love text-1

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When you are not around even for a while I feel I am lost my love I love you

forever please do not leave me ever!

No one can replace your place in my heart, I am totally lost, when we are apart, My
Queen, my love, I love you more than me, it is just for you to see,
will love you forever and ever!

Thanks for being there in my life you complete me in true sense, my love and
respect for you is immense.

You are the sweetest person I ever know, you light me up, when I feel so low, you
are a perfect wife anyone can ever ask, Love you loads!

Love you deeper than the sea, love you higher than the sky, love you till the end
of time, love you my dear, you are truly mine, be as you are and never change,
I love you!

I am so lucky, coz I will grow old with you, with you around, everything is so
bright and new, this is to my life, to my only wife,
I love you!

When I first saw you, I knew you are mine, with you being there in my life, things
just seem easy and fine,
Love you loads!

You are the reason why I stay happy in life, let me tag you as world�s greatest
wife, love you lots my sweetheart,
Please don�t ever part!

You gave everything, since the time we got married,

And, never ever complained in return,
So, here is to my sweetest wife,
You are my angel, my life!

You are so kind, so I love you a lot,

You are my destiny, my only thought,
Thanks for being in my life,
Without you,I couldn't survive!

Each day, I think about you,

And, I love you more than ever,
You are the bright star of my life,
Without you, I would not strive,
Love you!

My best part of life is 'you' being around me,

Honey, with you around there is nothing more I can see,
Darling I love you so much and will always do,
With you around, my world is bright and new,
Love you my dear wife!

You came in my life,

And changed it for good,
We shall always remain like this forever,
'Touch wood'
My dear wife, I love you a lot,
You are always in my thought!

Thanks for always supporting me my dear wife,

Without you, empty would be my life,
You are the true love I was searching for,
Thanks for always being my strength!

My love, with 'you' around I feel so good,

Your company cheers me up, even if I had a bad day,
I just don�t know how I will say! But, you mean a lot to me, stay as you are!

You have always guided me when I was wrong,

You are the force behind my success in life,
A special thanks for being a wonderful human being,
And a great wife!


Your heart is full of love and affection

You hands are always caring
I am lucky to have you as my wife

You love is essential for me

without that I can not live in this world

Everyday morning I am waking up

just to hug you in my hand
Every morning I am waking up
thinking how blessed I am
I love you My dear

I was a like a tree that was

ready to fall in a wind
You came like a lily and grownup on me
Now I am so strong, I can face anything
You made my life a dream

When you came to my life

It was like an angel came to save me
and show me a better way
Thank you dear, I love you

You are my rhythm

You are my tune
Without you I can not flourish
I love you my dear

My love for you is deeper than the deepest ocean

Taller than the tallest mountain
Hotter than the hottest desert
And denser than the densest of forests
My love for you is truly eternal
I love you

best day in my life was the day I married you

The best thing in my life is you
I cannot imagine a single day without you
I've said it once, and I'll say it again
I love you!!

The best day in my life was the day I met you

The best thing in my life is you
I cannot imagine a single day without you
I've said it once, and I'll say it again
I love you!!

I Am No Longer Afraid To Love Again

I am so afraid to love again. I am scared my little heart might get broken again.
You promise me that you would never hurt me. But, I am just so afraid to love
You promise me a life of happiness. But, I am just totally afraid I will be lonely
again. When, my heart got broken for the last time, I was just so afraid to cry.
Sweetie, I want a life time with you, and for the last time. I am not going to be
afraid to love again. I believe in my heart that you are serious about us.
I will be happy to be your man, I was so afraid to love again, but God showed me
the way so I am going to take his path, because He is guiding me in the right
direction this time.
So now I am not afraid to love you and only you again. I love you always, Honey.
Love always,

Sweetheart, I am just writing you to let you know how much you mean to me,Baby you
are the one I chose to be with and my heart tells me to follow you,Sweetie I know
we have many miles separating us but I know we'll make it through.
Baby you mean the world to me and no one can ever compare to you. I think about
you all the time, like I said, I wake up with thoughts of you and go to sleep with
thoughts of you too.
Your name repeats over and over in my mind. Each day my love grows stronger for you
and I know for a fact that my love will never fade.
These miles between us can never be a barrier because distance can never be a
barrier to two hearts that care and long for each others, I know that our love will
keep us together.
It's so weird for us to be so far away from each other but yet so close.Here are a
few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime:
Be your best friend.
Get caught with you in the rain.
Dance with you in the rain.
Stargaze on a clear night.
Watch the sunset together.
Spend all day with you doing nothing.
Moonlit walks on the beach.
Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment.
Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger).
Go for a twilight horseback ride.
Watch a bad movie together.
Spend the rest of my life with you.
Have our picture taken together.
Eat ice cream with you.
Make love to you passionately.
Talk to each other using only body language.
Give you space when you need it.
Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do).
Be one with you.
Send you a singing telegram.
Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you.
Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you.
Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes.
Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic.
Spend my life making you happy.
Spend my life making our family happy.
Feel your heartbeat.
Give you a backrub just because.
Always being honest with each other.
Marry you.
Laugh at someone together.
Share a plate of spaghetti.
Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of.
Envelop you in my soul.
Cook your favorite meal for you.
Know you better than you know yourself.
Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most.
Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding.
Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with hugsss and kissessss.
Grow old with you.I hope you will allow me do all this to you when I am home with
you baby...
I love you and have a wonderful day today my love,please take care of yourself for
Dearest Love,

Hi honey,
I have missed you today. I hope you had a great day.We had a little bit of snow and
rain today I made some cookies and fudge. There will be more made this week, then I
give them away to my workers on here. I took some into work too. It is my way of
sharing the good things in life. My darling I must tell you that you bring much joy
to my day.
Love is like a mustard seed;
planted by God
and watered by men
There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in
looking outward together in the same direction."
The ultimate symbol of love is the cross. The cross represents the path of love.
Each time is a chance to go the way of love. It equals the crossroads of your life.
My Darling just a few poems that are heart felt. I look forward to our next chat or
letter. May your day be blessed and filled with warmth and love.
A warm hug with outstretched arms to hold you close, to fell your heartbeat close
to mine. A soft kiss to your neck and then your ear. I want you to feel my breath
on your neck as I plant butterfly kisses at your pulse. Baby you have awaken a
desire I had forgotten was there. I long to know your hearts desire, to walk with
you day by day and learn more about you and your life as each day goes by.
My sweet Girl may you find these words draw close to your heart because they have
come from mine. I have never met you but I long for you a lot.
Well my dear it is time for me to get things ready for work tomorrow. Lots of hugs
& kisses are sent to you.
I hope to meet with you soon.I LOVE YOU!!!!

Baby It has not been long since we met but all has changed in my life. I experience
more excitement, feel like the happiest man on the earth, and think of you all the
time. It is not just at bedtime, or upon waking up but at my work, during eating,
and at all times. Sometimes I sit and without any reason I call your name loudly,
until realizing that you are far away, and then smiling about the sweet thoughts of
you.When I talk to you, it makes my heart beat faster, and feels like some sweet
feelings, unexplainable, not understandable. I feel your presence everywhere by me,
your pic, and your laughs echo in my ears, your talks remind me that you really
exist, and I want you bad enough like the roses would need their perfume, like wind
needs its songs, like snow needs its whiteness, like a little child wants ice
cream. I did not plan to love you or ever meeting someone so soon, it just
happened.The world has many beauties, some like lilies, jasmine, irises, roses;
some were just simple plain flowers, none of them made me feel attracted. It was
your innocent smile, your sparkling eyes; it was you in whole who made my heart
like falling out of its place. It was like lightening had struck me, it was like an
angel had shown herself. It was you and your love that made me what I am today.I
will keep loving you as long as the sun keeps shining, the stars keep brightening
the sky, the winds keep blowing, the snow keeps falling, and the flowers keep
smiling. I humbly request you, 0x0x0x0x0 for accepting me.
Loving you forever....

Hello baby,How are you doing this morning?I hope you slept well and woke up
good,Baby I want you to know that though the miles separate us, the bond we have is
far stronger and distance is never a barrier to two hearts that care for each
other's. You are the very one I have been spending all these years looking for.You
have been so very important and special to me,Reading from you make me smile. You
make me happy although we have not met in person and I know deep that from my heart
that live with you will be so good.You really make me whole. I can not describe the
giddy feeling I have when I think of you. Baby I am willing to be that special man
in your life who will kiss away all your pains,massage you,melt your cares away and
share both happiness together....Baby Come to me, for we will be able to understand
each other's need, we will be able to express love with passion and able to love
and care for each other till forever ends...Love is not about finding the right
person but it is about creating the right relationship.. I can't begin to tell
you, All the love that's stored in my heart. It's been wanting, it seems like
forever, For me to give love, one more start. I know I've never felt true love
after the death of my wife but Since these feelings are new to me again. I can't
wait us to know more about each other, My heart wants to know the feeling Of
someone loving me and Wants to enjoy the passionate of life with my woman..
The passion that I feel so deep within, Erupts like a volcano when I first read
your message, Sending such heat through out my entire body.I am a very easy going
man, pretty I know it's so hard to have a date in such miles but I must tell you
that true relationships does not count the miles but it is measure by the heart,I
believe we can , Baby our ecstasy now begin. Faithfully I will love and care for
you like no one else has ever did before...Just wonder what it would be like to
live life with you.Forever yours I want to be.Hope to read back from you soon.Have
a wonderful day and may your day go well as plan...
Hello Baby,my heart tells me to follow you.. I want you to know that I will always
stand proud to be your man and be best friends to your family.I promised I will be
here through thick and thin no matter what. I just wanted to let you know how much
I really do care and live for you each and every day. Keep that head on those
shoulders and keep your chin up because life is great and will bo so intersting
especially with you and I together.

Hello baby,How are you doing? Baby I have this dream....I feel my fingers playing
with your hair while my eyes lock on your eyes...My other hand fits perfectly
inside yours;
the spaces between your fingers are the perfect size for my fingers to slide into.
I marvel at its perfection. I see mischief in your eyes and I long to encourage
it. I pull you gently towards me,
allowing you to put your head on my shoulder, taking in your scent, being
overwhelmed by you, loving every moment of it. I feel your body start to move in
time to the music,
and my body falls in rhythm with yours. With my arms around you, I can�t help but
smile that smile that�s only for you.
I toss my head back, shaking my hair, looking up at you, loving what I see. My
fingers are playing gently up and down your back.I kiss your throat and it causes
me to catch my breath,
a moan of pleasure escaping as I try to breath again. Your touch is like fire on my
skin. �Make love to me, Baby� is all I can say. My hands on your waist and your
arms go around me too,
pulling you close enough to kiss. The deeper we kiss, the closer our bodies get,
still moving to the music. I love the feel of your girls against mine chest and
your body�s response to my closeness.
I can�t wait. I unbutton the first few buttons on your dress, my fingers tracing
patterns on your skin. I kiss the places where my fingers were just playing. I
look up into your eyes and see my passion there.
All I can whisper is �make love to me, Baby.� Sweetie, I thought about this all day
long. I can't wait until we are together.
My Dearest, life can be cruel but when it all comes together there is no moment as
sweet. That is how I feel about you entering my life. You have rekindled the flame
called love in me.
You have given one more reason to look forward to tomorrow. Now, you are a
significant part of my life and I look forward to the day when we can make it
permanent. I love you so much. I love you for your kindness,
for your caring and giving nature, for your beauty - both inner and outer, and most
of all I love you because you are you. The fact that you show me who you really are
and not what you think I may want. Sweetie, let this letter be a testament to my
true feelings for you.
The whole world can see and know how I feel for you. I love you,

My Queen
Hello baby, How are you doing, Baby I want you to know that we both are here
without nobody outside knowing how far we both have been through,
how we met and how we have gone so far on here on facebook.I am so in love with you
and I know you love me and I must tell you that I feel so comfortable with you.
We both understand we belong to each other and I can't see my self leaving you or
living my life without you anymore, I feel like I am on cloud 9 when I am with you.
Baby want you to know that I'll always look back as I walk away,
This memory will last for eternity and all of our tears Will be lost in the rain
When I've found my way home to your arms. Baby you are the queen of my heart so
let's take
our chance and never let go. Lets love like there's no tomorrow.. As the stars
sparkle down Like a diamond ring, I'll treasure this moment untill we meet..
No matter how far or where you may be, I just close my eyes and you're in my
dreams.You will be in my heart Until we meet.. I love you so much and forever yours
I want to be.
Have a wonderful day and I hope you are the kids are safe fpr me..
Your Man,

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