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To Ella and Sophie, the best in my nest

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Illustrated by Matt Phillips.

Produced by Brown Publishing Network.

ISBN: 0-439-26249-6

Copyright © 2002 by Scholastic Inc.

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Susie lived alone
in a neat little nest.
She was a very fine bird
with a bright pink crest.
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

One fine day,

Susie invited a guest—
and her bird-friend Stella
flew in from the West.
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Stella wore sneakers
and a polka-dot vest.
She had curly green feathers
and a pretty blue crest.
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Susie thought Stella

was simply the best.
She didn’t know Stella
would be such a pest.
I hope you don’t
mind if I finish this!

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
When Susie served salad
and worms to her guest,
Stella gobbled her snack
and then finished the rest!
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

When Susie and Stella

had a painting contest,
Stella splattered purple
all over the nest!
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
When Susie had to study
for an arithmetic test,
Stella decided
to tap dance with zest!
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

When Susie showed Stella

her costume chest,
Stella scattered clothing
north, east, south and west!
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
When Susie lay down
to take a short rest
Stella woke her right up
by braiding her crest!
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

“Stella,” cried Susie,

“I have to protest!
You’ve brought nothing but trouble
into my nest!”
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
Stella the bird hid her beak in her vest.
“I’m so very sorry I was such a pest.
I just got so excited
’cause you are the best!”
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

Next Susie said,

“Stella, you aren’t a pest.
You’re a very fun friend—
I think YOU’RE the best!”
Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
When the visit was over,
before Stella flew West,
she hugged her pal Susie.
She then hugged the nest!
-est Word Family Riddles
Listen to the riddle sentences. Add the right letter
or letters to the -est sound to finish each one.

A compass will help you to find north, south,

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

east, and __est.

2 I like all animals, but I like birds the __est!

3 The little birds collected twigs to build themselves

a __est.

4 When you visit someone’s

home you are a ___est.

5 I need to study my spelling

words for tomorrow’s big __est.

I can’t finish my sandwich. Do you want the

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

7 When I bother my brother, he calls me a __est.

8 A sweater without the sleeves is called a __est.

9 It would be really neat to find a treasure


10 I bet you’ll win first prize if you enter the


Now make up some new riddle sentences using - est

Answers: 1. West, 2. best, 3. nest, 4. guest, 5. test, 6. rest, 7. pest, 8. vest, 9. chest, 10. contest

-est Cheer
Give a great holler, a cheer, a yell

For all of the words that we can spell

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources

With an E, S, and T that make the sound –est,

You’ll find it in nest and vest and best.

Three little letters, that’s all that we need

To make a whole family of words to read!

-est Make a list

of other –est
words. Then
use them in
the cheer!
Reading Tips -est
Here are some quick and fun ways to use this
story to help children learn the word family -est.
Explain to children that you are going to read a story that has many words with the -est sound,
made by the letters E, S, and T. All these words belong to a group called a word family.

Ask children to find the -est word ending at the top of the front cover. Review aloud with children

Word Family Tales: The Pest in the Nest (-est) © Scholastic Teaching Resources
the sound these three letters make. Can they find two words in the title with the -est sound?

Flip over the book and read the story summary on the back cover. Ask children to point out the
words they hear with the -est sound. Explain that the story you are about to read includes many
more words that end in -est. Can they help you find them?

Read aloud the story once for pleasure and enjoy the whimsical illustrations. Then reread the
book, emphasizing the -est word ending in the appropriate words. Ask children to listen closely
and identify all the words that end in -est (they might raise their hand or clap when they hear one,
or you might choose a volunteer to point to the word on the page). As they do so, make a list on
chart paper of all the -est words.

Write each of the words from your list on an unlined index card. Use a different color for -est than
the rest of the word. Read each word on the cards with children. On another reading of the story,
distribute the cards to children and have them hold up their card as their word is read.

Pages 14–15 of the book feature 10 riddles with

answers that require a word ending in -est. Read Other words in
each riddle aloud and have children volunteer answers.
the -est family:
Read aloud the cheer on page 16 several times, with
jest fun fest
lots of energy and enthusiasm. Invite children to join
you in reciting the cheer when they feel ready quest invest
(you might even choose a “cheerleader”). arrest detest
conquest request


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