Information sheet 3.1-1 (computer server & functions)

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Information Sheet is a form of instruction sheet used to provide
and transfer knowledge-based information needed to achieve learning
outcomes. Information could be about new procedure, technique or
technical data needed to do an assigned job. This sheet is prepared by
the trainer if there are no resources available.

It has three parts: 1.) Learning Objectives, 2.) Introduction or

Overview, and 3.) Body or Text. Learning Objectives defines the
expected aim as the result of instruction. Introduction or overview
presents the general idea of the lesson and integrates previous, current
and next learning content. Body or Text contains knowledge and skills
needed to develop certain skills.


 Information should be recent, precise, and suitable to the interest
and reading level of the students.
 Make the information sheet eye-catching and easy to read. The
layout, illustration and reproduction should be clear and attractive
in appearance. This sheet, commonly used in self-paced learning,
should persuade trainees to read and comprehend the material.
 Supplement words with illustration and diagram for clarity.
 Material used should be usable and easy to file, and then have it
punched for filing purposes.
 Acknowledge the sources of information. Note on the sheet if much
of the material is taken from it because doing this will prevent
plagiarism (or use others’ idea without giving credit to the author).

INFORMATION SHEET (module no., learner outcome no. - info sheet no.)


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Computer Servers & Functions

Learning Objective:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Know what is a computer server

2. Determine the different functions of a computer server

This lesson will focus on the different computer servers & their functions. To
know how to configure computer servers, first, we need to know the types of
computer servers and their functions. We also need to know what is the
difference between a computer server and client.

Did you experience a login failure

attempt on any of your social media
account? Even if the credentials
(username/password) where correct?

You probably experienced a SERVER connection error.

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What is a server?
A server is a computer
program or device that
provide services to all
client computers
connected to it, allowing
them (client computer) to
access available
information or resources.

In short, a server is a software or hardware that gives services

to other hardware and software user, also known as the client.

Types of Computer Server

1. Web Server – a server that is in charge of publishing a website on the

2. Database Server – a server that manages a database and provides
database services to clients.
3. Email Server – a computer system that sends and receives emails.
4. Web Proxy Server – a web server that serves as a conduit between a
client program, such as a browser, and the actual server.
5. Domain Name System(DNS) Server – is the Internet’s telephone
directory. DNS is responsible for finding the correct IP address for
websites when users enter their domain names, such as ‘’ or
‘’, into web browsers.
6. FTP Server – a network protocol that is used to transfer files between a
client and a server.
7. File Server – a file server is a central server in a computer network that
serves file systems or portions of file systems to clients connected to the
8. DHCP Server – A DHCP Server is a network server that gives and assigns
IP addresses, default gateways, and other network information to client
devices on an automatic basis.
9. Cloud Server – A cloud server is a pooled, centralized server resources
that is hosted and distributed across a network -typically the Internet-
and may be accessed by multiple users on demand. Cloud servers provide
all of the same services as traditional physical servers, including
processing power, storage, and applications.
10. Application Server - An application server is software that runs on the
server and is written by a server programmer to provide business logic for
any application.

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Self-Check 3.1-1

 Read the questions carefully
 Choose the letter of the best answer
 Use capital letters only
 Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
Multiple Choice
1. What is the type of server that handles the domain names of different
a. Web Server
b. Database Server
c. Application Server
d. Domain Name System(DNS) Server
e. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
2. What is the type of server that is in-charge of publishing on the internet?
a. Web Server
b. Database Server
c. Application Server
d. Domain Name System(DNS) Server
e. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
3. What is the software that runs on the server which provides business
logic for any application?
a. Web Server
b. Database Server
c. Application Server
d. Domain Name System(DNS) Server
e. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
4. What is the type of server which manages and provides databases
services to client?
a. Web Server
b. Database Server
c. Application Server
d. Domain Name System(DNS) Server
e. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
5. What is the type of server which manages IP addresses and other network
information services?
a. Web Server
b. Database Server
c. Application Server
d. Domain Name System(DNS) Server
e. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server

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Answer Key 3.1-1

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. E

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