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Acidification Adaption

Adapt Adoption
Adopt Digestion
Aesthetic Disappearance
Algae Dominance
Aquatic Evolution
Biodiversity Migration
Bramble Provision
Breed Resolution
Calf Survival
Captivity Survivor



At least Ít nhất You should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

At most Nhiều nhất The meeting will last at most an hour.

At last Cuối cùng At last, we reached our destination.

At once = immediately = on the spot Ngay lập tức Please call me at once if there is an emergency.

Attribute sth to sth Quy cái gì là do cái gì She attributes her success to hard work and

Be recognized as Được công nhận là She is recognized as one of the leading experts in her

Contribute to sth/doing sth Đóng góp vào cái gì/làm gì Regular exercise contributes to
maintaining good health.

Devote/dedicate time to sth/doing sth Cống hiến thời gian làm gì He devotes a lot of time to
volunteering at the local shelter.

Die of Chết vì He died of a heart attack.

Die out = become extinct Tuyệt chủng Many species of animals are dying out due to habitat

Die away Mờ dần, giảm dần The sound of the music gradually died away.
Die down Lắng xuống The wind finally died down after the storm.

Food chain Chuỗi thức ăn Pollution can disrupt the entire food chain.

In a state of balance Ở trạng thái cân bằng The ecosystem is in a state of balance.

Introduce sb/sth to sb/sth Giới thiệu ai/cái gì với ai/cái gì Let me introduce you to my colleague.

Mass extinction Sự tuyệt chủng hàng loạt Dinosaurs disappeared during a mass extinction event.

On earth = in the world = all over the world Trên thế giới, khắp thế giới Pandas are one of the
most beloved animals on earth.

On the wing Đang bay The birds are on the wing, migrating south for the winter.

On the rocks Trên bờ vực tan vỡ (nghĩa bóng), trên đá (nghĩa đen) Their marriage is on the rocks.

On the verge Trên bờ vực The species is on the verge of extinction.

On the ground Dưới mặt đất The researchers are studying animal behavior on the ground.

Result in = lead to Dẫn đến The heavy rain resulted in flooding.

Result from Là kết quả của His illness resulted from years of unhealthy eating habits

Adaption /əˈdæpʃən/ Noun Sự thích nghi

Adoption /əˈdɑːpʃən/ Noun Sự nhận nuôi, sự áp dụng

Digestion /daɪˈdʒɛstʃən/ Noun Sự tiêu hóa

Disappearance /ˌdɪsəˈpɪrəns/ Noun Sự biến mất

Dominance /ˈdɑːmɪnəns/ Noun Sự thống trị, ưu thế

Evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃən/ Noun Sự tiến hóa

Migration /maɪˈɡreɪʃən/ Noun Sự di cư

Provision /prəˈvɪʒən/ Noun Sự cung cấp, điều khoản

Resolution /ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/ Noun Nghị quyết, sự quyết tâm

Survival /sərˈvaɪvəl/ Noun Sự sống sót

Survivor /sərˈvaɪvər/ Noun Người sống sót

Acidification /əˌsɪdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ Noun Sự axit hóa Ocean acidification affects marine life. ocean
acidification, acidification process

Adapt /əˈdæpt/ Verb Thích nghi Animals adapt to their environment. adapt to, adapt
Adopt /əˈdɑpt/ Verb Nhận nuôi, áp dụng They decided to adopt a child. adopt a child,
adopt a policy

Aesthetic /ɛsˈθɛtɪk/ Adjective Thẩm mỹ The painting has great aesthetic value.
aesthetic value, aesthetic appeal

Algae /ˈælɡi/ Noun Tảo The pond is covered with algae. green algae, algae bloom

Aquatic /əˈkwɑtɪk/ Adjective Dưới nước, thuộc về nước Dolphins are aquatic animals.
aquatic life, aquatic plants

Biodiversity /ˌbaɪoʊdaɪˈvɜrsɪti/ Noun Đa dạng sinh học Rainforests are rich in

biodiversity. rich biodiversity, biodiversity hotspot

Bramble /ˈbræmbəl/ Noun Cây mâm xôi He got caught in a bramble bush.
bramble bush, wild bramble

Breed /brid/ Verb, Noun Sinh sản, giống loài They breed horses on their farm. breed
animals, rare breed

Calf /kæf/ Noun Con bê, con non The cow gave birth to a healthy calf. baby calf, calf

Captivity /kæpˈtɪvɪti/ Noun Tình trạng bị giam cầm The animals were released from
captivity. held in captivity, in captivity

Carnivore /ˈkɑrnɪˌvɔr/ Noun Động vật ăn thịtLions are carnivores. obligate carnivore,
carnivore diet

Contamination /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ Noun Sự ô nhiễm The water contamination is a serious

issue. contamination level, contamination risk

Contend /kənˈtɛnd/ Verb Đấu tranh, tranh luận They had to contend with many
obstacles. contend with, contend for

Corruption /kəˈrʌpʃən/ Noun Tham nhũng The government is fighting corruption. political
corruption, corruption scandal

Decibel /ˈdɛsɪˌbɛl/ Noun Đề-xi-ben (đơn vị đo âm thanh) The sound level was over 80 decibels.
decibel level, decibel scale

Digest /daɪˈdʒɛst/ Verb Tiêu hóa, hiểu thấu It takes time to digest this information. digest
food, digest information

Appearance /əˈpɪərəns/ Noun Sự xuất hiện, ngoại hìnhThe sudden appearance of the star
surprised everyone. physical appearance, make an appearance

Dominant /ˈdɑmɪnənt/ Adjective Thống trị, chiếm ưu thế The company has a dominant
position in the market. dominant position, dominant species

Dorsal /ˈdɔrsəl/ Adjective Thuộc về lưng The dolphin's dorsal fin was visible. dorsal
fin, dorsal side
Enemy /ˈɛnəmi/ Noun Kẻ thù They are sworn enemies. enemy forces, common enemy

Ensnared /ɛnˈsnɛrd/ Verb Bị bẫy, bị mắc bẫy The animal was ensnared in the trap.
ensnared in, ensnared by

Entangled /ɛnˈtæŋɡəld/ Verb Bị quấn vào, bị vướng vào The turtle got entangled in the
fishing net. entangled in, entangled with

Evolve /ɪˈvɑlv/ Verb Tiến hóa Species evolve over time. evolve from, evolve into

Expression /ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ Noun Sự biểu lộ, sự diễn đạt He had a puzzled expression on his face.
facial expression, expression of

Expulsion /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ Noun Sự trục xuất His expulsion from school was shocking.
expulsion from, immediate expulsion

Extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ Noun Sự tuyệt chủng Many species are threatened with extinction.
mass extinction, extinction event

Extension /ɪkˈstɛnʃən/ Noun Sự mở rộng The extension of the deadline was helpful.
extension of, extension cord

Exterminate /ɪkˈstɜrmɪˌneɪt/ Verb Tiêu diệt The pests were exterminated completely.
exterminate pests, exterminate insects

Fertilizer /ˈfɜrtɪˌlaɪzər/ Noun Phân bón Organic fertilizers are better for the soil.
chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer

Frontal /ˈfrʌntəl/ Adjective Thuộc về phía trước The car sustained frontal damage in the
crash. frontal lobe, frontal attack

Gargantuan /ɡɑrˈɡæntʃuən/ Adjective Khổng lồ The gargantuan task took weeks to

complete. gargantuan appetite, gargantuan size

Gestation /dʒɛˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Thời kỳ thai nghén The gestation period for elephants is
about 22 months. gestation period, gestation process

Gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ Adjective Khổng lồ The concert was held in a gigantic

stadium. gigantic building, gigantic mistake

Groove /ɡruv/ Noun Rãnh, khe The record has a deep groove. deep groove, groove on the

Herbicide /ˈhɜrbɪˌsaɪd/ Noun Thuốc diệt cỏ Farmers use herbicides to control weeds.
herbicide resistance, chemical herbicide

Herbivore /ˈhɜrbɪˌvɔr/ Noun Động vật ăn cỏ Deer are herbivores. obligate herbivore,
herbivore diet

Justification /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ Noun Sự biện minh There is no justification for such

behavior. justification for, moral justification
Lichen /ˈlaɪkən/ Noun Địa y Lichens grow on rocks and trees. lichen species, lichen

Low-frequency /loʊˈfrikwənsi/ Adjective Tần số thấp Whales communicate using low-

frequency sounds. low-frequency sound, low-frequency signal

Maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ Noun Bảo trì, duy trì Regular maintenance is essential for machinery.
maintenance work, routine maintenance

Mammal /ˈmæməl/ Noun Động vật có vú Humans are mammals. marine mammal,
mammal species

Marine /məˈrin/ Adjective Thuộc về biển Marine life is diverse and fascinating. marine
biology, marine ecosystem

Maturity /məˈtʃʊrɪti/ Noun Sự trưởng thành The bonds will reach maturity in 10
years. reach maturity, level of maturity

Migrate /ˈmaɪɡreɪt/ Verb Di cư Birds migrate south for the winter. migrate to, migrate

Moss /mɔs/ Noun Rêu The rocks were covered with moss. green moss, moss-covered

Navel /ˈneɪvəl/ Noun Rốn The baby’s navel needs to be cleaned carefully. navel piercing,
navel area

Omnivore /ˈɑmnɪˌvɔr/ Noun Động vật ăn tạp Bears are omnivores. omnivore diet,
omnivore species

Organism /ˈɔrɡəˌnɪzəm/ Noun Sinh vậtMicroorganisms are tiny living organisms. living
organism, single-celled organism

Overexploitation /ˌoʊvərɪkˌsplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ Noun Sự khai thác quá mức Overexploitation of

resources leads to depletion. overexploitation of, excessive overexploitation

Pesticide /ˈpɛstɪˌsaɪd/ Noun Thuốc trừ sâu Farmers use pesticides to protect crops.
chemical pesticide, pesticide use

Phytoplankton /ˌfaɪtoʊˈplæŋktən/ Noun Thực vật phù du Phytoplankton form the base of
the marine food web. phytoplankton bloom, marine phytoplankton

Poacher /ˈpoʊtʃər/ Noun Kẻ săn trộm Poachers illegally hunt animals for their tusks.
poacher activity, poacher caught

Precious /ˈprɛʃəs/ Adjective Quý giá Diamonds are precious stones. precious metal,
precious resource

Predator /ˈprɛdətər/ Noun Kẻ săn mồi The lion is a top predator in its ecosystem.
top predator, natural predator

Prosperous /ˈprɑspərəs/ Adjective Thịnh vượng The region is known for its prosperous
agriculture. prosperous business, prosperous future
Provide /prəˈvaɪd/ Verb Cung cấp The charity provides food and shelter to the homeless.
provide for, provide with

Resolve /rɪˈzɑlv/Verb Giải quyết They resolved the issue amicably. resolve a conflict,
resolve an issue

Resultantly /rɪˈzʌltəntli/ Adverb Kết quả là The project was delayed, and resultantly, costs
increased. resultantly affecting, resultantly leading

Rostrum /ˈrɑstrəm/ Noun Bục phát biểu The speaker approached the rostrum
confidently. speaker's rostrum, rostrum stage

Sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/ Adjective Tinh vi, phức tạp The system uses sophisticated
technology. sophisticated technology, sophisticated approach

Survive /sərˈvaɪv/ Verb Sống sót, tồn tại Many species have to adapt to survive. survive
an accident, survive on, survive the storm

Timber /ˈtɪmbər/ Noun Gỗ Timber is used in construction. timber frame, timber industry

Tissue /ˈtɪʃu/ Noun Mô Human tissue samples were collected. muscle tissue, tissue damage

Trunk /trʌŋk/ Noun Thân cây, vòi voi The elephant used its trunk to drink water. tree
trunk, car trunk

Unprecedented /ʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛntɪd/ Adjective Chưa từng có The event was of

unprecedented scale. unprecedented event, unprecedented situation

Ventral /ˈvɛntrəl/ Adjective Ở bụng, phía dưới The fish has a ventral fin. ventral
side, ventral view

Vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/ Adjective Dễ bị tổn thương Children are vulnerable to

infections. vulnerable groups, vulnerable species

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