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Welcome To The

“Micro Leads
I’m gonna show you how changing 150-300
words of copy can often boost conversions
by 30-50%...

So you can turn mediocre offers into home

run winners that scale…

And dethrone copywriters who are a lot

more “skilled” than you.

Which is key to charging high fees,

royalties, bonuses, all that good shit.
This ONE Skill Is The Holy Grail Of Direct
Response Marketing.
The Most Effective Way
To Land “TROPHY Clients…”
This Is A Skill Set That STACKS
On Top Of Yesterday’s Training…
Grabbing attention…

Activating Buyer Agendas…

These things are MAJOR components of writing effective Micro Leads.

And I’m glad Luke covered it so well…

Because if I had to explain all of it, there is ZERO chance we’d get through
this training in 2 hours.

So now… we can apply those broad foundational skills to a SPECIFIC

medium: writing effective VSL and sales letter openings.

With that said, there are still a few key points I need to cover…

Before we get into actual Micro Lead frameworks.

As Direct Response Marketers,
Our job is to drive people towards SPECIFIC ACTIONS.

And as Luke explained, there AREN’T any actions without emotions.

So as you’ll see…

The #1 goal of effective Micro Leads is to stimulate the STRONGEST

emotional response in the shortest amount of time possible.

Because emotions are the evolutionary drivers of action.

Emotions create MOVEMENT.

It’s spelled E-MOTION. “MOTION” is 85% of the word.

And the BEST definition of emotions I’ve heard…

Actually came from a yoga video I found when doing client research…

Where it was described as:

“Emotions are the experience of energy

moving throughout the body.”
So our job is to CREATE that transfer of energy.

And we’re racing against the clock to do it.

That’s what the game of marketing comes down to.

We HAVE to stimulate strong emotions…

And get our prospects HOOKED…

BEFORE they get bored or distracted. And decide to leave.

So how do we do it?
Well… I Know Many Of You Think
Of Yourselves As “Copywriters…”
Not anymore.

Because writing is only a very SMALL component of what we actually do.

If you want to become a MASTER of commanding attention…

And generating powerful EMOTIONAL responses that inspire people to

take ACTION…

Then you need to STOP thinking of yourselves as copywriters…

And start thinking of yourselves as DIRECTORS.

Directors of a VERY specific genre.

Do you know what it is?

We’re Not “WRITING” Micro Leads,
We’re Producing Reptile Porn…
Because The Key To Crafting Effective
Micro-Leads… Is All About Appealing
We’re NOT trying to engage our prospects’ logical brains.

SO many copywriters screw this up.

Don’t try to “reason” with your prospects.

Don’t over explain your offer in the beginning of the lead.

There’s plenty of time for that LATER. As long as they STICK AROUND.

But your prospects’ LOGICAL brain isn’t the one making the decision as to
whether or not they’re going to watch your sales video.

Their decision to watch… is almost ENTIRELY dependent on how well you

activate their REPTILIAN BRAIN.

These are the PRIMAL drivers. Their CORE wants and desires.

Safety. Sex/Love. Food. Money. Power. Social Status. Self-Image.

The Life-Force 8.

Evolutionary assets that increase their chances of survival and replication.

Which ALSO happens to coincide with the different BUYING AGENDAS.

A Nerdier Way Of Explaining It…
Is Through Daniel Kahneman’s
System 1 Vs System 2 Thinking
RIP Daniel Kahneman… passed away a couple of weeks ago.

Famous Economist… who did a lot of psychological study.

Wrote “Thinking Fast & Slow.”

Also wrote “Heuristics & Biases: The Psychology Of Intuitive Judgment.”

Intuitive judgment is a REALLY important concept.

I Became 10X Better As A Copywriter
Since AI Came Out… And It’s
NOT From Using AI To Write Copy!
My improvements came from figuring out how to communicate WITH the

Because let’s face it… when it comes to “thinking”, these Large Language
Models are still pretty basic.

Sure, their ability to reason is starting to get better with certain updates.

But they MOSTLY operate at a System 1 thinking level.

They don’t actually “read” the words you put into them.

They don’t even understand “WORDS” in a technical sense.

The words are just symbolic representations to them.

They focus on PATTERN recognition.

They’re trained on tons of DATA.

So when you type your inputs, they search their database… and start
pattern matching… to generate their best guess of the answer you’re
looking for.

It happens within SECONDS. Almost instantaneous…

By simply matching inputs and outputs.

And What I Realized Is…
The Human Brain Works In
I know we like to “THINK” we’re these unique creatures…

And it’s true… when you’re talking about our souls and ability to love and
stuff like that…

But when it comes to how our REPTILIAN BRAINS work…

We’re really just advanced AIs in fragile, flesh shells.

We don’t actually operate in “words” either.

The words are symbolic representations…

Just like how AI uses tokens.

Thinking of it that way…

The words we communicate with are simply INPUTS.

They’re the way we structure DATA. Just like how we would “prompt” an AI.

The emotional response those words stimulate is the OUTPUT.

And here’s what you need to understand… because it’s REALLY important
when it comes to writing Micro Leads.
Every prospect who watches/reads your
sales message is operating out of their
own Large Language Model.
They’re processing your INPUTS you put on screen…

The words… the imagery… the voice inflection…

Then using their SUBCONSCIOUS brains to interpret the meaning…

And decide whether this is something that’s WORTH it for them to stick
around for.

Again… this is an instantaneous, automatic reaction.

It happens BELOW the prospects’ level of awareness.

Meaning, people will FEEL the emotion… LONG before understanding or

rationalizing WHAT they’re feeling. Or WHY they’re feeling it.

So… the MOST important factor… is that we stimulate SOME kind of

emotional response.

Any kind.

As quickly as possible.

As long as we do THAT… we give ourselves a chance of staying in the

Then obviously, the MORE aligned this response is

But there’s one LAST key point I need you to understand…

Before we get into frameworks…

Because it explains why certain markets respond to certain messages.

The Way Our Subconscious Minds

Operate… CHANGES Over
The Course Of Our Lives!
We don’t get to walk around all day in some protective bubble.

And you know how certain AIs/LLMs can be trained on personalized data…
which changes their outputs?

Well, that’s what happens to humans as well.

LIFE happens to us.

So most people are no longer a blank canvas anymore. They’re no longer
operating out of the default “factory mode.”

They’ve been “fine-tuned” over the years…

So while there are certain biological and evolutionary psychology

principles/desires that are found in ALL humans…

When you’re talking to prospects in different markets…

You’re also dealing with the result of their CONDITIONING…

The beliefs, biases, and instincts they’ve developed over DECADES of

LIFE experience.

THAT’S what’s interpreting your message.

ALL of the LAYERS they’ve accumulated over the years…

AND the base level human underneath.

Obviously, I Can’t Get Into All The
“Market Specifics” On THIS Training…
We can do entire training SERIES on this kind of stuff.

We WILL do that… throughout Genesis.

I’ll also bring in copywriters who specialize in different niches… to tell us

EXACTLY what makes those markets “tick.”

And obviously, prompts like the Build A Better Buyer… and Luke’s Buying
Agenda prompt can help make sure that you’re at least on the right track.

Since we have limited time… I wanted to focus THIS training on

teaching you Micro Lead CONTENT STRUCTURES.

I want to give you the TECHNICAL abilities to command attention… and

stimulate those emotions and neuroreceptors that drive response.

A lot of these structures are MARKET AGNOSTIC.

They can be APPLIED to MOST markets…

Because they’re based on FOUNDATIONAL principles…

Like stimulating curiosity…

Evoking strong emotions…

And disguising the sales process.

But your RESULTS will come from a COMBINATION of using the right
AND plugging the right elements INTO those structures.

I don’t want you to drop the ball there.

Especially if you AREN’T in Genesis… and don’t have ongoing access to

me and Luke.

So To Help You With “Market

Understanding,” I’m Going To Give You
2 Special BONUS Trainings From Inside
The Copy Accelerator Vault…
This is a mastermind that people have literally paid $30,000.00 a year to be

Luke and I helped run it for 2 years.

Now… we only focus on Genesis.

But there are two REALLY impactful trainings in there from Justin Goff that I
consider MANDATORY watching.

Both were shared at LIVE EVENTS… in closed door rooms…

EACH of these trainings is worth more than what you paid to attend this
entire workshop.

The first training is on “Finding Your Customers’ Crack…”

And knowing EXACTLY what your prospects want… based on their

beliefs/experiences/and honed intuition.
You can watch that here:

The SECOND training is all about how you can 2-3X your ads, emails, and
VSLs by understanding your buyer on the “Third Layer.”

This is a powerful addition to the Buying Agenda frameworks that Luke

walked you through.

And it gives you a roadmap for shifting the beliefs your prospects need… if
you want them to buy from you.

You can watch that one here:

Now… let’s get to the good stuff.

Crafting WINNING Micro Leads Is All
About Selecting The Most COMPELLING
Elements… And Structuring Them In

Micro Leads are short.

Usually 150-300 words.

It’s NOT a lot of writing.

But you want to make sure that the words that ARE used carry HIGH

Maximum EMOTION in MINIMAL time.

That doesn’t leave ANY room for fluff.

So you’re gonna have to assemble/use the most high-leverage copy


Things that stimulate emotions in less words.

Some of the things to look for here are:

- Is the copy addressing an URGENT PAIN POINT that’s actually important

to the market?
- Is the copy making a DESIRABLE PROMISE that our prospect believes
can impact their life in a specific, yet tangible way? (We want the promise
to be aggressive, yet believable.)

- Are we introducing a NEW CAUSE OF A STUBBORN PROBLEM that

refreshes our prospects’ hopes of getting results… even if they’ve failed to
resolve their issue in the past?

- Are we introducing an EXCITING & COMPELLING UNIQUE

SOLUTION… that delivers the desired results in a novel and superior way?

- Is our solution based on a SHOCKING DISCOVERY… made in a

which threatens to shake up the status quo?


that viewers would become emotionally invested in?

- Is there any DRAMA, CONSPIRACY, CONTROVERSY related to our

offer that we can leverage? Would anyone be INCENTIVIZED to STOP our
prospects from watching this?

That is a STRONG starter list of SPECIFIC ELEMENTS that you can

feature prominently in your Micro Leads.

It’s not an EXHAUSTIVE list.

But I’ve built winning Micro Leads around EACH of those areas.

And featured them prominently.

The best part is…

Rarely Do I Ever Have To Come Up With
These Concepts Myself…
That’s the funny thing about this process.

And explains WHY I think crafting high-converting Micro Leads is pretty

easy to pick up.

ESPECIALLY if you’re coming in to INCREASE conversions on a sales

letter that ALREADY exists.

Because a lot of these WINNING elements are likely ALREADY in the


I mean… most sales letters are going to address problems.

They’re going to introduce solutions.

And have proof.

And unique mechanisms.

Copywriting 101.

But what a lot of copywriters LACK… (even the good ones)


They write some good shit…

But they write it as if they’re playing with the shot clock turned off.

With a sense of ENTITLEMENT.

Like they have all the time in the world.

So they tend to “BURY” a lot of the ACTUAL compelling stuff…

Deeper into the letter/VSL.

But BECAUSE they take too long to get into it…

NOBODY ever sees it.

Because they FAILED to stimulate the emotions from the BEGINNING…

Prospects get bored. They’re left UNSTIMULATED. And they click away.

I can’t even TELL you how many times I’ve taken someone’s existing

Skimmed it for the ELEMENTS that jump out to me as EXCITING…

Then just took those elements that were buried on Page 3… or 7… or god
forbid, Page 14…

Moved them to the very TOP of the letter…

And ended up beating the control.

I’ll give you an example.

I did this for a back pain letter last year.

9-figure client.

Here’s how the letter started:

(It was their WINNING lead. After they tested multiple leads)

I call it the “Just Like You” Micro Lead.

I see people run it a lot. Not usually my favorite.

It’s OK, not terrible.

I was brought in to do a “Beat Your Control” on this project.

So… like always, I start by reading the EXISTING letter.

When I started scanning the control… I didn’t really feel any emotions.

UNTIL I got to the story of the daughter.

I don’t have kids.

I have two nephews who I’m really close with.

Yet that image of a smiling little daughter running over for a hug. And
getting terrified by her mom’s pain stuck right out to me.

I saw opportunities to take that TRUE STORY (I don’t make shit up) and
crank up the emotional drama.

So… I built a Micro Lead around THAT.

I literally started the letter:

“Mommy, did I hurt you? I’m sorry, Mommy…”

When those panicked words poured out of my 3 year old daughter Sage’s

It took every ounce of strength I had not to cry in front of her.

A few seconds earlier, this little bundle of joy was waddling down the
hallway in her pajamas…

With outstretched arms…

And the biggest, sweetest smile on her face.

All she wanted to do was “give mommy a good morning hug.”

But as I reached down to pick her up… it happened again.

And if you’ve ever dealt with a bad back before, you know that’s never
good news.

I felt my body lock up immediately…

Then… as an excruciating jolt shot from my legs all the way through my

I couldn’t help but let out a scream…

Which caused my precious little girl’s lips to quiver in shock.

I slowly lowered her to the ground…

Then collapsed onto the couch.

And in that moment…

The only thing worse than all the pain and stiffness raging through my

Was the guilt I felt for upsetting my daughter.

But as traumatic as that morning was…

This “hug gone wrong” ended up being one of the BEST things to ever
happen to me.
Because it led me to a life-changing discovery…

A specific sequence of simple, easy, gentle 10 second movements…

That RESET my back health… and made me feel “as good as new”

Thanks to this “10 Second Spinal Reset Sequence…”

I was FINALLY able to put an end to the years of frustrating flare-ups…

And get back to actually living life…

Where I could walk, run, lift, drive, bend, play with my kids… and give
them the biggest hugs… with zero hesitation.

Do you FEEL the difference?

There’s more emotion in those 290 words. Than in the whole 4 paragraphs
above it.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that version became the new CONTROL.

Which is still sitting on their home page right now:

(I actually did a 2 hour breakdown of this VSL for Genesis on Monday. I’ll
get it added to the workshop members area for you guys.)

And yeah, I changed a lot about this copy. Because I was paid to rewrite it.

But truthfully… I could’ve just taken those top 3 lines…

Slapped it onto the original control… the “Just Like You” lead.

And I’m pretty confident I STILL could have gotten a win there.

So… that’s the process I follow in a nutshell.

I go through the existing sales letter…

And I find the most COMPELLING ELEMENTS that jump out to me.

Things that stimulate an emotional response from me.

ANY kind of emotion…

“Oooh, that’s interesting…”


“Oh, that sounds painful…”

Either of those can work.

At This Point, You’re Just


That you can THEN match to different Micro Lead frameworks.

So… let’s go into some of my FAVORITE frameworks.

Not because I’m “sentimental” to them.

They’re my favorite because they WORK.

Over and over again.

So let’s get a fundamental understanding of WHY/HOW they work.

7 Of The Most Powerful
Micro Leads Frameworks
Micro Lead Framework 1:
The Anti-Mechanism

Why it’s POWERFUL:

It allows you to leverage ALL the built up awareness in a given market…

And USE that awareness to easily establish YOUR solution as new,

unique, different and superior.

Basically, it allows you to HIJACK all the time your competitors have spent
educating the market.

Then reap the rewards… by offering your customers what they ACTUALLY

Does it work?

Fuck yeah it does.

Delivered a 9-figure client among their BIGGEST front-end conversion wins


14.36% lift on a proven 9-figure offer.

Let’s see it in action.

Celebrity Nutritionist: These 5 Tasty
Superfoods Help Women Over 40
Regain The Effortless, FULL-SPEED
Metabolism They Had Back In High
If you’re a woman over the age of 40…

And you’re struggling to melt those stubborn pounds…

Then do yourself a favor…

And STOP listening to all the so-called fat loss experts…

Because they have it all WRONG!

Here’s why:

Most of them like to tell you the things you have to cut OUT of your diet…

You know…

The wine…

The chocolate…

The carbs…
Pretty much anything FUN.

But according to the latest nutritional research…

The REAL secret…

That’s helping hundreds of thousands of women in their 40s, 50s, and


Burn fat like they’re back in high school again…

Has VERY LITTLE to do with the foods you cut OUT of your diet…

And A LOT to do with the foods you add IN!

Because these women are using 5 simple, tasty superfoods…

To support a supercharged metabolism…

And start burning through their stubborn fat… faster than they have in
years… or in some cases… decades.

And that’s a much SMARTER way to uncover the slim, fit body you want.

I mean, think about it…

When you were a teen or in your 20s…

Did you have to worry about every little slice of pizza you enjoyed…

Getting stored as stubborn fat around your belly, hips, thighs, or other
troubled areas?

Of course not…
Because your metabolism was fast enough to burn it off with no problem!

But as you get older…

And your hormones change…

And your metabolism slows down…

That’s when your weight starts creeping on you.

It starts with a few extra pounds here and there…

But it adds up FAST.

Before you know it, you find yourself 30, 40, 50+ pounds overweight…

And worst of all, that weight refuses to budge… no matter HOW MANY
restrictive diets or hardcore workout programs you try.

So instead of feeling proud, confident, and happy… you start HIDING

from photos… because you’re ashamed of how you look in them.

You start swapping out those cute little outfits that you used to love to
wear… for oversized clothes that cover up your trouble areas.

It’s a sad, stressful way to live…

And it doesn’t HAVE to be this way.

Because by adding these 5 specific superfoods into your daily routine…

You can help REIGNITE your sluggish metabolism.

And give your body the support it needs… to start melting through its
stubborn fat stores… quickly and efficiently.

WITHOUT having to swear off all the foods you love.

Or torture yourself with some impossible to keep up with workouts.

Microlead Framework 2:
The Microscopic Inspection/
“Look Closer”
This is actually one of Stefan’s “go to lead” types.

I’m pretty sure he’s testing it on almost every offer within his agency.

And I know that we had some NDAs that stopped us from sharing a bunch
of the offers it was used on… if you snoop around long enough, you’ll see
that it works/is working.

Why? Because it uses a pattern interrupt to trigger EXTREME levels of

curiosity. Right out of the gate.

Then… immediately relates that curiosity to an URGENT pain point/desire

our market has.

I’ll give you an example of what this kind of lead looks like in practice…

Look closely at this fish tank.

-Picture of a Fish Tank-

It may not be noticeable to the naked eye…

But there’s one fish inside this aquarium that’s not like the rest…

And surprisingly…

The single difference between this fish…and every single other fish in this tank…

Could hold the key to quickly and naturally balancing blood sugar levels in men and
women across the world…
Giving them more energy…

Helping them to burn fat and shed unwanted weight…

Curbing their cravings for carbs and sweets…

And freeing them from a life of frustrating, ultra-strict diets.

Before you ask…

What makes this fish special has nothing to do with Omega Oils, seaweed, krill,
“phytonutrients” or even the water in the tank…


It all comes down to a strange “sticky blood molecule”...

Something that all humans have inside them…and that is especially common in those
with erratic blood sugar…

But that, mysteriously, is absent from the blood of this shy, unassuming fish…

Which is why…

Even though this fish species is notorious for being overweight, lazy, and virtually

And even though they often have sky high blood sugar levels…

These fish live astonishingly long and healthy lives.

So, can you guess which type of fish I’m talking about?

I’ll reveal the answer in just a moment…

And even more importantly…

You’ll see how scientists who were studying this fish…

Accidentally stumbled onto a strange but scientifically proven “Sugar Release

That can be used by men and women of any age…

To quickly and naturally gain control of your erratic blood sugar…

While unlocking almost limitless energy levels…

So that you can once again enjoy every moment of your life…

Without a dark cloud of worry and fear hanging over your head…

As you go from having your doctor breathing down your neck about your blood sugar

To giving you a high five in no time at all!

Just like these people:

[Add 3x short testimonial videos From Existing Customers. Make sure they don’t
mention the product, just the benefits they’re seeing]

But before we go any further…

Let me introduce myself.

I found that “curiosity” leads like this tend to work much more
CONSISTENTLY than starting your sales messages with the overdramatic
“horror stories.”

The horror stories can lead to HUGE wins… WHEN they work.

But they’re so overdone at this point, the market tends to tune them out.

Whereas you can use curiosity style Micro Leads like the “Look Closer” or
“Quiz Opens” to hit doubles pretty consistently.
Micro Lead Framework 3:
The Tail Of Two Twins/
“What’s The Difference?”
So I shared this Micro Lead a few months ago…

And since then, I’ve seen it win MULTIPLE times… on several different

Which SHOULDN’T be a surprise.

Since this Micro Lead is modeled off one of the MOST successful sales
letters of ALL time…

The Wall Street Journal “Tale Of Two Men” that brought in over 2 BILLION
dollars over the years.

If you go here (it’s my boy Mike Schauer’s website), you can read the
original and see how it was adapted for VARIOUS offers:

And I can confirm that it’s STILL working just as well today…

Because Stefan used it to beat the existing control by 2X for a Pet Health
Brand we were partnered on.
You can see it here:

Micro Lead Framework 4:

The Department Of Truth
Very few people are comfortable taking accountability.

Most people want to justify their failures…

And blame OTHERS for the struggles in their life.

That’s the reality of human nature.

And that reality is what makes The Department Of Truth Micro Lead
framework especially effective.

Because whenever you can tell people that there’s a hidden conspiracy
holding them down…

Or that they’ve been lied to by certain authorities who were supposed to

have their best interest at heart…

You’re going to have their attention.

That’s the idea I used to write a Micro Lead in a joint health letter for

They hired our agency…

I handled all the writing and ideation

They tested our version of the copy against another great copywriter…

And my version won by 29.6%.

That’s a BIG difference to Earnings Per Click.

Which can allow offers to pick up much more traction on the affiliate circuit.

Here’s the VSL so we can see it in action:

Micro Lead Framework 5:
The Journey Around The World
Another interesting fact about that Truegenics joint pain letter.

I gave them multiple Micro Leads for this letter.

These leads were completely different…

And BOTH of those Micro Leads performed pretty well.

I know THIS lead ran for a while as the main VSL on email traffic:

I figured it would do well, because the idea of a Civil War in your body…
and a “journey around the world” to find the solution creates a lot of instant

And now… it’s actually being used as the text version of the letter.

The funny thing about this letter:

It’s pretty much selling a COLLAGEN supplement.

That’s one of the most competitive supplement spaces out there.

It’s pretty much a pure commodity at this point.

But by using the “Journey Around The World” Micro-Lead, we were able to
build up a bunch of curiosity and novelty around the solution…

Which was especially effective in a market of seniors who are suffering

from joint pain…

Who probably AREN’T doing a lot of traveling.

So it’s delivering a VICARIOUS experience for them…

While ALSO promising them a new, unique, authority-backed solution to

their problems.

And because of this, we were able to squeeze out a successful offer…

(It’s a compliant letter too. No fake claims or stories.)

How Do You Find An Endless Amount
Of Micro Lead Ideas To Test?

You can use spytools like PowerAdSpy to see what’s running on sites like

Or Vidtao to find offers scaling on Youtube…

But one of the easiest ways to get ideas for VSL leads is to browse the

Because every offer you find on the first page of Clickbank is generating at
LEAST 7 figures per year.

Some… much more.

I DO Not Suggest Swiping The Copy…

To be clear, a lot of Clickbank offers are considered “black hat.”

They’re noncompliant.

Made up stories…

Questionable claims…

But these top offers tend to do really well with cold traffic.

And among competitive affiliate marketing circles.

Plus… you don’t need to swipe the COPY in order to model the

You can get good IDEAS for how to format your Micro Leads…

And apply them to YOUR offers… without breaking any moral/legal/ethical


But… there’s a catch.

Because finding the REAL Clickbank offers can be tricky.

A Lot Of Those Top Offers Use
“Dummy Pages” To
Get Around Compliance…
So if you go to the Marketplace and click on a top offer like Purevive…

You’ll see a generic page like this:

But that’s NOT where the traffic is going.

There traffic is almost always going to a more aggressive VSL like this:

So how do you find the real pages?

There are TWO ways:

One way is to go to the “Affiliate Page…”

And sign up as an affiliate…

Where they’ll usually let you generate a link, so you can promote the VSL.

The SECOND way is to type in [OFFER NAME VSL] or [OFFER NAME

REVIEWS] into Google.

On the first page, you’ll usually see a YOUTUBE video reviewing the

And that Youtube page often links to the actual VSL.

To save you some time, I captured links to NINE of the top 10 VSLs:

And to show you WHY it’s valuable to study them…

I’m going to show you two MORE PROVEN Micro Lead frameworks on
Clickbank that tend to work really well.
Micro Lead Framework 6:
The Hidden Camera Trick

This is the Micro Lead being used RIGHT NOW by the TOP offer on ALL of

You can check it out HERE:

It’s pretty brilliant.

It uses a “Hidden Camera” to show a woman spying on her sister…

To find the secret behind her incredible weight loss.

Why is it so effective?

Not only is it positioned as “User Generated Content…”

But it ALSO has a built in sense of mystique/voyeurism…

As if our viewer is seeing/getting access to something that should be


It’s strong emotions right out of the gate.

And this is a concept that can be applied to almost ANY market/offer.

Micro Lead Framework 7:
The Horror Report

This Micro Lead comes from the #2 offer on Clickbank, Sugar Defender.

It’s a controversial offer… because it’s about “treating diabetes.”

(Personally I stay away from any offers that imply any sort of disease
claims. Too messy)

But the structure they used in their Micro Lead is a great way to command

It’s a technique I call “The Horror Report…”

Where it’s basically announcing a new discovery/cause of the problem that

has dramatic and terrifying implications for the prospect.

In this case, it was the discovery of strange Zombie Cells in the pancreas…
that shutdown insulin production in the pancreas.

You can check it out here…
Today’s Class Was Just The
I promise…

This workshop you signed up for…

Is going to exceed your wildest expectations.

The value you get from this program is going to 10X… at least.

Because while the initial plan was to just give you simple frameworks for
these Micro Leads… those plans changed.

And every single Micro Lead framework we talked about today…

I’m going to turn into HIGHLY DETAILED AI prompts.

And not only will these prompts contain the full transcripts and strategic
breakdowns of these Micro Leads…

But these A.I. Micro Lead “Codes” will actually allow you to generate
compelling Micro Leads in ANY niche…

By using AI.

I’m going to upload those into the member’s area THIS week.

But to make them as effective as possible, I need to actually WRITE Micro

Leads in various niches… following EACH of the frameworks…
So that the prompts have world-class examples to model after.

(Otherwise all the copy it spits out is likely to closely resemble “health.”)

In addition…

Because Luke pissed me off by developing so much AI stuff…

I’m ALSO Building Out

A “Control Beater” Claude System…
This thing is going to be BEASTLY.

It’ll allow you to upload the transcript of any sales letter/VSL you want to

And it will help identify the most COMPELLING elements in that sales letter
FOR you.

Basically telling you… WHICH elements to focus on to move into the Micro
Lead, for the BEST possible chance of converting.

Essentially taking the “Beat Your Control” Micro Leads process I follow
manually… and pretty much AUTOMATING it.

That should be in the Member’s Area within 10 days.

And finally…
I’m ALSO Going To Build Out A
“Micro Leads Machine…”
I haven’t seen anyone do ANYTHING like this yet…

But I’m pretty sure I can solve this pretty quickly.

Basically, what it’s going to allow you to do…

Is take any of the killer hooks that you generate using Luke’s prompts…

And automatically convert those hooks into full blown, 150-300 word Micro
Leads that you can attach onto any sales letter.

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