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= 10.0.

14 - 2024-07-04 =
* Limit incomplete installation warnings to 1

= 10.0.13 - 2024-05-17 =
* Update install URLs
* Added warnings when configuration is not complete

= 10.0.12 - 2024-04-10 =
* Fixed install warning on Wordpress 6.5

= 10.0.11 - 2024-02-12 =
* Fixed install with WP CLI

= 10.0.10 - 2023-07-20 =
* Updated Translations
* Issue where call button still displayed despite "Enable calls to a queue" being
disabled resolved
* Addressed the issue where calls received through Live Chat were being routed to
the 'End Call'
* Added functionality to expose offline greetings message when offline form is
being used
* Issue when a web visitor clicks on the checkbox to accept the GDPR rules now
* Calls are now working correctly when chat is disabled
* Alignment of chat template placeholders has been fixed
* Fixed shift + enter to move to a new line when typing

= 10.0.9 - 2023-06-30 =
* Changed signup URL

= 10.0.8 - 2023-03-10 =
* Added reset configuration
* UI improvements

= 10.0.7 - 2023-03-08 =
* Added parameters to 3CX StartUP signup URL for easier activation
* Added StartUP callback for auto configuration

= 10.0.6 - 2023-01-03 =
* 3CX StartUP sign up form
* Show settings page when plugin is activated and not yet configured

= 10.0.5 - 2022-09-19 =
* LiveChat UI updated
* Multiple issues fixed

= 10.0.4 - 2022-06-29 =
* Fixed 3CX Talk URL - trailing ":" removed when no port specified

= 10.0.3 - 2022-06-06 =
* Fixed Callus Issues
* Default Agent's Photo Changes

= 10.0.2 - 2022-05-19 =
* Updated translations
* Added link to 3CX StartUP

= 10.0.1 - 2022-05-17 =
* Fixed Optional Caption Issue
= 10.0.0 - 2022-05-04 =
* New release with 3CX StartUP support

= 9.4.2 - 2022-04-15 =
* Fixed issue with path inclusion

= 9.4.1 - 2021-11-03 =
* Fixed issue on sound notification played even if it is disabled on settings.
* Fixed issue on Operation Hours related to caching.
* Fixed issue on Operating Hours in case that server is configured in +/- time
zones more than 5.
* Fixed issue on “New Message” shown when session terminated by the user.
* Fixed issue on “Phone Only” mode in case that “Allow Chat” is disabled on PBX.

= 9.4.0 - 2021-08-06 =
* Improved file attachment handling for agent/visitor.
* Fixed Gutenberg block functionality.
* Improved agent's chat page user interface.
* Improved agent's chat page to support multiple windows or tabs.
* Added to agent's chat the capability to watch chat messages before joining.
* Added translations for agent join chat messages.
* Improved quick responses interface on agent’s view.
* Added user's selected department to agent's view.
* Removed bootstrap.js library to prevent conflicts.
* Fixed emoji icons overflow on visitors' chat.
* Fixed default agent’s name on “Standalone - No 3CX” mode.
* Fixed attachment size when agent sent file to visitor.
* Added an option to block IP of a visitor from the agent’s view.
* Reduced callus.js file size.
* Fixed issue on operating hours when cache module is enabled on server.
* Added new feature which allows visitors to make a call before their authorization
(3CX mode only)
* Added support for Google Analytics events (first interaction,chat initialized,
close chat, offline message submission).
* Fixed conflict with Font Awesome library of other Plugins or Themes.
* Fixed chat history to load the transcript with the correct agent name.
* Fixed chat history to use timezone as it is configured on WordPress general
* Added preview of image attachments on visitor's chat.
* Visual improvements on user interface.
* Improved error messages when an error occurred when the visitor is sending an
* Visitor’s chat loading after scroll when on mobile devices to improve Google
check rating.
* Fixed remove attachments on deletion without database preservation.
* Fixed datetimes in machines local time at chat history data and exports.
* Added chat state ( minimized ) memory during navigation and page refresh.
* Fixed issue when clicking on chat conversation list more than once.
* Fixed issue with the name of the agent shown on conversations.
* Fixed visual issue on how emojis are shown to the agents.
* Fixed issue when a message with a huge number of characters is sent.
* Fixed date time stamp in case of “Chat session ended”.
* Fixed issue on attaching sequentially attachments with size that takes time to be
* Fixed issue on chat window state preservation in case of navigating on different

= 9.3.1 - 2021-03-03 =
* Fixed issue with periodically redirections to chat page when in admin.

= 9.3.0 - 2021-02-12 =
* Styling improvements on mobile mode.
* Added the functionality of theme picker on Code-Generator and WordPress plugin.
* Added the option to set the system language.
* Revamped styling/functionality of chat rating on “Standalone - No 3CX” mode.
* Disabled maximize video button on not supported devices.
* Enabled the configuration of text on more functional areas.
* Enabled phone-only mode on Code-Generator.
* Updated to show only the agent's first name after taking the ownership on 3CX
* Added the support of CDN on Code-Generator.
* Added “New” badge on “Standalone - No 3CX” mode for incoming chats.
* Added the logic to adapt chat messages text color based on background color.
* Enabled the configuration of images on Code-Generator.
* Enabled the option to disable offline functionality on Code-Generator.
* Refreshed translations.
* Security Fixes.
* Fixed issue with typing indicator on 3CX mode.
* Fixed issue with space not working in case that themes/plugins use smooth
* Fixed issue with default agent image not being svg.
* Fixed issue with popout configuration for mobile mode.
* Fixed issue with passing parameters on popout window.
* Fixed issue with multisite WordPress installation.
* Fixed issue with special characters on chat window.
* Fixed issue not showing ending message in case that session terminated
* Prevent reloading the popped-out window by clicking on the minimized chat bubble.
* Fixed issue not showing exception in case of a non-valid attachment uploaded by
the visitor.

= 9.2.1 - 2020-12-23 =
* Adjusted default popout behavior on 3CX mode.
* Fixed “New Message” tab notification to be shown only after the visitor engaged
on chat.
* Fixed special characters set on welcome message not shown properly on popout
window for 3CX mode.
* Fixed issue of not passing all parameters to the popout window for 3CX mode.
* Security fixes.

= 9.2.0 - 2020-12-15 =
* Revamped offline form to be of conversation style.
* Added greeting functionality that can be configured for Online and Offline mode.
* Added indicator on minimized bubble for unread messages.
* Added a variable for the visitor name that can be used for messages, e.g Welcome
* Fixed issue with chat not fit on screen when video activated.
* Fixed spacing on “is typing”
* Improved the visual presentation custom fields to the agents on “Standard - No
3CX” mode.
* Fixed issue with flickering screen when switching between conversations
* Adjusted UI to hide the arrow from consecutive conversations when they are coming
from the same end.
* Fixed issue with offline form not shown on “Standard - No 3CX” mode when specific
times are set on Chat Operating Hours options.
* Fixed issue with hanging in case that offline form failed to submit.
* Fixed issue with agent faulty refresh on “Standard - No 3CX” mode.
* Fixed issue with file attachment send remains hanging on “Standard - No 3CX”
* Fixed issue with chat ended message not being configurable.
* Improved the handling of chats in case of inactivity or missed chats on “Standard
- No 3CX” mode.
* Fixed issue of not hiding the minimized bubble in case of Phone Only mode when
configuration is not valid or offline.
* Fixed issue with animation repetition on each user action.
* Fixed issue of not properly wrapping date/time inside the chat message box.
* Fixed issue of not resizing properly the chat window on iOS and Safari browser.
* Fixed issue with default visitor name configuration.
* Fixed issue with scrolling on Android devices.
* Fixed issue with chat window in caset that is configured using the percentage.
* Updated incoming chat sound notification.
* Fixed issue with avatar background color not respecting the chat color
* Fixed issue on plugin editor with "number of chat rings" validation.
* Fixed issues with “is typing” indicator flickering.
* Fixed styling issue on department selection.
* Adjusted status indicator on agents chat conversions for “Standard - No 3CX”
* Added the option to “Ignore Queue ownership” on “3CX” mode.
* Added the ability to configure the profile picture prior taking ownership.
* Improved “Chat Operating Hours” configuration page.
* Fixed drop-downs to be of the same width.
* Added support for Automated first response for “3CX” mode.

= 9.1.2 - 2020-11-18 =
* Hot Fix settings validation when on Hosted Mode

= 9.1.1 - 2020-11-18 =
* Removed "On premise" mode.
* Removed Popout window chat for "Hosted" mode.
* Privacy policy settings are dynamically rendered based on settings.
* Added functionality to set the default agent's name which will be displayed
before an agent join the chat.
* Changed the available button icons.
* Improved settings validations.
* Fixed operating hours validation excluding validation of not enabled days.
* Added Phone only mode for 3CX PBX integrated mode.
* Improved data exports.
* Added Phone column in offline messages view.
* Added new slide animation when chat is positioned left.
* Fixed ringing on new chat in order to respect the corresponding setting.
* Database tables upgrade to utf8mb4. ( Only 3CX Live Chat plugin's tables)
* Fixed conflict with other plugins or themes due to jQuery.validation.
* UI fixes and improvements.
* Improved Getting started wizard.

= 9.1.0 - 2020-10-20 =
* Added: New chatbox design.
* Improved: Getting started wizard.
* Improved: Default chat settings.
* Improved: Chat pop out mode.
* Removed: Chat tab chatbox style.
* Removed: Emojis
* Removed: "Only Phone", and "Video and Chat" modes when on 3CX integrated mode.
* Fixed number inputs functionality in settings
* Fixed security vulnerabilities.
* Fixed business hours save issue after upgrade from version 8.x.x
* Fixed WordPress agents automatic redirects to chat page.
* Fixed chat completion flow on server error.
* Fixed html encoded characters on Client chat

= 9.0.24 - 2020-09-15 =
* Added phone field in offline message email notification.
* Fix chat client initialization for logged in users.
* UI improvements and responsive fixes.

= 9.0.23 - 2020-09-11 =
* Code cleanup.
* Improvement in 3CX Hosted Chat functionality.

= 9.0.22 - 2020-09-10 =
* Fix dashboard online visitors / agents update.
* Fix agent's status report.
* Fix bug in 3CX Hosted Chat socket channel.

= 9.0.21 - 2020-09-09 =
* Added chat pop out to new window functionality.
* UI optimization for mobile devices.

= 9.0.20 - 2020-09-04 =
* Fix offline message success form. Message loads from settings.
* Fix unicode characters support in tools view .
* CSS improvements
* Support page new design.
* Improved 3CX Hosted Chat.

= 9.0.19 - 2020-09-01 =
* Fix Gravatar url constuction.
* Fix agent's set online top bar button functionality.
* Fix PHP warnings on empty fields.

= 9.0.18 - 2020-08-31 =
* Getting started wizard new design.
* Fix auto redirects to chat page on admin.
* Fix offline form validation.

= 9.0.17 - 2020-08-11 =
* Dashboard page new design.
* Agent chat page new design.
* Visitor's chat new design.
* Fix Visitor's chat display names after refresh page.

= 9.0.16 - 2020-08-10 =
* Fix default transcript email template.
* Fix offline email notification.
* Fix Set online top bar checkbox.

= 9.0.15 - 2020-08-06 =
* Fix broken "Getting Started" wizard.
* Fix blank settings page issue.

= 9.0.14 - 2020-08-05 =
* Added WordPress 5.5 compatibility fixes.
* Fix multiple chat listings after chat server disconnection.

= 9.0.13 - 2020-08-03 =
* Fix bug on visitors' chat initialization.

= 9.0.12 - 2020-07-31 =
* Fix utf8 encoding on settings json.

= 9.0.11 - 2020-07-30 =
* Fix error on update plugin process.

= 9.0.10 - 2020-07-29 =
* Fix mixed content issues on visitors' chat.

= 9.0.9 - 2020-07-29 =
* Fix avatar broken image.
* Added chat notifications ringtone and browser notification when not live chat
window is active ( available only with 3CX servers usage ).
* Added font, isolated from external css, on visitor's chat.
* Fix offline message bug on 3CX PBX Integration mode.
* Added support of setting up texts in settings on 3CX PBX Integration mode.

= 9.0.8 - 2020-07-28 =
* Fix bug on display business hours.
* Added message on agent's chat view when chat is offline due to business hours
* Fix bug on agent's chats list with broken image link.
* Fix chat notifications ringtone and browser notification.

= 9.0.6 - 2020-07-27 =
* Fix bug which appears when visitor had multiple active tabs with active chat.
* Fix bug "TcxFa is not defined" on websites front end.
* Fix broken image after remove logo in settings.
* Fix display of pages without title in settings lists.
* Fix "Current activity" counter on dashboard.
* Improved 3CX Chat server functionality.

= 9.0.5 - 2020-07-22 =
* Fix bug responsible for faulty roles migration from older version.
* Fix chat list rendering on agent online - offline toggle.

= 9.0.4 - 2020-07-21 =
* Fix UTF8 characters on settings.
* Fix bug on ajax calls due to trailing slash.
* Fix bug on received files load on chat client.
* Added missing functions prefix to isolate them from external calls.

= 9.0.3 - 2020-07-20 =
* Fix font-awesome icons conflict with other themes and/or plugins.
* Fix bug which creates interferences in post pages with checkboxes.
* Fix broken font-family on chat client.

= 9.0.2 - 2020-07-17 =
* Fix validation error texts.
* Fix activation process after update from old version.

= 9.0.1 - 2020-07-17 =
* Fix warning about PHP constants for PHP versions older than 5.6
* Changed default chat height to 50% from 70%

= 9.0.0 - 2020-07-17 =
* Full plugin refactor with NEW component based software architecture.
* Added new 3CX cloud chat servers integration.
* Added new feature for integration with 3CX PBX.
* Added new first time usage "Getting start" wizard.
* Added validations and conflicts checks in the plugin's settings.
* New chat client for visitors developed with Vue js web component.
* New agent chat interface unified for both on-Premise and 3CX cloud chat servers.
* Tools, Webhooks, Departments and Custom fields management moved under new
* New improved setup process for business hours.
* New improved setup process for page base settings like "Excluded chat pages".
* New chat server for on-premise installations with significantly reduced ajax
requests quantity and footprint.
* Missed chats and History moved to new section Chat History with search
* Removed GDPR search functionality.
* Removed Triggers functionality.
* Removed all actions and filters.
* Removed ready to use themes functionality.

= 8.2.0 - 2020-07-11 =
* Fixed VULN: Fixed XSS vulnerability within quick responses in agent chat.
* Fixed VULN: Fixed XSS vulnerability within posts and pages render in agent direct
to page modal.

= 8.1.9 - 2020-06-09 =
* Bugfix: Fixed chat icon url on admin.
* Bugfix: Custom theme colors.

= 8.1.8 - 2020-05-28 =
* Bugfix: Offline messages delete not worked
* Bugfix: Load bootstrap js sourcemap failed
* Bugfix: Urls Fixed for linux compatibility

= 8.1.7 - 2020-02-05 =
* Bugfix: added some missing translation strings
* Bugfix: HTML email body in auto responder not parsed correctly
* Improvement: added "Debug mode", extra logs added to PHP error log
* Improvement: reduced ajax requests footprint, removing unneeded fields
* Improvement: added confirmation for history delete

= 8.1.6 - 2020-01-16 =
* Bugfix: more optimizations to avoid lots of 403 errors when PHP session expires
* Bugfix: custom style color picker adds an extra # breaking color code
* Improvement: improved performance in some timed events

= 8.1.x =
Huge update with over 300 changes that include: Bugfixes, Vulnerability Fixes &
Plugin Security, Plugin Optimization & Rebranding Updates. We suggest you remove
any existing installations of this plugin and install 8.1.x fresh.

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