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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into three parts: (1) Purpose

of the Study and Research Design, (2) Method, and (3)

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure.

The first part, Purpose of the Study and Research

Design, restates the main problem and discusses the research


The second part, Method, describes the respondents, the

research instruments and the procedures to be used in the

gathering of data.

The third part, Statistical Data Analysis Procedure,

enumerates the statistical tools to be used in the analysis

of data.

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The main purpose of this study was to determine the

suitability of social science textbook content for gen z

learners: an assessment for grade 8 students in the

district of panay for the school year 2022-2023.

This study utilized the survey – correlation research

design. A survey is a method of collection data in a


consistent, systematic way. This is usually involves

constructing a set of questions that are either asked by

means of a questionnaire or through as interview (Community

Based Research Handbook, 2012).

The purpose of a survey was got to a general picture of

characteristic of the study population at a particular time.

The use of the survey approach was appropriate for most

descriptive and correlation study. (David, cited in

Lantoria, 2016).

Correlation study, on the other hand, is a qualitative

method of research which tries to determine if there is

relationship between variables (Capilano, 2008).

In this study, the independent variables were the

suitability of social science textbook content for gen z

while the dependent variables were the conceptual

understanding of the respondents.

The descriptive statistical that were used in the

study were the frequency count, percentage, mean, and

standard deviation. The inferential statistic were the

One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and person r. the

alpha level of significance was set a 0.05.




The respondents of the study will be the grade seven to

grade ten students of Commissionaire Luis A. Asis for the

Academic Year 2020 – 2021. The stratified random sampling

will be used in the study.

Data-Gathering Instruments

A questionnaire with three (3) parts will be used in

gathering the data needed in this study. These are the

Learning Motivation Questionnaire, Reading Skills Test and

Speaking Skills Test.

Learning Motivation Questionnaire. This is a 25-item

scale which measured the six (6) dimensions of learning

motivation, which are extrinsic goal orientation (item 1-2),

intrinsic goal orientation (items 3-6), task value (items 7-

11), control beliefs about learning (items 12-17), self-

efficacy (items 18-22) and expectations of success (items

23-25). The instrument was adopted from the International

Journal of Learning and Development (2012).


The mean scores will be arbitrarily scaled as follows:

Scale Description
4.20 – 5.00 Very High
3.40 – 4.29 High
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate
1.80 - 2.59 Low
1.0 - 1.79 Very low

Reading Skills Test. This is 35 - item scale which will

measure the five (5) skills of reading which are skimming,

scanning, reading comprehension, critical reading and

vocabulary. The test was adopted from the Cape Peninsula

University of Technology by Michael Erfort (2010). The

scores of the students in the Reading Skills will be

classified as follows:

Scale Description
28.01 – 35.00 Very High
21.01 – 28.00 High
14.01 – 21.00 Average
7.01 – 14.00 Low
0.00– 7.00 Very Low

Speaking Skills Assessment. A researcher - made test

will be used to measure the speaking skills of students. It

is divided into two (2) parts. The first part is composed of

50 words to be read orally by the respondents. In this part,

while the participants are pronouncing the words, the


English teachers marks with a “√ or check” the words that

are pronounced correctly and “x” for mispronounced words.

The second part is the dialogue reading. For the dialogue

reading, the participants read it by pair. The raters

observed the way students read the dialogue. They tallied

the errors committed by the students in terms of

pronunciation, fluency, stress/ intonation/ juncture and

volume. The errors were recorded in individual rating

sheets. A rubric for dialogue reading was used to rate the

participants. To interpret the results of Speaking Skills,

the following scale will be used:

Scale Description
56.01 – 70.00 Very High
42.01 – 56.00 High
28.01 – 42.00 Average
14.01 – 28.00 Low
0.00– 14.00 Very Low

Data Gathering Procedures

Before the actual conduct of the study, the researcher

will ask permission from the college president and the

department heads. The respondents will be gathered to answer

the questionnaire by checking their agreement or

disagreement to the items and the test on their learning

motivation and reading skills.


As for speaking skills, the researcher will identify an

English teacher to assist her in observing the speaking

skills of students throughout the conduct of the study. The

researcher gave an orientation to the teacher on how to

record the errors before they observed the speaking skills

of the students. In this part, while the students are

pronouncing the words, the English teachers put a “√ or

check” on the words that are pronounced correctly by the

students and “x” for the mispronounced words.

The second part is the dialogue reading. For the

dialogue reading, the respondents read the dialogue in pair.

The researcher and an English teacher observed the way

students read the dialogue and tally the errors committed by

the students in pronunciation, fluency, stress/ intonation/

juncture and volume. The errors were recorded in individual

rating sheets. The researcher prepared a rubric in dialogue


After all the questionnaires will be answered, they

will be retrieved, tallied, tabulated and analyzed using the

appropriate statistical tools.


Statistical Data Analysis Procedures

The gathered data will be computer-processed using the

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) as follows:

Mean. This test will be used to describe learning

motivation, reading and speaking skills of the respondents.

Standard deviation. This test will be used to describe

the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the student’ learning

motivation, reading skills and speaking skills.

t-test for independent samples. Set at .05 alpha level

of significance, this test will be used to determine the

significance of difference between two compared groups.

One-way ANOVA. Set at .05 alpha level of significance,

this test will be used to determine the significance of the

differences among the three or more compared groups.

Pearson r. Set at .05 alpha of significance, this test

will be used to determine the significance of the learning

motivation, reading skills and speaking skills.

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