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Accelerate Deforestation

Agriculture Reforestation
Industry Environmentalist
Forestry Environmental
Amphibian Erosion
Arguably Exploitation
Barren Regulation
Biosphere Stabilize
Canopy Stability

A detailed action plan Một kế hoạch hành động chi tiết We need a detailed action plan to
address the issue.

Allow/permit sb from doing sth = let sb do sth Cho phép ai làm gì The teacher allowed the
students to leave early.

At risk of = in danger of Có nguy cơ The species is at risk of becoming extinct.

Be furious/angry with sb for sth/doing sth Tức giận với ai về việc gì She was furious with him for
forgetting her birthday.

Cooperate with Hợp tác với The two companies decided to cooperate with each other on the

Dispose of = get rid of Loại bỏ, vứt bỏ It’s important to dispose of hazardous waste properly.

Import sth from Nhập khẩu cái gì từ They import coffee from Brazil.

Export sth to Xuất khẩu cái gì đến The company exports electronics to Europe.

Kept out of Tránh xa Children should be kept out of dangerous areas.

Live in harmony with = coexist peacefully with Sống hòa hợp với People should learn to live in
harmony with nature.

Prefer to do sth Thích làm gì hơn I prefer to read books in my free time.

Prevent sb from doing sth Ngăn cản ai làm gì The guard prevented the intruder from entering
the building.

Put pressure on sb/sth Gây áp lực lên ai/cái gì The new regulations put pressure on companies to
reduce emissions.

Take actions to do sth Thực hiện hành động để làm gì The government is taking actions to improve the
Deforestation /dɪˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Sự phá rừng

Reforestation /ˌriˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Sự tái trồng rừng

Environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəlɪst/ Noun Nhà môi trường học

Environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl/ Adjective Thuộc về môi trường

Erosion /ɪˈroʊʒən/ Noun Sự xói mòn

Exploitation /ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ Noun Sự khai thác, bóc lột

Regulation /ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃən/ Noun Sự điều chỉnh, quy định

Stabilize /ˈsteɪbəˌlaɪz/ Verb Ổn định

Stability/stəˈbɪləti/ Noun Sự ổn định

Accelerate /ækˈsɛləˌreɪt/ Verb Tăng tốc The car can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just
five seconds. accelerate growth, accelerate development

Agriculture /ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃər/ Noun Nông nghiệp Agriculture is a vital part of the economy in
many countries.sustainable agriculture, agricultural sector

Industry /ˈɪndəstri/ Noun Ngành công nghiệp The tech industry is booming with new
innovations. manufacturing industry, industry standards

Forestry /ˈfɔrɪstri/ Noun Lâm nghiệp Forestry is essential for maintaining ecological
balance. forestry management, forestry practices

Amphibian /æmˈfɪbiən/ Noun Loài lưỡng cư Frogs are a common type of amphibian.
amphibian species, amphibian habitats

Arguably /ˈɑːrɡjuəbli/ Adverb Được cho là He is arguably the best player on the team.
arguably the best, arguably the most

Barren /ˈbærən/ Adjective Cằn cỗi The land was barren and unable to support crops.
barren land, barren soil

Biosphere /ˈbaɪoʊˌsfɪr/ Noun Sinh quyển The biosphere is essential for supporting life on
Earth. global biosphere, marine biosphere

Canopy /ˈkænəpi/ Noun Tán cây The forest canopy provides shade and shelter for many species.
forest canopy, canopy cover

Consequently /ˈkɑnsəˌkwɛntli/ Adverb Do đó The road was closed, and consequently, we had
to take a detour. consequently resulted, consequently led to

Consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ Noun Sự tiêu thụ The consumption of fossil fuels is a major cause
of pollution. energy consumption, consumption rate
Curb /kɜrb/ Verb Kiềm chế The government is taking measures to curb inflation. curb
pollution, curb spending

Afforestation /æˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Trồng rừng Afforestation helps in restoring ecological

balance. afforestation projects, afforestation efforts

Forestation /ˌfɔrɪˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Sự trồng rừng Forestation is crucial for combating climate
change. forestation plans, forestation programs

Degradation /ˌdɛɡrəˈdeɪʃən/ Noun Sự suy thoái Soil degradation is a significant problem in many
agricultural areas. environmental degradation, degradation of resources

Deliberate /dɪˈlɪbərɪt/ Adjective Cố ý The move was a deliberate attempt to gain

control of the market. deliberate actions, deliberate choice

Ecotourism /ˈiːkoʊˌtʊrɪzəm/Noun Du lịch sinh tháiEcotourism promotes conservation and

sustainable travel. ecotourism destinations, ecotourism activities

Emission /ɪˈmɪʃən/ Noun Sự phát thải Carbon emissions have a significant impact on
global warming.reduce emissions, emission levels

Environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/Noun Môi trường Protecting the environment is essential for

future generations. natural environment, environmental protection

Erode /ɪˈroʊd/Verb Xói mòn The coastline is eroding due to strong waves and wind. erode
away, erode soil

Evidently /ˈɛvɪdəntli/ Adverb Rõ ràng He was evidently pleased with the results.
evidently clear, evidently true

Excessive /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ Adjective Quá mức Excessive use of pesticides can harm the
environment. excessive consumption, excessive force

Expenditure /ɪkˈspɛndɪtʃər/ Noun Chi phí The government’s expenditure on healthcare has
increased significantly. public expenditure, expenditure cuts

Exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ Verb Khai thác Companies should not exploit workers for profit.exploit
resources, exploit opportunities

Furrow /ˈfɜroʊ/Noun Luống cày Farmers plowed furrows in the field to plant seeds. deep
furrow, furrowed brow

Indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ Adjective Bản địa Indigenous people have a deep connection to
their land. indigenous communities, indigenous culture

Indisputably /ˌɪndɪˈspjutəbli/ Adverb Không thể chối cãi He is indisputably the best candidate for
the job. indisputably true, indisputably the best

Integrity /ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti/ Noun Sự chính trực She is known for her integrity and honesty.
personal integrity, integrity of data
Ironic /aɪˈrɑnɪk/ Adjective Mỉa mai It's ironic that the fire station burned down.
ironic twist, ironic situation

Justification /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ Noun Sự biện minh There is no justification for such

behavior. provide justification, justification for actions

Logging /ˈlɔɡɪŋ/ Noun Khai thác gỗ Logging activities are threatening the rainforest. illegal logging,
logging industry

Mammal /ˈmæməl/ Noun Động vật có vú Whales are the largest mammals on Earth.
marine mammal, mammal species

Microbial /maɪˈkroʊbiəl/ Adjective Vi sinh Microbial activity is essential for soil health.
microbial life, microbial processes

Moral /ˈmɔrəl/ Adjective Đạo đức She has a strong moral sense of right and
wrong. moral values, moral decision

Perpetuate /pərˈpɛtʃuˌeɪt/ Verb Duy trì Stereotypes can perpetuate harmful myths.
perpetuate violence, perpetuate traditions

Perspective /pərˈspɛktɪv/ Noun Quan điểm Her perspective on the issue is very insightful.
different perspective, global perspective

Porous /ˈpɔrəs/Adjective Xốp, thấm nướcThe porous rock allows water to pass through. porous
surface, porous material

Potentially /pəˈtɛnʃəli/ Adverb Có tiềm năng This investment could potentially yield high
returns.potentially dangerous, potentially profitable

Primate/ˈpraɪˌmeɪt/ Noun Bộ linh trưởng Humans are classified as primates. non-human

primate, primate behavior

Ranching /ˈræntʃɪŋ/ Noun Chăn nuôi gia súc Ranching is a major industry in the
region. cattle ranching, ranching business

Regulate /ˈrɛɡjəˌleɪt/ Verb Điều chỉnh The government needs to regulate emissions
from factories. regulate industry, regulate behavior

Reprocess /riˈprɑsɛs/ Verb Tái xử lý The plant is designed to reprocess nuclear

waste. reprocess materials, reprocess waste

Reclaim/rɪˈkleɪm/ Verb Phục hồi The government plans to reclaim land from the sea for
development. reclaim land, reclaim rights

Recycle /riˈsaɪkəl/ Verb Tái chế We should recycle paper, plastic, and glass. recycle
materials, recycle waste

Reuse /riˈjuz/ Verb Tái sử dụng It is important to reuse items to reduce waste. reuse
resources, reuse water
Sewage /ˈsuɪdʒ/Noun Nước thải Sewage treatment is essential for maintaining clean water
sources. sewage system, sewage disposal

Rubbish/ˈrʌbɪʃ/ Noun Rác The street was littered with rubbish after the parade. rubbish bin,
household rubbish

Garbage /ˈɡɑrbɪdʒ/ Noun Rác Please take out the garbage before you go to bed.
garbage disposal, garbage collection

Litter /ˈlɪtər/ Noun Rác thảiThe park was clean, with no litter in sight. litter control, litter bins

Trash /træʃ/ Noun Rác Don't throw trash on the ground. trash can, trash collection

Sluggish /ˈslʌɡɪʃ/ Adjective Chậm chạp The economy remains sluggish despite efforts to
boost growth. sluggish performance, sluggish response

Specifically /spəˈsɪfɪkli/ Adverb Cụ thể The instructions are written specifically for beginners.
specifically designed, specifically mentioned

Spongy /ˈspʌndʒi/ Adjective Xốp, thấm nướcThe cake has a soft, spongy texture. spongy
material, spongy soil

Stable /ˈsteɪbəl/ Adjective Ổn địnhThe patient is in a stable condition now. stable

environment, stable relationship

Stink /stɪŋk/ Verb Bốc mùi The garbage stinks and needs to be taken out. stink badly,
stink up

Susceptible /səˈsɛptəbəl/ Adjective Dễ bị ảnh hưởng Young children are especially

susceptible to illness. susceptible to disease, susceptible to infection

Topsoil /ˈtɑpˌsɔɪl/ Noun Tầng đất mặt Farmers often add compost to enrich the topsoil.
topsoil erosion, topsoil layer

Unequivocally /ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkəli/ Adverb Rõ ràng, dứt khoát She stated unequivocally that she would
not support the decision. unequivocally support, unequivocally reject

Unobstructed /ˌʌnəbˈstrʌktɪd/ Adjective Không bị cản trở We had an unobstructed view

of the mountains from our cabin. unobstructed view, unobstructed access

Wasteful /ˈweɪstfəl/ Adjective Lãng phí Wasteful practices can deplete natural
resources. wasteful spending, wasteful habits

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