MESSAGE 2023- 2024

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Me ssa ge from JOCHEBED C.


De a r Gra duates,

C ongra t ulations on reaching this incredible milestone! Your journey through

t he se ye a rs has been marked by hard work, perseverance, and countless
m e m ora ble moments. As you step forward into new adventures, remember t he
fri e ndshi ps, lessons, and experiences that have shaped who you are today.

E m bra c e the future with confidence and courage. Believe in your dreams, a nd
ne ve r st op striving for excellence. Each one of you has the potential to ma ke
a di ffe re nce in the world, and we can't wait to see the amazing things you wi l l
a c c om pl i sh.

Your ha rd work, dedication, and perseverance have brought you to this poi nt ,
a nd your potential is limitless. Remember that success is not measured sol e l y
by wha t you have accomplished, but also by the positive impact you make on
t he worl d around you.

As you m ove forward, be fearless in pursuing your dreams, and don't be

a fra i d t o take risks. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and
a l wa ys re member that failure is not a setback, but a stepping stone towards
suc c e ss.

I a m c onfident that each and every one of you has the power to make a
di ffe re nc e in the world. So go out there and make your mark!
C ongra t ulations, and best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Me ssa ge from JAVIER E. GARDE

E sse nt i a l greetings to all!

Ne w hope and opportunity in our lives are today’s moving up, baccalaurea t e
a nd gra duation programs. And as our era said “New Normal”. It is evident
t ha t we l ive according to the theme for this school year K to 12 Graduates:
Mol de d t hrough a Resilient Educational Foundation.

De spi t e a ll the discouraging challenges that we’ve been through brought

a bout by the pandemic and weaknesses, here we are parents, teachers,
worke rs, guests, and most of all these children who positively surpassed
st ruggl e s and now marching to receive certificates of TRUE SUCCESS, I c a l l
i t T HE POSITIVE PROCESS IN LIFE. We give back all glory to God who
ge ne rously gives instruments to strengthen us and eventually become
t ri um pha nt.

R e m e m be r this word game, when the going gets tough, gets going continue
hol di ng God’s promise in John 15:7 that says, if you remain in Me and if My
words re main in you. Ask what ever you want and it shall be given to you.

An E sse ntial Salute to all. You truly are essential kids, bearing always our
na m e “ Ang Batang Essential m ay magandang asal”. I equally congratulate
pa re nt s a nd teachers will as friends who helped our movers and graduates t o
be whe re they are now.

C ongra t ulates and God be with us always.

Me ssa ge from LETICIA C. GARDE

An E sse ntial greeting to all the graduating students! Congratulations on thi s

si gni fi c a nt achievement in your life!

My he a rt is filled with joy and excitement that you have completed this pha se
of your a cademic journey. As you move forward into the next chapter of your
l i fe , re m ember that the skills a nd knowledge you've gained in studies will
se rve you well.

You ha ve the power to shape your future and make a positive impact in the
worl d. Above all, I would like to remind you of the importance of faith.
T hroughout this journey, you have experienced the goodness and grace of

R e m e m be r to continue to trust in Him as you enter the next phase of your

l i ve s. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. As you m ove
forwa rd, I pray that God continue to bless and guide you in all your
e nde a vors.

Ma y you continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and character, and make

use your essential education to create the change you want to see in your l i fe .

Onc e a ga in, congratulations and God bless you all!

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