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ALX Foundations: Milestone 15 Worksheet

SECTION A: Website
Step 1: Website URL
Please share your website URL. Please triple check that there are no typos, and that the link

Step 1: URL

Step 2: Changes
Please list at least 3 updates/changes that you have made to your website since last week (not
including adding your elevator pitch.)

Step 2: Changes

1. change the shape of main page and his colour palet

2. Add a section of Blogs to add articles
3. Change the shape of contact us and add the map

SECTION B: Presenting Your Website

Step 3: Feedback from Your Peers
Share your website with your peers! Take notes on what they like about your website, and what
can be better.

Step 3: Feedback from Your Peers

A. What are the top 4 things your peers like about your website?
1. An Easy-to-Navigate Menu
2. An Organized Homepage
3. Key business information.
4. .Visual Elements.

B. List 4 things that your peers are suggesting that can make your website better.
1. Understand Your Audience with User Personas:
2. Set Up Goals in Google Analytics:
3. Create a Clear Value Proposition
4. Ensure your website loads quickly

Please go back to Canvas and continue with your learning content.

You will be prompted on when to return to complete Section C.

SECTION C: Skills Map

Step 4: Skills Map
Please share the URL of your updated skills map here. IMPORTANT: Please make sure the
URL works and is visible to anyone with the link.

Step 4: Skills Map URL

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