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Harvey Lucas:

[7/11, 3:54 PM] De Light: first appraoch

My name is Michael Morgan, from the American army, i am from texas houston, USA. I am a henior
American army officer, currently in Sana'a yemen on a peacekeeping mission.


I have been in the orthopedic for many years and i have been in Yemen for over two (2) years.

I graduated from Teaneck High School, and received my commission following graduation from the
United States Army Academy. I also hold a Master of Business Administration degree from george
Washington university

my weight is 82kg, height is 1.75m, my eye colour is blue, I do regular exercises because of the nature of
my Job to keep fit.
I am an orphan, i grew up in an orphanage home. I was lonely and i need to talk to someone to wipe off
my sadness so I decided to chat on talk I came across your profile so i decided to say hello and i was
surprised when you responded. I hope you are not offended about this?

I am in a war zone, we are not allowed to do video call and share photos on the internet because it is
not safe. I will be punished and discharged, if i am caught by my colleagues. There are other soldiers
around me in the control room now.

The rules here are very strict, we have to be careful because of the nature of our work, I will try my best
to take a risk to send you my picture, anytime i am alone.

oh, i have never heard about your city but i am very glad to learn about new places and new cultures. I
believe that distance, language and cultural difference is not a barrier to true friendship. What do you

I am a responsible man who once had a lovely family in America,i had a son but she died 7 years ago, my
wife divorce me 5 years ago, 3 month before i went to yemen due to my inconcistency at home because
of the nature of my job. I am looking forward to my retirement very soon.
I will retire from the united states army in 5 months and i want to come over to Korea to settle down.
Well, that is why i need a good friend like you. You are the only friend i have in Korea

Are you married or single?

The world is a wonderful place, i will like to know about the weather condition in your country.

How is the situation of things over there in regards to the economic and security situation? Life is
precious and i think nation's economy grows as a result of good government and understanding of the
people. What do you think?

What do you do to overcome economic expenses and to sustain yourself and your family?
There is a saying that it is difficult to find prominent persons of high principle who are responsible online
in regards to good friendship, business and productivity, tell me your opinion on this.

What are your hobbies, interest,lifestyle, religious beliefs and plans for life?

I enjoy going to the beach, i love the ocean and mountain view. I enjoy some Travel, movies and dinners
with a nice glass of wine. I like going to concerts or comedy club, i stay at home sometimes to watch a
good movie. I like to go to the races as well, walks in a nice park followed by a picnic.(Romantic thought)

Well, i will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and trust. Although we just got to know
each other, i will like us to share ideas and discuss more about ourselves.And i believe as time goes on
there may be something great for us in the future. What do you say?

With this step of trust and willingness to begin this friendship, i hope we can chat after now.

Thanks a lot i assure you that we will be best of friends that people will envy you and I, all we need to do
is to be sincere in our communication as good friends, Okay?
I'm kind and Humble with a good heart and i have great values for human life because i am a member of
the US Army.

I'm a very passionate, physical person that would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic,
hopeful, wise and smart. I have a good, honest heart and don't like being lied to.

My friends and family never question or doubt my words because i am sincere. I am supportive, caring
and have a loyal and tolerant character. I am very humble, honest, understanding and truthful.

I don't need to be buttered up. If you are straight with me from the get go, i'm more likely to grow to
care for you. If I can't tell where you are coming from or where you are heading, then it isn't likely to go
anywhere further than this page.

[7/11, 3:55 PM] De Light: 1. What is your favorite color?

2. How serious are you finding a new partner ?

3. Would you want to get married again or even have another child ?

4. When is your birthday?

5. Do you believed in an Online dating stuff ?

6. What are your favorite types of food?

7. Do you attend church ?

8. How tall are you?

9. What type of music do u listen to?

10. Are u right handed or left handed?

11 Have you ever met any guy through online dating for a date of relationship ?

12. So what happen between you and him that leads to your separation if any ?

13. Are u an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?

14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?

15.Are you a woman with a kind heart of help in any circumstances ?

16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?

17. What would Ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall personality?

18: wold you ever apologies to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer him apologize?

19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?unresolved and act
like nothing happened?

20. Are you the type who can stand with your partner in time of pains , sorrows and difficulties

21. what is your favorite -place to go?

22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to know?

23. Do u wear jewelry?

24. Where were you born?

25. What actually do you like about me ?

27. Are u a night or morning person?

28..what is your favorite -movie?

29 .What was your most memorable childhood moment?

30.What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

31.What was your most embarrassing moment?

32.What was the single most significant turning point in your life?

33.What things do you feel passionate about?

34.Do you believe in love at first sight?

35.What's the difference between love, romance and sex?

36.Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?

37.What is your idea of a dream... ?

38.Are you willing to treat my kids just as your biological child ?.

39.What do you want most from life??

40.What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?

41.What do you do when you feel angry or upset?

42.What three words best describe you?

43.What is your idea of a perfect date?

44. What is your greatest achievement in life ever since your youthful age till date ?

45.What are your goals and achievement ever since you are a worker ?

46.What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?

47.What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?

48:would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in trouble ??


1. My favorite color is blue.....once in a great while it is red, if I'm feeling adventurous

2. I drive a 2003 Cadillac ACTS

3. Married again, if I found the right woman, and everything was good yes. Me having a kid again it
will depend on my partner .. and but not sure for now ..
** 4. My birthday is 11 April, and I will turn 58years

5. I don't play games, I had my heart played with another woman and i wouldn't do that to anyone,
I've been hurt before and I don't wish that on anyone.

6.I like most foods, I cook anything i want to eat weakness is potatoes with chicken..

7. I don't attend church regularly, I was raised Catholic, and had to go to church daily, I feel that
religion is to hypocritical so I'm spiritual and believe in the Almighty

8. I'm 170.18

9. I listen to all types of music, I like R& B old school stuff, I'm a big Patti Labelle fan, don't listen to
heavy rock, heavy country or Rap

10. I'm right handed

11. I do baths at nights, almost every night ritual, i love hot water and shower in the AM

12. My three choices in life would be me .. my kids and partnership ..

13. I'm very affectionate and i like kissing matter here i am even if in public .. but with

the right person.

14. No tattoos .. i dont like them

15. I'm very handy,

16. Yes I can I said ..

17. My ideal mate, education as long as we can communicate, no requirements on body type,
personality wise, someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of humor, someone devoted to
the relationship, someone to be my equal, someone who can be passionate, someone who only wants
to love me (other than the family)..that a start

18. When I'm wrong I will be the first to admit it, I'm not perfect, i do make mistakes

19. when as a couple we fight I expect to work the problems out, usually by talking, from my past I
found if you let things go unresolved they never go away ... so i wil talk to you and will understand you
and make sure we understand each other.

20. last ime I had sex was about 3years ago , only been with 1 woman in the last years, in my younger
years I'm very physical with my man and hope he is the same, if I'm freaky only she will know it. Sex is an
important part of a relationship and it's natural.

21. My favorite place the beach ...

22. A female I'm getting to know, I have been emailing to other women, do I think it will develop e
into anything no, have I met them-no. they are very infomal emails not relaionship driven ...and will love
to get to know you .

23.yes I wear jewelry... gold once .

24. I was born in Norway..and have been in the state for some years now ..

25. well i wrote you bros I liked your profile and wanted to hear more,
27.I'm more of an afternoon person, I don't like getting up early unless for something special. and I
usually go to bed late

28.My favorite movies is HITCH by Will Smith .it all about love.....

29. Christmas timetabled be the most memorable,as i surely know i will get some sweets and

30. Funniest thing.... a cab ride in Las Vegas, it was with a wild driver, when we got to the destinations
we actually fell on the floor laughting.. I will tell you more about it late

31. Most embarrassing , Right after I posted my profile online I was at a work location and one of the
female employees told me he seen my pic & profile, he now always mentions it when I visit that

32. Turning point in my life, my fathers death, it made me realize you really only have yourself, it
made me a strong independent man

33. What do I feel passionate about, my kid, my job, my life the Almighty, someday a Woman , I hope.

34. Love at first sight, YES I beleive love at first site

35. Love is feeling deep into your soul, willing to give your all, romance is the act of being in love, the
attitudes, the things you do or say, sex is physical gratification, sex can be different than making love,
you can have sex but not be in love..
36.. To a certain degree, not to explicate

37. MY idea of a dream, finding that true love, that fairy tale love, Happily ever after..and be with
her ..

38. Three wishes, good health for all myself and myrmidon, Being able to help all those I love
financially, and finding my soul mate

39. To be loved truely & honestly, to be able to be true to my self and to live each day to the fullest
and for my kid to find the same

40. When i' sad or depressed I watch movies or try to play with ym kid and talk to my friends on the
phone ..

41. Same as the above

42 Organized, Happy, Reliable

43. Someone I truely care about and feels the same about me, don't have to do anything special just
being together.

44. Having my partner give me a massage or me giving the massage- Or letting me be me

45. Trust, honesty, love unconditionally, sense of humor, communication, then comes flowers ,
chocolate for my kid , jewelry(for men ), Gift card and any other thing form the heart of the giver

46. Romantic gift all the above....

47. Perfect Romantic vacation, being with the true love, on a private beach watching the sun see or
rise as we chat ..

48. When I'm in a committed relationship I feel we share everything, what I have they have, I'm not
selfish and expect the same .

[7/11, 3:56 PM] De Light: thank you so much

you are the best friend in the whole world.

i promise to be there for you at all time

i will never let you get hurt.

i promise to be a good friend to you

i will fight for you,care for you

i promise to make you happy forever.

i am a honest man with a beautiful heart

who will never see is family get hurt

no matter what happen.

but now i am alone in this weeked world.

with no one to call my family.

ever since i lost my daughter.

and my wife divioced me

i have be a sad man

with so many pain in my heart.

but i am so lucky

i find a good friend like you

you are the only friend and family i have in this world.

i promise to stand by you and treat you like a queen that you are.

i will guard and protect you forever.

i hope you will be there for me

when i come to korea?

because you are the only friend and family i have in korea

i can not wait to come to korea to see the beautiful mountain and beach

i can not wait to seat beside you and sing some melody with you

because you are the only one that give me joy.

thank you so much

my good friend

for making me smile again.

i hope you will take me to the beautiful mountain and beach in korea.

and other beautiful places in korea.EAYJ0DYD7?


{Driver licence]

Do you have a driver licence

i have a driver licence

but my driver licence has expired

i can not use it in korea

it is not valid in korea

how can i get a driver licence when i come to korea?


i understand you

i want to buy you a car

when i come to Korea

so you can drive me round in korea

so you can take me to the beautiful place in korea

so i can see the beautiful rose in korea

soi can see the beach in korea

what kind of car do you want me to buy for you ?


I want to start a business when i come to korea

but i don't have idea about business

i want you to advise me about good business in korea

Which business do you think the is good for me to do when i come to korea?

{About House }

I have no place to stay when i come to korean

Can i stay in your house when i come to korea ?

okay i understand you

i want to buy a house when i come to korea

I want you to help me look for a house with swimpool

so i can buy when i come to korea


I have a problem with my bank account i have a problem with my credit card my credit card is
deactivated there are no bank in the war zone all the bank have been destroyed my war my late friend
who died in the war zone told me that i can activate my credit card in korea and i believe him. can i
activate my credit card in korea?

[7/23, 6:54 AM] De Light: The General just arrived from United States to hold a meeting with the yemen
government concerning our retirement,i will be going for the meeting soon so i will talk to you later dear

Here are what you need to know about the meeting.

Today at the meeting, I want you to know that the United State Army Retirement Service and the United
Nation have accepted my retirement and i will be

leaving here as soon as possible to come to iran to meet with you h is where I want to start my new life.

you need to know that I trust and believe in you so much and I wish you forever happiness.

I have never doubted you and I have all my believe in you; this is the reason why I can disclose anything
about me to you. You are the only friend and sister that i have
and I believe we are going to more about our self when i get to korea.

There is something you need to know also, ever since i met with you, i have trusted you so much and I
believe in you as a woman, friend, best friend and i have you

as my dearest. for this, i believe I can do anything and everything for you because I know you can never
hurt me.

But there is problem that will delay my coming, I am presently assigned on a rescue mission and need to
urgently organise rescue unit. The mission is a

dangerous mission and i must be among the rescue team that will be going for the dangerous mission.

that need to go for the dangerous rescue mission

I tried my best not go for the dangerous rescue mission but I was told that it is the only option for my
total retirement from the United State Military Service. So

honey, I had no option than to go for the rescue mission so that I will have my total freedom from the
united state military service

I promise that i will do my best to keep safe in my the mission and come back safely to meet with you in
korea. I do really need you now to pray for me for my safety. this is very much important now as I need
your encouragement and support in my life.

Also my yemen friends, Immediately after the meeting, The United State Army Retirement Service and
the united Nation pay me with some Gold as compensation for my service in the and the Gold is with me
here in the military base. This is the major problem I have now.
my love, the gold is not safe with me here in the military base as i will be going for the rescue mission
and I can not leave the gold in the base while on

rescue mission. I want to send the Gold to you as package so that you will keep it safe till I return from
the rescue mission.

I asked on how to send package from here and i was told that I can use the service of the United Nation
Delivery to send the package to you through a private

and secure shipping company that will deliver it safely into your hands. you need to send to me your
address so that I can go and register the Gold as

package to you. Note that nobody will know about the Gold in the package and you have to keep it`s

below are the details that you need to send to me, right now i can't go out from the basement now
because we are training and preparing for the rescue mission,

our red cross woman is going out now for medical supply. i will give her the parcel to help me register
the parcel to you as family inheritance through a

security shipping company.

Full name:





Email Address:

Mobile Number:

Nearest Airport:

firstly, you need to keep praying for me my safety

secondly, you need to ensure the safety of the package. Do your best to keep the package safe when it is
with you

thirdly, I did not tell anybody about the Gold and I will not tell anybody, so you have to keep this to
yourself. do not tell anybody about the content of the package

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