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U. E. A.




Britney Flores

Subject matter:



3rd "B"


Fernanda Naranjo

Euthanasia today is undoubtedly one of the most controversial issues. This being so it

becomes necessary to know the different concepts within this topic in order to understand its

importance. It has always been well seen to adhere to social and religious norms that protect

life from any impure act such as murder or suicide. The term euthanasia whose meaning is

"good death" clearly does not enter into these social constructions, this has been balde so that

the subject is opening way in the world both negative and positive, since it is accepted by

many with ideals of offering autonomy to a terminally ill patient in order to avoid pain,

physical and psychological discomfort caused by his illness. However, different parts of the

world have refused this revolutionary action that goes against their functions and policies such

as ensuring the life and human dignity of each person. However, in the course of history the

term has been attributed different meanings, but all have the same purpose: to end a sick life.

That is why it is a topic much debated and rightly since we would not be able to give

everything to find the longed for rest, but at the end of the day only remains in us what we

believe is the right thing, that so strong we believe to be, for in a similar situation to continue

fighting in a hospital or make the decision that would totally mark the end of a life, our life.

At this point I think I am able to say that I am in a neutral position before this

practice, however it should not be taken lightly are not fleeting decisions, it implies a deep

reflection, and be willing to give the place to death, stop fearing him because without death

there is no life, yet the method of euthanasia is a complex issue that to date has not reached a

unanimous opinion in society.


Chonemarin, D. P. E. (s. f.). Euthanasia. web.udechile. Recovered 1 September from

2021,from http://web.uchile.cl/publishers/anales/8/studies4.htm.

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