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Mock Exam

NAME: MARCH 6, 2016


Direction: Encircle the corresponding letter of the correct answer.

1. The declared strategy of the national government since the 1980s to promote grater
complementarity between agriculture and industry sectors and between urban and rural
place is called
a. Import Substitution Industrialization
b. Export Oriented Industrialization (EOI)
c. Countrywide Urban-Rural Linkages (CURL)
d. Balanced Agro-Industrial Development Strategy (BAIDS)

2. According to RA 8749, this geographic-based document integrates primary data and

information on natural resources and anthropogenic activities on the land as evaluated
using various risk assessment and forecasting methodologies and evaluates environment
quality and carrying capacity of an area in such a way that enables planners and
government decision-makers to anticipate the type of development control necessary in
the planning area.
a. Natural Resources Inventory
b. Environmental Accounting
c. Biogeographic Compendium
d. Ecological Profile

3. Which of the following is not a factor to determine suitability of land for agricultural use?
a. Climate and rainfall
b. Soil quality
c. Geologic fault lines
d. Slope

4. This Law provides a liberalized environment more conducive to private sector investment
a. RA 7718 (BOT Law)
b. Retail Trade Liberation Act
c. Urban Development and Housing Act
d. None of the Above

5. The use of scientific methods and information to define the probability and magnitude of
potentially adverse effects which can result from exposure to hazardous materials and
a. Environmental Impact Statement
b. Environmental Risk Assessment
c. Scoping
d. None of the Above

6. Urban development tends to occur along major transportation routes because

a. Population tends to concentrate where transportation is available

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b. Transportation facilities tend to service areas where there is population
c. Both A and B
d. None of the Above

7. _______________ initially developed the concept of “growth pole of regions”

a. Christaller
b. Perroux
c. Lennoix
d. Howard

8. _______________ is a set of accounts, usually in monetary form, prepared for an

economy and widely used in the analysis of inter-industry relationships
a. Regional accounts matrix
b. Input-output table
c. Economic base table
d. Location quotient ratio

9. One of the following consists of an area of land, which is generally developed based on a
comprehensive pan, allocated for factory buildings either sold or leased for manufacturing
a. Industrial estate
b. Integrated area development
c. Industrial subdivision
d. Commercial/industrial estate

10. An urban area which has the following characteristics: it has strong linkage with the
economy; it is the center of the labor market; it is a major wholesale and retail trade area;
it has a high level of tertiary functions; has a good urban system; and has a population
less than 250,000 is called
a. Growth center
b. Metropolitan area
c. Major urban center
d. Minor urban center

11. A ratio that measures output per worker is called

a. Labor intensity
b. Labor productivity
c. Efficiency
d. Labor enhancement

12. The enforcement of PD 1308 as well as the monitoring and inspection of education
institutions offering courses in environmental planning is the responsibility of the
a. Commission on Higher Education
b. Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
c. Board of Environmental Planning
d. School of Urban and Regional Planning

13. Under the concept of urbanized areas as defined in the Philippine Census of Population
and Housing in 1990, central districts of municipalities and cities have a population density
of at least

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a. 100 persons per square kilometer
b. 250 persons per square kilometer
c. 500 persons per square kilometer
d. 1,000 persons per square kilometer

14. Metro Manila is considered a primate city because

a. It is the largest urban center o the country
b. It contains the country’s primary central business district
c. It has a very large population compared to all other urban centers of the country
d. It is a metropolitan center

15. The standard distance of a commercial activity from an education center should be
a. 15 minutes by public transportation
b. 15 minutes by private transportation
c. 30 minutes by minimum travel time by public transportation
d. 60 minutes travel by private transportation

16. Patrick Geddes, a Scot biologist who is acknowledged as the father of regional planning
set forth his ideas in his masterpiece entitled
a. Cities and Regions
b. Cities and Evolution
c. Cities in Evolutionary Change
d. Revolution in Cities

17. Kevin Lynch stresses

a. A conceptual system focusing on urban form
b. A communications theory approach to urban growth
c. Accessibility concepts and urban structure
d. Urban spatial structure in the frame

18. Albert Z. Guttenberg speculates

a. A conceptual system focusing on urban form
b. A communications theory approach to urban growth
c. Accessibility concepts and urban structure
d. Urban spatial structure in the framework of equilibrium theory (an economic model
of spatial structure)

19. The M&E strategy should carefully examine

a. The contents, ie. the date and indicators used
b. The format
c. The frequency of existing reports
d. All of the above

20. When projecting market demand for a project, which of the following combination of
techniques is not advisable
a. Survey/planning standards
b. Market testing/time series analysis
c. Experts’ opinion/census
d. Statistical demand analysis/time series analysis
e. None of the above

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21. Money is more valuable now than tomorrow not because of:
a. Uncertainty of risk
b. Income opportunities now
c. Better prospects in the future
d. Present consumption
e. None of the above

22. What ratio between saleable and non-saleable portions of the subdivision is required for
projects developed under BP 220 standards?
a. No fixed ratio
b. 70* saleable and 30% non-saleable
c. 40% saleable and 60% non-saleable
d. Minimum of 50% open space

23. The main regulatory tool for implementing land use in the Philippines is
a. Capital investment programs
b. Special assessments
c. Expropriation
d. Zoning

24. The agency that implements the laws, rules and regulations that support policies of
Government with regard to optimizing the use of land as a resource is
b. DAR

25. The agency responsible for coordinating the housing program is

a. NHA

26. The process of arranging activities and plans among different interest or planning groups
for the purpose of systematizing, harmonizing and facilitating operations is called
a. Public hearing
b. Consultation
c. Coordination
d. Scoping

27. The primary government agency to implement the policies fir the IPs is
a. Office of the Cultural Affairs
b. National Commission for the Cultural Communities
c. Commission for the Philippine Minorities
d. National Commission for Indigenous Peoples

28. The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples shall protect the rights of Indigenous
peoples, except those of
a. Children and youth
b. Elders
c. Women

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d. None of the above

29. A contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contract out the building of an
infrastructure facility to a private entity such that the contractor build the facility on a turn-
key basis, assuming cost overrun, delay and specified performance risks.
a. Build and transfer
b. Build own and operate
c. Develop, operate and transfer

30. Those persons who may be significantly affected by the project or undertaking are called
a. Indigenous people
b. Stakeholders
c. Squatters
d. Proponent

31. Which of these projects requires an EIS?

a. Gold courses and residential subdivisions above 10 hectares
b. Drugstores and backyard piggery
c. Projects under Kalakalan 20
d. All of the above

32. Those suffering from restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or
within the range considered normal for a human being as a result of mental, physical or
sensory impairment
a. Physically challenged
b. Impaired
c. Disabled
d. Disadvantaged

33. Ebenezer Howard is regarded as the most influential among the Great Thinkers in
modern urban and regional planning. His famous book, first published in 1898 was titled:
a. Garden Cities
b. Garden Cities of Tomorrow
c. Tomorrow’s Cities
d. Tomorrow

34. The counterpart of Geddes in the University States is Lewis Mumford. His treatise is
a. Culture and Cities
b. Cities and Culture
c. The Cities of Culture
d. The Culture of the Cities
e. The Culture of the Cities

35. What are the legal bases for the state’s regulation of land use?
a. Police power
b. Laws against nuisance and pollution
c. The policy that property has social function
d. The rule that a person must not do wrong to another person

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36. The process of obtaining technical advice or opinion which may not be followed is called
a. Consultation
b. Coordination
c. Public hearing
d. Citizen participation

37. This document serves as basis for adopting land use and physical planning-related
guidelines and standards to guide the formulation of long-term framework plans and
particularly city/municipal land use plans and zoning ordinances.
a. Long-Term Philippine Investment Plan
b. Medium-Term Philippine Development
c. National Framework for Physical Planning
d. Regional Physical Framework Plan

38. UN-FAO standards state that at least 0.60 hectares should be devoted to educational
space (public and private) per thousand populations. How much combined area of schools
is the minimum for a town of 40,000 people?
a. 40 hectares
b. 24 hectares
c. 10 hectares
d. 240 hectares

39. What are the elements of ‘urban form’?

a. Infill, densification, property conversion, retrofitting
b. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curvilinear
c. Beauty, amenity, safety, convenience, functionality
d. Land use, transport network, layout, building types, density

40. What color is used to represent industrial areas in zoning map?

a. Black
b. Gray
c. Violet
d. Yellow

41. What movement believes that ecology should be at the center of the city?
a. Ecopolis
b. Eco-anarchism
c. Ecumenopolis
d. Deep Ecology

42. What scale does Greeks follow in their buildings?

a. Monumental and grandeur scale
b. Human scale
c. Anthropometry
d. Golden section

43. This aspect of regional planning deals on the migration of people, issues of equity,
allocation, redistribution
a. Cultural
b. Environmental
c. Social

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d. Physical

44. The law requiring LGUs to prepare their comprehensive, multi-sectoral development
plans initiated by their development councils and approved by their Sanggunian is:
a. PD 399
b. Executive Order No. 72
c. RA 7160
d. PD 1517

45. This law provides for the establishment and management of National Integrated
Protection Areas System:
a. RA 8371
b. RA 7586
c. RA 7279
d. None of the above

46. A kind of ad-hoc zoning that allows a small piece of land to deviate from the approved
zone of the area for certain reason is called:
a. Spot zoning
b. Flexible zoning
c. Euclidean zoning
d. Large lot zoning

47. _____________ initially developed the concept of “growth pole” regions

a. Christaller
b. Perroux
c. Lennoix
d. Howard

48. This standard distance of a commercial activity from an education center should be
a. 15 minutes by public transport
b. 15 minutes by private transport
c. 30 minutes minimum travel time by public transport
d. 60 minutes travel time by public transport

49. The best measure of the project’s economic worthiness and its adaptation as a basis for
project acceptability is
a. Net present value
b. Discounted rate

50. Patterned after the Batem/Johore/Singapore growth triangle, another growth triangle in
Southeast Asia is being considered which involves
a. Mindanao/Sulawesi/Sabah-Sarawak
b. Mindanao/Sarawak/Borneo
c. Zamboanga/Sulawesi/Sabah
d. Zamboanga/Sabah/Sarawak

51. An urban area which has the following characteristics: It has a strong linkage with
economy; it is the center of the labor market; it is a major wholesale and retail trade area;

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it has a high level of tertiary functions; it has a good urban system and has a population
less than 250,000 is called:
a. Growth center
b. Metropolitan area
c. Major urban area
d. Minor urban area

52. A measure that indicates the intensity of the factors of production is known as
a. Capital-labor ratio
b. Return of Investment
c. Net cash flow
d. Capital efficiency

53. Complementing industrial estates, these area are being established in order to accelerate
industrialization in the regions though small and medium enterprises and people’s
industrial enterprises
a. Regional industrial centers
b. Core industrial center
c. Industrial corridors
d. Industrial diffusion

54. This type of industrial estate is one where the functions of one type of industry are
subdivided into smaller specialized units to provide parts or components to the main
industrial manufacturing unit
a. Ancillary
b. Composite
c. Specialized
d. Promotional

55. This type of industrial estate is usually large and built for heavy industry
a. Coastal
b. Rural
c. Specialized
d. Inland

56. Industrial density refers to

a. Number of manufacturing employees per gross industrially used hectares
b. Number of manufacturing employees per net industrially used hectarage
c. Number of industries per gross land hectarage
d. Number of industries per net land hectarage

57. The Philippine forest type that is adapted to growing in steep slopes and in places with a
distinct we and dry season is the
a. Pine/sling
b. Dipterocarp
c. Molave/molawin
d. Mangrove

58. A local legal measure which embodies regulation affecting the land use is
a. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
b. Zoning Ordinance

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c. Cadastral Survey
d. Tax Declaration

59. This refers to all barangays or portion/s of which comprise the poblacion and other built-
up areas including the urbanizable land in and adjacent to said areas and where at least
50% of the population area engaged in non-agricultural activates:
a. Central business district
b. Urban area
c. City center
d. Suburban area

60. Urbanization began around 4,000 B.C. in the area known as the
a. Fertile Crescent
b. Mediterranean
c. Babylon
d. Asia

61. He developed the first theoretical basis for physical planning

a. Hippodamus
b. Nicodemus
c. Nostradamus
d. Aristotle

62. Tourist market can be classified into business, mass holiday, and _____ markets.
a. Eco-tourism
b. Historical
c. Location specific natural and cultural
d. None of the above

63. Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the National Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act of 2001 seeks to:
a. Promote public health and environmental protection
b. Encourage greater private sector participation while retaining the primary
enforcement and responsibility with the LGUs
c. Mandates all LGUs to diver at least 25% of all solid wastes from disposal facilities
though reuse, recycling, composting and other resource recovery activities
d. A and C only
e. All of the above

64. At the National level, RA 9003 mandates the creation of National Solid Waste
Management Commission under the office of:
a. President

65. Which is a major contribution of classical Greek civilization 700-404 BCE to town
a. Polytheism or pantheon of Greek gods which sanctified all elements of nature as
being animated by divine spirit
b. The delineation between religious space and secular civic space as separate but

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complementary spheres in society
c. The concept of ‘polis’ or (Latin) ‘civitas’ which means that only residents of cities
can truly be called ‘civilized’.
d. The practice of direct democracy and the notion of citizenship which included
women, the poor, slave and aliens

66. the main contribution of Norbert Weiner’s ‘Cybernetics’ to the Systems Theory of planning
is the principle that planning should be
a. Cyclical, iterative and self-correcting
b. Free-wheeling and open-ended
c. Wide-ranging and exhaustive
d. Rigorous, exact and mathematical

67. According to Dr. Francis Stuart Chapin Jr in the first comprehensive textbook on urban
planning ever written (1965), the explicit goals of urban planning are the following, except
a. Healthy and safety
b. Convenience and amenity
c. Tolerance and plurality
d. Efficiency and economy

68. In general, this refers to the characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at
a certain level indefinitely; in particular, it refers to the potential longevity of ecological
systems to support humankind and other species
a. Resilience
b. Endurance
c. Sustainability
d. Perpetuity
e. Durability

69. Recognized as ‘father of landscape architecture,’ he also began the ‘Parks and
Conservation Movement’ in the United States which advanced the idea that city parks and
greenways can structure urban space, stimulate mixed uses, dampen class conflict,
heighten family and religious values and serve as aid to social reform.
a. Frederic Law Olmstead Sr
b. John Muir
c. Glifford Pinchot
d. George Perkins Marsh

70. He proposed the ‘neighborhood unit’ (1929) as a self-contained ‘garden suburb’ bounded
by major streets, with shops at intersections and a school in the middle; its size would be
defined by school’s catchment area with a radius of quarter mile or 402 meters. This
incorporated Garden City ideas and attempted at some kind of social engineering.
a. Clarence Perry
b. Clarence Stein
c. Clarence Thomas
d. Clarence Mckay

71. If ‘World Heritage Day’ is marked each year on April 18, ‘World Biodiversity Day’ is
observed on May 22, ‘World Ocean Day’ on June 8, when is the ‘World Water Day’

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a. January 19
b. March 22
c. June 12
d. October 26

72. What is the smallest unit in the human settlements planning or Ekistics by Dr.
Konstantinos Doxiadis?
a. House
b. Anthropos
c. Organism
d. Neighborhood
e. Hamlet

73. The school of thought holds that settlements form in a balanced manner; they tend to be
spread evenly and symmetrically in isotopic space, displaying both hierarchy and
equilibrium arising from the interdependence between big and small settlements and from
the complementation between their respective scopes of functions.
a. Galaxy of Settlements Theory
b. Central Place Theory
c. Geographic Determinism
d. Dependency Theory

74. According to the Chicago school of human ecology, ‘invasion’ refers to how pioneers and
opportunists push the ‘land frontier’ farther out; when immigrants settle in waves, they
define new land uses for themselves in a process called
a. Evolution
b. Co-location
c. Succession
d. Acclimatization
e. Cohabitation

75. ‘Leapfrog development’ and ‘sprawl’ are what you commonly see in what Peirce F. Lewis
a. Circumferential City
b. Multi-cellular City
c. Stellar City
d. Galactic City

76. Under Medium Term Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016, what is closest to the
meaning of ‘inclusive growth’
a. Compromise
b. Transactional
c. Equality
d. Beneficial to all particularly lagging groups
e. Only for the Yellow Army

77. Which of the following is not a ‘thematic’ map?

a. Political-administrative boundaries
b. NPAAAD map
c. Slope map
d. Forest cover map

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78. It is a computer system consisting of software and hardware components that area used
to organize, store, process, analyze and display multiple layers of spatially-referenced
information about geographically located features.
a. Geodesy and Geodetics
b. Global Positioning System
c. Electronic Cadastral System
d. Geographic Information System
79. A mixed-sue building has 6 storey of 1,000 each, on a lot area of 2,000 m 2 . What is te
a. 2:1
b. 3:1
c. 4:1
d. 5:1
e. 6:1

80. ‘Linear regression’ is a statistical method used to:

a. Establish that as supplies increase, prices decrease
b. Calculate the probability or a sample value being within 1.96 standard deviations
of the mean
c. Determine the influence of one or more independent variables on a dependent
d. Estimate the degree to which research findings may be generalized

81. Under RA 7279 UDHA Sec 3, this refers to housing programs and projects undertaken by
the government of the private sector for the underprivileged and homeless citizens which
include sites and services development, long-term financing, liberalized term on interest
payments and other related benefits
a. Economic housing
b. Socialized housing
c. Low-cost housing
d. Open-market housing

82. An indicator of ‘Quality of Life’ developed by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, this composite
measure combines life expectancy at birth, school enrolment rate, adult literacy rate, per
capita income and incidence of poverty
a. Millennium Development Goals
b. Index of Sustainability
c. Human Development Index
d. GPI – Genuine Progress Indicator

83. Financial Analysis uses fair market prices while Economic Analysis uses
a. Factory prices
b. Shadow prices
c. Nominal pries
d. Deflationary and inflationary prices

84. Which tool is used to extrapolate the demand for a project’s product/output, assuming
present conditions or current trends continue?
a. Demand curve

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b. Agent-based modeling
c. Cost-revenue analysis
d. Liner regression analysis

85. The hierarchic logic in LogFrame or Z.O.P.P starts with broad goals which are
subsequently broken down into purposes, objectives, outputs and activities
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Lateral
d. Diagonal

86. Which is not a main branch of government?

a. Executive
b. Legislative
c. Judiciary
d. Constitutional Commission

87. An example of this is when government acquires land for public buildings, highways and
public welfare purposes
a. Sovereignty
b. Constitutional supremacy
c. Eminent domain
d. Seizure and confiscation
e. Transfer and exchange

88. In international environmental law, the principle that ‘the burden of proof in demonstrating
that a particular technology, practice or product is clean and safe lies with the developer
and not with the general public and that the producer must answer for any environmental
damage such technology has create’ is called
a. Extended Producer Responsibility
b. Polluter Pays Principle
c. Principle of Externalities
d. Precautionary Principles

89. What are the administrative levels of government that RA 7160 LGC describe and makes
provisions for?
a. National, regional, district, city/town, village
b. Provincial, city/municipal, barangay
c. Local, supra-local, inter-local, sub-local
d. Macro, meso, mela and micro

90. According to RA 9367 Renewable Energy Act of 2006, what are the ‘additives’ to gasoline
that are harmful to both people and nature?
a. Methyl tertriary butyl ether
b. Isooctane and heptanes
c. Molybdenum oxide
d. Tetraethyl

91. According to the 1997 Code of Ethics for Environmental Planners in the Philippines, Sec,
11 the ‘primary obligation of the Environmental Planner is to’
a. Contribute to the incessant development of the profession by the sharing and

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improving knowledge
b. Strive for high standards of professional integrity, proficiency and knowledge
c. Develop and enhance a healthy professional relationship with colleagues and
other professionals
d. Serve the country and in so doing safeguard public interest
e. Maintain a harmonious working relationship with client or partner in a noble

92. in cases where open public bidding have failed on 2 consecutive occasions and no
suppliers have qualified to participate or win in the bidding, LGUs, through the local chief
executive with the approval of the Sanggunian, may undertake procurement of supplies
and service without public bidding through:
a. Selective bidding or limited source bidding
b. Negotiated procurement
c. Single source procurement or direct contracting
d. Competitive

93. Under RA 9184 Government Procurement Reform Act of 2002, the Bids and Awards
Committee with five seven member has to be headed by:
a. Chief of procuring entity
b. Resident Ombudsman
c. Resident auditor detailed by COA
d. At least third ranking permanent official

94. The acceptable form of security furnished by a contractor of a public project as a

guarantee of food faith on his/her part to execute the contracted work in accordance with
the terms of the apprived contract
a. Insurance
b. Collateral
c. Performance Bond
d. Retention of Retained Earnings
e. Surety Bond
f. Completion Guarantee

95. Theory that is created b y the combination of forward and backward linkages in which
expansion of downstream activity increases demand for upstream output.
a. Theory of Uneven Development
b. Polarization
c. Theory of Human Capital
d. Theory of Cumulative Causation

96. The growth that radiates from core to periphery leading to convergence between the core
and periphery.
a. Smart Growth b. Agglomeration c. Trickle Down Effect d. Polarization

97. The central difference between ‘birth rate’ and ‘fertility rate’ is
a. Birthrate pertains to fecundity of a woman while fertility rate pertains to quantity
and intensity of her sexual activity
b. Birth rate pertains to babies who survive while fertility rate includes pregnancies
which may or may not succeed
c. Birth rate refers to births in relation to total population while fertility rate is in

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relation to average childbearing woman
d. Birth rate pertains to live births while fertility rate includes still births, premature
deliveries, abortions and miscarriage

98. Land banking or land assembly refers to the right of the State to acquire land in advance
of actual need though
a. Eminent domain, expropriation, confiscation
b. Readjustment, re-alignment, re-platting
c. Raising revenues through Land Bank LBP bonds and treasury bills
d. Sale, purchase, exchange, negotiation and similar techniques

99. Among Lynch’s elements of the city, these are defined as lateral references that are not
coordinate axes:
a. Paths b. Edges c. Nodes d. Districts

100. Name one of the members of the Board of Environmental Planning

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