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Zuxu Ge || Hitesh Kattula Materials & Methods Science 2 Research

1. Please make a list of ALL materials that you will need to accomplish your project. Include
even paper towels, cups, etc.
2. Make a list of steps that you will follow for your procedure. Make sure you include enough
information without unnecessary information.
3. DATA: make a chart or table that you will input your collected data into. Include units you
are using.
4. Data Analysis: Display Data using a line graph. Provide a caption below and an appropriate
explanation on why you chose this type of representation.

Section 1: List all materials needed

1. Shapes
a. Hemisphere
i. Evaporating Dish

b. Oval
i. Plastic Oval Egg

c. Cone
i. Funnel

d. Cylinder
i. Empty Soda Can

2. Vernier Probe
a. Accelerometer Probe
3. Paper towel roll
a. To provide a base for the ramp
4. Cardboard
a. 14 in by 6 in piece of cardboard

Proposal Picture (For Reference–NOT EXACTLY THIS):

Section 2: Make a procedure that you will follow
1. Set up Vernier Accelerometer Probe
a. Pursue any calibration if necessary
2. Stack the cardboard piece on the paper roll to setup the contraption
a. Make sure everything is STABLE
3. Gather all necessary shapes
a. Hemisphere
b. Oval
c. Cone
d. Cylinder
4. Start to roll down one object a time while measuring data with the accelerometer probe
a. Complete two trials for each shape
5. Finally, take the average measurements of each shape

Section 3: Data Chart. Please note that the same exact ramp system is used for each trial
Hemisphere (Evaporating Dish l) Measuring acceleration in 𝑚/𝑠 across a ramp
Trial 1 Trial 2
Trail Speed (𝑚/𝑠 ) 15.97 14.47

Oval (Plastic Oval Egg) Measuring acceleration in 𝑚/𝑠 across a ramp
Trial 1 Trial 2
Trail Speed (𝑚/𝑠 ) 4.32 4.97

Cone (Funnel) Measuring acceleration in 𝑚/𝑠 across a ramp
Trial 1 Trial 2

Trail Speed (𝑚/𝑠 ) 9.59 10.26

Cylinder (Empty soda can) Measuring acceleration in 𝑚/𝑠 across a ramp
Trial 1 Trial 2
Trail Speed (𝑚/𝑠 ) 11.87 11.97

Average Measuring acceleration in 𝑚/𝑠 across a ramp (Rounded to the Tenths Place)
Shapes Average trial Speed (𝑚/𝑠 )

Hemisphere (Evaporating Dish) 15.22

Oval (Plastic Oval Egg) 4.65

Cone (Funnel) 9.93

Cylinder (Empty Soda Can) 11.92

Measuring Acceleration Trial Column chart

The column chart represents the outcomes from each acceleration trial of each respective shape.

Measuring Acceleration Trial Chart

The column chart represents the AVERAGE outcomes from each acceleration trial of each
respective shape

Why Column Charts?

The column chart allows for easier comparisons between data. This allows us to determine the best
shape for acceleration quickly.

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