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A Capstone Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Anthony James Symon Ebora

Liza Mae Briones

<Date of Proposal Defense>

STI College <School Name>


This capstone project proposal titled: LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH

SMS NOTIFICATION AND BARCODE prepared and submitted by Anthony James
Symon N. Ebora in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology, has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval.
<Capstone Project Adviser's Given Name MI. Family Name>
Capstone Project Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Project Review Panel

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


<Capstone Project Coordinator's Given <Program Head's Given Name MI. Family
Name MI. Family Name> Name>
Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head

<Date of Proposal Defense>

STI College <School Name>


Project Context

The capstone project, entitled “BTHS: QR Code Student Monitoring System with SMS
Notification” is purposely designed to be used by the educational institution. The
attendance system will only require the students to scan the QR codes to record their
attendance during arrival and departure in school. The said project also has an SMS
feature that is used to notify the parents of the students about their attendance.

Technology has been extremely prominent in recent years, and it is an integral part of
practically all educational institutions. They began by incorporating technology into the
organization. Technology played a vital role in the improvement and development of the
educational field. It altered the way how teaching, learning processes, and other
educational activities are conducted. Technological advancements have the potential to
change the traditional educational systems and learning processes. Traditionally, schools
used a manual procedure of documenting attendance using paper and pen. Even if the
approach seems to be slow and unproductive, it was one strategy that was employed in
practically every institution. The existing attendance method is inefficient and requires a
lot of manual effort. Also, it will introduce human errors during the transferring from
paper attendance to digitalized attendance records. Besides, students can easily cheat on
attendance by asking flavors from their friends, to sign on the attendance sheet on their
behalf. This is hard to avoid when the attendance sheets were given to students. Over the
course of the year, the popularity of smartphones has grown. This might alter and speed
up taking attendance in schools. The existing attendance method is inefficient and
requires a lot of manual effort. The system will be able to verify parents using SMS to
prevent the false attendance. This will eventually reduce the human efforts on attendance
registration. The educational institutions can take advantage of different educational
technologies, computerized systems, and applications in teaching and operating school
activities and transactions.

STI College <School Name>

Checking student’s attendance is an essential day-to-day activity in school. It is done to
ensure that students are always present and attend classes. Student’s attendance is also
critical in tracking and monitoring students in school. Conventionally, student’s
attendance is checked and recorded manually. Some of the most common manual
methods of attendance are roll calling, use of class records, and letting students sign an
attendance sheet. The mentioned methods are prone to human errors and are not highly
accurate and reliable. The manual method is not ideal for it requires a lot of time and
effort from both the students and the instructors. There are also loads of paperwork and it
is very time-consuming. The manual process is very ineffective and outdated.

This system will help facilitate attendance information of a particular student in a

particular class and it is under the supervision of lecturers to generate the QR Code and to
collect data of the attendance. Besides helping the educators, the system may also notify
the parents daily regarding the student attendance, and it is an alternative solution to
avoid the students from play truant and trying to cheat on their attendance by asking
friends to put initial on the attendance sheet.

Purpose and description of the Study

The purpose of this study we decided to create, entitled “BTHS: QR Code Student
Monitoring System with SMS Notification” for innovation of the student attendance in
the schools. The system will record the list of students who arrived and departed from
school. The system will closely monitor the attendance of students in school every day in
a timely, efficient, and accurate manner. the QR Code-based attendance system will ease
up student attendance recording and monitoring. The system will eliminate the errors and
problems encountered in the manual attendance system. By implementing the system, the
recording of attendance will be efficient, timely, convenient, and accurate.
This study is about smart attendance system using QR code with SMS notifications
which will streamline the process of taking the attendance. Despite the use of QR code in
educational institutions is not something new, but it is intended to reveal the use of
technology that can solve the daily problems.

STI College <School Name>

Objective of the study

General Objectives, the researchers mainly focus on designing and developing a QR

code-based Attendance system that will provide an efficient, timely, and accurate record
of attendance.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives:
1. To develop a QR code-based attendance system with SMS Notification.
2. To timely monitor attendance of students during arrival and departure in school.
3. To ease up the recording of attendance just by scanning the QR code.
4. To transform the traditional attendance system into an advance and technology-
assisted system.
5. To allow parents to monitor their students by receiving SMS notifications of
6. To develop a system that will let managing attendance records easy and
7. To provide an accurate list and records of Student attendance.
The researchers mainly focus on developing an attendance system that is QR-code-based.
The system will have an SMS notification that will notify the parents of their child’s

STI College <School Name>


The researchers mainly focus on developing an attendance system that is QR-code-based.

This system will send parents an SMS notice informing them of their child's attendance.
School faculties, students, and parents will participate as respondents to the study.

-Has privileges to control all school faculties, students and parent management.
School Faculty
-Can edit, update and take attendance of the class.
-Can view the attendance list of the students and generate the report.
-Can update their profile or register their parent’s information.
-May receive daily attendance report via SMS notification.

STI College <School Name>

STI College <School Name>

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