Experiment 05

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Experiment # 05

Objective: To understand the relationship between distance and time using the
Pasco motion sensor.
 Pasco motion sensor
 Computer with data collection software
 Cart or other object for motion
 Track or smooth surface for motion
 Small object with a specific diameter (e.g., a ball)
 A person
 Goniometer

Experiment 1: Distance vs. Time Graph

Objective: To understand the relationship between distance and time using
the Pasco motion sensor.
 Pasco motion sensor
 Computer with data collection software
 Cart or other object for motion
 Track or smooth surface for motion
1. Set up the Pasco motion sensor on a stable surface, facing the track or
area where motion will occur.
2. Connect the motion sensor to the computer and open the data collection
3. Place the cart at the starting point of the track.
4. Start data collection on the software.
5. Release the cart and let it roll down the track.
6. Stop data collection once the cart reaches the end of the track.
7. Analyze the data to create a distance vs. time graph.
 Record the data collected from the experiment.
 Plot the distance vs. time graph using the collected data.
 Analyze the graph to understand the relationship between distance and
 Interpret the results of the experiment.
 Discuss any discrepancies or sources of error.
 Relate the experiment to real-world scenarios.
Experiment 2: Velocity vs. Time Graph
Objective: To explore the relationship between velocity and time using the
Pasco motion sensor.
 Pasco motion sensor
 Computer with data collection software
 Cart or other object for motion
 Track or smooth surface for motion
1. Follow steps 1-4 from Experiment 1.
2. Start data collection on the software.
3. Release the cart and let it roll down the track.
4. Stop data collection once the cart reaches the end of the track.
5. Analyze the data to create a velocity vs. time graph.
 Record the data collected from the experiment.
 Plot the velocity vs. time graph using the collected data.
 Analyze the graph to understand the relationship between velocity and
 Interpret the results of the experiment.
 Discuss any discrepancies or sources of error.
 Compare the velocity vs. time graph to the distance vs. time graph from
Experiment 1.
 Summarize the key findings of the experiments.
 Reflect on the effectiveness of using the Pasco motion sensor for data
 Discuss potential applications and further experiments.

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