Documentary evidence

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Proving that you're not engaged in real estate business would depend on the specific

circumstances and the reason you need to demonstrate this to a court. Here are some general
steps you might take:

1. Documentation: Gather any documents that support your claim. This might include tax
returns showing your sources of income, bank statements, employment contracts, or other
relevant paperwork that demonstrates your primary occupation or sources of income are
not related to real estate.
2. Witness Testimonies: If you have colleagues, employers, or clients who can testify on
your behalf, their statements could strengthen your case. They could provide insight into
your daily activities and the nature of your work.
3. Communication Records: If you communicate regularly through email, messages, or
other means, these records might help show the nature of your business activities. For
instance, if you primarily discuss non-real estate related matters, it can support your
4. Affidavits: Affidavits from yourself and others who can attest to your non-involvement
in real estate can be compelling evidence. These are written statements made under oath,
which carry legal weight.
5. Expert Opinions: Depending on the complexity of your situation, you might consider
hiring an expert in real estate law or accounting to provide an opinion supporting your
6. Financial Records: Your financial records, including income and expense statements,
can demonstrate that you don't derive income from real estate transactions.
7. Consistent Behavior: If you can show a consistent pattern of behavior that aligns with
your claim (e.g., regular employment in a non-real estate related field, lack of real estate
investments), this can support your case.
8. Legal Counsel: If you're facing legal proceedings, it's advisable to seek the advice of a
qualified attorney who can guide you through the process and help you present your case

Remember, the specifics of what you need to prove and the evidence required can vary widely
depending on the circumstances of your situation and the jurisdiction in which you're dealing
with the court.

The evidence you present would depend on the context of the situation and what you're
specifically trying to prove. If you're trying to demonstrate that you're not engaged in real estate
business, here are some types of evidence you might consider presenting:

1. Employment Records: Provide documentation from your employer showing your job
title, job description, and salary, indicating that your primary occupation is not in real
2. Tax Returns: Your tax returns can show your sources of income. If your income comes
primarily from non-real estate sources, this can support your claim.
3. Bank Statements: Bank statements can further corroborate your sources of income. If
your deposits and transactions are not related to real estate, this can be evidence in your
4. Communication Records: Emails, text messages, or other communication records
related to your work can demonstrate that your activities are not focused on real estate
5. Witness Testimonies: Statements from colleagues, employers, or clients who can attest
to the nature of your work and confirm that it does not involve real estate can strengthen
your case.
6. Affidavits: Sworn statements from yourself and others affirming that you are not
engaged in real estate business can provide additional support.
7. Documentation of Investments: If you have investments, provide documentation
showing that they are not in real estate properties or related ventures.
8. Expert Opinions: If necessary, you could obtain expert opinions from professionals in
relevant fields (such as real estate law or finance) supporting your claim that you're not
engaged in real estate business.
9. Contracts and Agreements: Any contracts or agreements related to your work that
demonstrate it is not in real estate can be presented as evidence.
10. Personal Declarations: Your own statements and declarations asserting that you are not
involved in real estate business can also be part of the evidence.

Remember to organize and present your evidence in a clear and coherent manner, and consider
seeking the advice of a legal professional to ensure you're effectively making your case.

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