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Superficial Muscles of the Back

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Trapezius ● Medial third of ● Lateral 1/3 of Motor: Spinal Accessory Nerve ● Upper trap:
superior nuchal line clavicle CN XI Elevation
● External occipital ● Acromion ● Middle Trap:
protuberance ● Superior lip of Sensory: VPR C3, C4 Retraction
● Nuchal ligament spine of scapula ● Lower Trap:
● Spinous processes of Depression
C7-T12 ● Upper and Lower
Fibers: Upward Rotation of
glenoid fossa

Latissimus ● Spinous processes of intertubercular sulcus of Thoracodorsal Nerve ● Extends, adducts,

Dorsi T7 – T12 humerus C6, C7, C8 medially rotates humerus
● Posterior layer of ● Indirect depression
Thoracolumbar fascia by pulling on humerus
● Iliac Crest ● Indirect downward
● Ribs 9-12 rotation of glenoid fossa
● Raises body towards

Rhomboid ● Nuchal Ligament he spine of the scapula Dorsal Scapular Nerve C4, C5
Minor ● Spinous processes of (medial border)

Rhomboid processes of T2-T5 border of scapula from ● Elevation

Major spine to inferior angle ● Retraction
● Downward Rotation
of glenoid fossa

Levator r tubercles of transverse angle of scapula Dorsal Scapular Nerve C4, C5

Scapulae processes of C1-C4 VPR C3, C4

us cervicis has same attachment

Intermediate Muscles of the Back

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Serratus posterior
superior Intercostal nerves Inspiration (for respiration)

Serratus posterior
Deep/Intrinsic Muscles of the Back

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Splenius ● Inferior OR
half of the nuchal ● Lateral superior
Capitis ligament nuchal line
● Spinous ● Mastoid Process Unilateral: ipsilaterally rotate and
Processes of C7, Posterior rami of laterally flex neck
T1-T4 spinal nerves
Bilateral: extend head and neck

Spinous processes of Posterior tubercles of

Cervicis T3-T6 the transverse processes
of C1-C4

**Levator scapulae also

attaches here
Erector Spinae
Iliocostalis ● Posterior ● Posterior surface of
tubercles of the Sacrum
Cervicis transverse processes of ● Iliac crest
C4-C6 ● Spinous process of
● Ribs 3-6 T11-L5
● Posterior layer of
Thoracis thoracolumbar fascia
Borders of all ribs ● Posterior sacroiliac
ligament Bilateral:
Lumborum ● Eccentric flexion at Zygapophyseal
and Intervertebral joints
Inferior 6 ribs Posterior Rami of ● Anterior pelvic Tilt – extension of
spinal nerves lumbar vertebrae, increase lumbar
Erector Spinae lordosis
Longissimus Superior: Mastoid
process Unilateral:
Capitis Inferior: TP of T1-T5, AP ● Lateral flexion (ipsilaterally)
of C4-C7 ● Lateral pelvic Tilt

Superior: Posterior
tubercles of transverse *Longissimus Capitis can do ipsilateral
Cervicis processes of C2-C6 rotation of head b/c it has oblique
Inferior: TP of T1-T5 fiber directions


Erector Spinae
Spinalis Spinous Processes

Thoracis **Most medial
**Blends with
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Between superior and ● Transverse processes of
Semispinalis inferior nuchal lines C7-T7
(forms roof of Occipital ● Articular
Captits Triangle) processes of C4-C7

Cervicis Spinous process of C2-C6 Transverse processes of

(largest part to C2 for T1-T6

Spinous processes of Transverse processes of
C4-C6 T6-T12 Bilateral:
● Extension of head and
Transversospinalis vertebral column
Sides of spinous ● 4 sacral dorsal ● Stabilization/compressive
Multifidus processes from Axis – L5 foramina DPR forces on vertebrae
Deep fibers attached to ● Dorsal SI ligament Unilateral:
joint capsules of facets to ● L1-L5 Mamillary ● Contralateral Rotation
prevent infolding during Processes
Lumbar motion ● Deep surface of *Rotatores has largest density of
posterior layer of muscle spindles for proprioception –
Thoracolumbar fascia postural control

● Articular processes of
Thoracic and Cervical ● Transverse processes in
T1-T12 and articular
processes of C1-C4

Transversospinalis Spinous processes of more

transverse processes superior vertebrae in all
Rotatores regions

Suboccipital Muscles

Rectus Capitis Spinous Process of C2 Lateral to the Minor’s Rotation, extension

Posterior Major (Axis) attachment of the inferior
nuchal line
Head Extension
Rectus Capitis Posterior tubercle of Medial to the Major’s (@ atlanto-occipital joint)
Posterior Minor posterior arch of C1 attachment of the inferior Suboccipital Nerve
(Atlas) nuchal line C1

Obliquus Capitis Transverse process of C1 Most lateral of the occipital Head Extension
Superior (atlas) bone in between the Head Lateral Flexion
superior and inferior nuchal (@ atlanto-occiital joint)

Obliquus Capitis Spinous process of axis Transverse Process of C1 Ipsilateral Head Rotation
Inferior (C2) (Atlas) (@ atlanto-axial joint)

Posterior Triangle of Neck

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Sternocleidomastoid Unilaterally:
Anterior Surface of Motor: ● Ipsilateral lateral Flexion
Sternal Head manubrium Spinal Accessory CN XI ● Contralateral rotation
**Round tendon Mastoid process, lateral
½ of superior nuchal line Sensory: Bilaterally:
Clavicular Head VPR C2-C3 ● Extends head
**Flat tendon Superior surface of the ● Extends superior cervical
**Deep/lateral to medial 1/3 of the clavicle vertebrae, posterior to axis of
sternal head rotation
put, C1, C2)(“turtle head”)
● Flexes inferior Cervical
vertebrae, anterior to axis of
w C2) (“chin to chest”)

Omohyoid Superior border of Inferior border of hyoid C1-C3 by a branch from Depresses, retracts and steadies
scapula near bone the ansa cervicalis hyoid
suprascapular notch

Anterior Scalene Anterior Tubercles of Scalene tubercle on C4-C6

Transverse Processes of 1st rib Brachial plexus between Anterior
C3-C6 and Middle scalene

Bilateral: flexion of the head and

Middle Scalene Posterior Tubercles of 1st rib, posterior to VPR C3-C8 neck
Transverse Processes of groove for subclavian
C2-C7 artery Unilateral: lateral flexion

*Accessory muscles of inspiration

Posterior Scalene Posterior Tubercles of 2nd rib VPR C7-C8 (elevate ribs)
Transverse Processes of


Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Longus Capitis VPR - Deep neck flexors
Longus Colli

**oblique and vertical

Abdominal Wall
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

External Oblique ● External surface of Ribs ● Linea alba Contralateral Rotation

5-12 ● Pubic tubercle T7-T12
● Innerdigitates with the ● External lip of iliac crest
lats and Serratus
● Flexion
● Lateral Flexion
● Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Internal Oblique ● Ribs 10-12 ● Linea alba ● Lateral Pelvic Tilt
● Middle layer of ● Intermediate crest of iliac ● Pelvic Rotation
thoracolumbar fascia crest
● Connective tissue deep ● Pectin pubis (conjoint T6-T12, L1
to the inguinal ligament tendon with TA)
(L1 splits into Ipsilateral Rotation
Ilioinguinal and
Transverse Abdominis ● Internal surface of ● Linea alba with nerves)
Costal Cartilages of 7-12 aponeurosis of IO
● Middle layer of ● Internal lip of iliac crest Compresses and supports
thoracolumbar fascia ● Pecten pubis tendon abdominal viscera
● Connective tissue deep (conjoint tendon with TA)
to inguinal ligament
● Innerdigitates with

Rectus Abdominis ● Pubic symphysis ● Costal Cartilages of ribs 5-7 T6-T12 ● Flexion
● Pubic crest ● Xiphoid process ● Posterior Pelvic Tilt

Psoas Major ● Transverse Processes of ● Iliopsoas- primary hip flexor

L1-L5 Lesser Trochanter of femur ● Some laterally flex lumbar
● Sides of vertebral bodies VPR L1-L3 vertebrae
● IV discs

Iliacus Superior 2/3 of iliac fossa, Lesser Trochanter of Femur Femoral L2-L4 Iliopsoas- primary hip flexor
ala of sacrum, anterior SI

Quadratus Lumborum ● Iliotransverse: ● Iliotransverse & Iliocostal: ● Extension

Transverse Processes Internal lip of iliac crest VPR T12-L1 ● Lateral Flexion
L1-L5 ● Costotransverse: TP L1-L5 ● synergist with diaphragm by
● All: Iliolumbar Lig (from fixing 12th rib
● Iliocostal & iliac crest to TP L4-L5) ● Lateral Pelvic Tilt
Costotransverse: Rib 12
Upper Limb
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Pectoralis Major
Anterior surface of medial Lateral Pectoral Nerve Glenohumeral joint:
Clavicular head ½ of clavicle C5-C7 Adduction, medial rotation,
Lateral Lip of Intertubercular horizontal flexion
groove/sulcus of humerus Medial Pectoral nerve SC and AC joints:
C8-T1 protraction, downward
Anterior surface of Or rotation
Sternocostal Head sternum, costal cartilages Clavicular head: flexion (GH
1-6, aponeurosis of Crest of greater tuberosity joint)
external oblique Sternocostal head:
extension from a flexed

Pectoralis Minor Ribs 3-5 near costal Coracoid process of scapula Medial pectoral nerve Depression, protraction and
cartilages [expect C8-T1 downward rotation

Inferior surface of middle 1/3 Depresses shoulder girdle,

Subclavius Junction of 1st rib and its of clavicle (groove for the Nerve to the Subclavius stabilizes the SC joint
costal cartilage subclavius) C5-C6

Serratus Anterior ● Protraction, upward

External surface of Medial border of anterior Long thoracic nerve rotation (force couple with
Ribs 1-8 surface of scapula, from the C5-C7 trap)
superior angle to inferior Lateral cutaneous ● superior fibers: elevate
angle branches of VPR ● lower fibers: depress
● Stabilize scapula against
thoracic wall (along with

Deltoid Ant: flexion and medial

inferior lip of spine of Deltoid tuberosity of Axillary C5-C6 rotation (GH Joint)
scapula, acromion, lateral humerus Mid: Abduction
1/3 of clavicle (mid shaft, lateral aspect) Post: Extension and lateral

**3 Heads work in synergy

when they do abduction
(Ant/Post cancel each other

Posterior surface of the Medial lip of the

Teres Major Lower subscapular Adduction, medial rotation
inferior angle of the Intertubercular groove/sulcus
nerve C5-C7 and extension
scapula of humerus
**Lat’s little buddy

Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of

Superior facet of the greater Suprascapular nerve
scapula (goes inferior to Abduction
tubercle of the humerus C5-C6
coracoacromial arch)

Middle facet of the greater Suprascapular nerve
Infraspinous fossa Externally rotates
tubercle of the humerus C5-C6

Teres Minor Middle part of the lateral Inferior facet of the greater
Axillary C5-C6 Externally rotates
border of scapula tubercle of the humerus
Lesser tubercle of the
Subscapular fossa (most Upper and Lower
**largest rotator cuff of anterior surface of Subscapular nerves Medial rotation, adduction
Some fibers of tendon blends
scapula) C5-C7
with transverse humeral

Biceps Brachii Short head: conjoint

tendon w/coracobrachialis Radial Tuberosity, biccipital Flexes forearm (shoulder
to coracoid process of aponeurosis (lacertus and elbow joint)
scapula fibrosis) – attaches to deep
Long Head: supraglenoid antebrachial fascia Supination (proximal and
tubercle of scapula and distal radioulnar joints)
superior aspect of labrum
[fibrocartilage disk] Impacted by
shoulder/forearm position
Long head [travels in Musculocutaneous
intertubercular groove – nerve
held in place by transverse C5-C7
humeral ligament]

Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of Middle 1/3 of medial surface C6 myotome Shoulder joint: Shoulder
scapula via conjoint of humerus flexion, adduction
tendon with biceps brachii

Brachialis Anterior surface of the Coronoid process and ulnar

distal ½ of the humerus tuberosity Elbow joint: Forearm flexion

**Larger cross-sectional **workhorse – not affected

area than biceps by shoulder/forearm
**Brachial artery or position
median nerve may run
deep and be

Triceps Brachii
Infraglenoid tubercle on
Long head scapula
Extension (GH and elbow
Olecranon process of ulna joint)
Posterior surface of
Lateral head humerus, superior to Long head of triceps:
radial groove Radial C8-T1 adduction

Inferolateral to radial
Medial head groove

Posterior Compartment of Forearm – Superficial group

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Proximal 2/3 of lateral
Brachioradialis Lateral surface of the distal
supracondylar ridge of Flexion

Distal 1/3 of lateral Radial C8-T1

Extensor Carpi Radialis
Supracondylar ridge of nd
Longus Base of 2 metacarpal
humerus distal to

Extends and radially deviates

Extensor Carpi Radialis
Base of 3rd metacarpal
Deep Radial

Lateral epicondyle of
humerus via common
Extensor Digitorum extensor tendon Extensor expansion of digits MCP Extension
2-5 IP extension
(Tennis Elbow- usually the
ECRB is involved)
Extensor Digiti Minimi Extensor expansion of 5th 5th MCP extension
digit 5th IP extension

Posterior Interosseous
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Lateral epicondyle of C7-C8
humerus via common Extension and Ulnar
Base of 5th metacarpal
extensor tendon & deviation
posterior border of ulna

Lateral epicondyle of Lateral surface of the Radial C8-T1 Extension (GH and elbow
Anconeus humerus olecranon and superior part joint)
of ulna
Deep group

Lateral epicondyle of
humerus (common
**Arcade of Frohse: can Proximal 1/3 of radius Deep Radial Supination
tendon), supinator fossa &
compress the Deep
supinator crest
radial nerve

Extensor Indicis Surface of posterior and

Extensor expansion of 2nd
distal 1/3 of ulna Extends 2nd digit at MCP, IPs
Interosseus membrane

Abductor Pollicis Longus Posterior surface of Abduction & extension of

Radius & ulna Base of 1st metacarpal thumb @ CMC
Interosseus membrane Radial deviation

Posterior Interosseous
Extensor Pollicis Longus Extends CMC
Posterior surface of Ulna Base of distal phalanx of Extends MCP
Interosseus membrane thumb Extends IP
of thumb

Extensor Pollicis Brevis Extends MCP

Posterior surface of radius Base of proximal phalanx of
Extends CMC
Interosseus membrane thumb
of thumb
Radial deviation
Anterior Compartment of Forearm – Superficial Group
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Pronator Teres
Coronoid Process
Ulnar head
Lateral surface of the radius, Pronate @ Radioulnar
distal to the supinator Weak elbow flexor
Humeral Head

**Can compress Median


Flexor Carpi Radialis

Medial Epicondyle of Median Wrist flexor
Base of 2nd metacarpal
**Sits on groove of humerus via common C6-C8 Radial Deviation
Trapezium, surrounded flexor tendon
by flexor retinaculum (golfers elbow)
Palmar fascia/aponeurosis &
Palmaris Longus
flexor retinaculum Very weak wrist flexor

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Humeral Head 5th metacarpal

Wrist flexor
Hook of Hamate
Ulnar deviation
Weak elbow flexor
Ulnar Head Olecranon process & Flexor Retinaculum Ulnar
posterior border of the (stays muscular a long time)
**Can compress Ulnar ulna

Intermediate Group
Flexor Digitorum
Superficialis Medial epicondyle of
humerus via common
Humero-ulnar head flexor tendon
+ coronoid process
Intermediate phalanges of
digits 2-5 Flexion at wrist, MCP, PIP
(tendon splits and attaches to
Radial Head Median
lateral aspects)
Anterior border of the
**Sublimis bridge is radius
between the heads
**Can compress Median
nerve and Ulnar artery

Deep Group
Flexor Digitorum
Base of distal phalanges 4&5 Flexes distal phalanges 4 & 5
Ulnar Part Ulnar
Proximal ¾ of anterior & at wrist, CMC, MCP, IP joints
medial aspect of ulna
Interosseus membrane Base of distal phalanges Flexes distal phalanges 2 & 3
Radial Part
2&3 at wrist, CMC, MCP, IP joints

Flexor Pollicis Longus Flexes thumb at wrist, CMC,

Anterior surface of radius
Distal phalanx of thumb MCP, IP joints
Interosseus membrane

Anterior Interosseous
C8,T1 Pronation
Pronator Quadratus Anterior surface of distal ¼ Anterior surface of distal ¼ of
Dynamically stabilizes distal
of ulna radius
Radioulnar joint
Intrinsics of the Hand
Thenar Compartment
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Opponens Pollicis
Lateral side of shaft of 1st - Opposition
**Deep to metacarpal - Assists w/ medial rotation @ CMC for
abductor poollicis Recurrent branch of pure opposition to take place
brevis median nerve (C8,
- Flexor Retinaculum T1)
- Tubercles on Scaphoid
Abductor Pollicis and Trapezium (after median nerve
Brevis passes through
carpal tunnel) - Abducts @ CMC of thumb
**Radial side of -assists with opposition
flexor pollicis If recurrent branch is
brevis injured, develop Ape
Hand – thumb will
2 sesamoid bones in
Flexor Pollicis Lateral side of base of
tendons at head of 1st
Brevis proximal phalanx of thumb
- Flexes @ CMC & MCP
Superficial head Flexor pollicis longus -Assists with opposition
tendon between sesamoid -Assists in adduction
bones Deep Ulnar Nerve
Deep Head
(C8, T1)


Palmaris Brevis Superficial Branch of - Wrinkles the skin of the hypothenar

Medial border of palmar Ulnar nerve eminence, aiding grip
aponeurosis and skin on - deepens the hollow of the palm
medial border of hand (only muscle that it - covers and protects ulnar nerve and
innervates) artery

Hypothenar Compartment

Abductor Digiti
**Flexor carpi ulnaris Abduction @ MCP
**More medial
stabilizes pisiform Assists w/ flexion @ MCP
proximally so it can move
**Deep ulnar Medial side of base of
its proximal attachment
nerve goes deep Proximal phalanx of 5th digit
to it
Deep Ulnar Nerve
(C8, T1)
Flexor Digiti
Flexes 5th digit @ MCP

Hook of the hamate

Opponens Digiti Flexor retinaculum
Opposition @ 5th CMC
Medial shaft of the 5th -rotates 5th metacarpal
metacarpal (saddle joint)

Adductor Compartment
Adductor Pollicis Base of 2nd & 3rd
Deep Ulnar Nerve
(C8, T1)
Oblique head Capitate
Adducts thumb @ CMC
**Radial artery Medial side of base of
Last FULL muscle Assists with flexion of thumb @ MCP
between heads Proximal Phalanx of thumb
rd innervated by deep
Shaft of 3 metacarpal
ulnar nerve
Transverse head

Central Compartment (ALSO tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus)

Attach to Flexor digitorum Median Nerve (C8,
**“worm-like” profundus tendons T1) Primary extensors of PIP/DIP
Flexion @ MCP
1 and 2 1: radial side of 2nd digit
**unipennate 2: radial side of 3rd digit (due to dorsal/ventral attachment into
Radial Side of base of
extensor expansion)
proximal phalanx & extensor
3: ulnar side of 3rd &
3 and 4 radial side of 4th Called “Lumbrical Position of the
**bipennate Hand” – hold book/cards or patients
4: ulnar side of 4th & radial Deep Ulnar Nerve
side of 5th (C8, T1)

Interossei Compartment

Dorsal Interossei Extensor of PIP/ DIP

Assists flexion @MCP
(Lumbrical position)
**1 - 4 1&2: radial side of bases of
**bipennate proximal phalanges Primary abductor @ MCP
**DAB or 1: 1st & 2nd metacarpals
“Show off your 2: 2nd & 3rd metacarpals 3&4: ulnar side of bases of
ring” 3: 3rd & 4th metacarpals proximal phalanges 1. abduction of index finger
4: 4th & 5th metacarpals 2: acts on middle finger for radial
+ Extensor Expansion deviation
Deep Ulnar Nerve
3: acts on middle finger for ulnar
(C8, T1)
4: Abduction of ring finger

Point of reference is
Palmar Interossei
nd the middle finger
1: Ulnar side of 2 base of
nd proximal phalange
1: Ulnar side of 2
**1-3 2: Radial side of 4th base of Primary extensor of PIP/DIP
**Unipennate proximal phalange Flexion @ MCP
2: Radial side of 4th
**PAD or 3: Radial side of 5th base of (lumbrical position)
“Asking for proximal phalange
3: Radial side of 5th
change Adduction at MCP
+ Extensor Expansion

Anterior Compartment of the thigh

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Iliopsoas - Iliac crest
- Superior 2/3 iliac fossa, ala Tendon of psoas major, lesser Femoral Nerve
**Floor of fem triangle of sacrum, anterior sacro-iliac trochanter, femur distal to it L2, L3 Iliacus: anterior pelvic tilt
Iliacus ligaments
**Deep to inguinal Primary flexors of the
ligament thigh at the hip joint
Psoas Major Sides of bodies of T12-L5, IV
**lumbar plexus is within discs between them, and Stabilizes the hip joint
and deep to it Lesser trochanter of femur
Transverse processes of all VPR L1-L3
lumbar vertebrae

Tensor Fascia Latae Anterior superior iliac spine Iliotibial Band (encased in Superior Gluteal - Abduct, medially rotates,
and attaches to; attaches to Nerve L5, S1 flexes thigh
**Superiormedial to Gerdy’s tubercle (lateral - keep pelvis level when
inferolateral tubercle of tibia) ipsilateral leg is weight-bearing
- advance opposite side during
swing phase

Anteromedial aspect of
- Hip: FABER
proximal tibia
** “tailor” Flexion, abduction,
Pes Anserinus (conjoint
**figure 4 position Anterior superior iliac spine, Femoral Nerve external rotation
tendon with gracilis and
**lateral boundary of superior part of notch inferior L2, L3 - Flex leg at knee joint
femoral triangle to it - medially rotates leg
“goose’s foot”
**anterior boundary of when knee is flexed
Anserine bursa is deep
adductor canal

Quadriceps Femoris
Straight head: Anterior
Rectus Femoris inferior iliac spine *Rectus femoris
Reflected head: ilium Tibial Tuberosity -flexes hip
**Only head that crosses superior to the acetabulum - anterior pelvic tilt
hip (Common Quadriceps tendon -steadies hip joint
Quadriceps Femoris to base of patella, and then
Lateral Lip of the Linea Aspera Patellar Ligament into the
Vastus Lateralis of the femur, Greater Tibial Tuberosity)
Trochanter, and Fascia Lata Femoral Nerve
**Bigger proximally Lateralis and medialis also L2-L4
Quadriceps Femoris attach to tibia and patella via - Extend Knee
Intertrochanteric Line & aponeuroses
Vastus Medialis
Medial Lip of the Linea Aspera
of femur Lateralis attaches into
**Bigger distally iliotibial band
**lateral boundary of
(most medial muscle)
adductor canal *deep to patellar ligament is
**Inferior Fibers: Obliqus Hoffa’s fat pad (infrapatellar)
**Superior fibers: Longus
Quadriceps Femoris
Anterior and lateral surfaces
Vastus Intermedius of the shaft of the femur

- Pulls synovial membrane

Articularis Genu Synovial membrane of knee superiorly during leg extension
Distal part of anterior aspect
joint; wall of suprapatellar - prevents folds of membrane to
of femur
**Derivative of vastus bursa be compressed between femur
intermedius and patella
Medial Compartment of the thigh
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Superior ramus of pubis Pectineal Line of femur, just Femoral Nerve - Flex + Adduct thigh
** Superficial layer inferior to the lesser trochanter L2-L3 - assist with internal
**Floor of femoral triangle rotation
**Transitional muscle between
anterior/medial compartments

Gracilis Anterior Medial surface of

Body of pubis and proximal tibia Obturator Nerve Adduct thigh
** Superficial layer inferior pubic ramus (Pes Anserinus (conjoint tendon L2-L3 Flexion and medial rotation
**Most medial with sartorius and of leg at the knee
**Only one that crosses knee semitendinosus)
“goose’s foot”
Anserine bursa is deep

Adductor Longus
Adducts thigh
**Superficial layer
Body of pubis inferior to Internal rotation
**Medial boundary and floor Middle 1/3 of Linea Aspera
the pubic crest
of femoral triangle
**Medial boundary of
Adductor Canal

Adductor Brevis Adducts thigh

Can somewhat flex thigh
Body of pubis and Pectineal Line & proximal part of
**Intermediate layer Internal rotation
inferior pubic ramus linea aspera
**Deep to petcineus and
Obturator Nerve
adductor longus Flexion/extension?

Adductor Magnus
Inferior pubic ramus &
**Deep layer ramus of ischium
**Openings for perforating
Linea Aspera, medial Adducts thigh
branches of profunda femoris
supracondylar line & gluteal Internal rotation
**Medial boundary of Adductor
Adductor part: flexes thigh
from an extended position
Adductor Part
Hamstring Part: extends
thigh from a flexed position
**Adductor hiatus: opening
between 2 parts Ischial Tuberosity Adductor tubercle of the femur Tibial Nerve
Hamstring Part (just proximal to the medial L4

Obturator Externus
External surface of Trochanteric fossa of femur
**Very deep layer External Rotation
obturator membrane & Obturator Nerve
**Obturator nerve splits into Stabilizes head of femur in
margins of the (Passes posterior to the neck of L3-L4
anterior/posterior branches the acetabulum
obturator foramen the femur)
and goes through this muscle

Posterior Compartment of the thigh

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Anterior medial aspect of
Semitendinosus Flex leg at knee
proximal tibia
**Medial Hamstrings Extend thigh at hip
Pes Anserinus (conjoint
**More superficial – Tibial Nerve
tendon with gracilis and
long, slender, round L5-S2 Posterior pelvic tilt
tendon Anterior divisions
“goose’s foot”
Superomedial border of
Anserine bursa is deep
popliteal fossa
Medial Rotation of leg at
knee only when knee is

Semimembranosus - Posterior aspect of medial Extend trunk when thigh

tibial condyle and leg are flexed
**Medial Hamstrings -Oblique Popliteal Ligament
**Superomedial border (from muscle tendon; attaches
of popliteal fossa into posterior fibrous capsule During knee flexion,
Ischial Tuberosity of knee joint, goes to lateral semimembranosus assists in
femoral condyle) pulling medial meniscus
-Posterior horn of medial posteriorly
-Medial collateral ligament

Biceps Femoris

**Lateral Hamstring
**Superolateral border
Long head:
of popliteal fossa
Extend thigh at hip
Posterior pelvic tilt

Long Head
Lateral side of the head of Flex leg at knee
(sometimes the fibular Lateral Rotation of leg at
Common Peroneal/
collateral ligament will split knee only when knee is
Fibular Nerve
Lateral supracondylar line the tendon) flexed
Short Head L5-S2
of femur & linea aspera
Posterior divisions
(lateral to the adductor
**Only crosses knee magnus but medial to the
(only muscle that it
Vastus lateralis)
innervates before it

Muscles of the Gluteal Region

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Extend thigh at hip (especially from flexed
Gluteus Maximus Ilium posterior to the
posterior gluteal line, most fibers into the Inferior Gluteal
External rotation
near PSIS, dorsal Iliotibial band + Nerve
Posterior pelvic tilt
surface of the sacrum, other fibers into L5-S2
**Superomedial to coccyx & Gluteal tuberosity
Abduct (superior 1/3)
inferolateral fibers sacrotuberous
Adduct (inferior 2/3)
Superior Gluteal
Superior lateral
Gluteus Medius Superior ½ of the Nerve Closed chain: Abduct thigh at hip for
surface of the
external surface of the L5-S1 unilateral stance – controls pelvis on fixed
greater trochanter
ilium femur
**Tensor Fascia Latae is Between posterior and keeps pelvis lateral in frontal plane when
next to medius/minimus anterior gluteal lines ipsilateral limb is weight-bearing (unilateral
stance on one leg)
advance opposite (unsupported) side during
Gluteus Minimus Inferior ½ of the its swing phase
external surface of the Anterior fibers:
**Tensor Fascia Latae is ilium Anterior surface of Flexion/ Medial rotation
next to medius/minimus Between anterior and the greater Middle fibers:
inferior gluteal lines trochanter abduction
Posterior fibers:
Extension/ External rotation
Minimus doesn’t have posterior that much

Piriformis Ventral surface of

sacrum in the pelvic
Nerve to the
**Through Greater cavity; sacrotuberous Superior border of
Sciatic Foramen ligament the greater
**The bed of the sacral trochanter
**Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis: Internal Rotation of a super flexed
Superior Gemellus Ischial Spine

** Part of Triceps Coxae

External Rotation of an extended thigh
Obturator Internus internal surfaces of the Nerve to the
Abduction of a flexed thigh
Obturator membrane Obturator Internus
**Part of Triceps Coxae in pelvic cavity, L5-S1
Trochanteric fossa
**Through Lesser Sciatic surrounding bones of
(medial aspect of Stabilize head of femur in acetabulum
Foramen the ischium and pubis
greater trochanter)
**Greater than 90
degree turn when it
leaves pelvis

Inferior Gemellus Ischial Tuberosity

**Part of Triceps Coxae

Nerve to the
Quadratus Femoris
Quadratus Femoris Lateral border of the Quadrate tubercle
ischial tuberosity on the
crest of the femur
External Rotation
and area inferior to
Stabilize head of femur in acetabulum
Obturator Externus External surfaces of
Obturator Nerve
the Obturator
Trochanteric fossa L2-L4
**also in the medial membrane & bones of
compartment the ischium & pubis

Anterior Compartment of the Leg (“Pretibials”): deep to superior and inferior extensor retinaculum (V-shaped)
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Tibialis Anterior Lateral condyle and Medial and Plantar surface of Primary Dorsiflexion @
superior ½ of lateral medial cuneiform & base of Talocrural
**Most medial in the surface of tibia & 1st metatarsal
compartment interosseus membrane Supination/inversion @
Tendon very prominent Subtalar and Transverse
w/ dorsi + sup tarsal joints
Medial longitudinal arch

Extensor Hallucis Middle part of anterior Dorsum of the base of the Extends IP and MTP of big
Longus surface of fibula distal phalanx of the great toe Deep Peroneal/ Fibular toe
& interosseus membrane & extensor expansion Nerve Assist w/ dorsiflexion
L4-S1 @talocrural
Extensor Digitorum Lateral condyle of tibia & Middle & distal phalanges of Primary Extends toes @
Longus superior ¾ of medial toes 2-5 via extensor MTP (assists with IP)
surface of fibula expansion Assists with Dorsiflexes @
& interosseus membrane Talocrural
Pronates/Everts @ Subtalar

Peroneus/ Fibularis Inferior 1/3 of anterior Dorsum of the base of the 5th Dorsiflexion @ Talocrural
Tertius surface of fibula metatarsal Pronation/Eversion @
& interosseus membrane subtalar
**Looks like a part of
EDL – same muscle belly
but diff tendon
**very long flat tendon.
**Sometimes absent

Lateral Compartment of the Leg: Longus + Brevis lie in Retromalleolar groove (posterior to Lateral Malleolus). Can sublux out of groove. Held in
place by Superior and Inferior Peroneal Retinaculum
Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Peroneus/ Fibularis

**Passes through groove Head and superior 2/3 of Plantar surface of the base of
on cuboid lateral surface of fibula the 1st metatarsal and medial
**deep to long plantar cuneiform
-LATERAL ankle sprain
**Can sublux out of Pronation/Eversion @
cuboid groove Superficial Peroneal/ Subtalar
**Or can sublux the Fibular Nerve
cuboid from the L4-S1 Weak Plantarflexion @
calcaneus talocrural
**tenderness in sinus
tarsi – interosseous Transverse arch + Lateral
ligament or longitudinal arch
talocalcaneal ligament
can be injured
Inferior 2/3 of lateral
Peroneus/ Fibularis surface of fibula Plantar surface of the
Brevis tuberosity on lateral side of
base of the 5th met
**Longer muscle belly Styloid process – common
**More commonly torn site for fracture
longitudinally – flattens
and envelops the Longus

Posterior Compartment of the Leg

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action

Gastrocnemius Lateral aspect of the lateral Plantarflex @ talocrural

**Smaller CSA than condyle of femur when knee is extended
soleus Supinator/inverter @
**Tearing a head is Subtalar
called Tennis Leg Superior to the medial condyle Weak knee flexion
Lateral head of the femur Calcaneal Tuberosity

Medial head via the Tendocalcaneal/ Calcaneal

**Longer belly Tendon/ Achilles Tendon

Plantaris can have a separate

tendon; the tendon is often called
the “fools/freshman nerve” because
Soleus Posterior aspect of head & it is long and thin Plantarflex @talocrural,
**Doesn’t cross knee superior ¼ of posterior surface independent of position of
**Tendinous arch knee
**Tibial Nerve? Subcutaneous bursa: Between Supinator/inverter @
**Posterior Tibial artery tendon and skin Subtalar
+ vein?? Steadies leg on foot
Fibula Soleal line & middle 1/3 of Retrocalcaneal bursa: Between
medial border & tendinous arch calcaneus and tendon
Tibia Tibial Nerve
Plantaris Posterior lateral femoral Weakly assists gastroc in
condyle (proximal to lateral plantar flexoion
head of Gastroc) Weak knee flexion
Oblique popliteal ligament

Popliteus Anterior part of the groove on Posterior surface of tibia, superior Weak knee flexor
the lateral condyle of femur on to popliteal line (on posterior Open chain: MR of Tibia
**Deep notch, oblique popliteal surface of body of tibia ) (femur fixed)
**Floor of popliteal fossa ligament, lateral meniscus Closed Chain: LR of femur
**Inferomedial to (has intra-articular tendon) Into tendinous expansion covering (leg fixed)
superolateral - Arcuate popliteal ligament the surface of the muscle Unlocks the knee (leaving
**Covered by popliteal arches over when it enters knee closed-pack
fascia joint position)

Flexor Hallucis Longus Inferior 2/3 of posterior surface Plantar surface of the base of the Flexes big toe at MTP and IP
of fibula, inferior part of distal phalanx of the great toe
**Deep Interosseus membrane Weak plantar flexion
**Most lateral belly - Deep to flexor retinaculum and
**Groove between Kager’s fat pad Supports medial
medial and lateral -> then inferior to - Goes between 2 sesamoid bones longitudinal arch of foot
tubercles of talus – held sustentaculum tali of the at head of 1st metatarsal
in groove by ligaments Calcaneus and lies in groove for
tendon of FHL

Flexor Digitorum Longus Medial part of the posterior Plantar surface of the base of the Flexes toes 2-5
surface of the Tibia inferior to distal phalanges of toes 2-5 Plantarflexes ankle
**Deep the soleal line; by a broad - Passes through split in Flex Supination/inversion
**Most medial belly tendon to the Fibula Digitorum Brevis tendons
**”Profundus of the - Proximal attachment of lumbricals Supports longitudinal arch
foot” - Deep to flexor retinaculum
-Quadratus plantae attaches; can
contract and affect the line of pull

Tibialis Posterior Posterior surface of the tibia Tuberosity of Plantarflexes ankle

inferior to the soleal line Navicular, Cuneiform, Cuboid,
**Deepest Sustentaculum tali of calcaneus Primary supinator/
**Middle muscle belly Posterior surface of the fibula Base of 2nd, 3rd, 4th met Inverter
- Crosses FDL near ankle joint, so it’s Medial longitudinal arch +
Interosseus membrane most medial; closest to medial Transverse arch
- Deep to flexor retinaculum
Tarsal Tunnel: Tom (TP), Dick (FDL), Bloody Nervous (Tibial nerve, posterior tibial vessels), Harry (FHL)
Flexor retinaculum; “Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome” FHL, FDL, TP, Tibial nerve, posterior tibial artery, 2 posterior tibial veins

Intrinsics of the foot: Extensors

Muscle Proximal Distal Innervation Action
Extensor Digitorum Calcaneus (floor of tarsal Extensor tendons of digits 2-4 Extension of toes at MTP
Brevis sinus) Deep Fibular Nerve and IP
Interosseous talocalcaneal L5-S1
Inferior extensor
Extensor Hallucis Brevis Calcaneus Dorsal aspect of base of Extends great toe at MTP
proximal phalanx of great toe

Flexors: First Layer

Abductor Hallucis
Flexor Retinaculumm Medial side of base of Medial plantar
**Knot of Henry Medial tubercle on proximal phalanx of 1st toe S2-S3 *Medial Longitudinal Arch
**Medial and Lateral calcaneal tuberosity Abducts and Flexes 1st toe
Plantar Nerves are deep Plantar aponeurosis
and can be compressed
Intermuscular Septum Splits and attaches to both Flexes toes 2-5 at PIP
Flexor Digitorum Brevis Medial tubercle on sides of the middle phalanges
calcaneal tuberosity of toes 2-5
**“Superficialis of the Plantar aponeurosis *Flexor digitorum longus
foot” between tendons
Medial and lateral Baxter’s Nerve Abducts and flexes 5th toe
Abductor Digiti Minimi tubercles on the calcaneal Lateral side of base of First Branch of the *Lateral Longitudinal Arch
tuberosity, plantar proximal phalanx of Lateral Plantar Nerve
aponeurosis, 5th toe Inferior Calcaneal Nerve
intermuscular septum S2-S3

Second Layer
Also Flexor Hallucis Longus (goes between 2 sesamoid bones at head of 1st metatarsal) and Flexor Digitorum Longus
Medial and lateral plantar Posterolateral margin of Lateral plantar Assists the FDL in flexing
Quadratus Plantae surfaces of the calcaneus Flexor digitorum longus S2-S3 toes 2-5
Flexor digitorum longus Medial side of the proximal 2: Medial Plantar Flex proximal phalanges @
Lumbricals tendons phalanges of toes 2-5 and 3-5: Lateral Plantar MTP
extensor expansion Extend middle and distal
S2-S3 phalanges @ IPs

Third Layer
Superficial branch of
Flexor Digiti Minimi Base of 5th metatarsal Base of proximal phalanx of the lateral plantar nerve Flexes proximal phalanx of
Brevis 5th toe S2-S3 5th toe at MTP

Adductor Hallucis Plantar ligaments of MTP Deep branch of Lateral

**Shaped like 7 joints Lateral side of the base of plantar nerve Adducts 1st toe
Transverse Head Base of metatarsals 2-4 proximal phalanx of 1st toe S2-S3 Supports transverse
arch of the foot
Oblique Head
Both sides of base of
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Plantar surface of cuboid proximal phalanx of 1st toe Medial Plantar
and lateral cuneiform **sesamoid bones within S2-S3 Flexes proximal
**Shaped like 11 tendon, FHL goes between phalanx of 1st toe at MTP

Fourth Layer
Plantar aspect of medial Medial surface of base of
Plantar Interossei (3) side of shaft of proximal phalange of toes 3-5 Flex and adducts toes 3-5 at
metatarsals 3-5 MTP
Lateral plantar nerve
Dorsal Interossei (4) Adjacent sides of shafts of 1: medial sides of the 2nd S2-S3
metatarsals proximal phalanx Flex and abducts toes 2-4 at
**bipennate 1-5 2 – 4: lateral side of the MTP
2nd-4th proximal phalanx

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