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Basic concepts of myofascial trigger
points (TrPs) 1
César Fernández-de-las-Peñas Jan Dommerholt

CHAPTER CONTENT Myofascial trigger point (TrP)

Myofascial trigger point (TrP) overview���������������� 3 overview
Neurophysiological basis of muscle
referred pain ���������������������������������������������������������� 4 Myofascial trigger points (TrPs) are one of the most
overlooked and ignored causes of acute and chronic
Clinical characteristics of muscle
pain (Hendler & Kozikowski 1993), and at the same
referred pain ������������������������������������������������������� 5
time, constitute one of the most common musculo-
Mechanisms and neurophysiological skeletal pain conditions (Hidalgo-Lozano et al. 2010,
models of referred pain . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bron et al. 2011a). There is overwhelming evidence
Convergent-projection theory . . . . . . . . . . . 5
that muscle pain is commonly a primary dysfunc-
Convergence-facilitation theory . . . . . . . . . . 5
tion (Mense 2010a) and not necessarily secondary
Axon-reflex theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
to other diagnoses. Muscles feature many types of
Thalamic-convergence theory . . . . . . . . . . 5
nociceptors, which can be activated by a variety of
Central hyper-excitability theory . . . . . . . . . . 6
mechanical and chemical means (Mense 2009). As a
Neurophysiological aspects primary problem, TrPs may occur in absence of other
of muscle/TrPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
medical issues; however, TrPs can also be associated
The nature of TrPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 with underlying medical conditions, e.g. systemic
Taut bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 diseases, or certain metabolic, parasitic, and nutri-
Local twitch response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 tional disorders. As a co-morbid condition, TrPs can
Muscle pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 be associated with other conditions such as osteoar-
Sensitization mechanisms of TrPs . . . . . . . . 9 thritis of the shoulder, hip or knee (Bajaj et al. 2001)
and also injuries such as whiplash (Freeman et al.
TrPs as a focus of peripheral
sensitization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2009). Pain elicited by muscle TrPs constitutes a sep-
arate and independent cause of acute and especially
TrPs nociception induces
central sensitization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 chronic pain that may compound the symptoms of
other conditions and persist long after the original
Muscle referred pain is a process
initiating condition has been resolved. TrPs are also
of reversible central sensitization . . . . . . 10
associated with visceral conditions and dysfunctions,
Sympathetic facilitation of local including endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, irrita-
and referred muscle pain ������������������������������ 11
ble bowel syndrome, dysmenorrhea and prostatitis
Pathophysiology of TrPs: (Weiss 2001, Anderson 2002, Doggweiler-Wiygul
the integrated hypothesis ����������������������������������� 12
2004, Jarrell 2004). The presence of abdominal TrPs
Other hypothetical models���������������������������������� 13 was 90% predictive of endometriosis (Jarrell 2004).
Throughout history TrPs have been referred to by
different names (Simons 1975). The current TrP ter-
minology has evolved during the past several decades
(Simons et al. 1999, Dommerholt et al. 2006,

© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

Dommerholt & Shah 2010). Although different defi- motor irritability, spasm, muscle imbalance, and
nitions of TrPs are used among different disciplines, altered motor recruitment (Lucas et al. 2004, 2010)
the most commonly accepted definition maintains in either the affected muscle or in functionally related
that ‘a TrP is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of muscles (Simons et al. 1999). Lucas et al. (2010)
a skeletal muscle that is painful on compression, demonstrated that latent TrPs were associated with
stretch, overload or contraction of the tissue which impaired motor activation pattern and that the elimi-
usually responds with a referred pain that is per- nation of these latent TrPs induces normalization of
ceived distant from the spot’ (Simons et al. 1999). the impaired motor activation pattern. In another
From a clinical viewpoint, we can distinguish study, restrictions in ankle range of motion were
active and latent TrPs. The local and referred pain corrected after manual release of latent TrPs in the
from active TrPs reproduces the symptoms reported soleus muscle (Grieve et al. 2011).
by patients and is recognized by patients as their
usual or familiar pain (Simons et al. 1999). Both
active and latent TrPs cause allodynia at the TrP and
Neurophysiological basis
hyperalgesia away from the TrP following applied of muscle referred pain
pressure. Allodynia is pain due to a stimulus that
does not normally provoke pain. In latent mus- Referred pain is a phenomenon that has been
cle TrPs, the local and referred pain do not repro- described for more than a century and has been
duce any symptoms familiar or usual to the patient used extensively as a diagnostic tool in the clini-
(Simons et al. 1999). Active and latent TrPs have cal setting. Typically, pain from deep structures
similar physical findings. The difference is that such as muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and
latent TrPs do not reproduce any spontaneous symp- viscera is described as deep, diffuse, and difficult
tom. In patients with lateral epicondylalgia, active to locate accurately in contrast to superficial types
TrPs commonly reproduce the symptoms within the of pain, such as pain originating in the skin (Mense
affected arm (Fernández-Carnero et al. 2007), but 1994). Pain located at the source of pain is termed
patients may also present with latent TrPs on the local pain or primary pain, whereas pain felt in a
non-affected side without experiencing any symp- different region away from the source of pain is
toms on that side (Fernández-Carnero et al. 2008). termed referred pain (Ballantyne et al. 2010).
Although latent TrPs are not spontaneously pain- Referred pain can be perceived in any region of
ful, they provide nociceptive input into the dorsal the body, but the size of the referred pain area is
horn (Ge et al. 2008, 2009, Li et al. 2009, Wang variable and can be influenced by pain-induced
et al. 2010, Xu et al. 2010, Zhang et al. 2010, Ge & changes in central somatosensory maps (Kellgren
Arendt-Nielsen 2011). The underlying mechanism 1938, Gandevia & Phegan 1999). Referred pain
is not clear at this point in time and requires more is a very common phenomenon in clinical prac-
research. Certain regions within a muscle may only be tice; most patients with chronic pain present with
connected via ineffective synapses to dorsal horn neu- what is commonly described as ‘a summation of
rons and referred pain may occur when these ineffec- referred pain from several different structures.’
tive synapses are sensitized (Mense 2010b). Latent Understanding at least the basic neurophysiological
TrPs can easily turn into active TrPs, which is at least mechanisms of muscle referred pain is required to
partially dependent on the degree of sensitization and make a proper diagnosis of myofascial pain and to
increased synaptic efficacy in the dorsal horn. For manage patients with TrPs.
example, the pain pressure threshold of latent TrPs in
the forearm muscles decreased significantly after only
20 minutes of continuous piano playing (Chen et al. Clinical characteristics of muscle
2000). Active TrPs induce larger referred pain areas referred pain (Arendt-Nielsen &
and higher pain intensities than latent TrPs (Hong
et al. 1997). Active TrPs and their overlying cutane- Ge 2009, Fernández-de-las-Peñas
ous and subcutaneous tissues are usually more sensi- et al. 2011)
tive to pressure and electrical stimulation than latent
TrPs (Vecchiet et al. 1990 1994). 1. The duration of referred pain could last for as
Both active and latent TrPs can provoke motor dys- short as a few seconds or as long as a few hours,
functions, e.g. muscle weakness, inhibition, increased days, or weeks, or occasionally indefinitely.

Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) CHAPTER 1

2. Muscle referred pain is described as deep, dif- Convergent-projection theory

fuse, burning, tightening, or pressing pain, which Ruch (1961) proposed that afferent fibers from
is completely different from neuropathic or different tissues, such as skin, viscera, muscles,
cutaneous pain. and joints, converge onto common spinal neu-
3. Referred pain from muscle tissues may have a rons, which can lead to a misinterpretation of the
similar topographical distribution as referred source of nociceptive activity from the spinal cord.
pain from joints. The source of pain of one tissue can be misinter-
4. The referred pain can spread cranial/caudal or preted as originating from other structures. The
ventral/dorsal. ­convergent-projection theory would explain the
5. The intensity of muscle referred pain and the segmental nature of muscle referred pain and the
size of the referred pain area are positively cor- increased referred pain intensity when local pain is
related to the degree of irritability of the central intensified. This theory does, however, not explain
nervous system or sensitization. the delay in the development of referred pain fol-
lowing the onset of local pain (Graven-Nielsen
6. Referred pain frequently follows the distribu-
et al. 1997a).
tion of sclerotomes, but not of dermatomes.
7. Muscle referred pain may be accompanied by
other symptoms, such as numbness, coldness, Convergence-facilitation theory
stiffness, weakness, fatigue, or musculoskeletal The somatosensory sensitivity changes reported in
motor dysfunction. The term referred pain is referred pain areas could, in part, be explained by
perhaps not complete and a preferred term can sensitization mechanisms in the dorsal horn and
be ‘referred sensation’ as non-painful sensations brainstem neurons, whereas the delay in appear-
such as burning or tingling would still be consid- ance of referred pain could be explained since
ered referred phenomena from TrPs. the creation of central sensitization needs time
(Graven-Nielsen et al. 1997a).

Mechanisms and neurophysiological

Axon-reflex theory
models of referred pain (Arendt-
Bifurcation of afferents from different tissues was
Nielsen & Ge 2009) suggested as an explanation of referred pain (Sinclair
et al. 1948). Although bifurcation of nociceptive
Muscle referred pain is a process of central afferents from different tissues exits, it is generally
agreed that these pathways are unlikely to occur
sensitization which is mediated by a periph-
(McMahon 1994). The axon-reflex theory cannot
eral activity and sensitization, and which explain the delay in the appearance of the referred
can be facilitated by sympathetic activity pain, the different thresholds required for eliciting
and dysfunctional descending inhibition local pain vs referred pain, and the somatosensory
Arendt-Nielsen & Ge 2009 sensitivity changes within the referred pain areas.

The exact neuropathways mediating referred

pain are not completely understood. Several Thalamic-convergence theory
neuro-­anatomical and neurophysiological theo- Theobald (1949) suggested that referred pain may
ries regarding the appearance of referred pain appear as a summation of input from the injured
have been suggested. All models agree that noci- area and from the referred pain area within neu-
ceptive dorsal horn or brainstem neurons receive rons in the brain, but not in the spinal cord. Several
convergent inputs from different tissues. Conse- decades later, Apkarian et al. (1995) described sev-
quently, higher brain centers cannot identify the eral pathways converging on different sub-­cortical
input source properly. Most recent models have and cortical neurons. There is evidence of pain
included newer theories in which sensitization of reduction following anesthetization of the referred
dorsal horn and brainstem neurons also play a rel- pain area, which suggests that peripheral processes
evant and central role. We briefly summarize the contribute to referred pain, although central pro-
most common theories below. cesses are assumed to be the most predominant.

PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

Central hyper-excitability theory of muscle fibers independent of electromyogenic

Recordings from dorsal horn neurons in animal activity, which does not involve the entire muscle
models have revealed that new receptive fields at (Simons & Mense 1998).
a distance from the original receptive field emerged In 1997, Gerwin and Duranleau first described
within minutes after noxious stimuli (Hoheisel the visualization of taut bands using sonography,
et al. 1993). That is, following nociceptive input, but until recently it was not yet possible to visual-
dorsal horn neurons that were previously responsive ize the actual TrP (Lewis & Tehan, 1999) mostly
to only one area within a muscle began to respond due to technological limitations (Park & Kwon
to nociception from areas that previously did not 2011). With the advancement of technology, more
trigger a response. The appearance of new recep- recent studies have found that TrP taut bands can
tive fields could indicate that latent convergent be visualized using sonographic and magnetic reso-
afferents on the dorsal horn neuron are opened by nance elastography (Chen et al. 2007, 2008, Sikdar
noxious stimuli from muscle tissues (Mense 1994), et al. 2009, Rha et al. 2011). Chen et al. (2007)
and that this facilitation of latent convergence con- demonstrated that the stiffness of the taut bands
nections induces the referred pain. in patients with TrPs is higher than that of the sur-
The central hyper-excitability theory is con- rounding muscle tissue in the same subject and in
sistent with most of the characteristics of muscle people without TrPs. Sikdar et al. (2009) showed
referred pain. There is a dependency on the stim- that vibration amplitudes assessed with spectral
ulus and a delay in appearance of referred pain as Doppler were 27% lower on average within the
compared with local pain. The development of TrP region compared with surrounding tissue. They
referred pain in healthy subjects is generally dis- also found reduced vibration amplitude within the
tal and not proximal to the site of induced pain hypoechoeic region identified as a TrP. In summary,
(Arendt-Nielsen et al. 2000). Nevertheless, several TrP taut bands are detectable and quantifiable, pro-
clinical studies have demonstrated proximal and viding potentially useful tools for TrP diagnosis and
distal referred pain in patients with chronic pain future research.
(Graven-Nielsen 2006). The differences between Although TrPs and taut bands can now be
healthy individuals and persons with chronic pain visualized, the mechanism for the formation of
may indicate that the pre-existing pain could muscle taut band is still not fully understood.
induce a state of hyper-excitability in the spinal The probable mechanisms of taut band formation
cord or brainstem resulting in proximal and distal have been summarized by Gerwin (2008). The
referred pains. current thinking is that the development of the
taut band and subsequent pain is related to local
muscle overload or overuse when the muscle can-
Neurophysiological aspects not respond adequately, particularly following
of muscle/TrPs unusual or excessive eccentric or concentric load-
ing (Gerwin et al. 2004, Gerwin 2008, Mense &
The nature of TrPs Gerwin 2010). Muscle failure and TrP formation
are also common with sub-maximal muscle con-
tractions as seen for example in the upper tra-
Taut bands pezius muscles of computer operators (Treaster
TrPs are located within discrete bands of contrac- et al. 2006, Hoyle et al. 2011) or in the forearm
tured muscle fibers called taut bands. Taut bands muscles of pianists (Chen 2000). The failure of
can be palpated with a flat or pincer palpation and the muscle to respond to a particular acute or
feel like tense strings within the belly of the mus- recurrent overload may be the result of a local
cle. It is important to clarify that contractures are energy crisis. Muscle activation in response to
not the same as muscle spasms. Muscle spasms a demand is always dispersed throughout the
require electrogenic activity, meaning that the muscle among fibers that are the first to be con-
α-motor neuron and the neuromuscular endplate tracted and the last to relax. These fibers are the
are active. A muscle spasm is a pathological invol- most vulnerable to muscle overload. Unusual or
untary electrogenic contraction (Simons & Mense excessive eccentric loading may cause local mus-
1998). In contrast, a taut band signifies a contrac- cle injury. In sub-maximal contractions, the Cin-
ture arising endogenously within a certain number derella Hypothesis and Henneman’s size principle

Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) CHAPTER 1

apply (Kadefors et al. 1999, Chen et al. 2000, sensitization (Durham & Vause, 2010). It also stimu-
Hägg, 2003, Zennaro et al. 2003, Treaster et al. lates the phosphorylation of ACh receptors, which
2006, Hoyle et al. 2011). Smaller motor units are prolongs their sensitivity to ACh (Hodges-Savola &
recruited first and de-recruited last without any Fernandez 1995). In addition, CGRP promotes the
substitution of motor units. This would lead to release of ACh and inhibits ACh-esterase.
local biochemical changes without muscle break- Interestingly, myofascial tension, as seen with
down, especially in those parts of the muscle that TrPs, may also stimulate an excessive release
are not substituted and therefore most heavily of ACh, which suggests the presence of a self-­
worked (Gerwin 2008). sustaining vicious cycle (Chen & Grinnell 1997,
Under normal circumstances, acetylcholine Grinnel et al. 2003). Experimental research of
(ACh) is released in a quantal fashion, which is a rodents demonstrated that excessive ACh in the
­calcium-dependent process (Wessler 1996). ACh synaptic cleft leads to morphological changes
stimulates specific membrane-bound protein mol- resembling TrP contractures (Mense et al. 2003).
ecules, such as nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChR), Consuming excessive amounts of coffee in combi-
which leads to miniature endplate potentials nation with alcohol triggers a similar response pat-
(MEPP). A summation of MEPPs causes a depo- tern, which has been attributed to the ability of
larization of the muscle membrane, an action caffeine to release calcium ions from the sarcoplas-
potential, stimulation of ryanodine and dihydro- mic reticulum (Oba et al. 1997a, 1997b, Shabala
pyridine receptors in the T-tubuli, activation of the et al. 2008).
sarcoplasmic reticulum, a release of calcium, and There is some evidence that TrPs are also associ-
eventually a muscle contraction. The nAChRs are ated with increased autonomic activity (Ge et al.,
temporarily inhibited following stimulation by ACh 2006), which is likely to be due to activation of
(Magleby & Pallotta 1981). adrenergic receptors at the motor endplate (Gerwin
With myofascial pain, an excessive non-quantal et al. 2004). Stimulation of these adrenergic recep-
release of ACh is released from the motor endplate tors triggered an increased release of ACh in mice
at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholinester- (Bowman et al. 1988). Nociceptive stimuli of latent
ase (ACh-esterase) is inhibited, while nAChRs are TrPs can lead to autonomic changes such as vasocon-
up-regulated. These and several other factors are striction (Kimura et al. 2009). The local or systemic
thought to cause the localized muscle fiber con- administration of the alpha-adrenergic antago-
tractures in the immediate vicinity of the involved nist phentolamine to TrPs caused an immediate
motor endplates. It is conceivable that the limited reduction in electrical activity, suggesting that TrPs
non-quantal release of ACh is sufficient to trigger indeed have an autonomic component (Hubbard
contracture without inhibiting the nicotinic ACh, & Berkoff 1993, Lewis et al. 1994, McNulty et al.
dihydropyridine and ryanodine receptors, which 1994, Banks et al. 1998). Such increased autonomic
would provide a mechanism for sustained contrac- activity may facilitate an increased concentration
tures (Dommerholt 2011). of intracellular ionized calcium and be responsible
The potential role of calcitonin gene-related again for a vicious cycle maintaining TrPs (Gerwin
peptide (CGRP) in myofascial pain and other pain et al. 2004, Gerwin 2008). Muscle spindle afferents
conditions, such as migraines, cannot be underes- may also contribute to the formation of TrP taut
timated. CGRP is found in higher concentrations bands via afferent signals to extrafusal motor units
in the immediate environment of active TrP (Shah through H-reflex pathways (Ge et al. 2009), but
et al., 2008). It is a potent microvasular vasodila- are not considered to be the primary cause of TrP
tor involved in wound healing, prevention of isch- formation.
emia, and several autonomic and immune functions
(Smillie & Brain 2011). CGRP and its receptors are
widely expressed in the central and peripheral ner- Local twitch response
vous system. For example, CGRP Type I is produced Manual strumming or needling of a TrP usually
in the cell body of motor neurons in the ventral horn result in a so-called local twitch response (LTR),
of the spinal cord and is excreted via an axoplasmatic which is a sudden contraction of muscle fibers in
transport mechanism. CGRP is also released from a taut band (Hong & Simons 1998). LTRs can be
the trigeminal ganglion and from trigeminal nerves observed visually, can be recorded electromyo-
within the dura and as such contributes to peripheral graphically, or can be visualized with diagnostic

PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

ultrasound (Gerwin & Duranleau 1997, Rha et al. which leads to a vicious cycle as these chemicals
2011). The number of LTRs may be related to the also activate peripheral nociceptive receptors and
irritability of the muscle TrP (Hong et al. 1997), potentiate dorsal horn neuron sensitization. As
which in turn appears to be correlated with the such, muscle nociceptors play an active role in
degree of sensitization of muscle nociceptors by muscle pain and in the maintenance of normal tis-
bradykinin, serotonin, and prostaglandin, among sue homeostasis by assessing the peripheral bio-
others. Hong and Torigoe (1994) reported that, chemical milieu and by mediating the vascular
in an animal model, LTRs could be elicited by supply to peripheral tissue.
needling of hypersensitive trigger spots, which The responsiveness of receptors is indeed a
are the equivalent of TrPs in humans. LTRs were dynamic process and can change depending upon
observed in only a few of the control sites. In the concentrations of the sensitizing agents. As
addition, LTRs could not be elicited after tran- an example, under normal circumstances, the BK
section of the innervating nerve. LTRs are spinal receptor, knows as a B2 receptor, triggers only a
cord reflexes elicited by stimulating the sensitive temporary increase of intracellular calcium and
site in the TrP region (Hong et al. 1995). Audette does not play a significant role in sensitization.
et al. (2004) reported that dry needling of active When the BK concentration increases, a B1 recep-
TrPs in the trapezius and levator scapulae muscles tor is synthesized, which facilitates a long-lasting
elicited bilateral LTRs in 61.5% of the muscles, increase of intracellular calcium and stimulates the
whereas dry needling of latent TrPs resulted only release of tumor necrosing factor and other inter-
in unilateral LTRs. leukins, which in turn lead to increased concentra-
Eliciting LTRs has been advocated for effective tions of BK and peripheral sensitization (Calixto
TrP dry needling (Hong 1994). Following LTRs, et al. 2000, Marceau et al. 2002). There are many
Shah et al. (2005) observed an immediate drop interactions between these chemicals making mus-
in concentrations of several neurotransmitters, cle pain a very complicated phenomenon. Babenko
including CGRP and substance P, and several cyto- et al. (1999) found that the combination of BK and
kines and interleukins, in the extracellular fluid of 5-HT induced higher sensitization of nociceptors
the local TrP milieu. The concentrations did not than each substance in isolation.
quite reach the levels of normal muscle tissue. The Referred pain occurs at the dorsal horn level
reductions were observed during approximately and is the result of activation of otherwise quies-
10 minutes, before they appeared to slowly rise cent axonal connections between affective nerve
again. Due to the short observation times, it is not fibers dorsal horn neurons, which are activated by
known whether the concentrations stabilized or mechanisms of central sensitization (Mense & Ger-
increased again over time. win 2010). Referred pain is not unique to myofas-
cial TrPs but, nevertheless, it is highly characteristic
of myofascial pain syndrome. Usually referred pain
Muscle pain happens within seconds following mechanical stim-
Muscle pain follows noxious stimuli, which acti- ulation of active TrPs suggesting that the induction
vate specific peripheral nociceptors. Nociceptive of neuroplastic changes related to referred pain is
impulses are transmitted through second order a rapid process. Kuan et al. (2007a) demonstrated
neurons in the dorsal horn, through the spinal that TrPs are more effective in inducing neuroplas-
cord, and to primary and secondary somatosen- tic changes in the dorsal horn neurons than non-
sory areas in the brain, including the amygdala, TrPs regions.
anterior cingulated gyrus, and the primary sen- The multiple contractures found in muscles of
sory cortex. Locally, activation of receptors leads patients with myofascial pain are likely to com-
to the release of neuropeptides, which also causes press regional capillaries, resulting in ischemia
vasodilatation and increases the permeability and hypoxia. Recent Doppler ultrasound studies
of the microvasculature (Snijdelaar et al. 2000, confirmed a higher outflow resistance or vascular
Ambalavanar et al. 2006). When neuropeptides restriction at active TrPs and an increased vascular
are released in sufficient quantity they trigger the bed outside the immediate environment of TrPs
release of histamine from mast cells, BK from kal- (Sikdar et al. 2010), which is consistent with the
lidin, serotonin (5-HT) from platelets, and PGs measurement of decreased oxygen saturation levels
from endothelial cells (Massaad et al. 2004), within TrPs and increased levels outside the core

Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) CHAPTER 1

of TrPs (Brückle et al. 1990). Hypoxia may trig- and inflammatory mediators, among others. In
ger an immediate increased release of ACh at the experimental research, different substances are
motor endplate (Bukharaeva et al. 2005). Hypoxia commonly used to elicit local and referred muscle
also leads to a decrease of the local pH, which pain (Babenko et al. 1999, Arendt-Nielsen et al.
will activate transient receptor potential vanil- 2000, Arendt-Nielsen & Svensson 2001, Graven-
loid (TRPV) receptors and acid sensing ion chan- Nielsen 2006). In fact, induced referred pain
nels (ASIC) via hydrogen ions or protons. Because areas obtained in these experimental studies have
these channels are nociceptive, they initiate pain, confirmed the empirical referred pain patterns
hyperalgesia and central sensitization without described by Travell and Simons (Travell & Rinzler
inflammation or any damage or trauma to the mus- 1952, Simons et al. 1999).
cle (Sluka et al. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2009, Deval Peripheral sensitization is described as a reduc-
et al. 2010). Research at the US National Insti- tion in the pain threshold and an increase in respon-
tutes of Health has confirmed that the pH in the siveness of the peripheral nociceptors. Scientific
direct vicinity of active TrPs is well below 5, which evidence has shown that pressure sensitivity is
is sufficient to activate muscle nociceptors (Sahlin higher at TrPs than at control points (Hong et al.
et al. 1976, Gautam et al. 2010). Different kinds 1996), suggesting an increased nociceptive sensitiv-
of ASICs play specific roles (Walder et al. 2010) ity at TrPs and peripheral sensitization. The concen-
and it is not known which ASICs are activated in trations of BK, CGRP, substance P, tumor necrosis
myofascial pain. It is likely that multiple types of factor-α (TNF-α), interleukins 1β, IL-6, and IL-8,
ASICs are involved in the sensory aspects of TrPs 5-HT, and nor-epinephrine were significantly higher
(Dommerholt, 2011), such as the ASIC1a, which near active TrPs than near latent TrP or non-TrP
processes noxious stimuli, and the ASIC3, which points and in remote pain-free distant areas (Shah
is involved in inflammatory pain (Shah et al. 2005, et al. 2005, 2008). These chemical mediators may
Deval et al. 2010). A low pH down-regulates partly be released from peripheral sensitized noci-
ACh-esterase at the neuromuscular junction and ceptors that drive the pain, but also from the sus-
can trigger the release of several neurotransmitters tained muscle fiber contraction within the taut
and inflammatory mediators, such as CGRP, sub- band (Gerwin 2008). Interestingly, the concentra-
stance P, BK, interleukins, adenosine triphosphate tions of these biochemical substances in a pain-free
(ATP), 5-HT, prostaglandins (PG), potassium and area of the gastrocnemius muscle were also higher
protons, which would result in a decrease in the in individuals with active TrPs in the upper trape-
mechanical threshold and activation of peripheral zius muscle compared to those with latent TrPs or
nociceptive receptors. A sensitized muscle noci- non-TrPs (Shah et al. 2008). These studies confirm
ceptor has a lowered stimulation threshold into not only the presence of nociceptive pain hyper-
the innocuous range and will respond to ­harmless sensitivity in active TrP, but also establish that TrPs
stimuli like light pressure and muscle movement. are a focus of peripheral sensitization. Substances
When nociceptive input to the spinal cord is associated with muscle pain and fatigue, are appar-
intense or occurs repeatedly, peripheral and cen- ently not limited to local areas of TrPs or a single
tral sensitization mechanisms occur and spread anatomic locus. Li et al. (2009) reported nocicep-
of ­nociception at the spinal cord level results in tive (hyperalgesia) and non-nociceptive (allodynia)
referred pain (Hoheisel et al. 1993). hyper-sensitivity at TrPs, suggesting that TrPs sen-
sitize both nociceptive and non-nociceptive nerve
endings. Nevertheless, painful stimulation induced
Sensitization mechanisms higher pain response than non-noxious stimulation
of TrPs at TrPs (Li et al. 2009).
Wang et al. (2010) reported that ischemic com-
pression, which mainly blocked large-diameter
TrP as a focus of peripheral myelinated muscle afferents, induced increased
sensitization pressure pain and referred pain thresholds at the TrP,
but not at non-TrP regions. After decompression, the
As stated, muscle pain is associated with the acti- pressure sensitivity returned to pre-compression lev-
vation of muscle nociceptors by a variety of endog- els. In other words, non-nociceptive large-diameter
enous substances, including several neuropeptides myelinated muscle afferents may be involved in

PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

the pathophysiology of TrP pain and hyperalgesia sensitization also increased the TrP pressure sensi-
(Wang et al. 2010). As non-nociceptive afferents are tivity in segmentally related muscles (Srbely et al.
involved in proprioception, excitation of the large- 2010a). Additionally, Fernández-Carnero et al.
diameter myelinated afferents by TrPs may explain (2010) reported that central sensitization related
the presence of altered proprioception in some to TrPs in the infraspinatus muscle increased the
patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. amplitude of electromyographical (EMG) activity
of TrPs in the extensor carpi radialis brevis.
Current evidence suggests that TrPs induce
TrP nociception induces central central sensitization, but sensitization mecha-
sensitization nisms can also promote TrP activity. It is, however,
more likely that TrPs induce central sensitization,
Central sensitization is an increase in the excit- as latent TrPs are present in healthy individuals
ability of neurons within the central nervous sys- without evidence of central sensitization. Finally,
tem characterized by allodynia and hyperalgesia. active TrP pain is, at least partially, processed at
Hyperalgesia is an increased response to a stimu- supra-spinal levels. Recent imaging data suggest
lus that is normally painful. Allodynia and hyper- that TrP hyperalgesia is processed in various brain
algesia are observed in patients with TrPs. In fact, areas as enhanced somatosensory activity involving
emerging research suggests a physiological link the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex,
between the clinical manifestations of TrPs, such inferior parietal, and mid-insula and limbic activ-
as hyperalgesia and consistent referred pain, and ity, involving the anterior insula. Suppressed right
the phenomenon of central sensitization, although dorsal hippocampal activity is present in patients
the causal relationships and mechanisms are still with TrPs in the upper trapezius muscle compared
unclear. Additionally, Arendt-Nielsen et al. (2008) to healthy controls (Niddam et al. 2008, Niddam
demonstrated that experimentally-induced muscle 2009). Abnormal hippocampal hypo-activity sug-
pain is able to impair diffuse noxious inhibitory gests that dysfunctional stress responses play an
control mechanisms (Arendt-Nielsen et al. 2008), important role in the generation and maintenance
supporting an important role of muscle tissues in of hyperalgesia from TrPs (Niddam et al. 2008).
chronic pain. Current data suggest that a TrP is more painful
Mense (1994) suggested that the presence of than normal tissue because of specific physiological
multiple TrPs in the same or different muscles or changes, peripheral and central sensitization, and
the presence of active TrPs for prolonged periods of not because of anatomical issues.
time may sensitize spinal cord neurons and supra-
spinal structures by means of a continued periph-
eral nociceptive afferent barrage into the central Muscle referred pain is a process
nervous system. Both spatial and temporal summa- of reversible central sensitization
tions are important in this pattern. Although the
relationship between active TrPs and central sensi- A sensitized central nervous system may modulate
tization has been observed clinically for many years, referred muscle pain. Infusions with the N-methyl-
neurophysiological studies have been conducted D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist ketamine in indi-
only during the last decade. Kuan et al. (2007a) viduals with fibromyalgia reduced their referred
reported that spinal cord connections of TrPs were pain areas (Graven-Nielsen et al. 2000). As noted
more effective in inducing neuroplastic changes previously, the appearance of new receptive fields
in the dorsal horn neurons than non-TrPs. In addi- is characteristic of muscle referred pain (Mense
tion, motor neurons related to TrPs had smaller 1994). Since the referred pain area is correlated
diameters than neurons of normal tissue. It appears with the intensity and duration of muscle pain
that TrP may be connected to a greater number of (Graven-Nielsen et al. 1997b), muscle referred
small sensory or nociceptive neurons than non-TrP pain appears to be a central sensitization phenom-
tissues (Kuan et al. 2007a). Mechanical stimula- enon maintained by peripheral sensitization input
tion of latent TrPs can induce central sensitization for example from active TrPs.
in healthy subjects, suggesting that stimulation of It is important to realize that central sensitiza-
latent TrPs can increase pressure hypersensitivity tion is a reversible process in patients with myo-
in extra-segmental tissues (Xu et al. 2010). Central fascial pain, although animal studies suggest that

Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) CHAPTER 1

central sensitization is an irreversible process (Sluka system neuroplasticity (Arendt-Nielsen 2000),

et al. 2001). Several clinical studies have demon- which is maintained by increased peripheral noci-
strated that sensitization mechanisms related to ceptive input from active TrPs. It is conceivable
TrPs may be reversible with proper management. that the degree of central sensitization may influ-
TrP injections into neck muscles produced a rapid ence whether a patient will eventually be diagnosed
relief of palpable scalp or facial tenderness, which with myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, or neuropathic
would constitute mechanical hyperalgesia and pain. Multiple factors can influence the degree of
allodynia, and associated symptoms in migraine sensitization including descending inhibitory mech-
(Mellick & Mellick 2003). Anesthetic injections anisms, sympathetic activity, or neuropathic activa-
of active TrPs significantly decreased mechani- tion. In clinical practice it is commonly seen that
cal hyperalgesia, allodynia, and referred pain in patients with less central sensitization require a
patients suffering from migraine headaches (Giam- fewer number of treatments.
berardino et al. 2007), fibromyalgia (Affaitati
et al. 2011), and whiplash (Freeman et al. 2009).
In addition, dry needling of primary TrPs inhibited Sympathetic facilitation of local
the activity in satellite TrPs situated in their zone of and referred muscle pain
referred pain (Hsieh et al. 2007). Dry needling of
active TrPs has been shown to temporarily increase There is a growing interest in the association
the mechanical pain threshold in local pain syn- between TrPs and the sympathetic nervous sys-
dromes (Srbely et al. 2010b), suggesting a segmen- tem. Rabbit (Chen et al. 1998) and human studies
tal anti-nociceptive effect of TrP therapy. (McNulty et al. 1994, Chung et al. 2004) showed
The cause of the rapid decrease in local and that an increased sympathetic efferent discharge
referred pains with manual TrP therapy observed in increased the frequency and the amplitude of EMG
clinical practice is not completely understood, but activity of muscle TrPs, while sympathetic block-
may be, at least partially, the result of the mechani- ers decreased the frequency and amplitude of
cal input from the needle, which would cause local EMG activity. Others reported that sympathetic
stretching of muscle fibers, elongation of fibro- blockers decreased TrP and tender point pain sen-
blasts, and micro-damage to tissues. The resolution sitivity (Bengtsson & Bengtsson 1988, Martinez-
of referred pain is related to the decrease in noci- Lavin 2004), which is consistent with the observed
ceptive input to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, increased concentrations of norepinephrine at
and interruption of the spread of pain through active TrPs (Shah et al. 2005).
convergence and central sensitization. Neverthe- Ge et al. (2006) reported that sympathetic
less, the reversal in referred pain is surprisingly fast, facilitation induced a decrease in the pressure pain
and suggests that long-standing central sensitiza- thresholds and pressure threshold for eliciting
tion can be reversed instantaneously with proper referred pain and an increase in local and referred
treatment. This effect may be related to the up-­ pain intensities, suggesting a sympathetic-sensory
regulation of the endocannabinoid or endorphin interaction at TrPs. Zhang et al. (2009) found an
system as a result of myofascial manipulation and attenuated skin blood flow response after painful
other soft tissue therapies (McPartland 2008). stimulation of latent TrPs compared with non-TrPs,
Empirically, dry needling and TrP injections have a which may be secondary to increased sympathetic
much quicker result than strict manual TrP release vasoconstriction activity at latent TrPs.
techniques, presumably due to increased specificity TrP sensitivity appears to be maintained by sym-
of the stimulus (Dommerholt & Gerwin 2010). In pathetic hyperactivity, although once again, the
spite of methodological limitations of many studies, mechanisms of this interaction are not completely
there is ample evidence that manual techniques are understood. Increased sympathetic activity at TrPs
effective (Hains et al. 2010a, 2010b, Hains & Hains may enhance the release of norepinephrine and
2010, Bron et al. 2011b, Rickards 2011) without ATP, among others (Gerwin et al. 2004). Another
any indication that one particular manual technique possible mechanism suggests that the increased
would be superior to another (Fernández-de-las- level of muscle sympathetic nerve activity may lead
Peñas et al. 2005, Gemmell et al. 2008). to a delayed resolution of inflammatory substances
Accumulated evidence indicates that referred and change the local chemical milieu at TrPs
pain is a reversible process of central nervous (Macefield & Wallin 1995). As it was discussed

PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

previously, Gerwin et al. (2004) suggested that reflex arcs that are sustained by complex sensiti-
the presence of α and β adrenergic receptors at zation mechanisms (McPartland & Simons 2006).
the endplate could provide a possible mechanism The first EMG study of TrPs, conducted by Hub-
for autonomic interaction (Maekawa et al. 2002), bard and Berkoff (1993), reported the presence of
although this has not been confirmed in humans. spontaneous EMG activity in a TrP of the upper
trapezius muscle. The authors described two com-
ponents of this spontaneous EMG activity, namely
Pathophysiology of TrPs: the a low amplitude constant background activity of 50
integrated hypothesis µV, and intermittent higher amplitude spike-like of
100–700 µV. Others confirmed the constant back-
The activation of a TrP may result from a variety ground activity of 10–50 µV and occasionally 80
of factors, such as repetitive muscle overuse, acute µV in animal TrPs (Simons et al. 1995, Chen et al.
or sustained overload, psychological stress, or other 1998, Macgregor et al. 2006) and in human TrPs
key or primary TrPs. Particular attention has been (Simons 2001; Couppé et al. 2001, Simons et al.
paid to injured or overloaded muscle fibers follow- 2002). The origin of this spontaneous electrical
ing eccentric and intense concentric contractions activity (SEA) is still controversial; however, clear
in the pathogenesis of TrPs (Gerwin et al. 2004). evidence supports that SEA originates from motor
Hong (1996) hypothesized that each TrP contains endplate potentials (EPP). Simons concluded that
a sensitive locus, described as a site from which a the SEA is the same than endplate noise (EPN)
LTR can be elicited when the TrP is mechanically (Simons, 2001, Simons et al. 2002). EPN is more
stimulated, and an active locus described as an area prevalent in active TrPs than in latent TrPs (Mense
from which spontaneous electrical activity (SEA) is & Gerwin, 2010). EPN seems to reflect a local
recorded. In this model, the sensitive locus contains depolarization of the muscle fibers induced by a
nociceptors and constitutes the sensory component, significantly increased and abnormal spontane-
while the active locus consists of dysfunctional ous release of ACh (Ge et al. 2011). Kuan et al.
motor endplates, which would be the motor com- (2002), in an animal model, showed that SEA can
ponent (Simons et al. 1995, Simons 1996, Hong & be decreased by botulinum toxin, which inhibits
Simons 1998). the release of ACh at the neuromuscular junction.
Muscle trauma, repetitive low-intensity muscle Additionally, analysis of the motor behaviors of a
overload, or intense muscle contractions, may cre- TrP shows that the intramuscular EMG activity at
ate a vicious cycle of events, wherein damage to TrPs exhibits similar motor behaviors to the sur-
the sarcoplasmic reticulum or the cell membrane face EMG activity over a TrP, which supports that
leads to an increase of the calcium concentra- the origin of the electrical activity is derived from
tion, a shortening of the actin and myosin fila- extrafusal motor endplates and not from intrafusal
ments, a shortage of ATP, and an impaired calcium muscle spindles (Ge et al. 2011). An interesting
pump (Simons et al. 1999, Gerwin et al. 2004). In study found higher pain intensities and pain fea-
1981, Simons and Travell developed the so-called tures similar to TrPs when noxious stimuli were
‘energy crisis hypothesis’ which reflects this vicious applied to motor endplate areas compared with
cycle. Since 1981, the energy crisis hypothesis has silent muscle sites (Qerama et al. 2004). Kuan
evolved into the so-called integrated trigger point et al. (2007b) reported a high correlation between
hypothesis, which is based on subsequent scientific the irritability, pain intensity and pressure pain
research (Simons, 2004). The integrated hypothesis thresholds, and the prevalence of EPN loci in a TrP
is the most accepted theoretical concept, although region of the upper trapezius muscle. Lower pres-
other models have been proposed (Dommerholt sure pain thresholds were associated with greater
& Franssen 2011). The integrated hypothesis is a SEA. From a clinical perspective, several studies
work in progress and continues to be modified and showed that treatment of TrPs can eliminate or sig-
updated as new scientific evidence emerges (Ger- nificantly reduce EPN (Kuan et al. 2002, Gerwin
win et al. 2004, McPartland & Simons 2006). et al. 2004, Qerama et al. 2006, Chen et al. 2008,
The integrated hypothesis proposes that abnor- Chou et al. 2009). Findings from these studies sup-
mal depolarization of the post-junctional mem- port that TrPs are associated with dysfunctional
brane of motor endplates causes a localized hypoxic motor endplates (Simons et al. 2002). It should
energy crisis associated with sensory and autonomic be noted that motor endplates are distributed

Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) CHAPTER 1

throughout the entire muscle and not just in the action potentials without synaptic excitation as
muscle belly as frequently is assumed (Edstrüöm & a result of plateau potentials (Hocking 2010). In
Kugelberg, 1968). In studies of cats and rats, motor other words, a sustained α-motoneuron plateau
endplates were identified in 75% of the soleus mus- depolarization would lead to the formation of TrPs.
cle (Bodine-Fowler et al, 1990, Monti et al. 2001). Hocking identified two underlying central nervous
In the anterior tibialis muscle of a cat, motor end- system mechanisms. So-called antecedent TrPs are
plates were located in 56–62% of the muscle thought to be the result of central sensitization of
(Monti et al. 2001). C-fiber nociceptive withdrawal reflexes, visceromo-
Regarding the motor component of the TrPs, tor reflexes, or nociceptive jaw-opening reflexes,
the intramuscular and surface EMG activity and occur in withdrawal reflex agonist muscles.
recorded from a TrP showed that the SEA is simi- Consequent TrPs would be due to compensatory
lar to a muscle cramp potential, and secondly, reticulospinal or reticulo-trigeminal motor facilita-
that the increase in local muscle pain intensity is tion and occur in withdrawal reflex antagonist mus-
positively associated with the duration and ampli- cles. A critical difference with the integrated TrP
tude of muscle cramps (Ge et al. 2008). Localized hypothesis is that in the central modulation model
muscle cramps may induce intramuscular hypoxia, myofascial pain is not a disorder of the motor end-
increased concentrations of algogenic mediators, plate, but a nociception-induced central nervous
direct mechanical stimulation of nociceptors, and system disorder leading to centrally maintained
pain (Simons 1998). Therefore, it seems that TrP α-motoneuron plateau depolarizations (Hocking
pain and tenderness is closely associated with sus- 2010). There are several aspects of the integrated
tained focal ischemia and muscle cramps within TrtP hypothesis that are also part of the central
muscle taut bands (Ge et al. 2011) modulation hypothesis, such as the presence of the
Although current evidence supports that dys- energy crisis and low-amplitude motor endplate
functional motor endplates are clearly associated potentials. When Hocking presented his hypothesis
with TrPs, recent evidence suggests that muscle initially, he also suggested several research projects
spindles may also be involved in this complex pro- to test the hypothesis. Further research is indeed
cess. Ge et al. (2009) found that intramuscular needed to test this interesting hypothesis.
TrP electrical stimulation can evoke H-reflexes, Srbely (2010) developed the neurogenic hypothe-
and that greater H-reflex amplitudes and lower sis, which is based primarily on his research (Srbely &
H-reflex thresholds exist at TrPs compared to non- Dickey, 2007, Srbely et al. 2008, 2010a, 2010b).
TrPs. The lower reflex threshold and higher reflex According to the neurogenic hypothesis, TrPs are
amplitude at TrPs could be related to a greater neurogenic manifestations of primary pathologies in
density or excitability of muscle spindle afferents the same neurological segment. Srbely (2010) sug-
(Ge et al. 2009). Nevertheless, the mechanisms gests that central sensitization is the underlying cause
underlying increased sensitivity of muscle spindle of myofascial pain syndrome. The notion that the
afferents at TrPs are still unclear. The increased inactivation of TrPs can reverse central sensitization
chemical mediators in the TrPs (Shah et al. 2005) is interpreted as evidence of the neurogenic hypoth-
may contribute to an increased static fusimotor esis. Other than Srbely’s own studies, there is no
drive to muscle spindles or to increased muscle other research to confirm of dispute the neurogenic
spindle sensitivity (Thunberg et al. 2002). hypothesis.
Partanen et al. (2010) developed the neurophysi-
ologic hypothesis, which maintains that the SEA
Other hypothetical models is not recorded from motor endplates, but from
intrafusal muscle spindle fibers. According to this
Although the integrated trigger point hypothesis hypothesis, taut bands are caused by inflammation
is the most prominent and most accepted model, of muscle spindles and sensitization of group III
other hypothetical TrP models have been devel- and IV afferents, which in turn leads to activation
oped. Recently, Hocking postulated the central of the gamma and beta efferent systems (Partanen,
modulation hypothesis and suggested that plateau 1999, Partanen et al. 2010). As was mentioned
potentials are critical in the understanding of the already, muscle spindles may be involved in the TrP
etiology of TrPs (Hocking 2010). According to etiology (Ge et al. 2009), but there is no convinc-
Hocking, cell membranes may continue to trigger ing evidence that endplate noise would originate in

PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

intrafusal fibers (Wiederholt 1970). There is no Lastly, Gunn (1997a, 1997b) developed the
research to date to confirm or dispute the neuro- radiculopathy hypothesis, which is discussed in
physiologic hypothesis. detail in Chapter 14.

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Proposed mechanisms and effects
of trigger point dry needling 2
Jan Dommerholt César Fernández-de-las-Peñas

CHAPTER CONTENT perspective, as it is no longer sufficient to con-

Introduction���������������������������������������������������������� 21 sider TrP therapy strictly as a tool to address local
muscle pathology.
Mechanisms and effects of trigger point dry As Moseley pointed out, nociceptive mecha-
needling���������������������������������������������������������������� 22
nisms that contribute to threatening informa-
Summary�������������������������������������������������������������� 23 tion should be treated, where possible (Moseley
2003). Frequently, TrPs are a constant source of
nociceptive input especially in persistent pain con-
Introduction ditions (Giamberardino et al. 2007, Melzack 2001
Ge et al. 2011) and it follows that removing such
Many physical therapists and other clinicians peripheral input is indicated and consistent with
have adopted a contemporary pain management the concepts of Melzack’s neuromatrix (Melzack
approach and incorporate graded exercise, restora- 2001). In addition to their contribution to noci-
tion of movement and posture and psycho­social ception, TrPs can contribute to abnormal move-
perspectives into the examination, assessment ment patterns (Lucas et al. 2004, 2010).
and therapeutic interventions of patients present- Input from muscle nociceptors appears more
ing with pain complaints (Gifford & Butler 1997, effective at inducing neuroplastic changes in
George et al. 2010, Nijs et al. 2010, Hodges & wide dynamic range dorsal horn neurons than
Tucker 2011). The question emerges whether input from cutaneous nociceptive receptors (Wall
movement approaches by themselves are sufficient & Woolf 1984). Several studies demonstrated
to address persistent pain states without eliminat- that TrPs activate the anterior cingulate cortex
ing peripheral nociceptive input? (ACC) and other limbic structures, but sup-
Current pain science research supports that press hippocampal activity (Svensson et al. 1997,
pain is produced by the brain, when there is Niddam et al. 2007, 2008). Increased activity
a perception of bodily danger requiring spe- in the ACC is common in chronic pain condi-
cific action (Moseley 2003). In other words, tions and is even present when pain is anticipated
the ‘issues are not just in the peripheral tissues’ (Hsieh et al. 1995, Peyron et al. 2000a, 2000b,
(Butler 1991) and considering the meaning of Sawamoto et al. 2000, Longo et al. 2012). When
pain in the context of the patient’s overall situ- treating patients with DN techniques, it is imper-
ation is critical (Moseley 2012). The effects of ative to avoid creating the impression that local
trigger point (TrP) dry needling (DN) cannot be muscle pathology would be solely responsible for
considered without this broader biopsychoso- the persistent pain (Nijs et al. 2010, Puentedura
cial model (Gerwin & Dommerholt 2006). TrP & Louw 2012). Rather than explaining TrPs as a
DN must be approached from a pain science local pathological or anatomical problem, it makes

© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PA R T O N E Basis of trigger point dry needling

more sense to focus on the nociceptive nature of & Ballesteros 1988, Facco & Ceccherelli 2005).
TrPs and their role in perpetuating central sensi- Needling of TrPs in the sternocleidomastoid or
tization. Persistent peripheral nociceptive input upper trapezius muscles may trigger a patient’s
increases the sensitivity of the central nervous migraine or tension-type headache (Calandre
system. Unfortunately, the contributions of TrPs et al. 2006). Experimentally induced muscle pain
often are not considered and individual patients impairs diffuse noxious inhibitory control mecha-
may have gone through many unsuccessful treat- nisms (Arendt-Nielsen et al. 2008) and DN does
ment regimens with multiple diagnostic pathways. seem to effect central sensitization, presumably
They may have developed fear avoidance or kine- by altering the nociceptive processing (Kuan et al.
siophobia, poor coping skills, and an anticipation 2007a, Mense 2010, Mense & Masi 2011). It is
of pain (Bandura et al. 1987, Vlaeyen & Linton known that TrP DN reduces segmental nocicep-
2000, Wager et al. 2004, Coppieters et al. 2006). tive input and as such is therapeutically indicated
Additionally, patients’ altered homeostatic sys- (Srbely et al. 2010).
tems may start contributing to the overall pain This chapter could end here, because the
experience (Puentedura & Louw 2012) with exact mechanisms of DN continue to be elu-
decreased blood flow to the muscles (Zhang et al. sive. Since many studies and case reports have
2009), abnormal cytokine production ­(Watkins confirmed the clinical efficacy of DN, future
et al. 2001, Milligan & Watkins 2009), con- research must be directed towards examin-
strained breathing patterns (Chaitow 2004), and ing the underlying mechanisms (Lewit 1979,
abnormal muscle activation patterns (Moreside Carlson et al. 1993, Hong 1994, 1997, Hong &
et al. 2007), among others. In some patients, the Hsueh 1996, McMillan et al. 1997, Chen et al.
anticipation of pain and the pain associated with 2001, Cummings 2003, Mayoral & Torres 2003,
DN itself may activate threatening inputs, at Dilorenzo et al. 2004, Ilbuldu et al. 2004, Itoh
which point DN becomes counterproductive. For- et al. 2004, 2007, Lucas et al. 2004, Furlan et al.
tunately, this is quite rare and for most patients 2005, Kamanli et al. 2005, Mayoral-del-Moral
TrP DN is a viable intervention (Dilorenzo et al. 2005, Weiner & Schmader 2006, Giamberardino
2004, Affaitati et al. 2011). et al. 2007, Hsieh et al. 2007, Fernandez-
Carnero et al. 2010, Lucas et al. 2010, Osborne
& Gatt 2010, Tsai et al. 2010, Srbely et al. 2010,
Mechanisms and effects Affaitati et al. 2011). Slowly, bits and pieces of
of trigger point dry needling the myofascial pain puzzle are beginning to be
There are no studies of the effect of DN on the Mechanically, deep DN may disrupt contrac-
ACC and other limbic structures, but several tion knots, stretch contractured sarcomere assem-
papers suggest that needling acupuncture and blies and reduce the overlap between actin and
non-­acupuncture points does seem to involve myosin filaments. It may destroy motor endplates
the limbic system and the descending inhibi- and cause distal axon denervations and changes
tory system (Takeshige et al. 1992a, 1992b, Wu in the endplate cholinesterase and acetylcholine
et al. 1999, Biella et al. 2001, Hsieh et al. 2001, receptors similarly to the normal muscle regen-
Hui et al. 2000, Wu et al. 2002). DN studies of eration process (Gaspersic et al. 2001). Of par-
patients with fibromyalgia, which is a diagnosis ticular interest are local twitch responses (LTR),
of central sensitization (Clauw 2008, Dommer- which are involuntary spinal cord reflexes of mus-
holt & Stanborough 2012), demonstrate that DN cle fibers in a taut band following DN, injections,
of a few TrPs does not only reduce the nocicep- or snapping palpation (Dexter & Simons 1981,
tive input from the treated TrPs, but reduces the Fricton et al. 1985, Hong 1994, Hong & Torigoe
overall widespread pain and sensitivity (Ge et al. 1994, Simons & Dexter 1995, Wang & Audette
2009, 2010, 2011, Affaitati et al. 2011). TrP DN 2000, Ga et al. 2007). Eliciting LTR is important
often evokes patients’ referred pain patterns and when inactivating TrPs and confirms that the nee-
their primary pain complaint (Hong et al. 1997). dle was placed accurately into a TrP. Several stud-
Needling of TrPs in the gluteus minimus or teres ies have confirmed that a LTR can reduce or even
minor muscles may initiate pain resembling a eliminate the typical endplate noise associated
L5 or C8 radiculopathy, respectively (Escobar with TrPs which suggests that DN inactivates TrPs

Proposed mechanisms and effects of trigger point dry needling CHAPTER 2

(Hong & Torigoe 1994, Hong 1994, Chen et al. 1997). It is also possible that superficial DN may
2001). There is a positive correlation between the activate mechanoreceptors coupled to slow con-
prevalence of endplate noise in a TrP region and ducting unmyelinated C fiber afferents. This
the pain intensity of that TrP (Kuan et al. 2007b). could trigger a reduction of pain and a sense of
Endplate noise is a summation of miniature end- progress and well-being through activation of
plate potentials and is a characteristic of TrPs the insular region and anterior cingulate cortex
(Simons et al. 1995, 2002, Hong & Simons 1998, (Olausson et al. 2002, Mohr et al. 2005, Lund &
Simons 2001, Simons 2004). Moreover, eliciting Lundeberg 2006).
LTRs appears to reduce the concentrations of many Many clinicians combine superficial and deep
chemicals found in the immediate environment of DN with electrical stimulation through the nee-
active TrPs, such as calcitonin gene related peptide, dles (Mayoral & Torres 2003, ­Mayoral-del-Moral
substance P, serotonin, interleukins, and epineph- 2005, Dommerholt et al. 2006), which may acti-
rine, among others (Shah et al. 2003, 2005, 2008, vate the peri-aqueductal grey in some patients
Shah & Gilliams 2008). Shah et al. (2008) had (Niddam et al. 2007). Unfortunately, there are
speculated that the drop in concentrations may be no evidence-based guidelines of the optimal
caused by a local increase in blood flow or by inter- treatment parameters, such as optimal ampli-
ference with nociceptor membrane channels, or tude, frequency, and duration. Stimulation fre-
by transport mechanisms associated with a briefly quencies between 2 and 4 Hz are thought to
augmented inflammatory response. The decrease of trigger the release of endorphins and encepha-
concentrations of substance P and calcitonin gene- lin, while frequencies between 80 and 100 Hz
related peptide corresponds with the clinical obser- may release gamma-aminobutyric acid, galanin
vation of a reduction in pain following deep DN and dynorphin (Lundeberg & Stener-­Victorin
(Shah et al. 2008). LTRs are often visible with the 2002). Several rodent studies have shown that
naked eye and can be visualized with sonography electrical acupuncture can modulate the expres-
(Gerwin & Duranleau 1997, Lewis & Tehan 1999, sion of N-methyl-d-aspartate in primary sensory
Rha et al. 2011). neurons (Choi et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2006).
The effects of superficial DN are often attrib- The ideal needle placement for e-stim with DN
uted to stimulation of Aδ sensory afferent fibers, has not been determined either, although White
which may outlast the stimulus for up to 72 hours et al. (2000) recommended placing the needle-­
(Baldry 2005). It is true that stimulation of Aδ electrodes within the same dermatomes as the
nerve fibers may activate enkephalinergic, sero- location of the lesion.
tonergic, and noradrenergic inhibitory systems
(Bowsher 1998); however, type I high-threshold
Aδ nerve fibers are only activated by nocicep- Summary
tive mechanical stimulation and type II Aδ fibers
require cold stimuli (Millan 1999). Since super- Although Felix Mann (2000), co-founder of the
ficial DN is neither a painful mechanical nor a British Medical Acupuncture Society, maintained
cold stimulus, it is unlikely that Aδ fibers would that effective treatments could be achieved by
get activated (Dommerholt et al. 2006). When needling anywhere on the body, the underlying
superficial DN is combined with rotation of the mechanisms of DN have not received enough seri-
needle, the stimulus may activate the pain inhibi- ous attention of researchers and clinicians. DN
tory system associated with stimulation of Aδ does alter the chemical environment of active TrPs,
fibers through segmental spinal and propriospinal reduce or eliminate endplate noise and decrease the
hetero-segmental inhibition (Sandkühler 1996). sensitivity of TrPs, but little is known about what
Deep DN can be also combined with rotation of the needle actually does to cause these effects.
the needle, after which the needle is left in place Mann recommended to needle in the quadrant of
until relaxation of the muscle fibers has occurred the pain complaint or, if more specificity would
(Dommerholt et al. 2006). The mechanical pres- be desired, to needle in a neighboring dermatome,
sure exerted with the needle may electrically myotome or sclerotome. The most effective meth-
polarize muscle and connective tissue, and trans- ods would involve needling in a small circumscript
form mechanical stress into electrical activity, area near the location of pain or directly into TrPs
which is required for tissue remodelling (Liboff (Mann 2000).

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
“And June Emslie?”
“I believe she got a job as a nurse girl or something with a family in
“Poor girl!”
“I say, let me tell you once more, there’s the very wife for a lad like
you. Why don’t you marry her? Just as sweet as a rose, and badly
up against it.”
Hugh laughed and was glad of the diversion caused by the entrance
of the Calderbrooks.
“Hullo! They’ve come back. I’ve missed them for some time,” he
“They were lying low. No money! Now they’ve got out some more
and are starting in again. I’m told they’ve sold or mortgaged their
property in England and taken an apartment here. In a few years’
time they will be just like all the other derelicts, haunting the Casino
with no money to play, seedy, down at heel, sodden. You know the
sort. Look around; you’ll see enough of ’em.”
Mrs. Calderbrook with a resolute look, was stalking in front; the girl
Alicia, tall and slender, followed; the father with his wistful blue eye
and drooping grey moustache trailed after them.
Hugh had heard that Alicia had been engaged to a young ex-aviator
who had bought a ranch in Alberta. She had expected to have joined
him as soon as possible, but Monte Carlo had thrown its spell over
her. The thought of a lonely ranch on the prairie became unbearable
and she broke off the engagement. She would probably never have
another chance to marry.
To Hugh’s surprise he did not find MacTaggart in his usual place
under the Three Graces, but instead, in his seat was Mr. Gimp.
“Yep,” said Mr. Gimp, sourly, “I’m old Mac’s deputy. Hate like hell to
do this but he’s sick. He was getting out of bed, wanted to crawl
down anyway, hated to lose his records. I made him go back and
told him I’d take his place. It’s all damned rot, you know. I might as
well put down any old numbers and give them to him. It would be the
same in the end. Howsoever, I’m conscientious.”
“Is he very sick?”
“Nerves mostly. The success of your old friend, the professor, gave
him a nasty jar. Kind o’ destroyed his confidence in his own system.
Say, you want to tell the old boy to be careful. He was in this morning
early, played five shots, and got the bulls-eye twice. Carried off over
a hundred thousand francs.”
“Why should he be careful?”
“Because the Casino folks ain’t goin’ to stand that sort o’ thing
indefinitely. They’re gettin’ scared; and believe me, when they get
scared they’ll get desperate. It stands to reason, they ain’t goin’ to let
themselves be ruined if they can help it. The old fellow seems to
have some way of spotting a winner, or getting so close to it he
breaks even. It’s plain now it ain’t all accident. Well, if he can make
fifty thousand a day he can just as well make two hundred thousand
... and then let him look out.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why, if he went on, they’d just have to close their doors. Not only
the Casino would be ruined but the Principality. D’ye think they’re
goin’ to stand for that?”
“They could expel him.”
“What good would that do? He could put some one else on. No, the
only way would be to suppress both him and his system; and believe
me, they won’t stick at half measures to do it. I don’t say as they’ll
stoop to crime; but there’s men in their pay as ain’t so scrupulous.
There’s the existence of the whole community at stake. Accidents
can happen. What’s a man’s life compared with the ruin of twenty
thousand people? Believe me, the professor’s playin’ a dangerous
Hugh left Mr. Gimp sitting on one of the side benches still sourly
taking down the hated numbers. He mooned round the rooms,
thinking more of Mrs. Belmire than of the play. She had called him
naïve; that had hurt his vanity. Was he naïve?
Mrs. Belmire had urged him to go on gambling, but he had baulked.
Of course, she thought he had plenty of money, and that his
winnings at roulette meant little to him. On the contrary they meant
so much to him that he was determined to hold on to them at all
costs. Of his fifty-five thousand five had already melted away. He
had loaned her two and had spent another two on clothes. Perhaps it
was the lesson that poverty had taught him in his youth, perhaps it
was due to his Scottish ancestry, but he had a curious streak of
prudence in him. He had deposited fifty thousand francs in the bank
and was determined not to touch it.
Since his last spectacular performance at the tables, a reaction had
set in. He found himself almost in the same state of indifference that
he had been before he had begun to play. His sudden passion for
gambling seemed to have spent itself, and he wondered how he
could ever have been so obsessed.
Fifty thousand francs! Yes, he had been miraculously lucky. It
seemed like providence. He would buy a car and a cottage, and
spend his spare time in painting. As for Mrs. Belmire, he would tell
her just how matters stood. But not just yet. Perhaps he would allow
her to educate him a little first. No more roulette though; not even for
tobacco money. No opportunities, however good, would tempt him.
Confound Mrs. Belmire! She had said that she was dining that
evening with Paul Vulning. She had made a point of telling him about
it, he believed.


He spent three days painting at Cap Ferrat. He started early each

morning and returned late, drunk with fresh air and sunshine. Then
on the fourth day he rested and found his way in due course to the
Casino. Mr. Gimp was still replacing MacTaggart.
“I expect Mac will be on deck again to-morrow,” Mr. Gimp said in
response to his inquiry. “He can’t afford to lie off much longer. You
know he’s working on a mere two or three hundred francs of capital.
He lives on fifteen francs a day. If he don’t make ’em, he goes
hungry. I know for a fact, lots of nights, he makes a supper of dry
bread. That’s what’s killing him,—the worry of making his day. If he
could afford to play with higher stakes, say louis instead of five franc
pieces, it would be different. He’s got all kinds of faith in his system;
sure there’s a fortune in it.”
“I had no idea he was so short.”
“Oh, there’s lots like that,—a good front and behind it starvation....
Just look at that Dago Castelli,—there’s a dashing, sporty player if
you like.”
The handsome Italian was playing a brilliant paroli game. He played
between three tables, putting a louis on each of the simple chances.
If they were swept away he replaced them; if they won he left them
on with the louis of gain. He continued to leave on stake and gains
for six wins, then he took them up. This did not occur very often; but
when it did it netted him thirty-two louis. The game was an unusual
one, lively, easy to play, and interesting. Castelli always played this
same game, and frequently with great success. That day, however,
runs of six were rare and his louis were being swept away like leaves
before the wind.
Hugh persisted in his decision not to play. He saw chance after
chance to win, but let them go by. He was finished. He turned from
the game and watched the players. The woman in grey came and
went, always throwing a louis on number one. He saw her play
several times at three different tables but without success. After
looking on awhile, she went slowly away. The latest rumour he had
heard concerning her was that she was a celebrated actress who
had recently been acquitted of a case of crime passionel.
As he was wondering who she really was, a curious conversation
attracted his attention. A big, ruddy Englishman was talking to a
small shabby individual with a blotched face and gold-rimmed
spectacles. The little man was saying:
“In six weeks from to-day you will pay me fifteen thousand francs.
To-day I give you thirteen thousand, five hundred. That is
understood, is it not?”
“Yes, that is understood.”
“But what about exchange? If the franc goes down in value, you will
have gained. In that case you will pay me the difference. Is that
“Yes, that is understood.”
The little man took from his note-book a prepared slip of paper and
the Englishman signed it with a fountain pen. The little man counted
out thirteen thousand five hundred francs in notes and his
companion took them, and threw a thousand on the first table. He
lost, and without trying to regain them went off to the private rooms.
Hugh decided to go home. As he was crossing the “Hall of Light,” he
saw Castelli sauntering in front of him. What a handsome chap that
Italian was. What a favourite he must be with women. He was
speaking to one now.... No, he had turned and was in conversation
with the chief inspector of the Rooms. After a moment they
disappeared together through one of the glass doors that works with
a hidden catch.
On all sides Hugh heard wonderful accounts of the professor. For
three days the old man had won seventy thousand francs a day. Half
the profits of the Casino were going into his pocket. It was said the
administration was becoming desperate.


Mr. Jarvis Tope had a source of secret information. His landlord was
a retired croupier and the two were excellent friends. In this way he
came to know many matters not revealed to the public, and he was
very discreet about disseminating his information.
“By the way,” he said to Hugh, “you’ve heard that a gang are passing
counterfeit louis in Casino money?”
“Well, they’ve got one of them at least. In his room in Nice they found
a suit-case full of it. You’ve probably seen the chap.”
“His name is Castelli....”
“Yes. They got him two days ago, but they have been watching him
for weeks. Some very sharp person on the Casino detective staff
noticed that he seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of louis.
That put them on the track. They’ve expelled him from the
Principality. Well, that’s one worry off their shoulders. Their other one
is your old friend, the professor. There they’ve got a tough nut to
crack, I fear.”
“Do you think they’ll crack it?”
“Think! I know. A word in your ear. You tell the old chap to get out.
Get him away in a car, far and fast. They’ve simply got to get that
system, to get him. You understand. If they wish to save themselves
from ruin, neither he nor his system must continue to exist. They’re
only waiting now to make sure he’s got them. They can’t buy him off.
They can’t let him escape. I say, I wouldn’t be in that old man’s
shoes for all the money he’s made. Sounds melodramatic, I know.
You think I exaggerate. You don’t know this place. Get him away, I
say. Lose no time. Don’t laugh. I know.”
Hugh was so disturbed that he knocked that night on the old man’s
“Who’s there?”
“Your neighbour.”
There was a turning of locks and the professor appeared. He had
been working out his play for the next day.
“Come in. Do you know I was just coming to see you. I want to enter
into an arrangement with you.”
“I want protection. Twice I believe my life to have been attempted.
Twice I have nearly been run down by a car. The first time I thought it
was accidental, but I noticed it was the same car....”
“You must be mistaken.”
“I hope so. In any case I want you to accompany me to the Casino
and back, and to stay with me when I play. I’ll pay you anything you
like. A thousand francs a day if you agree.”
“I don’t want pay. I’ll be glad to help you.”
“Ah, I knew I could count on you. But look here, young man, I warn
you it’s dangerous.”
“All right. But for your own sake, hadn’t you better try to compromise
with them?”
“Never. They’ve already approached me. They said they didn’t
believe in my system, but were willing to buy it. They offered me ten
million francs in Casino stock. I told them, if they offered me a
hundred million, I would refuse. They advised me to reconsider my
decision. They were very courteous, said they were acting in the
public interest and so on. Oh, they talked smoothly enough, but I
could see the menace behind.... Look here!”
The professor went to the safe, twirled the combination, opened the
heavy door and took out a leather bound folio.
“Here it is, the condensed result of all my labours, the explanation of
my system. It is all in cypher. I want you to learn the six different
cyphers I use.”
“Because, if anything should happen to me, I want you to avenge
me. All you have to do is to publish this to the world. Their ruin will
be complete. Hush!” The Professor went quickly to the door and
threw it open. No one was there.
“I’m getting so nervous. It seems to me I’m watched all the time.
You’ll promise, won’t you? You’ll be my protector, my assistant, my
partner? You hesitate. Are you afraid?”
“Afraid! no.”
“All right. Will you?”
“Good. Your hand on it. To-morrow we’ll begin.”
The Vortex


“BY Goad!” said MacTaggart, sipping his second whiskey, “the auld
man’s a wizard. He’s got me fair bamboozilt.”
It was evening, and he and Hugh were sitting in the Café de Paris.
“I thocht I knew something o’ roulette, but noo I maun jist go back tae
Strathbungo and play dominoes. And you, young man, wi’ that canny
wee smile on yer gub,—I’m thinkin’ ye ken mair aboot it than ye want
tae tell.”
Hugh shook his head.
“No, I can’t grasp it. And yet I’m with the old man every day. The
scientific explanation of it’s beyond me. A mathematical mystery.
Your system and all the others are based on the laws of average, the
equilibrium. It’s a calculation of chances, of probabilities. So far so
good! The law of average does exist. It’s all rot to say that the coup
that’s gone has no influence on the one that is to come. It has. It’s
true that the slots are all the same size and so each has an equal
claim to the ball, but it is because of this equal chance that they will
each receive it an equal number of times. I’ve seen a number come
up three times in succession, yet I wouldn’t hesitate to bet thirty-five
to one, in thousands, that it won’t come up a fourth time.
Mechanically, maybe it has an equal chance with the others, but by
the law of average, no.”
“That’s elementary,” said MacTaggart.
“Yes, but it’s as deep as the most of us get. We’re all in the
kindergarten class. We grope vaguely. We fumble with probabilities.
As far as we go we are right; but we don’t go far enough. We reach a
point where our system breaks down. The law of average is too big
for us to compress into a formula. In its larger workings it eludes us;
we cannot regulate it. Our observations of it are too limited.”
“I’ve got a record of over two hundred thousand consecutive coups,”
said MacTaggart.
“The professor has a record of over two million. The amount of work
he has done is colossal. He has studied the numbers in their relation
to one another; he has classified, co-ordinated, condensed. His
system is one of correspondence and elimination. He has used the
resources of mathematics to put it on a working basis. He has gone
above and behind all the rest of us. His comprehension is larger; he
has grasped the wider workings of the law of average. He has
narrowed down and focussed the probability, and reduced the
phenomena by the magnitude of his calculations to a minimum. The
day of the year and the hour of the day has a bearing on the
application of his system. That red note-book of his is full of
algebraic formula. By looking at the last dozen numbers that have
come up and referring to his formulæ, he has a hint how to play. But
even then he is never quite sure. Sometimes he is only within eight
numbers, sometimes within four. But that’s good enough. He has
been lucky in hitting the precise number one time out of three; but
scientifically speaking he considers he ought to strike it only one time
out of five.”
“I’ve seen him strike it every day for the last month. He must hae
averaged over sixty thoosand francs a day, I’m thinkin’. I expect the
members o’ the board are losin’ lots o’ sleep them days. It’s no’ a
question of him winnin’, but how much is he goin’ tae win. They’ve
got old Bob Bender watchin’ him every time he plays. If it wisna that
you were everlastingly doin’ the watch dog some one would get a
graup o’ that wee book he’s forever keekin intae. Though I don’t
suppose they’d mak’ much o’ it, wi’ a’ thae queer, crabbed letters an’
figures. I’m sure they’d be gled tae gi’ him a year’s profits if he’d
stop. Aye, or pay a fortune tae any one that wad stop him. But then
he’s got you for a bodyguard.”
“Yes, he never goes out without me.”
“Aye, ye’re a cautious young man. I’m sometimes thinkin’ ye’ve got a
touch o’ the Scot in ye. I hope ye’ve no’ been an’ squandert that
money ye were sae lucky as tae win?”
“No, the most of it’s in the bank. I won’t touch it for gambling
purposes. In fact, I think I’ve finished.”
“I’m wishin’ I wis masel’. I’m sick o’ the place, but I must stay until I
mak’ enough to go home no’ lookin’ like a tramp. Ye ken I still believe
in ma system.”
“I tell you what,” said Hugh, “why don’t you play with a bigger unit?
You play with five franc stakes and you make from four to eight
pieces every day. Why not increase your unit to a hundred francs,
and then you’ll make from four to eight hundred francs a day.”
“I hav’ nae the capital.”
“Suppose I lend you a thousand francs.”
“I micht lose it.”
“I tell you.... You play with my thousand francs, playing hundred franc
stakes, and I’ll take the risk of you losing. When you win you can pay
me a quarter of your gains.”
“All right. That’s fair enough. I’ll start to-morrow if ye like.”
Hugh gave MacTaggart a mille note, and every evening MacTaggart
hunted him up and handed over a hundred and sometimes two
hundred francs.


For weeks the great system of the professor had been successful.
His bank book showed a credit of over two million francs. Every day
accompanied by Hugh, he made his triumphal entry into the Casino
surrounded by an excited and admiring throng. He made no other
public appearance and was a storm centre of curiosity. Hugh acted
as the old man’s manager and saw to it that his mystery was
preserved. He interviewed reporters, and kept off the curious; for the
professor was fast becoming a character of international fame. The
great press agencies chronicled his success; the great dailies
paragraphed him; his portrait graced the picture page of the Daily
Mail. There were articles about him in the illustrated weeklies; and
even the monthly journals devoted to science began to consider him
seriously. He and Hugh were snapshotted a dozen times a day. All
the well-known roulette players, Speranza, Dr. Ludus, Max Imum
and Silas Doolittle wrote long letters to the papers diagnosing his
famous system. Never had the Casino had such advertising—yet it
was costing them too much.
The old man never broke the bank. There was nothing sensational
about his play. It was almost monotonous in its certitude; it had the
air even of a commercial transaction in which he had come to collect
a daily debt. It was this cold-blooded, business-like precision that
alarmed them. It was almost cynical; it seemed to say: “Look out. I’m
letting you off easy now, but when I proceed to tighten up the cinch,
God help you.”
An imaginative reporter had said that Hugh was the professor’s
nephew, and they both agreed to adopt this suggestion. Indeed, as
time went on, Hugh himself began to think of the old man as a real
uncle. At times it seemed almost impossible that they were not
Hugh had taken to smoking excellent cigars. Why not? MacTaggart
was turning in over a thousand a week. He felt some compunction in
accepting this; but MacTaggart was making three times as much for
himself, and was more than satisfied. He could well afford to be
extravagant in other directions as well. There was Mrs. Belmire, for
instance. He took her to dinner a great deal, and out motoring as
well. Apart from that he and Margot still lived in the same simple
One morning as Hugh sat smoking in the professor’s den, he
observed the old man closely.
“He’s easily good for another ten years,” he thought. “Looks rather
like Karl Marx, burly shoulders, clear, shrewd eyes. A sane man
except for his fanatic obsession to down the Casino.”
The professor interrupted his reflections by saying:
“My boy, I’ve come to a great decision.” He paused impressively. “I’m
an old man, and I am afraid that death may come on me unawares,
my life work unfinished. I have decided that you are to carry it on.
You shall begin where I leave off. I am going to instruct you in the
system. You shall take the avenging sword from my failing grasp.”
Hugh made a gesture of protest. “I say, professor, it’s awfully good of
you. I assure you I’m humbly grateful; but really I’m quite unworthy.”
“I know of no one so worthy.”
“Oh, no, the honour’s too great. Besides, I’ve made up my mind
never to play again. A resolution’s a resolution, you know.”
“I know. You have force of will. But think.... You are not playing for
yourself but for humanity. Yours will be a mission, the ridding society
of a dangerous pest. In destroying the Casino you will be God’s
“But, professor, I’m just a common ordinary sort of chap. I don’t want
to be anybody’s avenger. As for the Casino, I don’t bear it any ill will.
If I had lost, perhaps I might, but it has treated me well. Of course, I
know it’s a plague spot, a menace to mankind and all that sort of
thing, but that’s none of my business as far as I can see.”
The professor looked both grieved and shocked. “But don’t you want
to be a benefactor to mankind? Don’t you want to fulfil a great
destiny, to be a reformer, the leader of a new crusade?”
“No, professor, I admit with shame I don’t want to be any of those
things. All I want is to live a quiet life and make a comfortable living.
There’s a cottage with a garden and a second-hand Panhard I have
my eye on. Between them I can rub along. Then on off days, I’ll
paint. I’ve just begun to get the feeling of the place, and I think I can
do good work. But there! You’re not an artist. You won’t understand.”
The professor seemed quite crushed. He sat silent and thoughtful.
Finally he said:
“No, I’m not an artist. I’m a man of science, and for that reason I
don’t want to see my life work lost to the world. Well then, if you
refuse to be my disciple, will you be my trustee? You refuse to play
for me,—will you see that the system is published after my death? It
is a contribution to science; at the same time by its divination of the
laws of chance, it will destroy the spirit of gambling. Not only the
Casino of Monte Carlo, but gambling institutions all over the world
will fall. The Casino is only an item in my programme. I destroy
chance; I replace it with certitude. My work is not complete, but
others will follow. They will perfect it. Will you then do this much for
me? Will you see my great work in print?”
“Yes, I’ll do that. I promise. But hang it all, professor, you’ve got
another thirty years to live.”
“One never knows. There have been no attempts on my life lately,
but I must take no chances. I will begin now and teach you all there
is to know.”
The professor opened his safe and took from it a thick folio bound in
limp leather.
“Voila! My treatise. It’s all there, the condensed result of the labour of
thirty years. The red note-book contains the application of my system
to roulette; but in this folio is the result of all my researches, the
scientific explanation of the invention by which I annihilate chance.
Look at it.”
“But it’s all in cypher.”
“Yes, all. Not one cypher but many. For the alphabet alone I have
three different sets of characters; for the figures, six. You will have to
learn over a hundred symbols before you can translate this. And
these must not be put on paper; they must be carried in the head. I
will teach them to you but you must promise never to write them. I
have protected myself well. Without the cypher keys that folio is
So Hugh spent the next few days committing to memory the hundred
odd cypher characters of the professor’s great discovery.

When he was not engaged with the professor, he occupied most of
his time dangling after Mrs. Belmire. She had definitely attached him
to her train of admirers and he had fallen in line, not without a certain
ill grace. The life she led was at variance with his tastes; and while
he submitted to her charm, he was constantly on the point of
rebellion. He was like a man who chafes at his chains but cannot
break them. He resented the easy way in which she took his homage
for granted. There were moments when he almost hated her. What
rotten luck to fall in love with a woman so far beyond and above him!
If it had only been June Emslie, or even Margot. But who can help
these things? In the end he decided to let himself drift,—with a
certain regard to the direction of his drifting.
Perhaps Paul Vulning was to some extent responsible for his
subjection. He detested the man cordially and was jealous of the
friendship between him and Mrs. Belmire. When he saw them
together he was possessed by an irresponsible rage and tortured by
all sorts of jealous imaginings. If it had only been Fetterstein or the
old General.... But Vulning!
She had not borrowed any money from him lately, although she was
always urging him to play again. The last time she had borrowed
from him had set him thinking. He had suffered so much from the
want of money that now he was painfully aware of its value. At all
costs he was determined to hang on to his fifty thousand francs. He
would lend her another thousand but no more. That was the
breaking point, he told himself.
“In any case,” he thought, “I have only to tell her my position and
she’ll chuck me ignominiously. She thinks I’m a rich somebody.
When she learns I’m a poor nobody then.... But I won’t tell her yet
awhile. I enjoy very much being with her, and undoubtedly I am
learning a good deal from her. ‘Sophisticating me,’ she calls it. Well, I
suppose that sort of thing is part of a chap’s education. I will have to
regard it as a return for the money I have lent her, and which, poor
thing, I am sure she will never return. Confound the woman! I don’t
know what’s got into me. I can’t get her out of my head.”
One day he would vow he was finished with her, the next he would
be crazy to see her again. Even when he was with her, his irritation
sometimes drove him to the point of rebellion. For instance, there
was the evening that they had supper at the High Life.
It was she who had suggested that they go there, and rather
gloomily he had complied. They had gone first to the Casino and
spent some time in the private room, for Mrs. Belmire disdained the
ordinary one. After watching the play for awhile she had suggested:
“Why don’t you try your luck? It’s stupid to look on and not risk
“No, thanks, I don’t care to.”
“Oh, come on. You always win. Even if you lose, what do a few
thousands matter to you when you have won so enormously? Even I
saw you.”
He sighed gloomily.
“Yes, you saw me win but—you didn’t see me lose.”
“Of course, poor boy, I know one can’t always win. If you won’t play,
give me some money and I’ll play for you.”
He took a hundred franc note from his pocket and handed it to her.
She looked at it with a surprised contempt that nettled him. As if it
were dirt she threw it on the first table. Of course it was swept away.
“There!” she said pettishly, “that’s gone. Well, it’s no use staying here
if we don’t play. It’s tiresome. Let’s go where there’s music and
They went to the High Life, a place he disliked. It had a rakehell
atmosphere, and suggested debauch. He also resented the obvious
fact that she was quite at home there.
“Faugh! a den of gilded corruption!” he was thinking, when an
insinuating head-waiter presented a wine card and suggested a
certain expensive brand of champagne.
“I know it’s the kind madam prefers,” he murmured.
“Do order a bottle,” said Mrs. Belmire carelessly.
Hugh ordered, and at her further suggestion he demanded a homard
American; the bill came to two hundred francs. He was annoyed.
“Damned robbers,” he thought. “Well, they won’t get ahead of me on
the champagne. I’ll finish the bottle.”
As he drank the place became more and more cheerful. He felt very
strong and very playful. He clutched Mrs. Belmire’s arm; once even
he pinched her cheek and called her Marion. She looked at him
curiously. There is no saying to what further indiscretions his
exhilaration might have prompted him, had not there at that moment
occurred the episode of the Nouveau Riche and the Sick Soldier.


The Nouveau Riche was all a nouveau riche should be, big, bloated
and boastful. He had been a cobbler before the war, but had made a
fortune in shoe contracts. The Soldier should never have been there
at all. Some friends, however, had dragged him in; and he sat
looking thin, pale, and wretchedly out of place.
The Nouveau Riche was playfully emptying a bottle of champagne
over a small palm tree. The manager expostulated. It was doubtful if
palms, however thirsty, would appreciate the virtue of Chateau
Margaux, but the Nouveau Riche waved him aside.
“Put your damned palm on the bill,” he said, “and bring me a fresh
bottle.” He was proceeding to pour this, too, on the unfortunate plant
when the Sick Soldier sprang up.
“I’ve had enough,” he cried, and his black eyes flashed in his white
face. He wrenched the bottle from the man’s hand. “You swine, you!
Where I come from there are men who would give their heart’s blood
for a mouthful of that wine you’re wasting like filthy water.”
The Nouveau Riche got purple in the face; the Soldier was gripping
the loose flesh of his throat and pouring the rest of the champagne
over his head.
“Here you sit and swill and guzzle,” he went on, “while my comrades
out there in the desert are dying from hunger and thirst. In Syria....
Yes, I come from Syria where we crawled on our bellies on the sand,
crawled to the water tanks to steal a few precious drops and were
shot for it like mad dogs. We buried a dead horse and dug it up a
week later and ate it. Half of us died in agony, the rest are wrecks—
like me. And now when I see a pig like you squandering and wasting,
and think of my pals out there, suffering, starving, panting with thirst,
I tell you it makes me sick.... Oh, if I only had you out there, you
rotten hog....”
There seemed every prospect of a row, but the Man from Syria
suddenly collapsed and his friends led him away.
“This is a beastly hole,” said Hugh abruptly. “Let’s get out of it.”
There was something hard and cynical in Mrs. Belmire’s laugh as
she replied: “Why should we? I think it’s rather amusing.”
“Amusing!” he retorted savagely. “You seem to think of nothing but
being amused. One would think you lived for amusement.”
“Why, so I do, I believe. What better is there to live for? What do you
live for?”
As he could not think of any worthy object that inspired his life he did
not reply, and they sat in silence. Their drive home was silent also,
but at the door of the Pension Pizzicato she held his hand.
“We haven’t quarrelled, have we?”
“No, why?”
“You’re so queer. Not a bit nice. I say, won’t you come up to my room
and smoke a cigarette? It’s so late we can slip upstairs without
meeting any one.”
An instinct of danger warned him. At the moment, too, she really
repelled him.
“No, I’m tired. I want to go home.”
But she still held his hand with a soft pressure.
“Can’t I coax you? Please come. There’s something very important I
want to talk to you about.”
“What is it? Can’t you tell me here?”
“Yes, but ... I was thinking about that man who spilled the
champagne. Of course, he was an awful brute, but what heaps of
money he must have. What a nuisance money is! It’s so sordid and
yet one’s just got to have it.”
He knew what was coming.
“I say, you’re the best pal I’ve got here. I don’t know what I’d do
without you. I’m in awful difficulties. Debts all round. Horrid people
keep pressing me to pay their wretched bills. Oh, I’m only a lonely,
unprotected woman....”
Here Mrs. Belmire began to cry.
“Can’t you lend me ten thousand francs, dear boy?”
He was surprised at the explosive vehemence of his tone. The lady
was even more surprised. Her tears ceased suddenly. With a kind of
pained dignity she drew herself up.
“Good-night,” she said icily and then turning sharply, left him alone
with the sea and the stars.

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