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Ove Consentional
Cost feductibn

Peduced poue Age

Aju dable accexation tame
* Sucoth accheton aout the teiqueawienft
Jnceaned contat o je
Pelaible pen forance

day to.lay ocfnota q the people

Thos account a comiderable awount total
Consumpton m domentie comectal a hdaShe
9 Due to hsgh demand and enesy conupton, ttadt föond
tncandescent lamps and aga dischasge Camps have
to be nulas tohuted wo enegi effnt lopt.
4 hadotonal lamps abo produce heat rather than ogl

educed and t aesultr Bn oue lecticdty ba

tk a bock dingiam explasnfncton ot electone ballat,
mpoikance. tank
EM£ fiter Haf cacusf Lamp

+ 4 a deie olich co nthds the startong oltage

electical g dischan
elechouie ballat a pat cicut o hoch lonmot the
ous oy cuseut terough the lagtng doutce and may vay
thom beng ^Ahgle atstor to a bigga, copor duie.
Advantgs MOle

uDdh eleetone bllast copaned to magnete lallast

about io fo i2 yeats
faolhe aate of abou Bo- 30% afouo yeas ago to (ey

whar ae tee aoeent ages o penfoane evaluats
faas and menton the cnergy conewatin oppottunf
lomes on the ytem, t vaoe oh aquae ofvome

refolaane a cwe

fn nde a poeore, an
vobme, kyten sfatic
wtl be
heqaed o dsoe the fan
and biake hovieposei
under stafsc tondotons.

+ n lawS;
opexates under a pre drctble nef of laus concer
The fan
nng Syeed, poue and paesuae. change
wal change pnre aise and pooex ne veceyay to operate
t af neo P M.

euengy coneathon opptunifes

eKces ad loel n combuston

change ofmpeler

" Adoptong slet guade

upelloa de-satang
5. wha energ1 e pnofle ohat ae the audts eqted
coNuc frng he energ e
34 to aceount ot fafal consumpfoon,
used each
and hoo n j
ata, ta, a and natual
Aoghed to develap tee
eneljy conievation thatesg.
t Sneg) . t the uy to a yatu afie approack to
enegy managemen
auct to defermne
ways to seduce enesy cowiumpton per enit

6. Enyexplan tee fprelnay ne
establdh enegy cowumpfon n the elgenisaton

Jdentty he most lokaly dud eaxyt areas for atteuon

Judantty edoate sprovement fawngs.
set a saference poant
sdentty adeas tol mole deted shudy
paelsmyenegy audot we
obtaneA data.
2 Degne lrengy audt and expan oky ene1
Aequaed menton alvautag.

Au bmMion
Aecomendaos ton omeiong noy cieney otth
fo sedce
cost bennkt analy and acton pan
cneg cohumpt'on.
audt wDuld gove a porsfove Gllensat'on to
dhe eney cost hecduction , preventve masnfatnanee and
qualty contot.
on vaaton uohich occul s
the energy coth, avalabtty and nelasbaaty f apely
eneagy identty enery coneaton technologses.
Raduced Bnergy rpees
Jdontty eqpent probles
Döscove unaccounted consumpfon thatmay
Reduce he damage on enonment socated
uoth he eeploifaton of Aesorces.
8 Gove the ten ntepa mehodolo or detaed anergy aulot
and wfai.
:fhare.-Iple Aucdt phae auolsf
feselee planndg, eskablorlh lolqanhe en
imitumenls 4 toue fhame. Fost hond

ohue wafion 4 aueument of alenf level operatos

steps: Baaldng up coeperaton,, DAsue quertionnae tor
ach depuntment. elentatton auoarenes cheation
s4ep3: phae- Audot phae
piepae piocew loo chat
data gaeteng.
Desgn opoaton dafa and chedlale oponaton.
Annual enelgy boll and energ cowwmptoon patiern.
Aep 4 Conduet wey and monttoang. Motor ey
sulatson and tbghng iey to colle cfon ofnele
aud acCuiate data
step 5: onduct o! detased tass | expernents er delecfed
eneg guzzles, s4 hous pouser mofelg.
load varsafins ,fnance ast.
step 6: gdenticaton.4 como Gdaton ENcON meres
Coneieve, develop ondl ene sdeas. Revtes pieusou
tdeas kuggestd by unit.
Anay ot enegye, energy and matea
AMes techncal eanb:
psöetatzafion , seleet the most paoasong oject.
step: Doumentny ipott prescunfatoom to top managemet
amont and aplemef ENCON aecommendaton

SBep lo: hare- u Audt hae

Heaes and monitol he gertorance,
andl pertodie heuses.


* Com buyton arayz

The Snbttument has hbuslt chewral cely ohRe
meaywe varsouy qases ch as Oz, c0, NO and sSoy

combutn eficeney
+ Contact thermometer
hese ale termocouples wuseh measres hot a ,
hot oate temperatses lby Bmserfibn of paobe
Snto he stteau.

A hand helol
bellos dhaus tue g ample
Dato fhe souston snole tte.
Infrared termometu:
whirh ohen drecee
S! a non. contoct tye meswewent
at a heat dinecly
source gves the teuuperatee ead ol
(0. txplan n denal le contats an typical enengy audi
he confents an enogy aud aopot are

+ Snterprctaton

Dexcaaptkon of btke factlaty

+ tortojcal data taucdangs and anals
Enogy baance
e Total engy lpooeA Consumpton data

+ fhotos qssed ond aelated to e enery audst


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