EVM Module 1 notes

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if | 7 | Ovacomennt dened as a sar telat — I \ all the Living amd |_elomerle amd theiz Anat influence human Ue. 7 =| vohile ats ring (biotic) elemenkk are animals, Lplamt, seat , Vaheasies Qnd Mon -Uving : (a biobe) clemem\s? < ase Wooden, lend , Suntight “Talila amd alg, —_s_| 4 1 7 —— 4 ld ts she civeurnztamees objects 05 ce = Pa _Wohich one le gugioumded. 1 = i= __ alhe complet 4 hy phy head chemical “amd —_ biological _ e_goil, woater , climate and _ ithe Uvin telge whith ack upon are aniem ecological community and thot es = elesmines! 4 the: foam ond Zusvived ¢ whe plat ox al the the _animal_speties is Known at an” envisonmemi . * Envsonm ero}: Sue 7 = Emiaonmemt can _ > atunelions_io}._ fevsonra enh _ Provides — 4uppl 4, “Red puUncel « 4 hr Bho Venewakle ~ 04a! Non senerwable MesourceaA a Beil, _woaher adynote wood. land ete. , a2. _Subhaine ‘Ue. = — _aesourcéer_ cersombeat fon barn en u 7 O33 8, wadtor ete. 5.| Assimiled es Waster» — —> assimilation -the, jaaleage shi ho ik generated on aby production ama Corssumpiicn actives. pe te 4.| Enhamces quate Ue. — _ — > enjoy, The beattty ~ a) nature Uke aiveay— : 7 bark: »_mMountaing ) ed, ele ln! => gals peoce op mind @ Renewable resources —_ : the sesrouceg -thed com never bo —_ eochamated Or depleted with continous Use eq. wooden ais aces ete . ; - — © MON renewable sseLoucer — 9 The _svivurcey that get enthatated with eataachion amd vse. Co ol, petroleum o105 ote. a Envison ment a — = anong environment [deoquephdal] At consist ou componemls _ rovided oy a Nature amd hemce Con be called ar the Nofura} enviasonmemtk- alo catled as physical ensiaoo memt._ dhete Qeegsaphcol conditions dre not depasn demt an -the enislamee, dd) human « qi includes natural sesouices , Cagth 'e kuupoces mountaina oat er toms , cyatones., iC. voleans | climatic actos ate 6 2 | Mam made envizonmemt [nlon ~ Using | t ‘Ania is “the one. created by mom _in_osdor __-to | we gulete amd! menitos cesta _¢ nvitonmemtal _ Conditms, alin catled ot Locial- culluro) & Onlurcon moms - ——— — alhseugh _adramcenneml in the AL ik divided into -koo types. | : 1. Annet _envitonmemt- — - : | Abu a godal envionment omd il exis ar long as a Partieulon do dety eocish . —|_cH” _pertaing to the sequiations, Liaditions , Orqanizalims and tnctiadions, —_—_— -At tnvelves customs amd folk ways ‘which it enetent ia emery hur ann _qabup-_ ct iw addhetsed Uolth the ames auch an hon- Material culture , social heritage he. _ thie hevtoge i ergemiias doa the socal _ = Nye Oo) humane —te | uri 4b ie lenown -le —lhove “an _ lnluemce “om _an tnetiviclual «Ue. old 2. Outer envionment | ki emce amd _ technology >—humons hove attempled | 4o atte. conditions 4), theig_ physical enviaonment- +} —_Alhi4 outer anviron ment it a _gesutt o there | deanspost , bua resoy Amc “La muat aaa} Nes. ,toduclag pranu- —____|doclwing — eeks bo Commo ditier , ete Which _ mo dgcadtiong which Includer modein inbractuclua_ lin ce, , homes amd +he associated eel | Omentves , At include, —mockey communications and te Conveniences jultirnat gains oF aviliratiems amd SE Usbamizot-on - =>) Componente A, _Envionmemt_ su) —__Emitgnment, Physica _ Biological euptesod _ = envionment entionment environment 7 ra ther ns \ vo ——)--Uthoaphaue _ Flogqi foie hydso sphere _ Found F Economy gy — al Otmoiphere, |! Minobi Police. _ Gasenur state hofawidte iquid Bloke phesise fs a Lye | S_unjevem cooling £ Susha co — |Z pimsand’ dolid ieleber jermed : pressures pede ‘ . ulyai (0% .-the Gusheces, ~ 2! s toothee piesuret Ged NS Whe tu}oce abvve average ” wih } lewel =» Continent unin cooling: Lu beloo Aveo ge level _ prot OAS OMe gasses putt —te O¢eams . did. nok leave She = 2osth . becoy. OQ) .- —_ Geevitational forces omd they doimed_ - a | te atm aphere. a lond _susjace (level) —* Uthoiphere” Gving. Wing. water _gushace _—» Hydsosphore | on there ——layeu ais = admosphae. | layas — == 5 neene | pe shone — Zz “dhe, Lond Suspace ix mode up AS jesont —focdiey amd rainerale onthe oasis op, the “oaigen Where socks: Shey are _ctouriied ass La Lt. dgneous Rocks _ op _i - : 2. dedimemtarny Rocks a4 —— rE Meta morpkc Rocks = es | ___ he _Uthoaphone coves the —_efath_and is_extemded upto 40 Km. this © em Weak e Auslace 2, Ane Continemte amd the 0¢2Gm _ ORS -@ ee Al it_made._g}_¢_up O, dopercde God blocks —_catted as plates _on_uShich the _continemls— amd ocean ____ }teors aque serbing,§ a ah pb | ti ve Auspate othe east ik one the_ Basie enviionmoemial Jector loi determine thee 1 = @konomic develop men Ondalso the ecolog col Staten 4, ony county. oe tn ee : | —_Alhe lithosphere hou —aegiens_hoving. Ai} poser heights, glopes, socks, Soil ond daainge pattens. — — = — — Ahee_ vasiolims make di erent wie Lamd iparn in chi) eromt segiens seq. _minenale het | 0 i taki ott while Hh j jo generale industaialization , while -Hhe Plaing which hove futile foil, help 46. in Ogaieuliural developments a : Ly | Boch segient have di Gent enviavomemnt ty _develop dijpoent eco syeterne- bo the | Gihorphee _ it am ie ortamt ele memt _d),* Coviawornemt ! > Hurnug Nayou Soo Taaged Wad py. U ghter Colour = Weak ow 1 @& Hesizag Mom weal ra m he ne ternta ER Wa iw No 2 | TSGeesasitn NEEIA mire Wweoshered | ¢ Hoyron _ < bed aod of Vey UIE oaganic Content [Pasemt maternicul Im Hosizan Beneath alo soil, Red sock. 20UM ‘parent kotle, Soil) is am \eripoatemt past Uthos pha on ih Ploduces od human eeings and amino - Soi! also Je com poses Oaiganic. uodaxte toy a mito= Orga nigme jo the. Sv), Soi| is -compaizod § Lea Sock, Minerale pastid » Organic motesal , ala, Moisture Gand _ te —taganiioman, a =| Aiimo sphere, Glo M™ ha @O9}h eodsts only due _-to eoath's ad Mos phone . | airnvaphere ie the gage ve Ahad Sumound, ou [aobe ee - tk_Ahe gaseous envelope hod Sunounds 5s che _atmot phere endenda Upto a height 4 100 km, but) ik has no dictinet boundaas 1Q00 bry Exosphae, 2 20_|sr9, _ Thamo- — = —fscans fA Spree: ae KK —' — —~—\sobm \ Mesosphae \ — oa - '- pres 4 “Stratorphee yee-tins a) ~ mone layoa Sse ANS HM equator Qkm > > mopesprere S ale L— EARTH | the | admonphene ig @ riding, , qesens | Day ais contains 78 */ Nisogen , ait Om gen O93 Aagon > O03 v. C€Oo amd 0:04 Other Gases, i) Ais ale containg vaslable- amount @), woaton Vopb ur. (aboud 4) yin __Misture asea it catled? ag aia. a Zz Atmosphere ig Aided Int 5 eae Lay eng. ___Alhe.|_ composition Ores, Vasier volthin “the layerc, So Os the tery enaduse that daops ai we move May, | 2017 she easth dusiace.. water "vapou. . - {yesh toeton fp humem “congyroption > aH 10 Bohne _ oy Iydsosphere. Conus ot An je _, Seas, lokea | polar copa. and i¢e “phoels | git Len Qaound toate bodes in odmosphue. aa te ofeang ch O; eth. Susjoce. _polon cops 4 ice Bheely = PIS Fe — til __ Rio sphere. - ss = Biosphere tea hin yell’ “mot encompasses _ tthe | eastty amd iy made-up O_Uihosphore hyd aoephene and| aimarohenre- | Retweem the admnos ene. \oweet lay ex asad the | ocean ox Mee WO deh dventity 4) her a, pares Eagth dus __ceatoin areas the _@aaths “he_bioephere. Thoda Ghe form € Diversity in Uje_qpims con be found only ind dhe en tie _Uje_dparna_,_woh one “the Indaoclions A) Uv ~Esdvcl_ i 07 caNed the biosphere. Organisms amd” abiotic components cam be every component 4) Om @co sysiern — 1 inlet hosts! till © each othes® amd hos: dome intexdepemd oni _ sateipabips— F _Blospheae carn He jstnen be classitged' into Cosego sich — faethe tee 1 Hydrobiosphenc | | { ua — |_Utho biosphere, | bahigeh seitigy sath Atmoblosphere 0 jo => Envisonmemlal _Mamagernemt a = he nadumal enwiaonment and eco agelems 9 is om outcome Yn o, evolution amd mication . —,_we_dlepemd on the envionment to. meet Ou —— basic Aequisementls Buch aa food , wel, wade, ois Che = _ However , due te our continous elu emea in — _enploilovion nature Jox_immadtode we. Sa to tnvisonmemtal ~ degradation ont do eben _ a! Nadural 8 wAcet and thie Zzhould be | flopped. At UK Aheretoro , etgembic thod we Understeund }unction amd” indeaction physical - somd iological elements Othe. envisonmemnl amd apply thie knowledge. jp. doumd momagememt puogaammer te _tonterve tthe Natural serousrees, we are endowed Lolth . — es AL & dhe tole) environmemtas Mmomagement Aw | to: ordinate and locus guch developments, to — So teove. unas _webeing and raitigode _o8 pleverst been amage to the east amd ite Orgonitme . Ahe_jocus envionment management it on! imple membation » Monitosing ond _ ducting . On ——pasietice. and ¢p ping with seal world intues , Kathen aH ay Theoigisedl _plamning. fy nh Thus EM. se presen “the: Mmamagemert a _ ~ vatout ac vities . Incuding envionmemtal a __tondes vation Aeaounces_, “ENVaoomental Ltatus evaluation and envisaonmemba legislation ama administration and —fpeuses Paose _ —monitosiag ,_. auditing , pu __tteves tham on_ Weosoticas — cm: implementation, ond seat word ak mee = Wepniien amd Seopa a, EM dhe protests 5}, aUlocatin natural annd astiftial Resounces do at to crake oplimurm use phe “envuoomemt in sakis tog basic hhurnom needs _ ad \he minimum amd more 'b Possible > a dus fainable basis . ery Chonacteristics EM ni At Au pposte 4urtainable, -_cdeveloprmemt &. | At deals sith world ofjected bi human bb a 2% beings. htye ffs Ak demands a —nasttidsciplinony Ox Inte _ diLe'plinaay AP Pro och. AL hos to jotegquose Aciemee, Botial Leience., policy making ama Plosnning. = S. i deeogwiack “the desitability 3, meeting. amd a = Possible exceeding asic human needs. — al e dime- seate involved entends beyond th: Bhost_jesm and _cencena sange Jroro_ a global. 1 3 Ti dt Rhows opportunities ax welt ag oddsons __|H+hseocks amd problems.» wef em must «dow thee things ds) identi cals. 1. | esto bite _ tohelhor these com be met : — _ %._de velop amd implemen + - [(4) fe tetdom eelsy sa towety may have no — tleon ideo whet it needs. 4 Lome people May werndc woanmt thin damaging ‘Mo themaetver, orh&s and the envionment. a _Foavuonmen tal Mamagqes may hove to_idemti} y fa and them win ove the | _Ppuble & Special iqtenext ——~ | Ga) ond (3) se quice the enviaonrnental tmamaqe 4o_ alace with ecology > economt, law, polly , ep ple, eke rtp co-ordinate the development. _ _Ahe goats em, Which ik am approach a c enviionmemtbal Sle woadship integsating ecology , -2 psa p_indegaating he _ po) iy = making + plamnin ond Locial development i forclude * = : A. preventing and rushing enviaoom ental prollems. 2, ertoblithing Umits S. blob thing amd nudusing inshiutions thot E}ygctively Suppost “envisonmemtal verearch, monitoring amd Mamogemenrt- 4. iden’ -ag thaeats and oppolunities | | 5. wstaining, and ie postible. improving enistiog 4 Serounces a | G._impseving the quality m.jderkilying envaooen Lound ret: fechnolo gies ox polities. thus EM demands Ate ping. ie deciding qgatsand__selting mile on eh fn ats. tos sola led rte Ando, oa__Negative - Emiionmemlal problems oa "ects in he process 4, devetopmemt amd massive ch__Ahseatems dhe Susiamonce. 4), cletorestation heathy envsoomenl. = =; = Growing population, humoam habitation ,_ A, forest Ierources hres _chamged Ihe monsoon and whether routine tates an__abnoimos tendency seme, by -thaeadening human habitalo. - _ —9 | Suttainable _devdopmemt is a coal Yat oar re octenlion Aequiser policy mokeas geod Sdilontist, to investi qode Vosious aspects for Checking. sthé envaonmemtat problem. _ - 4. Aype L_e@nvsonmemtal problems _ : Aheste Onc problems asiting Oud Nock. 4} Oppropsiote development Such ot defpsestation . luc. _ rho | eu ood eatsocen , Unhygemic Slums 5 oil exogion , lack Sonitection am, polluted Lood PAL e Aupply ete. Al, the pase _ development it Slovo the. Type 1_problems wil intengipy _ &| FHupe I envigonmomtos Puobleme Aero ore tho Paoble mnt which ane Coured by lack 4) envison mental Sale guards iin development ro jects duchy O2 634 and toate. pollution, hazardous woste disposal Wes elogaiog io Isai gation “Prvjects, pestidde pollution, Jortili®ex aun jmlo Meams Gic. A} Subticiemt investments ase not made in development psosects ty compensate for envionmental Ideqaadobton, these Problems wit inue ase. _ Type TT enwsenmenial problemas | Ahese. are _ giotots global envizonmental problems fuch as gtobal woasming , dzone depletion, maaine Pollution > loss 5, genetic dU vesity 7 : “automobile. pollulrem ele. “There problems cue _ vented by ihe —cunem _patan developrnont , - Lye > lyte amd jolemsive, energy we, ete. = ——, Casee Opportunites —_—s _is nob eos to dayne, (Ok acknowledge. my Scholors and _envaonmemtelate. 2 | 4% can gejer to qoal o Vision, -ho aHempls te Zteer a procogh , to “the application 2, het — woke te prilodophical Rorkarie enercize Ze akins — tb esto blith _deto petepeclives 4 lowonds_envionnn emt: - and hunoam Lociebier . ——— dha oue__sange 4G pio geome “ipheco_ =é_ —@ DO be studied ax a= coun — oe both Under - — Spat and post = graduate + — | Envivonhenial Manages aud a dione, 4 | peoples. Te include pecons yom the ——_ Otademics , policy makes, Non - doveaanmemtal = Organidationg nico) corporate employees, _ NV Levante , palvate india. tdcraleonue _and.\Qtoups who _ Make deuGons about the we o notusal sesources —Qad_ protection human heal he envionment _____ Ahenedote thie means Ent involves -mahy. ee Atake ee a must disciplinary Pees: Errronmemtal mamogens: + inueosingly _8Q, acl. to las_ Austeirability momager.s can work “19.q ws 4ecto% They hove a ole. Lo — play « in inatitutiong __aind tag=t Oaganinatins: Ue L. Heatth 1 ‘ Education | | House | “Taangy ortotien : | “laste Mamagennemst: | Nao MG ba Sec “Tele ¢ Coramunicobons Bamking & Sinamce. Private | Consultan Power and Energy Sectoy, — dhey con tO work jq__Corposode x Dagariealioa under Vesious uals and _depattonenty — Auch) as ; i sett : 4 Panccian + Manuka ctus ns OCR SS 9 Or uch a alias Smaldidate. duacioge mM Ss organizations hove 4 linabig responsibly ee 1.| Co-oadinating dipects Ay polludian pntio|. —— __&.| Waste mama choo _ 2 Bl Secycting and encispomemtag health and — Aajety ia Wed» 7 4:| developing and implememlin envsonmental Tuactedert 7 p na on pate 5.|_ackon” plama Wp ensue Oxganizobonal _ an =| Compliance. woith Ne ginledtions th avoiding > Chonges or being paosecuted fps Molation Os Ive hor él function as audiiox, anal Co nonental: pespeamasmee emt 4 _ sequiatory bodie bodien, Bla), OF “oll levels in the Oaganiwation_ Oe _envonmemtal inguet and and _seaponailorties.___ =a Bl Paomote oma anita awareness <1 _ amending envisonmemtal itsues. _ _4] pesfosrn® emisonmemtal te: Aeseaschet. a I _feenario | Suttenable development haz become QQ — Syren yen fpr desirable toansiliens inte tha new ____millamium. - —— _ dhig UW ojtem selected in eNeAgY Leencariog Wat consider conection, fea oO ing. Susterinable déevelopmemt. (Se cause energy Busters chamge glously Lcenasion have “long lyme horizons - olten @@ Sphenstinlg _mose tham too years inte -the _fytuse heen agiog Gao, imac - | altenative. = tune. Acemasios welut ole 3 invests iga’ emative. Judune siecle tea asnd comer vg implications , spe leaning about the behaviour oh, —.Cemptene Bye crm and 3, OU cu Mains reer Lone), the “majo inputs pu the economic edléonn penemt 4 arn coumbay « Enagy can See iain {ollo Criteria. = Pamony’ amd &@ condag agate —-e _ Commaual and Non tommesci a) Lencgy | ers Rex newoble amd Alon. Senewable | enengy- a : Primary 2 Jecondasy 2.029 dounce _Exioa 7 P inary ‘ : soceatiog — Pages 4 spc o4 ¢ Ces Rep. Preparotion > Coa) —» aia _ ak. TOD Gets dL Thermal Qty dro. Se (Nude (Mining —> Ensichmmem) — > Pour: 5. Eteclsty © ahead ees, i Peg sa = gae bi ® Pebioleum — Oi] > Cracking > EP e8 "5 Thame} 2s, Ea > Petro) >» Steam = Pt Refining > Pp4eec) —_—} —- de ot ial Ereagy. 2.| Commercial 2 Alon _conomen cial EPG) | a = —__—_——_ — . r - ghe energy Sources thed ore Availoble a - Tea . DO in the maskel dor atdegnie _pyce ase kno 80 ag vcial energy. tb fpame. the beanie Q _ —industial , atgs: agaicutunt Loans port GME ___ commerdal — development jo the Modero world | the energy ouscer_ th ol ane 90% availoble. in the commerdal maker }pa a ase | ciastiled aa non-commancial emery. dt —jectides uels uch at Kae wood , catble dung = And] agaeeitnal toaclery ebe %. | Renewoble amd Non sanevoable Frengy } Renewable EN eng ces Brendes Oblained — _ wom) Sources that are” wet exgemtiatiy inemahautible. Ak _iocdudes wind pow. folax_power , t'dat power. and hudanelectate power be. AL can je used without sahoase ‘noswin —poluternte. ___| Non -4tenewable een de J = Conventional 165) duels» fuel twat, Oil amd @ gas which ave _UKety to deplete with Gime. 7 = Andon Eoesgy dcenasio | Coa) dommeatos ‘the energy mix in Anda , Congibuling to 55 ¥ GL, the etal “primes anegy _| Paoduction. Over Whe eank, there has Beem a rnatked inueaie in dhe” Share. 9, Natural gos in Palmony enesguy production —__|rdro lo Fe ty IS Yo: =| Emenqe Suppl Lolloung + ma Soe, Saha Andic hos o_huge Supply Coal serceavees, ik ie the ath jlacgerd Producer Qh Cod!) “in the wood. Whit a ¢ a cendgy cengumplion. an FNAL. a 0 mounts 46 arnosk 3.6 hb aD the wold sesesves one May last Jo, about 980 years al the cussent *_ Beive te Production tated gatio , = Oi). Supply. ti — st Oil Beeounnte. ip “aboud 96-1 6 Andia's etal q. today. 4 one? Mne- tep_ _ tour} oil- 4 ee Dobvone in ans world). he__¢ounbiy's 1 On ual crude oj m a), bout MO m\tien “tonne, paoduchim te packed — at Qboul 32 lem _-tonnea at against ® the Cusemt_ peak demomd — 3 .| Natural Gas Supply i = Naima gas afoul fpr abou 2 4h, energy man) lsamption jin the counts Als seseemet O30 _attimated at 660 bilWen _ Cubic ~ " medou. 4-| Electaical en Sup plty. | athe ou. Aaa inatafbed capacity 0, electaie e olbe. Gen ating Sete yonder utiles wat 1d say Ome consisting. 4, Dyduo, +hemal, nudean a. vlad. 5. ecsaicity Aeneratec| in dindia, Mos —have fpeon Gpproved jon _Conabtuchion Nuveon Power ~2upply, Nudear | powe Ccontabuter jp owed RAM Q NQudeor seactou é. Hyd Lo pe wer Lu pply | dda is @ndoweal toll a Natt and sjoble _hydse poise! POW generation 4. wohich only 15 7, halt be harnessed Bo ten. Ena} ener conkumplion Uk the dctuap eat atthe ute enol Abie 1k the — ay, fence _betiotem _paimony energy —conwimpbicn —God_ the logsee that dake Place in © deanspost —Leansmission and _dittaibubion and Sefinemnemt , he masos Camargqercia_Commendial —Seagy conduowin —fectow “in the._countay are = hoe ie roe nin the Ry pe Sau, Po a ae : A te : ESS ~ a5 a SSS _ bate i ESS — Residemtial io 7.

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