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Aquatic Commercial

Avalanche Conservationist
Commerce Conservation
Bequeath Conservational
Circulation Contaminated
Clean water Contaminant
Fresh water Contamination
Spring water Decontaminated
Mineral water Depletion
Combustion Frequency
Conserve Temporarily
Consequence Precautionary
Decomposed Recycling
Disastrous Recyclable
Domain Non-renewable
Ice cap
Polar ice
Ozone layer

Cause the damage to sth Gây thiệt hại cho cái gì The storm caused significant damage to the
coastal towns.

Cool down Làm nguội đi, dịu lại After the argument, they took some time to cool down.

Cool off Làm mát, trở nên bình tĩnh Let's cool off with some ice cream.

Derive from (Formal ) = date back (Time-based origin) = come from (General source) = stem from (Deep
cause or foundation) Bắt nguồn từ

This tradition derives from ancient rituals.

The tradition of fireworks dates back to China.

The inspiration for this painting came from nature

Many conflicts stem from misunderstandings

Do harm to Gây hại cho Smoking can do serious harm to your health.

Draw attention to Thu hút sự chú ý đến The report draws attention to the risks of climate

Give rise to Làm phát sinh The new law gave rise to many protests.

Heat up sth Làm nóng cái gì She heated up the leftovers for dinner.

In addition + clause = in addition to + N/Ving Thêm vào, ngoài ra

In addition to studying, he also works part-time.

In addition, the cake was delicious.

Lead to sth Dẫn đến Poor diet can lead to health problems.

Cause to sth Gây ra cái gì His negligence caused the accident.

Result from Là kết quả của The delay resulted from technical issues.

Result in Dẫn đến The changes resulted in improved efficiency.

Escape from Thoát khỏi They managed to escape from the burning building.

Make benefit for Mang lại lợi ích cho The new policy will make a benefit for all employees.

Make way/room for Dọn đường cho, nhường chỗ cho The old buildings were demolished to
make way for a new shopping center.
Nonetheless = however = nevertheless = yet Tuy nhiên

The plan was risky; nonetheless, they decided to proceed.

It rained all day, however, we still managed to have a picnic.

The task was difficult; nevertheless, I persevered and finished it

He studied for hours, yet he failed the exam.

On the contrary = in contrast = on the other hand = whereas Ngược lại

You think this class is boring, on the contrary, I find it very engaging.

Cats are known for their independence, in contrast, dogs tend to be more loyal companions.

Exercise is important for good health, on the other hand, it's crucial to listen to your body and avoid

He is quiet and reserved, whereas his sister is outgoing and talkative.

Put it down to sth Quy cho, cho là do She put her success down to hard work and

Run on sth Chạy bằng cái gì (nhiên liệu) The car runs on electricity.

Run into = come across = bump into Tình cờ gặp

I ran into an old friend at the supermarket.

I came across this interesting article.

I accidentally bumped into my neighbor.

Run out of sth Hết, cạn kiệt cái gì We ran out of milk, so I went to the store to buy more.

Run out = use up Hết, cạn kiệt

The printer ran out of ink.

We used up all the cookies.

Take to sb/sth Bắt đầu thích ai/cái gì She quickly took to her new colleagues.

Wipe out Xóa sổ, tiêu diệtThe disease wiped out nearly half the population.

Commercial /kəˈmɜːrʃəl/ Adjective Thuộc về thương mại

Conservationist /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃənɪst/ Noun Nhà bảo tồn

Conservation /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃn/ Noun Sự bảo tồn

Conservational /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃənəl/ Adjective Thuộc về bảo tồn

Contaminated /kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd/ Adjective Bị ô nhiễm

Contaminant /kənˈtæmɪnənt/Noun Chất gây ô nhiễm

Contamination /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃn/ Noun Sự ô nhiễm

Decontaminated /ˌdiːkənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd/ Adjective Đã được khử nhiễm

Depletion /dɪˈpliːʃn/ Noun Sự cạn kiệt

Frequency /ˈfriːkwənsi/ Noun Tần suất

Temporarily /ˈtɛmpəˌrɛrəli/ Adverb Tạm thời

Precautionary /prɪˈkɔːʃənəri/ Adjective Đề phòng

Recycling /ˌriːˈsaɪklɪŋ/ Noun Sự tái chế

Recyclable /ˌriːˈsaɪkləbl/ Adjective Có thể tái chế

Non-renewable /ˌnɒn rɪˈnuːəbl/ Adjective Không thể tái tạo

Aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/ Adjective Thuộc về, liên quan đến nước The aquarium houses many
aquatic species. aquatic life, aquatic animals

Avalanche /ˈævəˌlæntʃ/ Noun Tuyết lở An avalanche buried the village in snow.

avalanche danger, snow avalanche

Commerce /ˈkɑːmɜːrs/ Noun Thương mại International commerce has increased

significantly. commerce department, e-commerce

Bequeath /bɪˈkwiːθ/ Verb Để lại, truyền lại She bequeathed her estate to her
children. bequeath property, bequeath money

Circulation /ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn/ Noun Sự lưu thông, sự tuần hoàn (refers to the movement of
something through a system, such as blood, air, or water) / Sự lưu hành,phát hành (tiền tệ, tin tức, v.v.)

The circulation of the magazine is high.

Circulation of blood in the human body is essential for health.

blood circulation, increase circulation

Clean water /kliːn ˈwɔːtər/ Noun Nước sạch Access to clean water is a basic human right.
clean water supply, drink clean water

Fresh water /frɛʃ ˈwɔːtər/ Noun Nước ngọt Fresh water is essential for drinking and
irrigation. fresh water sources, fresh water fish

Spring water /sprɪŋ ˈwɔːtər/ Noun Nước suối Spring water is often bottled for sale. bottled
spring water, natural spring water
Mineral water /ˈmɪnərəl ˈwɔːtər/ Noun Nước khoáng Many people prefer drinking mineral
water. drink mineral water, mineral water spring

Combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃən/ Noun Sự đốt cháy Combustion engines power most vehicles.
combustion engine, combustion process

Conserve /kənˈsɜːrv/ Verb Bảo tồn We need to conserve our natural resources.
conserve energy, conserve wildlife

Consequence /ˈkɑːnsɪkwəns/ Noun Hậu quả The consequence of the decision was severe.
serious consequence, direct consequence

Decomposed /ˌdiːkəmˈpoʊzd/ Adjective Bị phân hủy The body was found in a

decomposed state. decomposed matter, decomposed body

Disastrous /dɪˈzæstrəs/ Adjective Thảm khốc The earthquake had disastrous effects.
disastrous consequences, disastrous event

Domain/doʊˈmeɪn/ Noun Lãnh địa, miền The forest is the domain of many rare species. public
domain, digital domain

Contaminate /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ Verb Làm ô nhiễm The river was contaminated by chemicals.
contaminate water, contaminate soil

Highland /ˈhaɪlənd/ Noun Vùng cao The highland climate is cool and refreshing.
highland area, Scottish highlands

Ice cap /aɪs kæp/ Noun Chỏm băng The ice cap is melting due to global warming. polar
ice cap, melting ice cap

Polar ice /ˈpoʊlər aɪs/ Noun Băng địa cực Polar ice is crucial for regulating the Earth's
climate.polar ice melting, polar ice caps

Ozone layer /ˈoʊzoʊn leɪər/ Noun Tầng ozon The ozone layer protects us from harmful UV
rays. protect the ozone layer, ozone layer depletion

Greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/ Noun Nhà kính A greenhouse is used to grow plants year-round.
greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect

Iceberg /ˈaɪsbɜːrɡ/ Noun Tảng băng trôi Only a small part of the iceberg is visible above water.
melting iceberg, large iceberg

Intensity /ɪnˈtensɪti/ Noun Cường độ The intensity of the storm was unexpected.
high intensity, intensity level

Recycle /riˈsaɪkl/ Verb Tái chế It's important to recycle paper, plastic, and glass. recycle
waste, recycle materials

Jeopardize /ˈdʒɛpərdaɪz/ Verb Gây nguy hiểm Don't jeopardize your health by smoking.
jeopardize career, jeopardize chances
Renewable /rɪˈnuːəbl/ Adjective Có thể tái tạo Renewable energy sources include wind
and solar power. renewable resources, renewable energy

Likelihood /ˈlaɪklihʊd/ Noun Khả năng xảy ra There's a high likelihood of rain tomorrow.
high likelihood, likelihood of success

Non-biodegradable /nɒn-ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbl/ Adjective Không phân hủy sinh học Non-

biodegradable plastics are harmful to the environment. non-biodegradable waste, non-biodegradable

Perpetuate /pərˈpɛtʃuːˌeɪt/ Verb Làm cho lâu dài These myths perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
perpetuate a cycle, perpetuate violence

Permanently /ˈpɜːrmənəntli/ Adverb Một cách vĩnh viễn The scar will remain permanently.
permanently damage, permanently close

Deplete/dɪˈpliːt/ Verb Làm cạn kiệt Overfishing can deplete fish stocks. deplete
resources, deplete energy

Prairie /ˈprɛəri/ Noun Đồng cỏ, thảo nguyên Bison roam the prairie in search of food.vast
prairie, prairie grass

Frequent /ˈfriːkwənt/ Adjective Thường xuyên She makes frequent trips to the library.
frequent visitor, frequent flyer

Probability /ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti/ Noun Xác suất The probability of winning the lottery is very
low. high probability, probability theory

Radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/ Noun Bức xạ Radiation from the sun can be harmful. radiation
exposure, emit radiation

Respiratory /ˈrɛspərəˌtɔri/ Adjective Thuộc về hô hấp Smoking can cause respiratory

diseases. respiratory system, respiratory health

Run-off /ˈrʌnˌɔf/ Noun Dòng chảy Agricultural run-off can pollute rivers. water run-off,
surface run-off

Run-in /ˈrʌnˌɪn/ Noun Cuộc cãi vã, xung đột He had a run-in with the law last year. run-in
with the police, minor run-in

Run-out /ˈrʌnˌaʊt/ Noun Sự hết, sự cạn kiệt The run-out of supplies caused a panic.
fuel run-out, run-out of time

Sector /ˈsɛktər/ Noun Khu vực, lĩnh vực The technology sector is booming. public
sector, private sector

Snowball /ˈsnoʊˌbɔl/ Noun, Verb Quả cầu tuyết, tăng dần The campaign snowballed into a
nationwide movement. snowball effect, throw a snowball

Precaution /prɪˈkɔːʃn/ Noun Biện pháp phòng ngừa Taking precautions can prevent
accidents. take precaution, safety precaution
Soot /sʊt/ Noun Bồ hóng The chimney was full of soot. soot accumulation, soot

Speculate /ˈspɛkjʊˌleɪt/ Verb Suy đoán Investors speculate on stock prices.

speculate about, speculate on

Spray /spreɪ/ Verb, Noun Phun, xịt She sprayed perfume on her wrist. spray bottle,
spray paint

Tenterhook /ˈtɛntərˌhʊk/ Noun Trạng thái lo âu She was on tenterhooks waiting for the exam
results. on tenterhooks

Territory /ˈtɛrɪˌtɔri/ Noun Lãnh thổ The animal defends its territory fiercely.
national territory, disputed territory

Typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ Noun Bão nhiệt đới The typhoon caused widespread damage.
powerful typhoon, typhoon season

Hurricane /ˈhɜːrɪˌkeɪn/ Noun Bão lớn The hurricane made landfall last night. hurricane
warning, hurricane season

Unleaded /ʌnˈlɛdɪd/ Adjective Không chứa chì Many cars now run on unleaded
gasoline. unleaded petrol, unleaded fuel

Unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/ Verb Tiết lộ, công bố The company will unveil its new product next week.
unveil a plan, unveil a statue

Utensil /juːˈtɛnsl/ Noun Dụng cụ nhà bếp Kitchen utensils include knives and spatulas.
cooking utensil, kitchen utensil

Wilderness /ˈwɪldərnəs/ Noun Vùng hoang dã They went on a hike through the wilderness.
wilderness area, vast wilderness

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