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12. Build relationships with parents/guardians and the wider school community to
facilitate involvement in the educative process. (PPST 6.2.2)

As a teacher committed to nurturing a collaborative and supportive learning environment,

I actively build relationships with parents/guardians and the wider school community to
facilitate their involvement in the educative process. This practice is essential for
fostering strong partnerships between home and school, as it enables us to work together
towards the common goal of supporting student learning and development. In accordance
with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) 6.2.2, it is imperative for
educators to actively engage parents/guardians and the broader community in the
educational journey of their children.

To establish meaningful connections with parents/guardians, I prioritize open and

transparent communication channels that facilitate dialogue and collaboration. I regularly
communicate with parents/guardians through various means such as parent-teacher
meetings, newsletters, emails, and phone calls. These interactions provide opportunities
for me to share updates on student progress, discuss academic and behavioral concerns,
and solicit feedback from parents/guardians regarding their child's needs and interests.

Furthermore, I actively involve parents/guardians in the decision-making process by

seeking their input on important matters related to their child's education. Whether it's
through parent advisory councils, school committees, or parent surveys, I ensure that
parents/guardians have a voice in shaping school policies, programs, and initiatives. By
actively seeking their perspectives and contributions, I demonstrate my respect for their
expertise and commitment to partnership.

Moreover, I organize and facilitate parent/guardian workshops, seminars, and events that
provide opportunities for them to learn about educational topics, parenting strategies, and
ways to support their child's learning at home. These sessions cover a range of topics
such as study habits, effective communication, and promoting literacy and numeracy
skills. By equipping parents/guardians with knowledge and resources, I empower them to
play an active role in their child's education and academic success.

In addition to building relationships with parents/guardians, I actively engage with the

wider school community to leverage their support and resources in enhancing the
educative process. I collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and
other stakeholders to create enriching learning opportunities and experiences for students.
Whether it's through guest speakers, field trips, or community service projects, I leverage
community partnerships to broaden students' horizons and expose them to diverse
perspectives and experiences.

During classroom observations, I demonstrate my commitment to building relationships

with parents/guardians and the wider school community by creating opportunities for
them to participate in classroom activities and events. I invite parents/guardians to
volunteer in the classroom, attend special presentations or performances, and participate
in school-wide celebrations and events. By welcoming their presence and involvement, I
foster a sense of belonging and partnership that enhances the overall learning
environment for students.

Moreover, I leverage technology to facilitate communication and engagement with

parents/guardians and the wider school community. I utilize online platforms such as
class websites, social media groups, and messaging apps to share updates, resources, and
important information in real time. By embracing digital tools, I ensure that
parents/guardians are informed and involved in their child's education, regardless of their
physical presence.

In conclusion, building relationships with parents/guardians and the wider school

community to facilitate involvement in the educative process is a fundamental aspect of
effective teaching practice, as emphasized in PPST 6.2.2. By fostering open
communication, collaboration, and partnership, I create a supportive and inclusive
learning environment where all stakeholders work together to support student success.
Through ongoing engagement and relationship-building efforts, I strive to cultivate a
sense of shared responsibility and collective ownership of the educational journey,
ultimately benefiting the academic and holistic development of all students.

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