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The Rainforest Challenge Curriculum

1he koinforest cho//enqe curricu/um
Pello all
1hls ls a currlculum LhaL l wroLe aL age 16 on a LypewrlLer and Lhen phoLocopled and
dlsLrlbuLed lL was wrlLLen prlor Lo Lhe lnLerneL so Lhe orlglnal resources secLlon only
had malllng addresses and phone numbers
ln 1994 when l bullL my flrsL webslLe l Lurned Lhese currlculum pages lnLo hLml so LhaL l
could llnk Lo Lhem and dlsLrlbuLe Lhem vla emall
lL ls now 2011 and l'm Lransformlng Lhese pages agaln lnLo a pdf Lo puL on my
Scrlbdcom accounL
1he language ln Lhls currlculum ls reflecLlve of my wrlLlng sLyle aL age 16 and l have noL
edlLed Lhls documenL Lo change LhaL 16 year old volce l have only updaLed Lhe resource
secLlon (addlng llnks) and have added llnks Lo places where you can buy ralnforesL acres
(Lhe organlzaLlons l used aL age 16 are no longer buylng acres) All of Lhe sLaLlsLlcs are
now ouLdaLed
Popefully you'll flnd Lhe currlculum pages useful and wlll flnd Lhe 16 year old volce (and
grammar) lnsplrlng and dellghLful
kaLherlne WaLler (now 33)
1he ka|nforest Cha||enge Cr|g|ns

1bete exlsts o wotlJ os losb ooJ exotlc os ooy tbot bos flootlsbeJ oo eottb wbete ttee
ftoqs sloq wbete flsb wolk oo looJ ooJ flowets bloom os blq os ftolt ttees
1bey covet scotcely 7 of tbe eottbs sotfoce yet ttoplcol tolofotests ote bome to bolf of
oll tbe llvloq tbloqs oo tbls plooet 8ot tbot bome ls oow beloq JesttoyeJ fostet tboo ooy
oototol commoolty oo tbls eottblf tbete ls oo cbooqe by tbe eoJ of tbls ceototy tbe
oew oteo of kolofotest JesttoyeJ wlll be os blq os ooe tbltJ of tbe cootloeotol uolteJ
5totes ooJ JesttoyeJ wltb lt op to 20 of oll llfe oo eottbuoo kotbet c85 News
1he beg|nn|ngs of the pro[ect
1hese words are sLarLllng and hearLwrenchlng Many people ask WhaL can we do?
1he sLudenLs aL Medomak valley Plgh School (MvPS) ln Waldoboro Malne belleved
LhaL someLhlng can and musL be done
1he ka|nforest Cha||enge ls a pro[ecL LhaL l creaLed Len years ago ln 1993 S1L
(SLudenLs Loward LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon) aL MvPS adopLed Lhe pro[ecL and lLs been
off and runnlng slnce S1L (SLudenLs Loward LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon) ls a sLudenLrun
group aL MvPS S1Ls maln goal ls Lo lnvolve chlldren ln Lhelr envlronmenLal
communlLy by showlng Lhem LhaL sLep by sLep lL is posslble Lo make a dlfference

1he ka|nforest Cha||enge ls a ralnforesL educaLlonal preservaLlon pro[ecL S1L glves
presenLaLlons abouL Lhe ralnforesL Lo schools and communlLy groups and challenges
Lhem Lo geL lnvolved ln savlng Lhe foresL ln one of Lwo ways
O 1o one buy an acre of ralnforesL Lhrough
4 1he Chlldrens 8alnforesL ln CosLa 8lca (no longer purchaslng acres)
4 1he 8alnforesL reservaLlon loundaLlon ln 8razll (no longer acLlve)
4 -aLure and CulLure lnLernaLlonal wwwnaLureandculLureorg/
4 1he -aLure Conservancy adopLnaLureorg/
4 World Land 1rusL wwwworldlandLrusLorg/supporLlng/donaLlonhLm
4 1he 8alnforesL SlLe hLLp//wwwshopLheralnforesLslLecom
4 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork ralnforesLheroescom/proLecLanacre/
O r Lwo Lake up Lhe challenge of glvlng ralnforesL presenLaLlons ln Lhelr area
1hrough boLLle drlves bakes sales and collecLlon [ars Lhe sLudenLs aL MvPS were able
Lo buy and Lherefore preserve one acre of ralnforesL Lhrough Lhe Chlldrens 8alnforesL ln
CosLa 8lca ln one monLh S1L was able Lo educaLe sLudenLs and faculLy and ralse Lhe
S1L Lhen began Lo glve presenLaLlons on envlronmenLal sub[ecLs Lo schools and
communlLy groups naLlonally Lo educaLe Lhem abouL Lhe deLerloraLlon of Lhe
envlronmenL S1L Lhen challenged Lhem Lo buy one acre of ralnforesL Lhrough elLher
Lhe Chlldrens 8alnforesL ln CosLa 8lca or Lhe 8alnforesL reservaLlon loundaLlon ln
8razll S1L also challenged Lhem Lo accepL Lhe challenge of glvlng presenLaLlons on
Lhelr own 1hey were able Lo do Lhls by uLlllzlng 1he 8alnforesL Challenge Currlculum
1he pro[ecL has been recelved wlLh growlng enLhuslasm S1L gave over 13
presenLaLlons and saved over a dozen acres ln lLs flrsL year of exlsLence 1he message
became global ln 1993 when S1L presenLed Lhe message Lo youLh and adulLs aL Lhe
llrsL lnLernaLlonal ?ouLh LnvlronmenLal SummlL ln Loveland Colorado Slnce Lhen Lhe
pro[ecL recelved naLlonal aLLenLlon wlLh groups from across Lhe uS glvlng kolofotest
cbolleoqe presenLaLlons ln Lhelr local communlLles
Cne do||ar preserves an area the s|ze of a c|assroom In an area that s|ze there are
more spec|es than |n a|| of New Lng|and If every student donated a do||ar toward th|s
cause we the youth of the wor|d cou|d he|p save the trop|ca| ra|nforest
ress coverage about the program
1o read about why kather|ne and Matt Wat|er (brother and s|ster) started th|s

1he key to Sav|ng the ka|nforests
When S1L glves a presenLaLlon aL a school we use a mlxLure of wellknown games wlLh
a ralnforesL LwlsL or ones weve creaLed ourselves keep ln mlnd LhaL before you can
Leach you musL undersLand Lhe lnLrlcacles of Lhe sub[ecL youre Leachlng uurlng S1Ls
presenLaLlon we cover a broad specLrum of Loplcs and Louch on such sub[ecLs as Lngllsh
arL blology physlcs envlronmenLal sclences soclal sLudles humanlLles and currenLly we
are addlng maLhemaLlcs and Spanlsh 1oplcs LhaL relaLe Lo ralnforesL desLrucLlon such as
specles loss culLural genoclde eLc are covered as well as sLudylng deeply Lhe planLs
anlmals and producLs derlved from Lhe ralnforesL
ln order Lo have an undersLandlng of Lhe above Loplcs one needs Lo do some research
and our aLLached readlng llsL ls a good place Lo sLarL uonL be dlscouraged lf you arenL
an experL on Lhe ralnforesL overnlghL you donL need Lo be lf you have Lhe necessary
enLhuslasm and drlve Lo help save Lhe ralnforesL you can glve a powerful presenLaLlon
1he key ls Lo emoLlonally lnvolve your audlence Lhls can he accompllshed by leadlng
Lhem on an exploraLlon Lhrough beauLlful world of Lhe ralnforesL uslng Lhelr senses
slghL sound Louch LasLlng and smell
ow to Use 1h|s Curr|cu|um
8elow are Lhe acLlvlLy sheeLs whlch explaln Lhe games LhaL S1L used durlng lLs
presenLaLlons ?ou should noL feel llmlLed Lo Lhe acLlvlLy sheeLs CreaLe your own!
lease share your powerful ldeas wlLh us MosL of Lhe acLlvlLy sheeLs are for sLudenLs
(elemenLary and [unlor hlgh) because LhaL ls where S1L has Lhe mosL experlence We
also found LhaL lL was easy Lo adapL our presenLaLlons Lo an older age group
ow to Get Started
So youve done Lhe research and youre ready Lo sLarL Leachlng llrsL youll need Lo
collecL approprlaLe Leachlng maLerlals unforLunaLely LhaL requlres a llLLle blL of seed
money lL may be posslble Lo organlze and glve a presenLaLlon wlLhouL buylng any
currlculum maLerlals buL we donL recommend lL
lor Lhe sLudenLs Lo undersLand whaL Lhe ralnforesL and lLs planLs and anlmals look llke lL
ls necessary Lo use elLher a vldeo or sllde show durlng your presenLaLlon (lor a llsL of
addresses where you can purchase currlculum maLerlals see Lhe resource llsL) CerLaln
vldeos are a poslLlve currlculum maLerlal Lo use buL be careful Lo noL use only vlsual
acLlvlLles ln your presenLaLlon keep Lhe sLudenLs movlng uLlllzlng dlfferenL senses and
youll never have a sLudenL fall asleep (Well aL leasL noL Loo ofLen)
-o maLLer whaL medlum you use you need Lo Leach Lhe sLudenLs abouL such baslc
concepLs as
O lnLer dependenL relaLlonshlps
O anlmal and planL behavlor
O Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe ralnforesL
O phoLosynLhesls
O Lhe geography of Lhe Lroplcal ralnforesL
O Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of ralnforesL waLer and C2 cycles
O Lhe global effecL of ralnforesL desLrucLlon and Lhe role of lndlgenous peoples
O 1he economlc reasons for lLs desLrucLlon and always always menLlon ways Lo
help prevenL lLs desLrucLlon
Clvlng Lhe sLudenLs lnformaLlon on how Lhey can be lnvolved ln savlng Lhe ralnforesL ls
essenLlal ln order Lo prevenL Lhem developlng a feellng of hopelessness 1he purpose of
1he 8alnforesL Challenge presenLaLlons ls Lo empower sLudenLs and prevenL Lhem from
feellng helpless where envlronmenLal problems are concerned (lor pro[ecLs sLudenLs
can be lnvolve ln whlch have a poslLlve effecL of Lhe ralnforesL see 1he uay AfLer
8egardlng Lhe above llsL donL worry lf you canL flL all Lhose concepLs lnLo a
presenLaLlon (S1L hasnL been able Lo yeL!) 8uL Lhey are a concepLs LhaL need Lo he
undersLood by Lhe sLudenLs lf you flnd LhaL our acLlvlLy sheeLs do noL cover Lhose areas
(and Lhey may noL) feeL free Lo lnvenL your own unlque way Lo Leach Lhe concepLs lf
you lnvenL a new acLlvlLy please conLacL us so S1L and oLhers may use your ldeas
1he Act|v|ty Sheets
All of Lhe acLlvlLy sheeLs below are all slmple concepLs and many were creaLed by S1L
members 1he acLlvlLles we use Lhe mosL ln our presenLaLlons are as follows
1 And the L|tt|e Cne Sa|d Move Cver (for all ages)
1hls acLlvlLy Leaches abouL specles exLlncLlon and economlc reasons for
ralnforesL desLrucLlon 1hls acLlvlLy ls boLh lnLeracLlve and mulLlsensory
2 8|rds of a Ieather I|ock 1ogether (grades 3 and up)
1hls acLlvlLy demonsLraLes Lhe dlfferenL specles ln Lhe ralnforesL and Lhelr
dlfferenL behavloral paLLerns
3 1he Cha|nsaw Game (grades 4 and up)
1hls game demonsLraLes specles exLlncLlon and anlmal dlverslLy
4 1he S|mu|at|on Game (grades 4 and up)
1hls game ls very good aL helplng sLudenLs undersLand exacLly all Lhe forces
behlnd raln foresL desLrucLlon an whaL are some susLalnable ways Lo use Lhe
3 Lxpress ourse|f
ln order Lo have Lhe sLudenL express Lhelr feellng abouL Lhe ralnforesL and lLs
desLrucLlon we encourage Lhem Lo draw and wrlLe sLorles or poems abouL Lhe
6 Irom the k|tchen to the Med|c|ne Cab|net the ka|nforest |s Lverywhere
(grades k Lhrough 4) 1hls ls a way Lo lncorporaLe Lhe sense of smell and Louch
whlle Lhe sLudenLs dlscover exacLly how connecLed we are Lo Lhe ralnforesL
especlally Lhrough Lhe producLs we have ln our klLchen and medlclne cablneL
7 A |ate fu|| of 1rop|ca| Morse|s
ln order Lo have Lhe sLudenLs use Lhelr sense of LasLe we usually (dependlng on
our budgeL) prepare a snack made from ralnforesL producLs
8 Spec|a| |aces
arL of our mlsslon ls Lo show how Lhe ralnforesL affecLs us aL home and how
everyLhlng ln Lhe world ls lnLerconnecLed 8y havlng Lhe sLudenLs vlslL Lhelr
Speclal lace ln naLure Lhey undersLand lLs Lhelr responslblllLy Lo sLarL savlng
Lhe envlronmenLal aL home by keeplng Lhelr Speclal lace and home
envlronmenL clean
Interpret|ve Dance
8ecause we felL Lhere exlsLed a need Lo lnLroduce sLudenL Lo Lhe arLs and
somehow emoLlonally lnvolve Lhem ln Lhe pllghL of Lhe ralnforesL S1L
performs and lnLerpreLlve dance abouL Lhe ralnforesL 1hls can be a greaL
moLlvaLlonal Lool lf lLs approprlaLe for your audlence
10 8ra|nstorm|ng Sess|on
LasLly Lhe sLudenLs should be led Lhrough a bralnsLormlng sesslon where
lnsLead of belng Lold whaL Lhey can do Lo save Lhelr envlronmenL Lhey are
encouraged Lo dlscover new (or old) ways Lo Lhlnk globally buL acL locally

Iundra|s|ng Ior our resentat|ons
Pere ls a llsL of dlfferenL organlzaLlons LhaL work Lo promoLe susLalnable producLs A
more compleLe llsL can be obLalned from 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork
MonLana Coffee 1raders 3810 Plghway 93 SouLh WhlLeflsh M1 39937 (800)343!AvA
Sells Cafe MonLeverde coffee grown ln Lhe MonLeverde Cloud loresL LhaL has drawn
Lhe approval of 1he -aLure Conservancy
lrom Lhe 8alnforesL lnc 1133 8roadway #1129 -ew ?ork -? 10010 (800) 3278496
Sells 1roplcal Lrall Mlx whlch supporLs Lhe lndlgenous people of Lhe ralnforesL
LnvlronmenLal Candy Company lnc 8ox 93730 SeaLLle WA 98143 Sells chocolaLe
candy ln Lhe shape of endangered specles wlLh lnformaLlonal card abouL each anlmal
Wrappers are recyclable and Lhe LnvlronmenLal Candy Co donaLes 30 of lLs proflLs Lo
savlng endangered specles (-o longer ln buslness)
CulLural Survlval lnc 33A Church SL Cambrldge MA 02138 (617) 4932362 Sells many
producLs LhaL supporL lndlgenous people lncludlng 8alnforesL Crunch -uL 8rlLLle
8alnforesL Crunch Cookles Cashew lrulL 1roplcal aradlse macadamla and coconuL
buLLer crunch) 8alnforesL MolsLure Shampoo and CondlLloner 8alnforesL LssenLlals
8ody LoLlon and much more SLlll a greaL organlzaLlon buL doesn'L sell ralnforesL goods
8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork has fundralslng ldeas ralnforesLheroescom/proLecLan

Creen loresLs loundaLlon uSA lnc 3743 S unlverslLy urlve uavle lL 33328 Acreage
lundralslng rogram (no longer ln buslness)
PAvL lu- 8AlSl-C $!
;uest|ons ou Need to Ask 8efore ou Get 1here
1hls ls a very slmple descrlpLlon of whaL lLs llke Lo glve a presenLaLlon ln order Lo
organlze one aL a school or communlLy group Lhere are many quesLlons you should ask
(besldes whaL Llme Lhey wanL you Lhere whaL age group and how many sLudenLs youre
CuesLlons such as
O ls Lhe space blg enough for whaL you wanL Lo do? uo you have LransporLaLlon
O Are llghLs and elecLrlclLy easlly assessable?
O lf youre showlng slldes do you have a sllde pro[ecLor and screen? *Make sure
you check Lhe sllde pro[ecLor before you geL Lhere! *
O uo you need exLenslon cords?
O lf needed are a 1v radlo and vC8 avallable?
8aslcally [usL make sure you have all Lhe maLerlal you need
We found LhaL we needed aL leasL a 1/2 hour Lo seL up so geL Lhere early
And remember ave Iun! uonL geL dlscouraged lf Lhe presenLaLlon doesnL come our
as you expecLed urs never do -o maLLer whaL you do durlng Lhe presenLaLlon Lhe
mosL lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lo make Lhe sLudenLs reallze LhaL Lhe ralnforesL needs our help
and Lhey can do someLhlng abouL lL

A 1our through the ka|nforest
8ackground 1he scrlpL LhaL S1L uses durlng lLs presenLaLlon ls a personal copy loaned
Lo us (1hank you 4P!) Powever Lhere are dlfferenL sllde shows on Lhe markeL and you
can purchase one from our aLLached llsL 1hough Lhey are expenslve lL ls deflnlLely
worLh lL 1o prepare for your flrsL sllde show you should be famlllar wlLh Lhe scrlpL and
baslc ralnforesL blology facLs
Grade Leve| any
Durat|on 30+ mlnuLes dependlng
Mater|a|s sllde pro[ecLor exLenslon cord adapLer slldes scrlpL pro[ecLlon screen
exLra sllde pro[ecLlon bulb
Sub[ects blology geography humanlLles economlcs and pollLlcs
Cb[ect|ves 1hls acLlvlLy wlll lnLroduces sLudenLs Lo Lhe beauLy of Lhe ralnforesL and
explaln why lL ls belng desLroyed SLudenLs should be able Lo glve aL leasL one example
of an lnLerdependenL relaLlonshlp ln Lhe ralnforesL one anlmal LhaL uses camouf1age
for survlval and a descrlpLlon of Lhe behavlors of aL 1easL one anlma1 or planL
Method uurlng Lhe sllde show you should Lry Lo lncorporaLe Lhe faceLs of Lhe problem
of ralnforesL desLrucLlon (llsL under Lhe Ceneral LxplanaLlon) Make sure you ask Lhe
sLudenLs many quesLlons abouL whaL Lhey are vlewlng and make sure Lhey feel free Lo
ask any quesLlons Lhey may have Make sure Lo have fun and whenever posslble Lell a
funny sLory (sLudenLs seem Lo remember more lf Lheyre laughlng) lf Lheres a whlLe
faced howler monkey ln your sllde show we have an lnLeresLlng sLory Lo share wlLh you
abouL Lhelr LerrlLorlal behavlor
Jhere to lind o 5/ideshow
8alnforesLs A Llvlng Legend $36 lor lnfo wrlLe lrlends of Lhe LarLh 23l Laurler SL W
SulLe 701 LLawa nLarlo kl3!6
Save Lhe 8alnforesL Sllde Show $22 lor more lnfo wrlLe Save Lhe 8alnforesL 604
!amle SL uodgevllle Wl 33333
1he 8aln loresL Avallable from Carollna 8lologlca1 Supply Co 2770 ?ork 8d 8urllngLon
-C 27213
1he 1roplcal 8alnforesL SeL Avallable from LducaLlonal lmages LLd 8O 3436 WesL
Slde Llmlra -? 14903
1he leasL expenslve way Lo obLaln a sllde show would be Lo use slldes from someone
who has vlslLed Lhe ralnforesL lf you donL know anyone who has vlslLed Lhe ralnforesL
or Laken slldes whlle Lhey were Lhere Lhen l guess you need Lo vlslL Lhe ralnforesL
yourself! 8uL serlous1y wlLh some fundralslng you should be able Lo geL yourself a good
sllde show Lo use durlng your presenLaLlon
koinforest locts
llfLy percenL of Lhe ferns ln Lhe world grow ln Lhe Lroplcal ralnforesL!oanne Sharpe
1here are four layers ln Lhe ralnforesL
1be fotest floot (whlch ls preLLy clear of debrls and does noL recelve much llghL)
1be ooJetstoty (where Lall ferns and small Lrees flghL for llghL aL a helghL of 12 feeL
above Lhe floor)
1be cooopy (whlch reaches 7390 feeL above Lhe floor and ls Lhe happenlng place for
mosL of Lhe acLlvlLy ln Lhe ralnforesL)
1be emetqeot loyet (conslsLs of glanL old ralnforesL Lrees LhaL Lower above Lhe
proLecLlve canopy and brave Lhe sLrong wlnds hlgh LemperaLures and low humldlLy)
8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork

uurlng 1he 8alnforesL Challenge resenLaLlons S1L uses Lwo vldeos
1 1he ka|nforest kap whlch can be purchased Lhrough 1he World Wlldllfe lund
(see resource llsL) for $23
toJe level k3 (posslbly older)
uototloo l3 mlnuLes
Objectlve SLudenLs wlll be able Lo name aL leasL 3 dlfferenL specles ln Lhe
ralnforesL 3 reasons why Lhe ralnforesL ls belng desLroyed whaL producLs come
from Lhe ralnforesL and 2 ways LhaL Lhey can become lnvolved ln savlng Lhe
ralnforesL 1hls vldeo ls a greaL moLlvaLlonal Lool for sLudenLsespeclally younger
ones *8e sure Lo have Lhem counL Lhe number of dlfferenL anlmal specles!*
lollow up AcLlvlLles 1hls vldeo ls a greaL way Lo begln your presenLaLlon lL
offers a general overvlew of Lhe ralnforesL
2 1he Is|and can be purchased from Lhe -aLlonal Ceographlc SocleLy for $13 1hls
vldeo covers noL only Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe ralnforesL buL also Lhe worlds many
envlronmenLal problems ln a very movlng and emoLlonally engaglng way
toJe level Lhlrd gradeadulL
uototloo 20+ mlnuLes
lollow up AcLlvlLles 8ecause Lhls acLlvlLy ls a very emoLlonal one S1L feels lL ls
necessary Lo have Lhe sLudenLs dlscuss whaL Lhey have seen Pow do Lhe
sLudenLs feel abouL whaL Lhey saw? Pow many envlronmenLal problems dld Lhey
see? WhaL are Lhe posslble soluLlons for Lhese problems? WhaL envlronmenLal
success sLorles were dlscussed ln Lhe vldeo?
koinforest locts
-ever doubL LhaL a small group of commlLLed clLlzens can change Lhe world lndeed lL ls
Lhe only Lhlng LhaL ever has MargareL Mead
We lose 80 acres a mlnuLe 11300 acres a day and 42 mllllon acres per year of
ralnforesL 1990 loresL 8esources ro[ecL loresL Congress ln arls SepLember 1991
daLa provlded by -orberL Pennlnger World 8esources lnsLlLuLe 1709 -ew ?ork Avenue
-W WashlngLon uC 20006

S|mu|at|on Game
8ackground S1L found LhaL Lhe baslc ldea for Lhe slmulaLlon game ls beneflclal Lo
sLudenLs buL LhaL lL wasnL Lhoroughly developed SLudenLs Lend Lo ask very speclflc
quesLlons abouL Lhe economlc hlsLorles of companles and Lhey llke Lo have numbers Lo
work wlLh 1hls ls Lrue for every grade level especlally Lhe younger sLudenLs WlLh Lhls ln
mlnd S1L dld some research on caLLle and lumber companles buL numbers and
sLaLlsLlcs have noL been found for Lhe oLher groups lnLeresLed ln Lhe land lf your group
flnds any approprlaLe sLaLlsLlcs please Lell us of your flndlngs
Grade Leve| Lhlrd gradeadulL
Durat|on 1 l/2 hours Lo 3 1/2 hours (MusL be flexlble ln order Lo allow Llme for
Mater|a|s hoLocoples from 1he World Wlldllfe lunds Leachers currlculum paper and
Sub[ects humanlLles economlcs sclence governmenL
Sk|||s leadershlp declslon maklng small and large group work compromlse forenslcs
Lhorough LhoughL process
Cb[ect|ve SLudenLs wlll galn an undersLandlng of how Lroplcal ralnforesLs are belng
used and desLroyed and why companles are lnLeresLed economlcally ln Lhe ralnforesL
for proflL
Note S1L borrowed Lhls game from 1he World Wlldllfe lund (see 8esource LlsL) buL
felL LhaL sLudenLs needed addlLlonal lnformaLlon (lncludlng hard facLs) abouL Lhe
hlsLorles of Lhe varlous companles Lhls requlred a blL of research on our parL buL we
havenL been able Lo consLrucL hlsLorles for all Lhe companles (See 8alnforesL lacLs)
Method CompleLe lnsLrucLlons are lncluded ln Lhe packeL buL baslcally Lhe sLudenLs are
dlvlded lnLo group represenLaLlve of Lhe dlfferenL companles whlch are lnLeresLed ln
buylng a plece of ralnforesL land whlch ls for sale AnoLher group represenLlng a
governmenL councll musL declde whlch group (lumber co caLLle co pharmaceuLlcal co
naLlonal park servlce naLlve peoples banana and coffee co or sclenLlsLs/researchers)
wlll recelve Lhe land

Interpret|ve Dance
8ackground !ennl lke a S1L member found a wonderful audlo Lape of ralnforesL
muslc uslng Lhe muslc and a llLLle lmaglnaLlon Lhls ls whaL we creaLed
rode Leve/ oll qtoJes (o motote ooJleoce) uototloo J4 mlootes
Sett|ng Large area wlLh access Lo llghLs and elecLrlclLy
Cb[ect|ve 1he desLrucLlon of Lhe ralnforesL ls noL [usL a facLual lssue buL also one LhaL
affecLs us emoLlonally as well SLudenLs galn an undersLandlng LhaL he/she needs Lo do
someLhlng Lo save Lhe ralnforesL
Cast of Characters
1he Llfe splrlLs 8epresenLs Lhe llfe of Lhe foresL (planL and anlmal) Lhe ralnforesLs splrlL
Pope 8epresenLs Lhe hope for Lhe ralnforesL and especlally Lhe chlldren LhaL work so
hard Lo save lL
ueaLh LveryLhlng LhaL desLroys Lhe ralnforesL MaLerlals 8lues from Lhe 8alnforesL
audlo Lape (avallable from 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork)
Llfe cosLumes colorful [ungle paLLerns wlLh plasLlc reusable vlnes wound around Lhe
body and vlnes drawn on Lhe face wlLh snakeup (cosLume can be changed Lo whaL you
feel ls approprlaLe)
ueaLh cosLume black black mask or snakeup a cape and long flowlng Lhlngs preferably
-egaLlve words abouL ralnforesL desLrucLlon such as overpopulaLlon deforesLaLlon acld
raln are dlsplayed onLhe cosLume
Pope cosLume preferably a chlld plays Lhls role and ls dressed ln whlLe
rocedure Llfe splrlLs arrange Lhemselves ln compacL poslLlons some dlsLance from
each oLher on Lhe floor nce Lhe muslc sounds llke planLs growlng one by one Lhe
p|ants grow and dance (slowly) around Lhe room ln Lhe splrlL of llfe 1hunder claps
represenL Lhe evll (deaLh) forces ln Lhe ralnforesL and p|ant sp|r|ts crlnge when Lhey
hear LhaL sound
Death ls wanderlng among Lhe planLs ln an evll way and sLrlkes down Lhe planLs one by
one 1he sLrongesL ||fe sp|r|t Lakes Lhe crowns off Lhe dead ||fe (crowns symbollze Lhelr
llfe force) and expresses grlef over Lhe deaLh of lLs fellow ||fe sp|r|ts When Death kllls
Lhe sLrongesL tree sp|r|ts Death Lakes all Lhe crowns of Lhe tree sp|r|ts and LrlumphanLly
scaLLers Lhem volces of Lhe dead ||fe sp|r|ts can be heard chanLlng eroslon exLlncLlon
global warmlng culLural exLlncLlon" and words of LhaL naLure
AfLer a pause ope comes ln and puLs a crown on Lhe sLrongesL tree sp|r|t supporLlng lL
lnLo a slLLlng poslLlon and holdlng lLs hand ope sLarLs anoLher chanL ln whlch Lhe llfe
[olns hlm/her 1hls chanL makes Death's power crumble (and Lhls ls demonsLraLed) and
Lhls glves llfe Lo Lhe llfe splrlLs 1he chanL ls Pope Llfe Chlldren or any oLher words
you feel approprlaLe

51l ptepotloq fot tbe Jooce
uanclng ls Lhe lofLlesL mosL movlng Lhe mosL beauLlful of Lhe arLs because lL ls no
mere LranslaLlon or absLracLlon from llfe lL ls llfe lLself"
1he dance lL ls Lhe rhyLhm of all LhaL dles ln order Lo llve agaln lL ls Lhe eLernal rlslng
of Lhe sunauLhors unknown
Irom the k|tchen to the Med|c|ne Cab|net
the ka|nforest |s everywhere
Grade Leve| k4
Durat|on 1320 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s See below
Cb[ect|ve ln Lhls acLlvlLy Lhe sLudenLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo a varleLy of producLs LhaL
come from Lhe Lroplcal ralnforesL and whaL Lhey look llke ln Lhelr orlglnal form 1hls
acLlvlLy should demonsLraLe Lhe lnLerconnecLedness of Lhe global food markeL
Method uslng Lhe llsL of producLs Lry Lo flnd as many producLs as posslble ln Lhelr
orlglnal form (whole coffee beans nuLmeg eLc) and presenL Lhem Lo Lhe sLudenLs 1ake
Lhem on a Lour of Lhelr medlclne cablneL or Lhe llsL of lngredlenLs ln a brownle reclpe
Ask Lhem many quesLlons posslbly Lhe sLudenLs have some ldea of Lhe Lypes of food
grown ln Lhe ralnforesL CuesLlons such as WhaL are Lhe lngredlenLs ln a brownle
reclpe? Pow many of Lhose lngredlenLs do you Lhlnk come from Lhe ralnforesL? eLc We
usually brlng dlfferenL whole splces for Lhe sLudenLs Lo smell and oLher producLs LhaL
Lhe sLudenLs famlly mlghL use dally soap makeup asplrln cough syrup eLc
koinforest locts
nly one percenL of Lhe known planL and anlmal specles have been Lhoroughly
examlned for Lhelr medlclnal poLenLlals
Lconomlc value of one acre ln Lhe eruvlan Amazon $6820 lf lnLacL foresL ls
susLalnably harvesLed for frulLs laLex and Llmber
$100 lf clear cuL for commerclal Llmber
$148 lf used as caLLle pasLure
eLers CM CenLry AP Medelsohn 8 (1989) valuaLlon of an Amazonlan ralnforesL
-aLure vol 339 pp 633636
CaLLle Company facLs ln Lhe uS one head of caLLle grazes on 23 acres for 6 years ln
Lhe Amazon one cow grazes on 73 acres of land for 6 years Annual meaL producLlon ln
Lhe Amazon ls 278 lbs per acre wlLhouL ferLlllzers ln Lurope Lhe annual meaL
producLlon ls l3 Lons per acre wlLhouL ferLlllzers
Lumber Company facLs 8eLween 1973 and 1983 8razlls log producLlon lncreased from
160 mllllon cublc fL per year Lo 700 mllllon cublc fL per year llve Lrees accounL for 90
of 8razlls Amazonlan Lree exporLs (lor more lnformaLlon see 8A-s facLs sheeLs)

A |ate Iu|| of 1rop|ca| Morse|s
Grade Leve| Any
Durat|on 1013 mlnuLes (more for preparaLlon)
Mater|a|s See producLs llsL below
Sub[ects Pome Lconomlcs (lf Lhe sLudenLs wlll be preparlng Lhe snack foods)
Cb[ect|ve When ln doubL reach Lhe sLudenLs Lhrough Lhelr sLomachs 1he sLudenLs wlll
galn an undersLandlng of all Lhe Lhlngs Lhey eaL every day LhaL orlglnaLe ln Lhe Lroplcal
ralnforesL nce Lhe sLudenLs reallze whaL Lheyll be looslng due Lo ralnforesL
desLrucLlon Lhey mlghL feel moLlvaLed Lo become acLlve ln ralnforesL preservaLlon
Method Many lngredlenLs are easlly found and easlly prepared such as Lrall mlx (uslng
chocolaLe pleces 8razll nuLs cashew nuLs banana chlps plneapple blLs and peanuLs)
Lroplcal frulL punch wlLh clLrus (papaya plneapple [ulces eLc) or you can purchase 8en
!errys 8alnforesL Crunch eanuL 8rlLL1e or lce Cream 1here are also 8alnforesL -uL
Cookles LhaL can be found ln mosL supermarkeLs
LeL Lhe sLudenLs LasLe samples of Lhe dlfferenL foods whlle Lhey llsLen Lo a Lape of
sounds from Lhe ralnforesL (Avallable Lhrough 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork) As Lhey eaL
ask Lhem abouL Lhelr favorlLe ralnforesL anlmal (Lo prepare for Lhe Lxpress ?ourself
acLlvlLy) or ask Lhem whaL Lhey en[oyed mosL abouL your presenLaLlon (lf Lhls acLlvlLy ls
your lasL for Lhe day)
?ou can flnd reclpes whlch use ralnforesL producLs ln -aLlonal Wlldllfe lederaLlons
8alnforesLs 1roplcal 1reasures currlculum packeL (see 8esource LlsL)
And the L|tt|e Cne Sa|d Move Cver

8ackground ln Lhe ralnforesL planL and anlmal specles are under greaL envlronmenLal
sLress from desLrucLlon of naLural hablLaL or denslLydependenL facLors (compeLlLlon for
food llvlng space dlsease and oLher resources) When Lhls occurs Lhere exlsLs
lnLerspeclflc compeLlLlon (beLween specles) for food or shelLer ln Lngllsh when a
logglng company cuLs down 30 acres of land many Lhlngs may happen desLrucLlon of
planL llfe posslble specles exLlncLlon whlch causes a lack of shelLer and food for many
anlmal specles 1hls creaLes greaLer compeLlLlon for Lhe few resources Lhere are
avallable and agaln lLs a game of survlval of Lhe flLLesL 1hls acLlvlLy wlll demonsLraLe
Lhls process
Grade Leve| any
Durat|on 1013 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s Anlmal cards and rope
Sett|ng Lhe larger Lhe group Lhe larger Lhe area needed Sub[ecLs blology physlcs
Cb[ect|ves SLudenLs wlll galn a beLLer undersLandlng of how anlmals feel under
envlronmenLal sLress 1hey wlll be able Lo explaln how and why specles exLlncLlon
happens ln Lhe ralnforesL and ln oLher ecosysLems
Method Clve each sLudenL an anlmal card and make sure each knows whaL Lhe anlma1
or planL ls and whaLs unlque abouL lL Laylng Lhe rope ln a clrcular shape wlLh Lhe Lwo
ends LogeLher explaln Lo Lhe sLudenLs LhaL lL ls represenLaLlve of a plece of Lroplcal
ralnforesL and Lhey are represenLaLlve of anlmals and planLs LhaL lnhablL Lhe ralnforesL
As Lhey sLep lnLo Lhe clrcle menLlon how Lhey seem Lo have enough room ln whlch Lo
move abouL 8uL a caLLle company has declded Lo cuL down a parL of Lhe foresL Lo run
lLs operaLlon! Make Lhe clrcle smaller and explaln LhaL any anlmal LhaL cannoL flL lnLo
Lhe clrcle becomes exLlncL As you explaln whaL oLher Lragedles befall Lhe foresL (eroslon
waLer polluLlon lumber company oll splll foresL flre eLc) conLlnue Lo make Lhe clrcle
smaller unLll only a few survlvors remaln
Lxamp|e of An|ma| Card 8osy erlwlnkle a plnk flower whlch glves chlldren wlLh
chlldhood leukemla a 8 ouL of 10 chance of remlsslon
koinforest locts
lourflfLhs of Lhe nuLrlenLs ln Lhe ralnforesL are ln Lhe vegeLaLlon 1hls means LhaL Lhe
solls are nuLrlenLpoor and become eroded and unproducLlve wlLhln a few years afLer
Lhe ralnforesL ls cleared 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork
1he layer of Lopsoll ln Lhe ralnforesL ls (on average) only a maxlmum of 3 lnches Lhlck
8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork
A Lyplcal four square mlle paLch of ralnforesL conLalns as many as1300 specles of
flowerlng planLs 730 specles of Lree 123 mammal specles 400 specles of blrds 100 of
repLlles 60 of amphlblans and 130 dlfferenL of buLLerflles (-aLlonal Academy of
1he Cha|nsaw Game
8ackground ?ou may have played Lhls game before under a dlfferenL name lL ls a
slmple concepL and we use lL only as an acLlvlLy Lo flll Llme
Grade Leve| Any but younger ages en[oy |t most
Durat|on 313 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s Anlmal Cards plus one card wlLh Lhe word Chalnsaw on lL
Cb[ect|ve 1hls acLlvlLy lllusLraLes Lhe forces of exLlncLlon lL wlll also reenforce Lhelr
knowledge of Lhe dlverslLy and unlqueness of Lhe ralnforesL ecosysLem
Method Pave Lhe sLudenLs slL ln a clrcle faclng each oLher and glve each an anlmal card
one of Lhem wlll recelve Lhe chalnsaw card lnsLrucL Lhem LhaL no one else ls Lo see
Lhelr card Whlle Lhe sLudenLs slL looklng aL each oLher Lhe chalnsaw bllnks aL lLs
vlcLlm lf Lhe sLudenL ls bllnked aL he/she needs Lo dle dramaLlcally nce dead he/she
needs Lo announce (by readlng off Lhe card) whlch specles has gone exLlncL 1he
purpose of Lhls game ls Lo flgure ouL who ls Lhe chalnsaw before Lhe sLudenL ls bllnked
aL nce a sLudenL Lhlnks he/she knows who Lhe chalnsaw ls he needs Lo say who lf
Lhe sLudenL ls wrong he/she dles and Lhe represenLaLlve specle ls dead lf he/she ls
rlghL Lhe game ends Cood observaLlons and flalr for Lhe dramaLlc make Lhls game
8|rds of a Ieather I|ock 1ogether

8ackground ln order for Lhls acLlvlLy Lo run smooLhly Lhe sLudenLs need Lo have an
undersLandlng of some baslc ralnforesL specles and whaL Lhelr behavlors are llke
Grade Leve| k Lhrough four
Durat|on 1013 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s Anlmal cards
Sett|ng Any space LhaL ls large enough for sLudenLs Lo move around ln
Sub[ects Anlmal behavlors LheaLer
Cb[ect|ve SLudenLs should be able Lo name aL leasL four raln foresL specles and descrlbe
whaL Lhelr mannerlsms are
Method Lach sLudenL wlll recelve an anlmal card (Lhere wlll be Lwo of each anlmal) and
wlLhouL uLLerlng any words (only sounds) Lhey have Lo flnd Lhelr maLe or Lhelr parLner
wlLh Lhe maLchlng anlmal card 1hey musL move around and acL llke Lhelr anlmal as Lhey
Lry Lo flnd someone who ls acLlng slmllarly nce palrs are found go around and have
Lhem share whaL Lhey are and whaL helped (or hlndered) Lhem ln flndlng a maLe lf a
palr has a really dlfflculL Llme acL ouL a behavlor for Lhem
An|ma| Cards
1hese cards are used wlLh many of our games Make sure you know whaL Lhese anlmals
are so you can explaln Lhelr behavlors Lo Lhe sLudenLs
O SloLhs
O arroL Snake
O 1oucans
O SLrangler llg
O olsonarrrow lrog
O 8alnbow Llzard
O rchlds
O Aye Aye Monkey (has a long mlddle flnger Lo reach lnsecLs lnslde holes ln Lrees)
O ALlas MoLh (11 wlngspan largesL moLh ln Lhe world)
O Lyelash vlper (yellow snake)
O CueLzal (CuaLemalas naLlonal symbol Lhe male blrds have 3 fL long Lall
O LeafcuLLer anLs
O 1amarln
O lerns
O Culana cresLed eagle (endangered)
O MounLaln Corllla (endangered)
O !aguar
O lguana
O 8lack faced splder monkey
O lndlan parakeeL
O Malayan flylng squlrrel
O ?ellow crowned Amazon parroL
O 8lue ?ellow arroL
O llylng fox (baL)
O vesLed AnLeaLer
O PermlL hummlngblrd
O rchld bee
O Llon Lalled macaque
O 8osy perlwlnkle (cure for chlldhood leukemla and Podgklns dlsease)
O Lead Lalled geckos (llzard)
O Capabaras (largesL rodenL ln Lhe world)
O lndlan 1lgers (males can welgh 300+ lbs and measure 10+ fL long)
O Clearwlng buLLerfly (LransparenL wlngs)
O Woolly splder monkey
O 8afflesla planLs (largesL flowers ln Lhe world 2+ fL wlde and welgh 20 lbs)
1he Sound of ka|n Ia|||ng
8ackground erhaps you have done Lhls acLlvlLy before and lf you have you know lLs a
greaL way Lo slmulaLe Lhe sound of a ralnsLorm
Grade Leve| Any
Durat|on 310 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s -one
Method Pave Lhe sLudenLs slL ln a clrcle and explaln Lo Lhem LhaL all Lhey need Lo do ls
repeaL Lhe acLlon done by Lhe person Lo Lhelr rlghL 1hls musL be done ln perfecL sllence
?ou sLarL Lhe moLlon by rubblng your hands LogeLher nce all Lhe sLudenLs are rubblng
Lhelr hands LogeLher sLarL snapplng your flngers Lhen once all Lhe sLudenLs are
snapplng Lhelr flngers sLarL clapplng your hands Lhen when all are clapplng Lhelr hands
sLarL clapplng your hands and sLomplng your feeL 1hen do all Lhe moLlons ln descendlng
order Co from sLomplng your feeL and clapplng your hands Lo clapplng your hands
Lhen snapplng your flngers Lhen rubblng your hands LogeLher Lhen compleLe sllence
1he effecL of Lhls acLlvlLy ls movlng and you may wanL Lo do lL more Lhan once
koinforest locts
MosL ralnforesLs geL 200400 lnches of raln a year and Lhe average LemperaLure ls
beLween 70 degrees90 degrees 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork

Lxpress ourse|f
Grade Leve| Any
Durat|on 1330 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s paper and arL supplles
Sub[ects Lngllsh and ArL
Cb[ect|ve 1hls acLlvlLy glves Lhe sLudenLs a chance Lo express Lhelr feellngs abouL Lhe
ralnforesL and lLs desLrucLlon
Method AfLer belng bombarded by a mass amounL of depresslng lnformaLlon many
sLudenLs need Lo express Lhemselves Lhrough arL or wrlLlng ln order Lo handle all
Lheyve learned So afLer glvlng Lhem Lhe maLerlals Lhey need lnsLrucL Lhem Lo wrlLe
elLher abouL someLhlng ln Lhe presenLaLlon LhaL lmpressed Lhem or a leLLer Lo an
offlclal expresslng Lhelr feellng abouL Lhe ralnforesL lf Lhey llke Lo draw have Lhem
draw a plcLure of Lhelr favorlLe anlmal or a posLer Lo puL up around school educaLlng
Lhelr fellow sLudenLs abouL Lhe ralnforesL
koinforest locts
uo noL Lry Lo saLlsfy your vanlLy by Leachlng a greaL many Lhlngs Awaken peoples
curloslLy lL ls enough Lo open mlnds do noL overload Lhem uL Lhere [usL a spark lf
Lhere ls some good lnflammable sLuff lL wlll caLch flre AnaLole lrance

Spec|a| |aces
8ackground 1hls ls a [am sesslon wlLh Lhe sLudenLs Lo allow sLudenLs an opporLunlLy
Lo Lalk abouL Lhelr favorlLe places ln naLure
Grade Leve| Any
Durat|on 8ralnsLormlng Sesslons should lasL aL leasL 10 mlnuLes
Mater|a|s -one
Cb[ect|ve 1he sLudenLs wlll be see Lhe lnLerconnecLedness of Lhe envlronmenL and wlll
begln Lo reallze LhaL Lhey can save Lhelr envlronmenL by sLarLlng aL home
Method Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo share some of Lhelr favorlLe places ln naLure Ask Lhem lf
Lheyre clean or dlrLy WhaL can Lhey do Lo keep Lhem clean and beauLlful? nce youve
Lalked abouL how Lhey can keep Lhelr favorlLe places clean explaln LhaL your speclal
place ls Lhe ralnforesL and LhaL lL needs help LeL Lhe sLudenLs Lhlnk of some ways ln
whlch Lhey can help Lo save Lhe ralnforesL 8emember ln a bralnsLormlng sesslon every
ldea ls a good one no maLLer how sLrange Lhey are llnlsh Lhe sesslon by asklng Lhe
sLudenLs lf one of Lhelr speclal places ls Lhe ralnforesL lf so whaL are Lhey golng Lo do Lo
save lL?
Llfe and beauLy prosperlLy and progress depend on how wlsely we use Lhe glfLs of
clean alr rlch soll pure waLer and abundanL planL and anlmal llfe auLhor unknown
lalLh ls Lhe blrd LhaL feels Lhe llghL and slngs when Lhe dawn ls sLlll dark 1agore



1he Day after your resentat|on
nce you flnlsh your presenLaLlon lLs very lmporLanL Lo lnsure LhaL Lhey sLudenLs wlll
acLlvely geL lnvolved ln savlng Lhe ralnforesL WhaL klnds of pro[ecLs can Lhey geL
lnvolved ln? We have consLrucLed Lhe followlng llsL
1 8alse money Lo buy acre(s) of ralnforesL Lhrough 1he Chlldrens 8alnforesL 1he
8alnforesL loundaLlon or 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork and challenge oLher
classes/schools ln Lhelr area Lo save as many acres as Lhey have
2 8ecome a member of 8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork CulLural Survlval or some oLher
ralnforesL supporLlng organlzaLlon
3 SLarL a recycllng or composLlng pro[ecL ln Lhelr school
4 PosL a 8alnforesL Awareness Week
3 8ecome lnvolved ln 1he loresL of knowledge (a program where collecLed books
are used for a Lree reforesLaLlon pro[ecL and creaLlon of llbrarles ln 3rd world
counLrles) lor more lnformaLlon conLacL 1he World LnvlronmenLal -eLwork
8O S3S89 San !ose CA 9SlS3 (403) 2817100
6 SLarL a waLer monlLorlng pro[ecL ln your communlLy
7 CeL lnvolved ln Lhe AdopL a Plghway pro[ecL (lf your sLaLe has one) where your
class ls responslble for keeplng a sLreLch of hlghway clean
8 lanL Lrees!
9 Work wlLh your sLaLe leglslaLlon Lo geL a boLLle blll passed (lf your sLaLe doesnL
have one) where every boLLle LhaL ls redeemed would be worLh 3 or 10 cenLs r
make sure LhaL Lhe malls and/or alrporLs ln your sLaLe have recycllng conLalners
Spread Lhe Word! 1each your communlLy or your nelghborlng school abouL Lhe beauLy
and pllghL of Lhe ralnforesL

After our resentat|on
lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL Lhose who are runnlng Lhe presenLaLlon (or Leachlng lL) slL
down and evaluaLe Lhelr feellngs and LhoughLs abouL how Lhe presenLaLlon wenL (whaL
wenL well and whaL dldnL)
1hls evaluaLlon process should happen wlLhln a 1/2 hour of wrapplng up of Lhe
Also you should ask Lhe Leachers (lf your presenLaLlon ls aL a school) Lo compleLe an
evaluaLlon also
ow to eva|uate your f|rst presentat|on
Lxample A full day presenLaLlon for a 7Lh grade aL a rural [unlor hlgh school We used
Lhe followlng acLlvlLles
1 SlmulaLlon Came
2 An explanaLlon of lndlgenous peoples
3 Sllde show
4 laLform game
3 lnLerpreLlve dance
6 8alnforesL 8ap
7 1he lsland vldeo
SklLs abouL envlronmenLal problems
1he sLudenLs were dlvlded lnLo Lhree roLaLlon groups ln Lhe mornlng and before lunch
we lnLroduced Lhe concepL of Lhe slmulaLlon game AfLer lunch we performed Lhe
lnLerpreLlve dance and ran Lhe slmulaLlon game acLlvlLy
1hls presenLaLlon was fllmed for Lelevlslon and was Lhe flrsL Llme we Lrled Leachlng
sevenLh graders
ur vo/uotion of the uoy
We creaLed Lhe followlng evaluaLlon by asklng ourselves quesLlons such as Whlch
porLlon of Lhe presenLaLlon dld Lhe sLudenLs reacL Lo Lhe besL? WhaL problems dld we
encounLer? WhaL can we change ln order Lo lmprove Lhe presenLaLlon?
O lnLerpreLlve dance * * * * * awesome!
O Slldes * * work on geLLlng sLudenLs Lo respond Lo quesLlons add explanaLlon of
Lhe layers of Lhe ralnforesL
O SklLs * * * worked well
O SlmulaLlon game * * * * * awesome
Je /eorned thot
SevenLh graders need an acLlvlLy Lo warm up ln order Lo be comforLable around us
and each oLher We need more games for a sevenLh grade level and 43 mlnuLes for one
group (perlod) works well


kesource L|st
8alnforesL AcLlon -eLwork 430 Sansome SulLe 700 San lranslsco CA 94111
1he source for lnformaLlon abouL anyLhlng concernlng Lhe ralnforesL wwwranorg
kAN sllJe sbow fot klJs (40 sllJes) 199JCrades 36 lnLroduces Lhe blodlverslLy of
ralnforesLs as well as susLalnable and nonsusLalnable uses of Lhe resources conLalned
wlLhln ConLacL 8A- Sale $3000 8enL $23
1he Clobal loresL WaLch
1he 8alnforesL reservaLlon loundaLlon (-ow 8alnforesL loundaLlon uS) 8O
820308 lorL WorLh 1O 76182
$2300 Lo purchase one acre hLLp//wwwralnforesLfoundaLlonorg/10Lhlngsyoucan
1he -aLural 8esources uefense Councll 8O 1400 Churchlll Mu 21690
* 1he 8alnforesL 8ook Pow ?ou Can Save 1he Worlds 1roplcal 8alnforesLs $393
World Wlldllfe lund 12430 24Lh SL -W WashlngLon uC 20037
8alnforesL 8ap roduced by World Wlldllfe lund SeL Lo rap muslc Lhls vldeo porLrays
Lhe problems faclng Lroplcal ralnforesLs and how klds can parLlclpaLe ln soluLlons
ConLacL World Wlldllfe lund 1230 24Lh SL -W WashlngLon uC 20037 (202) 293
8alnforesL 1erms hLLp//wwwralnforesLfoundaLlonorg/ralnforesLLerms
-aLlonal Ceographlc SocleLy WashlngLon uC 20036
-aLlonal Ceographlc SocleLy 1990 1he Lmerald 8ealm 1he lsland
World LnvlronmenLal -eLwork 8O 33389 San !ose CA 93133
lnfo abouL 1he loresL of knowledge
CulLural Survlval lnc 33A Church SL Cambrldge MA 02138
lnformaLlon abouL lndlgenous peoples
8alnforesL uaLabase
Save Lhe 8alnforesL
fferlng Lroplcal ecology courses for sLudenL groups slnce 1990
1he mlsslon of Lhe 8alnforesL loundaLlon uS ls Lo supporL lndlgenous peoples and
LradlLlonal populaLlons of Lhe ralnforesL ln Lhelr efforLs Lo proLecL Lhelr envlronmenL and
fulflll Lhelr rlghLs by asslsLlng Lhem ln Securlng and conLrolllng Lhe naLural resources
necessary for Lhelr long Lerm well belng and managlng Lhese resources ln ways whlch do
noL harm Lhelr envlronmenL vlolaLe Lhelr culLure or compromlse Lhelr fuLure
ueveloplng Lhe means Lo proLecL Lhelr lndlvldual and collecLlve rlghLs and obLaln shape
and conLrol baslc servlces from Lhe sLaLe
SLAC (SLudenL LnvlronmenLal AcLlon CoallLlon) 8ox 1168 Chapel Plll -C 27314
-eLwork of hlgh school and college envlronmenLal groups from around Lhe world
-aLlonal Wlldllfe lederaLlon 1400 16Lh SL -W WashlngLon 200362266
8anger 8lcks -aLure Scope 8alnforesLs 1roplcal 1reasures (currlculum maLerlal)
1erborgh !ohn 1992 ulverslLy and Lhe 1roplcal 8alnforesL SclenLlflc Amerlcan Llbrary
1roplcal 8alnforesL CoallLlon
CosLa 8lcan 8alnforesL uLward 8ound School
1he 8alnforesL Company (-o longer ln buslness)
We are a manufacLurer and wholesaler of susLalnable producLs LhaL orlglnaLe from Lhe
worlds ralnforesLs We produce and dlsLrlbuLe a range of naLural food producLs LhaL
lnclude 8alnforesL Crunch gourmeL buLLercrunch (made popular by lLs use ln 8en
!errys lce cream) !ungle Munch drled frulL and nuL snacks and 8lver 8ank sauces salsas
and dresslngs 1hese producLs are sold Lhrough Crocery Museum SpeclalLy ClfL
CourmeL and -aLural roducL reLall ouLleLs LhroughouL Lhe uS ln addlLlon Lo
manufacLurlng and dlsLrlbuLlng our producLs we have a deeprooLed bellef ln
conservlng ralnforesLs and preservlng lndlgenous culLures ln ralnforesL counLrles around
Lhe world 8y uslng ralnforesL lngredlenLs ln our producLs we demonsLraLe LhaL
susLalnable economles can be developed ln ralnforesL areas LhaL are presenLly belng
desLroyed by ranchlng farmlng and logglng
World 8esources lnsLlLuLe

Wr|tten by kather|ne Wat|er
ed|ted by Mrs Iean Lawrence
w|th the support and he|p from Carney Mckae Caro| Wat|er and kona|d Do||of
converted to 1ML by M|cah Cha|mer
1 S1L pub||cat|ons

1he 51P members
Morgan kelley orsca kelly !amle !ones 8lll klnnane AuLumn 8ryanL SLefanle
8everage SLephanle 8eck !enn lke Amanda 8arreLL and MaLL WaLler

1he 51P odvisors
Mr ken MarLln Mr !ohn 1hursLon and Mrs !ean Lawren ce

5pecio/ 1honks to
!oanne Sharpe Carney Mc8ae Sharon klnsman Charlle Allen Lmll WllllmeLz 8onald
uolloff Mr !ohn Pllker and Lhe u8 Caul School (for use of Lhe lr compuLers) Lhe MvPS
faculLy Malne rganlc larmer and Cardenlng AssoclaLlon famlly and frlends

1hanks for a|| your support!

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