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whats your parents work?

= my mom is pastry chef and my dad is chief electrician

weaknesses: I like that everything is perfect, and when something is not as I want, it becomes something
frustrating for me, I consider that to be some of my weaknesses

Call Center guide

si no entiendes la pregunta puedes decir: could you set an
example ? or what do you meant by that ? (usa sicologia inversa)
Interview Questions
-How did you know about us?
I searched for the best Call Centers in this country and found the best 5 and yours was on the
top. Which means is the best place to work and that’s why I’m here.
-Why should we hire you?
If you do so, you will have an outstanding employee and someone who is always committed
to his duties and you’ll have someone who always goes the extra mile.
-What is/are your weaknesses or strengths?
Strengths: I’m sort of perfectionist, I’m quite hardworking, I’m sorely patient, I love working
with people and I am always sharp on time.
-how would you handle an angry/upset customer? Or a customer yelling at you?
First, I let the customer vent his-her frustration by letting him or her talk, then I let the
customer know I how much I care about his-her situation… (More details about what to say
“on the phone” Part) and show then that i really worried aabout their problem , and i will do everything in my
hands to solve your problem
-What’s customer service for you?
It’s all about caring about customers’ concerns, it’s about having active listening and it’s
about putting yourself in the customers’ shoes. provide them with the necessary information and help them
solve their problems that have to do with the company
-Describe yourself, tell me about you?
*Pregunta esto: what exactly do you want to know about me? Así te hará preguntas más
específicas y no tendrás que estar pensando que responder.
-how do you see yourself in 5 years in this company?
Repuesta corta y contudente: I see myself as a manager. Why not…
-Tell about an experience with an angry customer?
*si no tienes una experiencia, invéntala. Crea algún escenario donde tuviste que lidiar con un
cliente enojado y que le ayudaste, si no pudiste ayudar, da un ejemplo donde el cliente estuvo
igualmente contento con el resultado. I remember that when I was working as customer service
*tell me about your self : as you know my name is in the restaurant, a customer was upset because his
magaly mancia , i have been studying english order never arrived, so I attended him with respect
during 5 year i finished the past year , i consider making it see that there were many orders before his
myself a woman efficient, creative and organaized. arrival, and that he would have patience and mention
The main thing to me at work is the engagement, that if his order did not arrive in 15 minutes it would be
because of when i propose somenthing i dont take a free for the delay, in the end the order arrived on time
rest, until deliver everything perfect .In addition to and the customer congratulated me for my kindness and
this, my priority at work is to satisfy customers and apologized for his attitude
leave a good reputation of the company I am with.
what it would be like in the area of technical support= at first one i power on the computer , in the next one i open the
program that i wll going to use for example in this case WORD ,i open the white document and start to edit or creaded or if
is excelt edict files and make calculations using formulas and that is.

- Do you have any call center experience?

No, but… I’m about to, once you hire me... (Repuesta simple y un tanto jocosa)
*Ojo: Cuando no entiendas algo, pide por ejemplos: Could you give me an example?

During training.
Tips: Pregunta lo que no entiendes… No temas.
-Aprende el tecnicismo, si es de dispositivos electrónicos asegúrate de agrandar tu
vocabulario en términos de ellos.
Si es de Laptops, aprende: nombres de piezas, preguntas referente al tema: ejemplo: What’s
your computer model numer?, verbos como: (Fix, repair, replace, fit…). Nombres de marcas
(Nvidia, Sony) etc... Si es de ventas busca preguntas claves... palabras nuevas, profesionales.

Consejos: -Recordar lo que se dio ese día en el entrenamiento, llegar más temprano y
familiarizarte con el programa, cuando puedas habla con alguien que ya esté dentro y hazle
preguntas sobre el programa o cualquier cosa. Pero más que todo aprende el tecnicismo de la
campaña a trabajar

Durante en el piso de producción... (On the phone)

-Hablar-escribir y escuchar… Suele ser una tarea difícil, si eres nuevo aprende a escuchar
primero y poco a poco combina, escuchar y escribir y viceversa hasta que puedas hacer todo
al mismo tiempo, es cuestión de práctica.
-Nunca digas I DONT KNOW “Mejor di, allow one or two minutes to find accurate information
in terms of your question”... en caso que no sepas de que hablan y preguntas a alguien que si
-No temas pedirle al cliente que haga algo: ejemplo si está en speaker “alto voz” es difícil
entender lo que dice: puedes pedir: Mr. Smith would mind turning off the speaker? “You’re
breaking up” “se corta la señal”… “The call is breaking up”. “It sounds we have some static”
-Nunca interrumpas al cliente… NUNCA!!!
-No uses palabra robotizadas como: I’M SORRY, I KNOW... mas bien usa: “My sincerest
apologies”, “I understand your concern”... “Don’t worry I will help you”...
Si el cliente te pide un supervisor porque habló o ha hablado con varias personas y nadie le
ha resuelto el asunto... algo clave que te ayudará es…"Mr. Smith I understand your
frustration, if I were you I would be in the same way therefore let me take a look into this
and find out what’s going on”... “I’m going to be the last one you talk to today, I’m going to
handle this for you"
-frases como: "remember I’m a customer as well and I’ve been in your shoes therefore I’ll go
the extra miles to solve your problem”. “just give the chance to take care of it for you". "Just
wait for me a couple of minutes, I’m going to do the hard work for you". "I’m at your service".
"You’re the reason why this company is successful, let me take care of you". Ayudan

Para poner le cliente en espera... Pregunta: “Is it ok if I place you on hold for 1-2 minutes?” o
“May I place you on hold for 2 minutes?” y cuando regreses…di: “I appreciate your waiting
time…” o en caso que ya lo pusiste en espera y aun no resulves: “Mr. smith I’m back just to let
you know I’m still working on your case, just allow me 2 more minutes… cuando te diga que
está bien, le dices: “I appreciate it”.

Cuando te digan que no entienden: Pregunta: Mr. Smith are you telling me you dont
understand what I say... y aun si no te dicen que no entienden, no hay mucho que hacer más
que buscarle otra persona.

Aprende a Parafrasear: repetir lo que el customer diga, ejemplo:

My TV is not working at all, it was working fine just few minutes ago, I’ve tried everything
and still nothing… Repites los mismo que dijo: Mr. Smith: you told me “your Tv is not working
at all, it was working fine just few minutes ago, you’ve tried everything and still nothing” Is it

• Siempre agradece: Thanks you so much, I appreciate it.

• Cuando no entiendas lo que dice: What exactly do you mean with that?
• No temas pedir que repitan "PERO NO LO HAGAS MAS DE 2X"
• Siempre diles que tienen la razón: Mr. Smith YOURE RIGHT… What you said makes
sense to me.
Si el cliente te grita, déjalo que ventile su furia… quítate un poco los headsets y deja que
hable, una vez que termine dile una de las frases tiernas…Ya mencionadas...
Aprende como manejar “Tiempo de comer” Ya que es corto. 30 a 45 minutos.
Receso… Aprende a hacer tus cosas en receso en tiempo corto ya que por lo general los recesos
son de 15-20 minutos máximo.

Espero que te haya servido. Visita mi canal de YOUTUBE Archipelago School y mi Instagram

Documento sujeto a derecho de autor, cualquier uso comercial será penalizado.

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