LEARNING PLAN GRADE 10 ( Understanding a research paper- OXYGEN)

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La Salle University

College of Teacher Education

Ozamiz City

The learner demonstrates communicative competence

Grade Level Standard through his/her understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature,
including Philippine Literature.

Distinguish technical terms used in research (EN10V-IV-

Learning Competency a-30

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
a. Understood what a research paper is;
b. Discussed the importance of writing a research paper through a song;
c. Explained the importance of inquiry.

II. Subject Matter: Understanding a Research Paper

A. Textbook:
B. Reference:
C. Instructional Materials:Wordwall, Canva Powerpoint, video presentation, printed

III. Procedure: 3Is Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’Activity
A. Introduction

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Kath.

I am Ms. Katherine Joyce Lapiz and I

will be your teacher for today. You can
call me Ma’am Kath.

To officially start our class for today,

let’s have first a prayer. Yes, . Kindly
lead the prayer. (Students do as told.)
Once again, good morning, class!

Before you take your sets, kindly pick up Good morning, Ma’am Kath.
pieces of paper on the floor and align
your chairs.

(Students do as told.)

Do we have absentees today?

None, Ma’am Kath.
How about assignments to be passed?
None, Ma’am Kath
Clap your hands twice if you are all ready
to learn today.
(Students do as told.)


Now, class, please give me one adjective

that summarizes your feeling this
morning. Yes, ______
(Students answers vary.)

It's comforting to know that the majority

of you are fine and safe.

Alright! For us to have a harmonious

class this morning, I want you to
remember our classroom rules. Be
responsible and respectful. Respect all the
people around you and be responsible at
all times.

Are the rules clear to you class? Say

crystal clear if it is.
Crystal clear, Ma’am Kath.

1. Review

Last meeting, you’ve discussed coherence

and cohesion with Ma’am Anaflor. Who
can give me the definition of coherence?
Yes, _______.

(Students’ asnwers may vary.)

Very good! How about cohesion? Yes,


(Students’ answers may vary.)

Brilliant! Is coherence and cohesion

important in writing class? Why do you
say so? Yes, ______.

Yes, Ma’am. Coherence and cohesion are

important in writing because they help in
providing unified ideas in texts. Thus,
coherence and cohesion help in
conveying meaning effectively and

Very good! Coherence and cohesion are efficiently.

both important in writing any texts
because it helps us in conveying what we
wanted to convey effectively. Do you
have any question about your last topic
None, Ma’am.

Alright! This time class, I’ll present

images. I want you to observe closely to
the presented images because I will be
asking questions afterwards.
I. Motivation

Now class, what have you observed on

There are girls whispering to each other.
the photos presented? Yes, ____?

What are they doing class? They are talking about someone, Ma’am.
Perhaps they are gossiping.

Alright! They are gossiping. Who among

you here had tried gossiping about
someone or something? (Students raise their hands.)

OMG! That’s normal class. People talk

about someone or something most of the
time. So in gossiping class, what do you
usually do? (Students’ asnwers may vary.)

Yes! You spread information. Now class,

the information you’re spreading while
gossiping, is it verified facts or just a
random information you heard from or
over someone? (Students’ answers may vary.)

Okay! So meaning to say, it’s not backed

up by evidences and or, is not research-
based. So class, if it is not research-based,
then is it good to spread such
No, Ma’am Kath.

Very good! It is not good to spread

information that is not verified or backed
up with evidences. So class, do you want
to know more about how we can
strengthen our skills in looking for
Yes, Ma’am Kath.
information and evidences?

Alright! Today we shall fill our heads

with Understanding a Research Paper.

II. Statement of the Objectives and

Subject Matter

For us to have a clear direction with our

class this morning, here are our learning
Kindly read, .
(Student does as told.)
a.Understand what a research paper is;

b.Discuss the importance of writing a

research paper; and

c.Explain the importance of inquiry.

Are the objectives clear?

B. Interaction

Before we proceed with our discussion,

let us unlock first the most important
term in today’s discussion, “research”.
What do you mean by the word

Very good! Another idea? Who can give

me even a keyword that you can relate
with research?

Alrigt! With all of these words, what do

Research is a studious inquiry or
you think is a research?
examination about something that leads
us to new idea or knowledge.

Very good! Research is a studious inquiry

or examination wherein it leads us to
finding new facts, information, assisting
us in verifying the available knowledge
and in making us question things that are
difficult to understand as per existing
data. For us to have a uniform definition
of what a research is, kindly consider this (Students do as told.)

Research is defined as the creation of new
knowledge and/or the use of existing
knowledge in a new and creative way so
as to generate new concepts,
methodologies and understandings.

Again what is a research? Yes, _____. Research Ma’am is the use of existing
knowledge to create new idea or

Very good! Now class, how about a

paper? When we say paper, does it
directly refer to sheets where we write
texts and letters? Yes, Ma’am but sometimes it could also
mean journals or writings.
Alright! It could be. But how about
articles, writings, and publications? Can
we also call that as papers? Yes, Ma’am.

Also known as document, paper could be
any sheet that contains formal written
composition often designed for

Very good class! With that class, we now

know what a research is and that paper
pertains to sheets that contains writings.
With all of these, what do you think is a Research paper is a piece of writing that
research paper? provides analysis and interpretation on a
certain information.
Brilliant! A research paper is a piece of
academic writing that provides analysis,
interpretation, and argument based on in-
depth independent research. For us to
have a uniform definition of what a
research paper is, kindly consider this (Students do as told.)
Research Paper
-is also known as term paper or
research report. It is a piece of academic
writing that asks students to locate
information about a topic, take a stand,
and provide support for that stand.

What is the other name of research paper

class? Yes, _____. Term paper or research report, Ma’am.

Very good! What kind of writing is a

research paper class? Research paper is an academic writing
Brilliant! It is a piece of academic
writing. If it is a piece of academic
writing, what are its goals class? Why do Research paper is conducted to ask
we conduct a research? students to locate information about a
topic, take a stand, and provide support
for that stand.

Magnificent! A research paper asks

students to search for information about a
topic take a stand, and provide support
for that stand.

Do you have any questions about what a None so far Ma’am.

research paper class?

Alright! Let us proceed. Now class, why

do we create a research paper? We need to create a research paper to
Yes,______. unravel new ideas and information.

Brilliant! We create a research paper in

order to provide new knowledge or idea
from an existing knowledge.

Why do we need to continously provide

new knowledge class though there is
already existing knowledge or To give answers to questions.

Very good! Because the world is

progressing and that we continuously
search for knowledge.

If we continously unravel new knowledge

and idea class, how does it help us? Does It helps us enhance our way of living.
it help us live a comfortable life?

Alright! If it helps us achieve a

comfortable life, does it help us achieve Yes, Ma’am. It helps us achieve our
our goals? goals.

Alright! So research is important because

it helps us achieve our goals. If we can
find new alternatives to enhance our way
of living, then we can easily achieve our

We’ve now tackled 3 reasons why

research and research paper is important.
Lastly class, how does research helps us
in strengthening our skills in veryfying Research helps us enhance our skills in
information? looking verfied information through
conducting a study on a certain

Very good! Research has to be backed up

by evidences. It has to be conducted with
data and statistics and other studies that
should support it. With that, it builds
credibility. What do we mean by
credibility class? How can we know that Credibility means reliability Ma’am.
an information is credible?

Excellent! Credibility means reliability

and trustworthiness. Meaning to say,
research and research paper helps us to
become credible or reliable person.
Unlike those who are in the images I
presented earlier, who are gossiping
without verifying facts, research helps us
in spreading nothing but evidence-based
information. Am I clear? Yes, Ma’am Kath.

Alright! Again, why is research

important? Yes,______. Research is important because it helps us
in finding new idea and knowledge, it
enhances our way of living, it helps us
achieve our goals, and it bulids

Very good! Always remember that class.

Do you have any question? None, Ma’am Kath.
How about clarifications? None, Ma’am Kath.

C. Integration

This time class, we will have an activity.

This is for me to check whether you have
fully understood the discussion. Our
activity is called, “Sing Me a song” (Students do as told.)

1. Divide the class into 2.
2. Scan the QR Code attached to the
envelop assigned to your group.
3. Do what is asked inside the QR Code.
4. Present your answer in front.
5. Choose 1 representative to explain
your answer within 1 minute.
6. Do this activity within 3 minutes.

Values Integration
Wow! That was an amazing performance
class, you’ve really now understood what
a research paper is. So class, in doing a Everything start with an unanswered
research, what do you usually do? What question, Ma’am.
do you have in mind before you seek for

Very good! You have questions of

course! You cannot seek for answers if
you don’t have unanswered questions in
mind! Have you heard this line class? Yes, Ma’am Kath.

Ask and you shall be answered.

Alright! With tha class, do you agree that Yes, Ma’am Kath.
inquiry or asking question is very
Yes, Ma’am Kath. I’ve tried asking
Very good! Have you tried asking questions. With that, I gained ansnwers
question class? What benefit does it give and new information.
you back when you ask questions?

Very good! Asking question or inquiry

helps you ponder your knowledge. It
helps us in gathering more information. Inquiry helps in banishing fake news
Going back to the photos we have earlier, because it is the first step in verifying
inquiry also helps us in banishing fake information.
news. Why?

Very good! Because inquiry is the first

step in veryfying facts. Whenever we ask,
we tend to verify. But, it doesn’t mean
that all the asnwers we received are
verified information. That is why we Yes, Ma’am.
have to conduct research for us to avoid
spreading false information. Am I clear? None, Ma’am.
None, Ma’am.
Do you have any question?
Clarifications class?
(Students do as told.)
Alright! Let us proceed to our next

To further assess your knowledge about our lesson today, let us have another activity.
This activity is titled, Fact Check.

Activity 2. “ It’s True! Isn’t it?”

Directions: Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if
the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet
of paper.
1. Research paper is also known as term paper or research report.
2. Research paper is a literary writing that asks students to locate information about a
3. Paper is also known as document.
4. Research paper helps enhance the quality of living of humans.
5. Research paper does NOT establish credibility.


Directions: On a 1/2 crosswise paper, write a topic or area you wanted to venture or
conduct a research on. Write a 5-sentenced paragraph stating the resons why you
wanted to conduct a research on that topic. Pass it next meeting.

Prepared by
BSEd- English IV

Approved by
Cooperating Teacher

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