58025498 Special Tests

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 Sitting, shoulder in neutral against trunk, elbow at 90, LH biceps pops out. Checks integrity of
FA pron. Pain in LH biceps. trans lig.
Resist sup of FA and ER of shoulder Bicipital tendonitis.
c Sitting or standing, UE in ext and FA sup. Pain LH biceps Bicipital tendonitis /
 Resist shoulder flex. Or: tendonosis
Shoulder in 90 flexion.
Push UE to ext ² eccentric contraction biceps
 Sitting Pain in shoulder Impingement LH
 Shoulder passively IR then fully abd biceps and
c!! Sitting, shoulder at 90, no rot. Pain in supraspinatus while Tear / impingement
" Resist shoulder abd. in empty can position. supraspinatus or
Place shoulder in empty can pos (IR & 30 fwd or hor suprascapular N
add), resist abd neuropathy
 Sitting. Unable to lower arm back Tear rot cuff
Shoulder passively abd 120, pt instructed to bring arm to side
to side
# Supine. Pain in post shoulder Impingement rot cuff
 Move shoulder 90 abd, max ER, 15-20 hor add and >tub or post
glenoid & labrum
#!$ Supine, shoulder in full abd. Audible clunk heard Glenoid labrum tear
Push humeral head ant while ER humerus.
 Supine, shoulder in 90 abd. Px won·t allow movt in that Previous ant shoulder
Slowly take shoulder to ER. direction dislocation
 Supine, shoulder abd 90, scapula stabilized by table. Px won·t allow movt in that Prev post shoulder
Place post force on elbow while moving shoulder to IR direction dislocation
and hor add at the same time
% Sitting, arm resting at side. Pain in AC joint. AC jt dysfunction
PT clasps hand, place heel of 1 hand on spine of scapula
and heel of other hand on clavicle. Squeeze hands to
compress AC joint.
 Sitting. Pulse disappear Pathology of
Find radial pulse of extremity tested. structures passing
Rotate head toward extremity being tested. through thoracic inlet
Ext and ER shoulder while ext head.
#&!# Sitting. Pulse disappear Same as above
'#" Find radial pulse of extremity tested.
Move shoulder down and back.
( Sitting. Pulse disappear Same as above
"! Find radial pulse of extremity tested.
Move shoulder to max abd and ER.
Take deep breath and rot head opposite side.
 Standing, shoulders fully ER, 90 abd, slight hor abd, Pulse disappear Same as above
elbows flex 90.
Open/close hands 3 minutes slowly.
# Reproduction of Peripheral N
 neurological sxs compression
) (
 Sitting or supine. UE supported and stabilized. Elbow Laxity and pain Identifies ligament
#" in 20-0 flex. laxity or restriction
Valgus force placed thru elbow for ULNAR
"# Sitting elbow in 90 flex, supported and stabilized. Pain in lat epic Tennis elbow
Resist wrist ext, wrist rad dev, FA pron & fingers flex
'"# Sitting, elbow in 90 flex, supported and stabilized. Pain med epic Golfer·s elbow
Passive sup FA, ext elbow, ext wrist
# Tap region where ulnar N passes in cubital tunnel Tingling sensation in ulnar Ulnar N dysfunction
distribution at olecranon
 Sitting, elbow in 90 flexion, supported and stabilized. Tingling or paresthesia in Median N entrapment
" Resist FA pronation and elbow ext simultaneously. median N distribution in pronator teres

( c  
*$# Make a fist, thumb within confines of fingers. Pain in wrist de Quervain
Passively move wrist in ulnar dev. tenosynovitis (APL,
)!#+## MCP jt stabilized in slight ext. PIP jt flex. Flex limited (B)- tight Tightness structures in
MCP jt flex. PIP jt flex. capsule MCP jt
More PIP flex then MCP
flex ² intrinsic ms tight
!# PIP stabilized in neutral while DIP flex. Flex limited (B) ² tight Tightness around IPJ
PIP flex, DIP flex. capsule.
More DIP flex with PIP flex
² tight retinacular ligaments
! Fingers supported and stabilized. Laxity and pain. Ligament laxity or
#" Valgus and varus forces applied to PIPJ in all digits. restriction
Repeat at DIPJ.
* Grasp paper between 1st and 2nd digits hand. IP flex thumb Ulnar N dysfunction
Pull paper out. Weak adductor
# Tap region where median N passes thru carpal tunnel. Tingling or paresthesia Carpal tunnel
median N distribution compression of
median N
# Maximally flexes B wrist for 1 min. Same as above Same as above
,- Sitting, hand stabilized. Normal is <6mm Identify level of
 Use calliper, apply to palmar aspect of fingers to assess sensory innervations
ability to distinguish between 2 points. within the hand
Record smallest difference that pt can sense 2 separate
## Pt close/open fingers quickly several times. Normal ² change in color Vascular compromise
Close fist. from white to normal
PT occlude ulnar artery, px open hand. appearance of palm.
Observer palm then release compression.
Observe vascular filling.
$*)  Supine. Involved knee unable to Identify hip
Passively flex, abd and ER test leg, foot above knee on assume relaxed position. dysfunction (mobility
opposite leg. Reproduction of painful sxs. restriction)
Lower testing leg down on table surface.
.c! Supine, hip in 90 flex and knee max flex. Pain in hip jt. Hip DJD
Place compressive load to femur via knee jt.
#! Standing. Ipsilateral pelvis drops when Gluteus medius
Stand on one leg, flex opposite knee. lower limb support is weakness
removed while standing. Unstable hip
 Supine, one hip and knee max flex to chest and held Straight limb·s hip flex Tight hip flexors
there. and/or unable to remain flat
Opposite limb kept straight on table. on table when opp limn is
Observe if hip flex on straight leg as opp limb is flex. flex.
 Sidelying, lower limb flex at hip and knee. Uppermost limb unable to Tight TFL or ITB
Passive ext and abd testing hip with knee flex to 90. rest on table.
Slowly lower uppermost limb.
Observe if reaches table.
#" Prone. Hip test limb flex. Tight rectus femoris
Knee of test limb is flex. Observe hip of test limb.
/0-/0 Supine, hip and knee test limb in 90 flex. Knee unable to reach 10 Tight hamstrings
Passive ext knee of test limb until barrier is encountered from neutral (lack 10 ext)
1 Supine. Test knee unable to pass Piriformis syndrome
Foot of test leg passively placed lat to opp limb·s knee. over resting knee.
Testing hip abd. Reproduction of pain in
buttock or sciatic N dist.
# Supine. Pelvis aligned with lower limbs and trunk. True LLD
Measure distance from ASIS to lat mal on each limb
several times.
 Prone, knee flex to 90. N angle 8-15 hip IR. AbN femoral
Palpate >troch, slowly move hip IR/ER. <8- retroverted hip antetorsion angle
>troch lat, stop, measure angle leg perpendicular to >15-anteverted hip

### Supine. Lower limb supported, stabilized. Laxity and pain Ligament laxity or
# Knee 20-30 flex. restriction
#" Valgus force ² test MCL
Varus force - LCL
 Supine. Testing knee flex 20-30. Excessive ant glide tibia. ACL integrity
Stabilize femur and passively glide tibia ant.
&1 Supine. Test knee ext, hip flex and abd 30, slight IR. Tibia relocating during test. ACL integrity
Hold knee with one hand and foot with other hand. As knee is flexed, tibia
Place valgus force through knee and flex knee. clunks bwd 30-40. Tibia at
beginning of test was
subluxed then reduced by
pull of ITB as knee was
 Supine. Test hip flex 45 and knee flex 90. Tibial sag relative to femur. PCL integrity
3 Supine. Test hip flex 45 and knee flex 90. Excessive posterior glide PCL integrity
Passively glide tibia post following the jt line.
&# Prone. Knees flex 30. Ligament laxity. PCL integrity
Stabilize femur. Passively glide tibia posteriorly.
''!" Supine. Test knee in max flex. Click/pain knee joint Meniscal tear
Passively IR and ext knee (for lat meniscus).
ER (for med meniscus)
#" Prone. Testing knee flex to 90. Pain/decreased motion Differentiate between
Stabilzie thigh to table with PT·s knee. during compression ² mensical tears and
Passively distract joint then rotate tibia int and ext. MECHANICAL ligamentous lesions.
Apply compressive load to knee and rotate tibia int and If during distraction ²
!# Supine. Resting knee flex with tibia IR. Pain or popping Plica dysfunction
Passively glide patella medialy, palpate MFC.
Feel for popping as knee is passively flex and ext.
## Supine. Patella passively glided laterally. Px does not allow patella to Hx of patellar
 move in lat direction dislocation
#$ Supine. Knee in ext resting on table. Pain. Patellofemoral
Push posterior on sup pole of patella. dysfunction
Px to perform active contraction quads.
)##### Supine. Knee in ext and resting on table. Perception of patella Infrapatellar effusion
Soft tap over central patella. floating (dancing patella)
*#!! Supine. Knee in ext resting on table. Fluctutation (movement) of Knee joint effusion
Place 1 hand over suprapatellar pouch and ant knee jt. fluid
Alternate pushing down with one hand at a time.
4-# N men ² 13
Female ² 18
# Supine. Hip flex 45 and knee flex 90. Pain over LFC at ITB friction syndrome
 Apply pressure to LFC then ext knee. approximately 30 flex.
# Tap region where common fibular nerve passess Tingling or paresthesia into Common fibular
through posterior to fibula head leg following common nerve poste to fibular
fibular nerve distribution head dysfunction

 2 * 
!#!# Prone. Foot over edge of table. Neutral position is point at Determine abN
 Palpate dorsal aspect of talus on both sides with 1 hand. which you feel foot fall off rearfoot or forefoot
Grasp lat forefoot with other hand. easier to 1 side or other. positioning
DF foot until resistance felt.
Move foot to supination and pronation.
3 Supine. Heel off edge of table in 20 PF. Talus has excessive ant glide Ligamentous
Stabilize lower leg and grasp foot. and / or pain. instability
Pull talus ant.
## Sidelying. Knee flex and ankle in neutral. Excessive adduction or Ligamentous
Move foot to adduction testing calcaneofibular and abduction and/or pain. instability
abduction testing deltoid. (calcaneofibular)
 Prone. Foot off edge of table. Squeeze calf muscles. No movement of foot while Achilles tendon
squeezing calf.
# Supine. Foot supported on the table. Tingling and/or paresthesia Dysfunction of
Tap over region of posterior tibial N as it passes posterior tibial N
posterior to medial malleolus. posterior to med mal
Tap over region of deep fibular N as it passes under or deep fibular N ant
dorsal retinaculum (ant to ankle jt) to talocrural jt
' Supine. Foot supported on table. Pain in forefoot. Stress fx or neuroma
Grasp metatarsal head. Squeeze.
c  5 6c5'7
6#" Supine. Head supported on table. Dizziness. Vertebrobasilar
-p Ext head and neck for 30sec. If no change in Visual disturbance. system
sxs... Disorientation.
-p Ext head and neck with rotation L and R for Blurred speech.
30sec. If no change in sxs... Nausea and vomiting.
-p Head cradled off table. Ext head and neck for
30sec. If no change in sxs..
-p Head cradled off table. Ext head and neck
with rotation to L for 30sec. Repeat with rot
to R.
! -p Sitting. Shoulders 90 and palms up. Px closes Arms lose position. Vestibular versus
eyes and remain in position for 30sec. vascular causes of
-p Sitting. Shoulders 90 and palms up. Px close vertigo
eyes and cue into head and neck ext with
rotation R then L remaining in each position
for 30sec.
& Supine. Head supported on table. Soft end feel. Dizziness, Transverse ligament
# Glide C1 ant. Should have firm endfeel nystagmus, lump sensation
in throat, nausea.
 Supine. Head supported on table. Laxity of ligaments. Upper cervical spine
Glide C2 to C7 anteriorly. Should have firm endfeel. Diziness, nystagmus, lump ligaments and capsules
sensation in the throat,
*# Sitting. Head side bent toward uninvolved side. Pain/paresthesia Compression of
 Apply pressure through head straight down. cervical nerve roots
c!# Repeat with head side bent on involved side.
'8!&# Sitting. Pain/paresthesia Compression of
 Passively move head to side bending and rotation neural structures at IV
towards painful side followed by ext. foramen or facet jt
Repeat on other side. dysfunction
 Sitting. Decrease in sxs in neck Compression of
Head passively distracted. (facet) or in upper limb pain neural structures at IV
(neurological) foramen or facet jt
c!# Sitting. Decrease in sxs in upper Compression of
! Place 1 hand on top of head. limb. neural structures
Repeat with opposite hand. within IV foramen.
 Long sitting on table. Pain down the spine and Spinal cord
Passively flex head and 1 hip, keeping knee in ext. upper or lower limbs dysfunction or UMNL
Repeat on opposite side.
 Standing and close eyes for 30 secs Excessive swaying during UMNL
 Prone. Pain, excessive motion of Rib mobility
Begin at upper ribs applying a posterior/anterior force rib or restriction of rib.
through each rib progressively working through entire
rib cage.
Follow by side lying and repeat.
 Prone. Pain, excessive movement, IV jt mobility in
 Apply posterior/ant glides/springs to trans process of and or restricted movement thoracic spine
thoracic vertebra.
c#! Sitting on edge of table knees flex. Reproduction of Dysfunction of
Px slump sits while maintaining neutral position of head pathological neurological neurological structures
and neck. sxs supplying LEs
-p Passively flex head and neck.
-p Extend one of knees.
-p Passively DF ankle of limb of ext knee
!c  Supine. Legs resting on table. Reproduction of Dysfunction of
Passively flex hip of 1 leg with knee ext until px pathological neurological neurological structures
complains of pain into lower limb. sxs when foot is DF supplying LEs
Slowly lower limb until pain subsides, passively DF foot
*#& Lies on nonpainful side. Trunk in neutral, head flex Neurological pain in ant Compression of
 slightly, and lower limb·s hip and knee flex. thigh femoral N
Passively extend hip while knee of painful limb is in ext.
If no reproduction of sxs, flex knee of painful leg.
6##&!& Sitting. Dysfunction of neurological Space-occupying lx
Take deep breath. Hold while bare down. structures supplying Les
)$ Supine or sitting. Extension of big toe and UMNL
Glide bottom of reflex hammer on plantar surface of splaying of other toes
4! Standing. Pain / paresthesia in Compression of
IVF: dermatomal pattern for neural structures at
Side bending to L, rotation L, ext to max close IVF on involved nerve root or IVF and facet
L localized pain if facet dysfunction
Facet dysfunction: dysfunction.
Side bending L, rotation R, ext to max compress facet
on L.
c$ Standing on one leg. Pain in low back with Spondylolisthesis
Trunk extension. Repeat. ipsilateral leg on ground.
'29 Standing. Stand on side of patient that upper trunk is Reproduction of Differentiate between
# shifted toward. neurological symptoms as scoliotic curve versus
Place ur shoulder to px·s upper trunk and wrap ur arms alignment of trunk is neurological
around px·s pelvis. corrected. dysfunction causing
Stabilize upper trunk and pull pelvis to bring pelvis and lateral shift of trunk
trunk to proper alignment.
)"#& Seated on stationary bike. If related to spinal stenosis, Differentiate between
.# Ride bike while sitting erect and time how long they can should be able to ride intermittent
ride at a set pace/speed. Rest. Bike in slumped longer while slumped. claudication and spinal
position. stenosis
.## Standing. No identified movement of Assess posterior
Place thumb of hand under PSIS of limb to be tested PSIS compared to sacrum movement of ilium
and place other thumb on center of sacrum at same relative to sacrum
level as thumb under PSIS.
Px flex hip and knee of limb tested.
Assess movement of PSIS comparing positions of
thumb. PSIS should move in inf direction
## Place thumb under PSIS of test limb and place other No identified movement of Assess ant movement
 thumb in center of sacrum at same level as thumb under PSIS compared to sacrum of ilium relative to
PSIS. sacrum
Px extend hip of test limb
Assess movement of PSIS via comparison of positions
of ur thumbs. PSIS should move in sup direction
.# Sidelying at edge of table while holding bottom leg in Pain in SIJ SIJ dysfunction
max hip and knee flex.
Stand behind px, passively ext hip of upper most limb.
 Supine with correct alignment of trunk, pelvis and lower Reversal in limb lengths Dysfunction of SIJ
limbs. between supine as causing functional
PT stand at edge of table by px·s feet palpating the compared to long sit. LLD
medial malleoli to assess symmetry.
Px comes to long sitting then assess leg lengths.
Compare supine and sitting.
.#3 Supine. Fingers in between spinous processes of Pain prior to palpation of Differentiates between
lumbar spine. movement in lumbar dysfunction in lumbar
Other hand passively perform SLR. segment = SIJ spine versus SIJ
'7 Sitting or supine. Pain in TMJ Compression of
Support px·s head with 1 hand and with other hand retrodiscal tissues.
push mandible sup causing compressive load to TMJ

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