contrast

13. There are some ways for students to earn money. First, they should consider working in some places. They should manage their
time for it. For example, when they get home from school at 4 pm, they can look for establishments like grocery stores and
apply as part-time helpers or cashiers. Second, they can make some efforts like a businessman. They can sell something like
food, drinks, books, and many more. Finally, they can also become tutors. They can teach younger students such as
preschoolers, kindergarten learners, elementary learners, and many more.
A. Time-order B. Enumeration
C. Problem-and-Solution D. Comparison-and-Contrast

14. Jenna wants to buy a new cellphone. She asked her , parents, but they told her they could not afford to buy it. So, she made a
plan on how to buy her dream cellphone. If you were Jenna, what do you think is the procedure that must she done?
A. First, Jenna started bringing packed food for recess or lunch.
B. Finally, she was able to save a big portion from her allowance for a month.
C. Next, she began recording her daily allowance.
D. Then, she limited the food she bought in the canteen.
E. Last, she listed down the things she bought for the using her allowance.

A. A B C D E B. A C D E B C. B D C E A D. D A B C E

15. Read the informational text. Create a possible title to this text.


Most plastics are largely made from chemicals obtained from petroleum. Coal, limestone, salt and watere are also used.
Plastics can be hard, soft or runny. They can be made to look like glass, metal, wood or other substance.
A. What Plastics Are Made Of C. How Plastics Look Like
B. Chemicals from Plastic D.The Uses of Plastic


DIRECTION: Number the sentences in procedural/ sequential order. Then, rewrite them to form paragraph/composition
showing introduction, body and conclusion, provide also the best Title for it. (10 POINTS)
_____ We had fun swimming, eating and playing on the seashore.
_____ We left the house before sunrise so we were able to arrive at the beach ahead of the others.
_____ We woke up early, took breakfast together and dressed up quickly.
_____ We unloaded the car, chose a clean spot, and spread our picnic blanket on the grass.
_____ One Saturday, my parents, brothers, and sister went on a picnic at the beach.
_____ Then Mother packed chicken-pork adobo vegetables, sandwiches, fruits and drinks.


Parent’s Feedback:

Parent’s printed name and signature/Date
Teachers’ Feedback:

Teacher’s printed name and signature/Date

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I


Head Teacher II



District Supervisor
Key answers:

1. A 6. B 11. B
2. A 7. C 12. C
3. A 8. C 13. B
4. D 9. B 14. B
5. B 10. A 15. A

Region I


Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating TEST
TOPIC/S (30%) (20%) (20%) (10%) (10%) (10%) ITEMS
Various Types of
Informational or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11 12, 13 14 15 15
Factual Text

TOTAL 3 2 1 15
5 3 1

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II

Checked by:

Principal III

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