Scholarship Interview Question

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Tell us about yourself

I am very positive and enthusiastic person! I always like to step out of my comfort zone and take up
new challenges. For eg, after my a level, I have decided to leave my comfort zone, leave my house
and go to a place far from my house called Genting Highland and work for 2 months, which is a very
unique and great experience! I think this mindset of keep challenging myself to achieve something is
really important in study and also in my future career. Outside of my study, I love to socialise with
others to expand my social network! I also enjoy reading books related with personal development. I
have a big ambitions, which is working in a big automobile company and involve in the electric
vehicle project and become a part of making electric vehicle popular in south east asia. And the only
way I can achieve it is by working hard and smart towards my goal!

2. Pls recommend some book

Well, The book I suggest to read first is Atomic Habit becuz it help me to create a consistent
habit in my life, not only for reading books but also workout. At first, I am not doing these
consistently, I only do them when I have the motivation or mood to do, but after reading these
book, I learn about the systematic way to build the habit. For eg, the two-minutes rule in the
book is very useful for me, it says that, when you start a new habit, it should take less than two
minutes, which means that make it easy to start. So for eg, reading everyday, you should turn it
into read one page daily, eventually, after you read one page, your brain will just somehow
continue to read more than one page! I would say it is really a good brain trick.

The second book I suggest to read is Rich Dad Poor Dad Series, not only the first book, this is the
life changing book for me becuz it change my mindset a lot. For eg, going to top uni and get a
good job cannot guarantee that you will be financially free. It does not mean that if you earn
more then you get financial freedom for sure. So ya, this series is definitely the one I will
recommend if someone want to learn about financial management.

3. How is been your life lately

Woah, I am very exciting to talk about it! Becuz I have done my fulfilling things during this
holiday. After my a level exam, I choose to step out of my comfort zone, my house and go to a
place far from my home called Genting Highland and work for 2 months. It was a very unique
experience to me and I have learn many things there. For eg, I have become more independent
as it is my first time leaving my house so long for working. I also learned many soft skills there
and I also met a lot of interesting ppl there! After my contract end, I managed to get a chance to
help Genting this big organisation, help them find a lot of workers. You can call it as an Agent
job. This is a very great and happy achievement for me, becuz I not only help so many ppl to get
a high paying job, but also I have learn many things throughout this process. I also teach A level
tuition in this holiday so I won’t forget about what I have learnt and watch a lot of YouTube
video about the mechanism of something to prepare myself for the mechanical engineering
course. Recently, I am also planning a solo trip to Japan and I am quite looking forward to it!
4. Do you also apply for NUS? Between NUS and NTU which will you choose?
Why? // Why do you choose NUS
I also apply for NTU to increase my probability of studying in Singapore. I respect both NTU and NuS
and both uni are prestigious school for engineering. If I get scholarship from both UNI, I will choose
to study in NUS. There are 3 reason why I choose NUS.

Firstly, after I have done my research, I prefer the curriculum of NUS because it cover broader
knowledge. 37.5% is made up of common curriculum and we will learn about project management,
design thinking and many more knowledge which Is very important to me in my future career. I also
like the flexibility that NUS given to student because there is a thing called Build Your Own Degree so
we can choose the modules that we like.

Secondly, Nus is a very prestigious university, not only in engineering but also in other course. It has
the highest overall ranking in Asia. Because of this, I believe that the student that study here is top
student who are from all over the world. I am looking forward to meet these top students and learn
from them and expand my social network at the same time.

Lastly, based on my research, I found out that the student to faculty ratio is 8:1 while in NTU is 18:1.
So I believe that in Nus, the teacher can put more attention to each student and can allocate more
time to solve the problem of each individual student.

5. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses

My strength include that I am a very positive and enthusiastic person. I always like to step out of
my comfort zone and take up new challenges in my life. For example in secondary school, I
challenge myself to win the Highest Mark award in Physics and Biology, I also challenge myself
to get many leadership position in club and society and also get a champion in a national level
competition and with a lot of effort, I manage to done the challenge I given to myself. Recently, I
also challenge myself to leave my comfort zone, leave my house for a long time, go to Genting
Highland which is far from my house and work there. I would say that this mindset of keep
challenging myself is very important no matter in study and in my future career path becuz it will
always motivates me to strike for higher achievements in my life.

Other strength of mine including that I am not afraid of making mistake and fail becuz I see
mistake and failure as opportunities for me to learn something new. Avoiding them will be a
bigger mistake I will make. When I did a mistake, I will just do self-reflection to think how can I
do better next time. This mindset is very important not just in study but also in life becuz no one
is perfect.

I think my weakness is I currently can’t speak very fluently in English. Like sometimes I will stuck
when speaking becuz I can’t think of that word in my mind. And ya, I still working on it now. The
way I practice on it is by watching those motivational videos and learn the way the speaker is
talking, try to copy him or her and speak together with him. In University, I plan to join
Toastmaster club to get myself more chance to speak Englishin public. So ya, English speaking is
something I nid to improve on becuz it is very important.
6. What course do you choose? Why? // Why do you choose ME as 1st choice, EEE as 2nd choice
I choose mechanical engineering. Why? Lets start from why I choose engineering this field. I
choose engineering becuz I have great interest in Physics since I am young. My interest in physics
motivates me to continue dig deeper into what I have learnt. And I am a person who like to
apply the knowledge I used so I want to take engineering.

But why mechanical engineering and not other type of engineering? Because I am very
interested in dealing with machine. There is a Youtube Channel called “Jared Owen” who
describe about how a machine works through simple animation. When I am curious about the
mechanism of something, I will definitely check out his channel. When watching his video, I
found that I am very excited after learning something new about machine, about their structure,
how they work and how they are built from scratch!

I am really interested in the automobile fields. One of my goal is to join a big automobile
company in Singapore and involve in the electric vehicle project and become a part of making
electric vehicle popular in south east asia. So I believe that mechanical engineering can definitely
prepare myself to excel in this field.

7. Why is ME not EEE

In A-Level, I like force, energy, motion these subject more than electric, waves these subject.
And after my research, I found that mechanical engineer will usually deal with things that they
can see, but not for Triple E becuz they are dealing with electric, waves this kind of thing which
are not visible. I personally like to deal with something that I can see so I can also imagine them.
I also saw that we nid to do a lot of 3D modelling in mechanical engineering and it looks very fun
to me.


In EV, mechanical engineers also involve in the project. They design the hardware system. They also
nid to do run simulations and adjust physical paramters to make sure the car run at maximum
efficiency and safely. They also will deal with other sub system of the car such as transmission,
braking system and cooling system.

I think mechanical engineering can help me too becuz mechanical engineering is a broad course so it
will equip me with diverse skill sets which allow me to have effective collaboration with people from
other field.

I believe that when I involve in an automobile company, I also won’t be doing electric vehicle project
only because conventional car is still very important in this decade and can’t be replaced. Based on
my research, in2021, only 10% of the car is electric car and the remaining is car that use internal
combustion engine. So I cann apply the knowledge I learnt in mechanical engineering when design
the internal combustion engine.

8. What I understand about this course?

Mechanical engineering, like the word mechanical inside, is a course that will deal with machine a
lot. Mechanical engineering is the application of the physics principles and problem solving
technique of engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any
object. Mechanical engineer will analyse their work using physics principle such as
energy, force, torque, thermodynamic and many more and ensuring a product is
designed to function safely and efficiently at a reasonable cost at a same time.
Many things that we see around us today, such as car internal combustion
engine, fan, piano and many more involve mechanical engineer in part of the
project. I am someone who is curious about how the thing arounds me work, so
sometimes I will check out Youtube Video to learn about their mechanism.

9. What have you prepared for this course?

During my free time, I like to watch a Youtube Channel…. / that I have mentioned juz now. ………

Besides that, during this holiday, I also work as home tuition teacher as one of my part time
job and teach A Level Physics and Math so I won’t forget about what I have learned as the
holiday is so long!

10. Do you think technology will make us lazier?

I believe that why technology has been continue advanced in the first place is to make us human
“lazier”. To be specific, is we donid to spend so much time working on things that bring small
value to us, for eg doing house chores, but instead focus on a bigger mission for eg working on
renewable energy. I think is this the final goal of human. We should utilize the technology and
make good use of the time we saved, like we can use this time to workout so won’t be totally
doing nothing physically.

11. Can you tell us why do you deserve this scholarship? // What do you think sets you apart from
your peers such that you will be able to excel under Asean

My cca achievement has make me deserve for this scholarship. I am very active in cca, I have
joined a lot of competition in secondary school and my team and I manage to win some
competition such as winning a Champion in the Social Media Marketing Competition which is a
National Level competition. I also have volunteer myself to take leadership positions in many
clubs such as becoming president of badminton club, treasurer in English language society.
These past experience has equip me with the characteristic that a scholarship holder should
have such as leadership skill, communication skill and problem solving skill.

Besides that, the things I have done during this holiday such as leaving my comfort zone and go
to Genting highland which is far from my house to work for a long time, then later on I manage
to grab the opportunities to become one of the agent for Genting Highland, this big organization
and help them find a lot of worker, and start my own business has just shown that I am capable
to taking big challenges in my life and make me deserve for this scholarship too. I believe that
the mindset of keep challenge myself to achieve something is very important not only in study
but also in my future career to motivates me to always strike for higher achievement in my life.
Lastly, I have a clear and achievable plan for my ambitions, and I understand I only would be able
to achieve this goal if I work hard. If I am lucky enough to get this scholarship, I will 100%
committed into my study, active in cca to repay the trust your university has shown in me, by
being a model student, supporting others and by ensuring I achieving my goal.

//Well, I think all the people who get the invitation for this scholarship interview are great
enough, their results are good and I respect them. But ….

12. What CCA have you joined in high school?

I have take up a lot of leadership position in clubs during my secondary school. I am the
president of badminton club, Treasurer of English Language Society and also the Head of
Badminton for our Home C for sports day. I enjoy working with other committee member to
make sure all activity can run successfully.

Besides that, I also have joined a lot of competition during my secondary school. For example
the social media marketing competition which is quite memorable to me because it is my first
time winning a champion in national level competition, the Green Technology Innovation
Carnival, also quite memorable to me because its first time hands-on building a thing, which is
solar cooker, and international chemistry quiz, business pitch competition and many more.
These experience has taught me a lot of skills such as leadership skill and time management

These activities not only important for my personal development but also make my school life so
interesting and not boring at all. I am looking forward to be active in cca in NUS too!

I have two competition that I am very exciting to talk about. The first one is call Social Media Marketing Competition.
It is so memorable to me because this is my first time won a Champion in National Level Competition together with
my friends. In this competition, we have to film advertisement video, video that create awareness like “no bullying,
and take photo of our model then upload them to Facebook and Instagram and we have to make sure that they gain
great exposure. Throughout this competition, I have learned a lot of skills. For eg, editing skills, photography skills,
acting skills and also communication skill as we have to present our idea to the judge. I also manage to make friends
with many competitors that time as we share the same mind and goal which is become an entrepreneur.

The second competition is called Green Technology Innovation Carnival. In this competition, we have to build a solar
cooker and it is actually my first time hands-on building a thing! This competition has improved my problem solving skills.
During that time, my team has faced a lot of problems when building the solar cooker like the sunlight is not
able to be focused at one point and the support for the mirror is not strong, but in the end, we still managed to
come up with creative ideas that solved the problems. At the end, our solar cooker is able to cook an egg! Our teamwork
conquered all difficulties we met. Although we did not manage to win the competition, I am glad that I took the first step to
build something, applying the scientific theory I learned in class.

For the sunlight cannot focus at one point problem, we came up with a solution which is use magnifying glass. But the
support for The magnifying glass is also a problem. The support will block some sunlight but after discuss for a long time
and ask our physics teacher about any suggestion, we cannot come up with a better solution so we must do some trade-off
13. What CCA you plan to join in NTU
Well, I will definitely apply for Hall because it seems so interesting to me. I heard that
there is many fun activities, sports and event that you can join in hall. So I can have a
more balance and vibrant life. I am also looking forward to meet new friends in these
activities because I am a person who like to socialise and expand my social network!
Besides that, I also plan to join club that is related to Engineering. I want to join a club
call Engineering Good because I not only able to join community volunteering activities
but also can equip me with more enegineering knowledge.
Lastly, I also plan to join clubs that can help me in personal development. I wan to join
Toastmaster club in NUS because currently I still cannot speak English fluently so I wan
to get more English public speaking opportunity to train my English.

14. You are active in CCa, why you dw to study in UK or Aus instead
Study in western country is actually my dream since young. The total fee to study in UK
or AUS is too high for my family to afford. My mother is a stroke patient, a person with
disabilities and she nid to take care by us now, so my father have to save some money for
her to carry out surgery if anything bad happen again, touchwood. But that does not mean
that I am not able to achieve this dream alr! After I have done my research, I found that
NUS are providing many good benefit to their student, for example the NUS Overseas
Colleges and I am very interested in this programme. I will definitely working hard in
University so that I have the chance to join this program, and finally can achieve my
dream to study in western country, learn about their culture and meet many new friends
there! At the same time, I also able to do internship at start up company there, which is
not only a great experience I believe, but also can help me learn a lot of soft skills that is
important in my future career.

15. What do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

In 5 years time, I see myself working in a start up company as the role of Mechanical Engineer. I
see myself learning a lot of skills there. I value learning opportunities more than salary at that
time. I see myself working in a company that is working on electric vehicles because I am quite
interest in automobile field. A start up company in Singapore that I am quite interested to join is
called Ion Mobility which deal which electric vehicle. I believe this working experience in start up
company can prepare me with the skills and competency to work in big company. In 5 years
time, I also see myself working happily in a team towards a same goal. I meet a lot of smart
people who are top in their own field at that time too.

In 10 year time, I see myself working happily in a big company that is related to automobile field. I
have job stability at that time and I am loyal to my company. I have enough income for me to take
care of my family. I also have work life balance and good reputation at work at this stage of life. I see
myself working on electric vehicle project in the company and being a part of making electric
vehicles becomes popular in South-East Asia. This is one of my goal in life because electric vehicle
will save our environment from pollution due to combustion of petroleum and also sound pollution.
Wah I am very exciting when talk about it now.

Of course, my goals will be realized if I don’t work hard and achieve the qualifications I need.
This scholarship is directly linked to my future ambitions and If I am successful, it will be certainly
put it to good use!

16. Oh. So what if you failed to get the scholarship?

If I fail to get the scholarship, I will apply for the study loan in Malaysia, which is called PTPTN
because the fees to study here is actually a bit high for my family to afford. I will study hard to
get the First Class Honour so that the fee that I have to paid back for the loan will decrease if I
get a good result. I firmly believe that it will be very unfortunate if I could not continue my
studies at one of the top universities in the world due to financial issues given the potential that
I know I possess in myself, so I will try my very best to find a way. I also will take a part time job
outside school or in school when studying to cover my living expenses there and reduce the
burden of my father because he is the only one who is working now to take care of my family
and my mother who has stroke.

But, I try my best to not think about this question: “What if I did not get the scholarship” becuz I
believe in a quote which states that “When you think that you will lose, you alr lose”. I believe a Law
called Law of Attraction, so I try to shift my mindset and believe that I have the ability to get this
scholarship based on my past experience, the leadership activies that I have done and I also have
studied hard to prepare myself for today.

17. How will this scholarship help you?

This scholarship will definitely reduce the financial burden of my family. Because the tuition fee in
Singapore is quite high for my family to afford. The living expenses here is also quite high as the
currency of Singapore is higher than Malaysia. So getting this scholarship will really make my father
proud and also reduce his burden. I firmly believe that it will be very unfortunate if I could not
continue my studies at one of the top universities in the world due to financial issues given the
potential that I know I possess in myself, so I

will try my very best to get this scholarship.

Besides that, It also will keep motivate me to study hard and active in cca, not only to maintain my
competence for this scholarship but also repay the trust your university has given in me. I will really
appreciate if I am given this scholarship as it allow me to study in one of the university with the best
facility and education for engineering in the world.

18. Tell me more about your leadership positions in secondary school.

In secondary school, I volunteer myself to become the President of Badminton Club and treasurer of
English language society. I have learned how to lead a club that has the most member in our school.
Although it is a bit hard to manage so many people, I have gained an experience in leadership and
management. I would say that President acts as a bridge between the club member and the teacher
in charge of the club. So, I have improved my communication skill and problem solving skill too
through this opportunity as I need to discuss with the teacher regarding matters of the club, discuss
with members to settle their problems and also assign tasks to other committee members so our
activity can run successfully.

When Joining a competition call Social Media Marketing Competition, I also volunteer myself to
become the leader of the team. Altho I am the leader of my team, I did not show liddis “ Oh, I am the
leader of the team and you all have to listen to me” but I see everyone of us equally. My Job is to
assign the position to every teammate based on their strength, there are 5 positions in this
competition which is manager, photographer, editor, model and speaker. I also have to make sure
that everyone do their task well so we can win the competition. At the end, our hard work paid off
and we got Champion in the competition. It is very memorable to me becuz it is the first time I get a
Champion in a national level competition.

19. Do you see yourself as leader or doer?

I see myself as a leader based on my leaderships experiences.

In secondary ……..

I will feel very happy when seeing the achievement that has been done by our team.

20. Who is your role model

My father is always my role model. Because he has really really contribute a lot to our family. My
mother is a stroke patient for 5years alr, her IQ remain at kids level now and she is not physically
flexible now, nid to be taken care by us everyday. And in the past 5 years, my father work alone to
cover our families’ living expenses and at the same time he also have to take care of my mother. He
do this without complaining to me and others, and he also did not treat my mom badly eventhough
she is still sick now. What makes me admire him more is that in these few years, he did not go to
meet new girl like go to pub to play with girls. This is what I really admire about him. He is very
perseverance and also loyal to my mom. I will always learn from him and I promise myself that I will
not only be responsible in my personal relationship, but also be responsible to my family and also
my work!

21. How I balance my school life and cca

I would say that time management skill is very important here so I can only do so many things in a
day. Before managing my time, I am aware of how much time I have spent on each activity like
bathing, and eating, so this can help me to manage my time and help me to predict how much time I
can allocate for studying and my cca task. I will make sure that I study at least two hour everyday
and have around 1 -2 hr for myself to relax. I take socialising with others as relaxing activities so CCA
is actually fun to me.

I also learned how to be productive by reading a book called “The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People”. I learned a useful tips in this book call delegating task. For eg, when working
as leader of my team in the Social media marketing competition and also President of Badminton
club, I delegate the task to my teammate and other committee members wisely so everyone can be
working together effectively towards a same goal and I also donid to do all the things by myself,
which definitely save some of my time.

22. You are active in CCA, but most of them is related to academic, why don’t you join more sports
to have more balanced life
Actually I got try to get the chance to represent our Home to go compete for 100m running and
long jump in sports day but I am eliminated becuz there are ppl who are stronger than me. I
actually love sports, during secondary school I keep play basketball with my friends, and now I
will play badminton wif my friends every week, and I also will go workout 3 times at least in a
week now. In university, I will continue keep up with this routine and I hope that I can represent
my hall to play in inther hall game one day. Ya I plan to apply for hall becuz I heard that they are
very active in sports so that sounds exciting to me.

23. What ur biggest challenge in uni

I think the biggest problem will be budgeting. Although I have experience living away from home and
be independent when working at Genting Highlang, but I can’t really get the experience of budgeting
there becuz the accommodation and my food there are provided for free by the company. So when
studying overseas, I have to keep track of how much money allocated to rent, groceries and social
spending so I won’t spend too much money and go bankrupt later la haha. To prepare for this
challenge, during this holiday, I download a bookkeeping app to keep track of where I spend my
money, and I start to record all my transaction. I believe that this will help.

24. Tell me about a personal achievement that make you proud

Oh because in the application I have wrote one of my achievement bout the social media
marketing competition that I joined, now I will talk about other achievement that I achieve
Well, I am very excited to talk about it. After working as contract casino delaer at genting
highland, I work very hard to get the opportunity to help genting Highland this big organisation,
help them find workers. You can call it as an Agent job. I am so proud of this achievement
because a lot of people think that this achievement only can be done by adult which is way more
older than me. Throughout the process, I slowly realise that agent is not an easy job becuz many
ppl will ask you about a lot of question that has clear answer alr, so it really require a lot of
patient. Besides, we also nid to know a lot of law becuz this job is easy to break the law, we
maybe will be sue by worker or Genting at any time. But throughout the process, I found
something that makes me really happy, which is helping a lot of people to get a high paying job
so that they have the money to take care of their family. Not only that, helping genting to find a
lot of worker also makes me happy. In conclusion, (1) My hard work to grab this job opportunity
(2) The knowledge and experience I have learned through this opportunity, and (3) the sense of
responsibility to help people get a job and help genting to find a lot of worker so their
organization can continue operate are the things that make me very proud and happy!

25. Tell me about a mistake you made

A mistake that is memorable to me is that I think I am one of the factor that cause my mother to
get stroke. She get stroke when she was washing me and my sister’s school shoes as she is
squatting too long. I blame myself that I am not independent enuf even I am 14 years old alr that
time. But there is no point I continue blaming myself because I can’t change what has happened.
I continue to move on and learn to become independent. I help my father to take care of my
mother now and I also will give him money when I got earn money to help him cover our
families living expenses. I am also proud that I am able to leave the house so long and work at
Genting, solve various daily chores myself without dependent on my parents.
But, I try to change my mindset and try to think about the bright side for this incident. I think
that this incident has shaped me into the person I am today, train me to become problem
solving as I have to solve many problems alone without the help of my parents.

26. What achievement do you think you will achieved in the future

Wah this question I like it! I always imagine about it one because I strongly believe in Law of
Attraction. In the future, I am working happily with a great team, made up of a lot of smart and
passionate people in a big automobile company. I am involving in the electric vehicle project and
being a part of making electric vehicle become popular in south east asia. Not like how it is only
famous in western country now such as US. This is one my goal because it can save the environment
as It will not only reduce the pollution due to combustion of petroleum, but also can reduce sound
pollution. That’s a big dream so I definitely have to work hard towards this goal.

I am also having a good reputation at work and also having work life balance at that time. I am living
happily with my wife and kids. Ya this all simple achievement can make me feel really happy and I
will definitely working hard to achieve these things! Wah I am very exciting when talk about this

27. What kind of career goal do you think you want

My career goals are aligned to my studies. My short term goal is to learn as much as possible and
hone my skills. My plan is to join a start up company because I believe that I can do more things
outside my job description and learn more things in start up company. So I believe it can prepare me
with the skills and competency to work in big automobile company. My another short term career
goal is to expand my social network by meeting a lot of smart people who are top in their own field.

My long term career goal is to have job stability and have enough income for me to take care of my
family. I also seek for work life balance and good reputation at work at this stage of life. My biggest
goal that time is to help electric vehicles becomes popular in South-East Asia as it is only famous in
western country now such as US. It will not only reduce the pollution due to combustion of
petroleum, but also can reduce sound pollution. Wah I am very exciting when talk about it now.

Of course, my goals will not be achieved if I don’t work hard and achieve the qualifications I need.
This scholarship is directly linked to my future ambitions and If I am successful, it will be certainly put
it to good use!
28. Do you intend to do a PhD after you graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree?

For now, I do not plan to do PHD. I decided to study until Degree/Master only. I think
study until Degree/Master is enough to prepare me with the qualification and competency
for work already. I decide to improve my soft skills and my knowledge by working in a
company. I plan to join a start up company in Singapore after I graduated from master/
degree. I am quite interested in A start up company in Singapore call Ion mobility which
is working on electric vehicle.

29. Does bond matter for you?

The 3 years Bond does not really matter much to me. Working in Singapore for 3 years is also in part
of my plan. I decide to use this time to join start up first and learn… 3 years is acceptable for me, but
if it is quite long like 6 years, the bond will be matter for me becuz I will feel that my freedom has
been limited by the bond, and I cannot do any other decision during these years when I am bound.
So if there is any other better option for me at that time, I can’t choose that option because of the
bond unless I paid the money for breaking the bond.

30. Do you want to be a citizen of Singapore?

I will try to get a citenzenship in Singapore and work here because the benefit that I will get here
is higher than Malaysia. The currency of Singapore is also higher than in Malaysia. So I can give
my family a better life. Singapore is also very internationalize and also have a lot of opportunities
here so working here is really very good. I will try to bring my family to live with me here and try
to get a better life here.

31. How I manage my stress.

Workout, idk why but after workout I will feel better and have the motivation to continue my
work and also have the motivation to overcome the challenges I faced. I also will talk with my
father about the thing that make me stress. Sometimes he will give me motivation and
suggestion. Even if he did not give me motivation or suggestion, the action that I speak out the
thing that make me stress actually makes me feels better too.

32. In your personal statement, we say you mention that you want to become an entrepreneur,
can you talk more about it?

Ok actually, after thinking for a long time, I ask myself why I want to become entrepreneur, and the
reason is because I want to achieve something great in my life, for example making electric vehicle
popular in south east asia. And after knowing this motive, I realise that I also can achieve it by joining
a big automobile company too, I not necessarily have to create a company myself. I can join a big
company like Hyundai in Singapore which is already working on Electric Vehicle, involve in their
project which is related with EV, and work in a team made up of a lot of smart people from other
field in this project. These big company also have their own factories and latest facilities alr so I can
utilize them and make good advantage of them to help me achieve my goal.
33. How to let member become more innovative

How I let my member become more innovative, this is what I do that time.

Firstly, I tell my teammate not to be limited by any rules first to allow our mind think freely without
any limit, this can make sure our brain function at maximum capacity.

Next, when everyone is discussing about the structure of the solar cooker that we going to design /
everyone is discussing about the plot of our video, I ask them not to judge others suggestion first,
don’t say whether it is bad or funny. This can motivates all people in the group to say out their idea,
and also able to came up with more creative idea.

Then, I will ask all teammate to give at least 3 suggestion about our video/solar cooker. It’s a MUST.
This is a good brain trick which will reduce the overthinking and judgement of their ideas in their

Lastly, we compile all the suggestion, link them together and then improve on them. Finally, we able
to win a champion in the social media marketing competition which is a social media marketing
competition and I am very proud of this achievement and my team.

34. What type of leadership are you.

My leadership style is Participative Leadership where I value my teammate opinions and also involve
them in the decision making process. I also see myself having the same status with them. I won’t say
like “Oh, because I am the leader, you all should listen to me”. My job as leader here is just to make
sure everyone done their task well and motivates all people working hard towards a same goal. I
believe that this leadership style is very important in coming up with an innovative idea.

For example, when working as leader in the Social Media marketing competition, I will make sure
everyone in the team involve in the decision making process and this is how I make sure them came
up with innovative idea. I ask them not to be limited by any rules, just dare to think outside the box,
and also don’t judge the opinion given by others even if it is bad or funny, so this can encourage
more people to give their own thoughts. I also will ask everyone to give at least 3 suggestion, this is a
good brain trick which can reduce the judgement of their own suggestion in mind and came up with
innovative idea. This also can allow everyone working happily in a team.

35. How I will contribute to NUS community// what value I can bring to nus

Academic wise, I plan to join research programme. I am quite interested in a programme called
UROP and there is a research called Mobility on Demand using autonomous vehicles and I am very
interested in it. My effort in doing the research can definitely contribute to the NUS community.

In CCA wise, I plan to join a club called Engineering Good club, and they got do community
volunteering activities which I also quite interested as I also got join volunteering club during A level.
I also plan to take a leadership position in my hall, organize a lot of interesting event so this can
contribute to my hall, and also contribute to nus community at the same time.
36. How I gonna make electric vehicle popular in singapore

I plan to join a start up company called Ion Mobility after my graduation. It is a company working on
electric motorbikes which I think is a very new idea because many company in the world now is
working on electric car only, very less work on electric motorbikes. I want to be involved in the
project of manufacturing those motorbikes so it can become popular in south east asia. This can help
to save the environment from pollution due to petroleum combustion and also sound pollution.

After learning a lot of skills at start up company, I plan to join a big automobile company and take up
new challenges. I am quite interested in the Hyundai company in Singapore as they are quite actively
working on electric vehicles too and have a lot of electric car project such as Hyundai Tucson,
Hyundai Ioniq 5, Hyundai Clarity and many mores. I want to be involved in part of the project
working on the latest electric car in the future. Based on my research, only 10% of the vehicles in the
world is electric in 2022 and I really want to increase this number in the future!

37. Which accommodation you plan to apply? Why?

I plan to apply for hall, because based on my research, hall is very active in cca, and they have a lot
of interesting event. They are very active in sports too so this sounds very exciting to me. I want to
have a more balance and vibrant life in university, not just study everyday only, but also have the
chance to socialise with others and expand my social network.

The other reason is because hall is cheaper compare to other accommodation such as residential
college. The meal plan is also cheaper a lot compare to RC. I actually quite like the meal plan
subscription thing so I don’t have to think about what I want to eat everyday and can save me a lot
of time haha

38. Which hall I plan to apply?

I still cannot make a decision between Temasek Hall and Reffles Hall. The reason I want to stay in
Temasek Hall is because it is very active in sports and I heard that they just won the Inter Hall Game
last year. So I believe that I can have a very vibrant life when staying in Temasek Hall. But at the
other hand, the reason I want to apply for Raffles hall is because it is very near to engineering school
so I can just walk to there when I got class and can save me a lot of time. Raffles hall also famous as
cultural hall, I personal am a person who like to sing so that’s why I really cant make a decision now.
If in the future I stay in raffles hall, I want to join the bend and I hope that I can have a chance to sing
a song to you all one day.

39. Why I want to study abroad

Study abroad is my dream since young. I want to go to other country and meet many new friends
from other country. I already have friends from almost all states of Malaysia, I want to expand it
worldwide. Besides that, I believe when studying abroad can train me to become more independent
as I have to solve all problems myself, and also make decision myself. I also can a lot of skills there
such as budgeting as I have to keep track of my social spending, my living expenses and rental fee.
Question that I will ask

1. I am interested in the UROPS programme because I am interested in doing research. At the

same time I also quite interested in the NUS Overseas Colleges programme, I want to ask is it
possible that I can join this two programme at different semester in my university life?

2. For the ASEAN scholarship holder, do we need to join community volunteer programme?
Because I know that the scholarship holder at NTU is compulsory to join it and actually I am
also quite interested in this programme too.

3. Will my personal statement affect my chances of getting this scholarship? Because I

submitted that personal statement quite early and I state that I want to become an
entrepreneur that is working on electric vehicle inside, but after thinking for a long time, I
decided to join a big automobile company and involve in their electric vehicle project (and
make electric vehicle popular in South East Asia.) /like what I have said just now.

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