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Les saisons

Le printemps L’été

L’hiver L’automne

Getting to Know You
Faire connaissance
Hi! What is your name? Mrs Mr very good How old are you?
Salut ! Comment t’appelles-tu ? madame monsieur très bien Quel âge as-tu ?
Hello! My name is... good
Bonjour !
I am years old.
Je m’appelle... bien J’ai ans.
I like /It is I don’t like /
good It is bad
J’aime/ Je n’aime pas/
fantastique so so
Good evening! c’est nul
How are you? See you soon.
Bonsoir! comme ci comme
Comment vas-tu ? ça À bientôt.
Thank you.
Good night! And you?
bad Goodbye.
Bonne nuit ! Et toi ? mal Au revoir.
Classroom Instructions
in French
Asseyez-vous. Levez-vous. Allez-y.
Sit down. Stand up. Let’s go.

Écoutez. Répétez. Rangez vos affaires.

Listen. Repeat. Tidy your things.

Levez la main. Regardez-moi. Silence, s’il vous plaît.

Put your hand up. Look at me. Silence, please.
Expressions utiles pour
exprimer une opinion
Je pense que que Je crois que
Je ne supporte
Il me semble pas Je trouve que
D’après moi
À mon avis J'estime que

Selon moi

10 Fun Facts about France
1 France is the most visited country in the world.

French King Louis XIX reigned for approximately 20 minutes,

making him the shortest-reigning monarch in history. 2
3 Lots of important inventions come from France, including
the stethoscope, pasteurisation and the braille system.

April Fool’s Day is called le Poisson d’Avril in France. 4

5 The Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889 to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the French Revolution.

French supermarkets are not allowed to throw away food. 6

7 French is the official language in 29 countries.

France has a population of over 65 million people. 8

9 Bastille Day (14th July) is the national day in France.

France has won the Football World Cup twice, in 1998

and 2018. 10

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