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Alternative Capitalist

Alternation Capitalism
Apatite Consumer
Artificial Consumption
Authentic Delivery
Bauxite Devastation
Biodegradable Energy
Boundless Exhaustion
Campaign Exhausting
Capitalize Exploitation
Capital Incineration
Consume Integrator
Consummation Non-renewable
Decayed Reservation
Deliver Revolutionary
Devastate Tender
Fossil fuel
Nuclear power

Add sth to Thêm cái gì vào She added salt to the soup.

Be rich in sth Giàu có, phong phú về cái gì Avocados are rich in healthy fats.

Carry out = conduct Tiến hành, thực hiện The scientists carried out the experiment successfully.

Carry on = go on = continue Tiếp tụcDespite the rain, they carried on with the game.

Carry away Mang đi, cuốn đi The strong current carried the boat away.

Carry off Đạt được, thành công She carried off the award for Best Actress.

Change sth into sth Biến đổi cái gì thành cái gì The magician changed the rabbit into a dove.

Do research on sth Nghiên cứu về cái gì He is doing research on climate change.

Get rid of = remove Loại bỏ She decided to get rid of her old clothes.

Take a fancy to sb/sth Thích ai/cái gì She has taken a fancy to that new restaurant.

To take a dislike to sb Ghét ai He took a dislike to his new neighbor immediately.

Capitalist /ˈkæpɪtəlɪst/ Noun, AdjectiveNhà tư bản, thuộc về tư bản

Capitalism /ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm/ Noun Chủ nghĩa tư bản

Consumer /kənˈsuːmər/ Noun Người tiêu dùng

Consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ Noun Sự tiêu thụ

Delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/ Noun Sự giao hàng, sự chuyển phát

Devastation /ˌdɛvəˈsteɪʃən/ Noun Sự tàn phá

Energy /ˈɛnərdʒi/ Noun Năng lượng

Exhaustion /ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən/ Noun Sự kiệt sức

Exhausting /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪŋ/ Adjective Làm kiệt sức

Exploitation /ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ Noun Sự khai thác, bóc lột

Incineration /ɪnˌsɪnəˈreɪʃən/ Noun Sự thiêu hủy

Integrator /ˈɪntɪˌɡreɪtər/ Noun Người tích hợp, người hợp nhất

Non-renewable /ˌnɑːn rɪˈnuːəbl/ Adjective Không thể tái tạo

Reservation /ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃən/ Noun Sự đặt chỗ, khu bảo tồn

Revolutionary /ˌrɛvəˈluːʃənɛri/ Adjective Mang tính cách mạng

Tender /ˈtɛndər/ Adjective Dịu dàng, mềm mại

Alternative /ɔːlˈtɜrnətɪv/ Noun, AdjectiveSự lựa chọn, thay thế Solar energy is an alternative to
fossil fuels. alternative energy, alternative solution

Alternation /ˌɔːltərˈneɪʃən/ Noun Sự thay phiên The alternation of day and night affects our
sleep patterns. alternation of, periodic alternation

Apatite /ˈæpəˌtaɪt/ Noun Khoáng chất apatite Apatite is used in the production of fertilizer.
apatite crystals, apatite deposits

Artificial /ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃəl/ Adjective Nhân tạo The plant was grown under artificial
light. artificial intelligence, artificial light

Authentic /ɔːˈθɛntɪk/ Adjective Xác thực, thật The painting is an authentic Van Gogh.
authentic taste, authentic experience

Bauxite /ˈbɔːksaɪt/ Noun Quặng bô xít Bauxite is the primary source of aluminum. bauxite
mining, bauxite deposits

Biodegradable /ˌbaɪoʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbl/ Adjective Có thể phân hủy sinh học This packaging
is made from biodegradable materials. biodegradable waste, biodegradable plastics

Boundless /ˈbaʊndlɪs/ Adjective Bao la, vô tận Her boundless energy is an inspiration
to us all. boundless enthusiasm, boundless opportunities

Campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ Noun, Verb Chiến dịch They launched a campaign to raise
awareness about climate change. political campaign, advertising campaign

Capitalize /ˈkæpɪtəˌlaɪz/ Verb Tận dụng The company needs to capitalize on its
strengths. capitalize on, capitalize opportunity

Capital /ˈkæpɪtl/ Noun Thủ đô, vốn The capital of France is Paris. capital city, investment
Consume /kənˈsuːm/ Verb Tiêu thụ Americans consume a lot of energy.
consume energy, consume resources

Consummation /ˌkɒnsəˈmeɪʃən/Noun Sự hoàn tất, thành tựu The consummation of their business
deal was celebrated. consummation of, legal consummation

Decayed /dɪˈkeɪd/ Adjective Bị mục nát, suy tàn The decayed wood was falling
apart. decayed matter, decayed teeth

Deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ Verb Giao hàng, mang lại The package was delivered on time. deliver
a speech, deliver results

Devastate /ˈdɛvəˌsteɪt/ Verb Tàn phá, hủy diệt The hurricane devastated the coastal
town. devastate an area, devastate a community

Energetic /ˌɛnərˈdʒɛtɪk/ Adjective Tràn đầy năng lượng She is always energetic in the
morning. energetic performance, energetic personality

Enterprise /ˈɛntərˌpraɪz/ Noun Doanh nghiệp The government supports small enterprises.
business enterprise, social enterprise

Exhaust /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ Verb, Noun Kiệt sức, khói thải Running a marathon can exhaust even
the fittest athletes. car exhaust, exhaust fumes

Exhaustive /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪv/ Adjective Toàn diện, chi tiết The report was exhaustive and
covered all possible scenarios. exhaustive research, exhaustive list

Expenditure /ɪkˈspɛndɪtʃər/ Noun Sự chi tiêu The company's expenditure on research has
increased. government expenditure, capital expenditure

Exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ Verb Khai thác, bóc lột They were accused of exploiting child labor.
exploit resources, exploit opportunities

Extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ Verb Dập tắt Firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze.
extinguish a fire, extinguish hope

Fossil fuel /ˈfɑːsl ˌfjuːəl/ Noun Nhiên liệu hóa thạch Burning fossil fuels releases carbon
dioxide.fossil fuel consumption, fossil fuel reserves

Geodetic /ˌdʒiːəʊˈdɛtɪk/ Adjective Đo đạc địa chính Geodetic measurements are

important in mapping. geodetic survey, geodetic data

Geothermal /ˌdʒiːəʊˈθɜrməl/ Adjective Thuộc địa nhiệt Geothermal energy is a

renewable resource. geothermal energy, geothermal power

Granite /ˈɡrænɪt/ Noun Đá hoa cương The countertops are made of granite. granite rock,
granite countertop

Harness/ˈhɑrnɪs/ Verb Khai thác, sử dụng We need to harness the power of the wind.
harness energy, harness resources
Homogeneous /ˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəs/ Adjective Đồng nhất, đồng đều The population of the
village is quite homogeneous. homogeneous mixture, homogeneous society

Implement /ˈɪmplɪˌmɛnt/ Verb Thực hiện The new policy will be implemented next year.
implement a plan, implement a strategy

Incinerate /ɪnˈsɪnəˌreɪt/ Verb Thiêu hủy The waste was incinerated at a high
temperature. incinerate waste, incinerate garbage

Infinite /ˈɪnfənɪt/ Adjective Vô hạn The universe is believed to be infinite. infinite

possibilities, infinite space

Integrity /ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti/ Noun Tính chính trực, liêm chính She is known for her integrity
and honesty. personal integrity, integrity of data

Integrate /ˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt/ Verb Tích hợp, hội nhập The new system will integrate with
existing software. integrate into, integrate with

Miscellaneous /ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs/ Adjective Hỗn hợp, linh tinh The box contained
miscellaneous items. miscellaneous expenses, miscellaneous items

Nuclear power /ˈnjuːkliər ˌpaʊər/ Noun Năng lượng hạt nhân Nuclear power plants produce a
lot of energy. nuclear power plant, nuclear power station

Opaque/oʊˈpeɪk/ Adjective Mờ đục, không trong suốt The glass is opaque for privacy.
opaque glass, opaque material

Panel /ˈpænəl/ Noun Tấm, bảng điều khiển The solar panels were installed on the roof.
control panel, panel discussion

Photovoltaic /ˌfoʊtoʊvɔlˈteɪɪk/ Adjective Quang điện Photovoltaic cells convert

sunlight into electricity. photovoltaic system, photovoltaic cell

Radioactive /ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv/Adjective Phóng xạ Radioactive materials must be handled

with care. radioactive waste, radioactive decay

Renewable /rɪˈnuːəbl/ Adjective Tái tạo, có thể phục hồi Wind is a renewable energy
source. renewable energy, renewable resources

Reserve/rɪˈzɜrv/Noun Dự trữ They have a large reserve of oil. oil reserve, reserve funds

Resource /ˈriːsɔːrs/ Noun Tài nguyên Natural resources are vital for our economy.
natural resource, resource management

Source /sɔːrs/ Noun Nguồn The river is the main source of water for the town. source of
information, source of income

Revolution /ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən/ Noun Cuộc cách mạng The industrial revolution changed the
world. social revolution, industrial revolution

Smokeless /ˈsmoʊklɪs/ Adjective Không khói Smokeless fuels are better for the
environment. smokeless fuel, smokeless tobacco
Solid /ˈsɑːlɪd/Adjective Rắn, đặc The table is made of solid wood. solid
foundation, solid structure

Speculative /ˈspɛkjələtɪv/ Adjective Mang tính suy đoán, đầu cơ The idea was purely
speculative at this stage. speculative investment, speculative fiction

Stationery /ˈsteɪʃəˌnɛri/ Noun Văn phòng phẩm She bought some new stationery for the
office. office stationery, stationery supplies

Store /stɔːr/ Noun, Verb Cửa hàng, lưu trữ The data is stored on the cloud. grocery store,
store information

Storage /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/ Noun Lưu trữ The warehouse has ample storage space. data storage,
storage capacity

Subdue /səbˈduː/ Verb Chinh phục, đàn áp The army was able to subdue the rebellion.
subdue a riot, subdue emotions

Surcharge /ˈsɜːrtʃɑːrdʒ/ Noun Phụ phí There is a surcharge for overweight luggage. fuel
surcharge, service surcharge

Synthetic /sɪnˈθɛtɪk/ Adjective Nhân tạo Synthetic fabrics are often cheaper than
natural ones. synthetic material, synthetic fabric

Tendency /ˈtɛndənsi/ Noun Xu hướng There is a tendency to avoid risks in this

company. general tendency, increasing tendency

Tend /tɛnd/ Verb Có xu hướng, chăm sóc She tends to get nervous before exams. tend to, tend
the garden

Transparent /trænsˈpɛrənt/ Adjective Trong suốt The glass walls are completely
transparent. transparent material, transparent process

Unleaded /ʌnˈlɛdɪd/ Adjective Không chứa chì Unleaded gasoline is better for the
environment. unleaded fuel, unleaded petrol

Utilization /ˌjuːtɪləˈzeɪʃən/ Noun Sự sử dụng The utilization of renewable energy is

increasing. effective utilization, utilization rate

Virgin /ˈvɜrdʒɪn/ Adjective Nguyên sơ, chưa khai thác The island has many areas of
virgin forest. virgin land, virgin forest

Volcano/vɑlˈkeɪnoʊ/ Noun Núi lửa The volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy. active
volcano, dormant volcano

Well-grounded /ˌwɛlˈɡraʊndɪd/ Adjective Có cơ sở, có căn cứ His arguments are well-

grounded in scientific research. well-grounded theory, well-grounded advice

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