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Direction: Read and understand each question carefully then choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write it on the space before each number.

____1. What is motion?

A. Change in speed B. Change in distance
C. Change in position D. Change in reference point

____2. What makes an object move or slow down?

A. Effort B. Force C. Gravity D. Reference point

____3. Which material can easily transmit heat?

A. Conductor B. Insulator
C. Plastic materials D. Wooden materials

____4. All of the following objects are insulators EXCEPT ONE.

A. Metal spoon B. Paper spoon C. Plastic spoon D. Wooden spoon

____5. Which will block light?

A. Opaque materials B. Transformer
C. Translucent materials D. Transparent materials

____6. An object that only allows part of the light to pass through is called__________
A. Opaque materials B. Transformer
C. Translucent materials D. Transparent materials

____7. The complete path of electricity is known as___________

A. Circuit B. Electric line C. Pathway D. Wires

____8. Which will let the electricity to flow through?

A. Circuit breaker B. Closed circuit
C. Open circuit D. Short circuit

____9. What is NOT a part of an electric circuit?

A. Battery B. Bulb C. iron core D. Wire

____10. Which part of the circuit conducts the electricity to the bulb?
A. Battery B. iron core C. Switch D. Wire

____11. The energy or electricity in a simple electromagnet comes from the_____________

A. Dry cell B. Iron core C. switch D. Wire

____12. What is an electromagnet?

A. Conductor B. Connector
C. Permanent magnet D. Temporary magnet

____13. Which of the following would increase the motion of a ball after it is kicked?
A. a rocky surface B. a high, grassy surface
C. a surface sloped uphill D. a surface sloped downhill
____14. Wood is used in making pot-handles because they are___________.
A. Conductors B. Insulators
C. light and smooth D. all of the above

____15. A thin layer of water is transparent but a deep water is __________.

A. Opaque B. Translucent
C. most transparent D. Completely transparent

____16. Open circuit means the bulb will_____________

A. light up B. stay closed C. will shine bright D. will be busted

____17. Christmas tree lights are often connected in series. What makes this not a good idea?
A. If a bulb is busted, the other bulbs will not light up.
B. If a bulb is busted, the other bulbs will glow brighter
C. If a bulb is busted, all the other bulbs will glow dimmer.
D. If more bulbs are busted, the working bulbs will glow even brighter

____18. What happens if there is no break in the path of the circuit?

A. The appliances will switch off.
B. The electrical energy will be lost.
C. The electrical energy will flow.
D. The appliances will function.

____19. Which image shows a strong electromagnet?

A. B. C. D.

____20. Bigger nail used in an electromagnet means ___________

A. stronger electromagnet C. sturdy electromagnet
B. weaker electromagnet D. steady electromagnet

____21. Which of the following demonstrates motion?

A. boy jogging in place C. mother pedaling in a stationary bike
B. cat guarding a mouse hole D. baby crawling towards her toys

____22. Why do people use rags, wood and paper in handling hot objects?
A. because they are good absorbers of heat
B. because they are poor conductors of heat
C. because they let a lot of heat to evaporate
D. because they are softer and flexible

____23. When light bounces of smooth and shiny surfaces, the process that occurs is___________
A. Reflection B. Refraction C. transmission D. Radiation

____24. It’s getting dark but Ana wants to go on reading so she switched on the lights. Which
type of circuit did she use?
A. Open circuit B. Closed circuit
C. Both circuits D. None of the above

____25. Mr. Tan has a cola factory. Which type of circuit should he use?
A. parallel circuit B. series circuit C. short circuit D. circuit breaker
____26. In a parallel circuit, when you switch on the TV, the oven, the washing machine, electric
fan will also be switched ON.
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. none of the above

____27. Which is NOT a way of making the electromagnet stronger?

A. use batteries with higher voltage C. wound more coils of wire in the iron core
B. use a nail as its iron core D. all of the above

____28. If you are to construct a stronger electromagnet, which materials should you use?
A. 12 volts Battery, wire, nail, switch C. 12 volts Battery, nail, wire
B. 6 volts Battery, rubber, wire, nail D. 12 volts Battery, Wire, Nail, pins, switch

____29. Pedro jogs every 6 o’clock in the afternoon, he always starts at the front gate of their
house up to the community church. What is the point of reference in this situation?
A. Church B. Front gate C. Road D. Jogs

____30. Which material is best to use in building a comfortable dog house?

A. Rugs B. Steel C. Galvanized iron D. Wood

____31. The electrical energy in an open circuit flows from the negative terminal to the positive
terminal of the dry cell.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. No idea at all

____32. Which statement is true about an electromagnet?

A. Electromagnet can still be produced without a source of electricity.
B. When the current is broken, the iron nail is no longer a magnet.
C. Electromagnets can attract metallic and non-metallic materials.
D. Electromagnet cannot be turned off.

____33. Frosted glass and florescent tubes are translucent materials while mirrors
A. Transparent B. Opaque C. Translucent D. Refracted

____34. The wire controls the flow of electricity and the switch conducts electricity to the bulb.
This statement is ____________
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Does not tell

____35. What will happen if Ana added another dry cell to her electric circuit?
A. The light from the bulb will dim
B. The light from the bulb will be brighter
C. No light from the bulb will come out
D. The bulb will be busted.

____36. Which of these materials will be attracted to a strong electromagnet?

I. gold ring II. pearls III. Coin IV. Beads

A. I and IV B. II and III C. I and III D. II and IV

____37. Sam and Ben push a toy car on a straight track. When Sam pushes the car, it goes a
longer distance than when Ben pushes it. Which best explains this?
A. Ben applied more force to the car
B. Sam applied more force to the toy car
C. Ben did not apply any force to the car
D. Sam applied the same amount of force as Ben
____38. Most people in tropical countries use white paint for their homes. What is the use of
color white to heat absorption?
A. to shade their house C. to absorb heat control heat absorption D. to make their houses look neat and cute

____39. You were asked to construct a circuit, identify the starting point from where the
electrons start flowing.
A. Conductor B. Bulb C. Source D. Electrical tape

____40. If you are going to construct a strong electromagnet, which material will help you?
A. small nail B. long wire C. short wire D. larger bulb
Prepared by:
Teacher III

Principal III

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C

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