Vanuatu 31

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username rating

rekath16 7

lololassure 9

kaszkiet 6.5

GoingTopShelf 8

mhoehener 8.25

H8Man 8

darkthur N/A

BrianNeuls 7

vejrum 9
tyste N/A

dhable 6

ottobre31 9.1

svalladolid 7

pilot 5.5

socialsnacker 4

tro6inson 8

Rontuaru 7
sorcha 8

chaddyboy_2000 5

amacleod 9

ajewo N/A

Haister 8.75
doctoryes0 5

Tonantzin 9

adamredwoods 7

Fajeth 4
Ryan Keane 6

johnag68 6

gixmo 7
jgoyes 7.5

bcnevan 6

This game must be one of my most beautiful games in my collection.

The action system feels new, but not very good yet. The board gets gigantic for 2 players.
I rated less absolutely due to terrible rulebook. We needed more than 1 hour to understand the game.
edit: this time we played without stupid 2p-rule for auction system and liked the game very much. I have absolutely no idea w
- purchased 29.10.2017 (SPIEL17); 40€
- sold 06.05.2018 (ebay); 24,76€

This game is just excellent, one of my preferred "summer" boardgames. Above its "holiday" atmosphere and its summery look
First, this second edition by QuinedGames is gorgeous. Play it under the sunlight to magnify the turquoise colour of the tiles.
Second, the gameplay is very good, with a lot of choice (character card, actions). Many actions possibilities, a lot of tension wh
Superb !

2018-11-30 - 6.5 - I have a hard time rating this one. I have seen players being screwed over heavily, but somehow I avoided it
gladly play again, but I don't have to. I almost never had a feeling that I can do much better than others in a particular round (m

Fun, mean, cutthroat. If you want to drop a lot of F bombs when you play board games, play Vanuatu. This won't be a game fo
people around you choose to take their actions, so if you don't like getting screwed over, don't play this.

But if you like highly interactive games with great production that looks beautiful on the table then I highly suggest you check

It's true, this game can be brutal and mean. But it's a lot of fun an georgous to look at. It's more on the long side with about 2

As a little help: put the character tile above the worker spot it refers to. That makes it easier for new players to understand the
placement strategy as turn order is very important in this game.

For me, Vanuatu was just another game with a "strange" story, but the first play showed a really great game.

Behind that lovely looking cover, you'll find a cutthroat game that works very well. Everthing is logical, so that it's easy to expla

Easily one of the best games from 2011 for me.

While I liked the original as it is, you get better components with the 2nd edition, that make this game a really good looking on
Este es un juego que desde la explicación (cuatro caras repletas de reglas incluyendo acciones, personajes, etc) uno intuye que
complejidad reside en gestionar un sistema de selección de 9 acciones con 5 peones y 10 personajes, a elegir uno por ronda, a
puedo juzgarlo aún.

This is my summer/outside/feels like vacation boardgame. It's a light engine-building game that lets you host tourists on your
But don't let my description fool you. This is a mean game. Mean. And I don't quite understand why. With the care bear varian
paradise turns into a nasty hour and a half.
But with our house-rule care bear variant, it's pretty excellent.

Very tight, cut-throat, brain-burning, role selection, worker placement, bidding game. Like doing brain surgery while being atta

Typical reaction: "This is the meanest game I have ever played".

A brilliant game for horrible people. A friend's reaction after failing to do a single action for two whole game rounds (of eight):
melt and vaporise.
each turn select a role which powers up certain phases. not playable with 2 like puerto rico
after role selection then split up to 5 points in the u pto ?9? actions. by placing 2 at a time
when everyone is done bidding you must take off all your workers from one action to trigger it (move, explore buy, sell, place
so turn order is very important, easy to outbid
randomness in tiles / exploration phase. otherwise a very tight game

[i]OK - will play if in the mood.[/i]

Dropped the rating after a four player game with the local gaming group. These are people who play a lot of games and this m
that this was too long for what this game really is. The plus side is that I managed my money to avoid going up in points but re

Rating History:
22 Jan 2020 - 6 (3 plays)
19 Nov 2018 - 7 (3 plays)
30 Aug 2017 - 7.5 (1 play)
Edizione super pregiata del noto gioco. Il gioco rimane invariato anche se vengono aggiunte le due espansioni che volendo si p
la qualità è decisamente migliore. Non a tutti piace e soprattutto non tutti entrano in confidenza con i simboli e i disegni che so
esiste più. Amando già molto Vanuatu trovo questa nuova edizione perfetta.

The action selection and execution portion of this game is super interesting. Players have a total of 5 tokens to place over field
in each space. This can lead to some players getting completely blocked out depending on how things turn out. The game seem

Gorgeous looking game, with a very interesting mechanic. Sort of a jerk faced jerk game, but I thought it was pretty cool and w

Really strange game. I thought it is a worker placement game, but its actually an action auction game that is rather unforgiving
what´s with the strange mandatory money to points conversion here, why couldn´t I stock up a bit more money to use on the
thing I strongly disliked. Very nice components though and I liked the other mechanics besides money conversion and action s

This game is certainly harsh and encourages the players to be pretty ruthless to each other, which is not something that will ge
round feels much the same as the last round, just tactically doing the same things over and over and trying to eke out an adva
money, after which you are completely broke. It seemed kind of interesting but I didn't enjoy it in practice. The game was trul

1st impression: A very thinky worker placement/bidding game. The rules aren't particularly heavy, the game is not particularly
how this game might be considered too slow for some (or on the flipside, too random if you are just playing a speed version),
order-affecting-turn-order problem - easily house ruled, I guess.
Similar feel to Keyflower, though a little more punishing and closer to worker placement than the more auction-heavy Keyflow

Sadly, sold away on April 18, 2018. Perhaps I'll be able to try it again someday.

Original comments:
Rating potentially rising, as the 2p experience wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. I can certainly see it feeling much more
1st-player position. The competition wasn't so much on the board as it was on the worker placement areas.

I enjoy how the game forces you to concede in some areas of strategy and pursue others throughout the game. You may not n
Plays as beautifully as it looks for two good-humoured players. Our "care bear" factor tends to be high, so the comments here
ambiguities/conflicts to sort out, and the main rulebook addressing the action icons in a different order than how they are on
once things got rolling, it was a well-greased machine, and a game I could easily teach to others. (Well, if I gave everyone a che
meeples! The fish meeples!

I really enjoy the action selection mechanism in this one, as it can be a bit brain melty trying to figure out how not to get screw
one, as you're always getting screwed, and screwing other people. I really liked that part of this game.

However, beyond that, I just felt like what you're actually going in the game was bland. There's a few different options to scor
my interest and enthusiasm for the game diminished significantly as the game went on.

Overall, I'm glad to have played it and admire parts of the game, but I don't really see myself seeking it out again.

A delightful and remarkably challenging game with rather straightforward rules (apart from how to plot your actions, which isn

Many people here say it is a frightfully mean game: it's not, but can feel that way if you can't do anything during a round. But i
game until the very end, and it's never entirely certain who will win. Vanuatu does run maybe one or two rounds too long; but

Beautiful-looking game...maybe too beautiful: it is not a good game for the colour-blind, and the lines on the board indicating

Mean worker placement trading game with quite unique action programming and tile laying where players can lock each othe

+ Awesome artwork and components

+ Many paths to victory
+ Role selection boosts one's action
+ Action selection kind of area majority
+ Clever integrated mechanics that still not overburden the game (trading goods, attracting tourists, auction, tile laying, role s
+ Player aid (in second edition)
+ Rulebook is thin and very clear
# Planning is very important
# Turn order very important: high dependency of action order
# Money is very tight
# Competitive worker placement game: blocking action for all other players
- Players may have actions that do nothing
- Unforgiving: wrong order of actions, no catch up mechanism

See also:
* Outlive: worker placement with direct interaction.
* Argent: The Consortium: worker placement with direct interaction.

Wow! This deluxe edition is one of the most beautiful looking game i've seen, with a lovely tropical paradise theme and intere
lends itself to some of the meanest game play I've experienced where a player's whole round can be made completely redund
available action for another player with no intention to screw you over. Having 2 or 3 rounds of a 8 round game where you tak
not hold your hand with any catch-up mechanics. A dazzling beauty with unique features that masks a unforgiving and someti
With 3 players who have either played before, or who are capable of internalizing the rules deeply enough to see the ramifica
other players — this is a fundamentally good although flawed game.

With more players or with even a single player who is still asking, for example, how fishing or trading cargo works halfway thro

The system is far too tightly knit to support the effective randomness of a confused player.

With 3 experienced gamers, it is still a flawed game. It is too long and repetitive, and the final turn is garbage time. The trading

As written, and in the above circumstances, the game is mediocre, although it could be improved with houserules. In any othe

Cannot recommend.

Excellent jeu ''intermédiaire''. La thématique est rafraîchissante et les actions ont du sens. L'enchère pour bloquer ou prendre
faites et les autres. + S'il y a égalité à la fin de la partie, les joueurs ayant égalité GAGNENT !

La 2ème édition inclus toutes les extensions avec une refonte graphique colorée et agréable visuellement !
Pour avoir testé l'extension, elle rend le jeu plus nerveux et plus tactique, et certaines actions deviennent moins utiles si des îl

La thématique est également respectée, l e mec a vraiment bien fait le jeu, car cela correspond réellement à la réalité de Vanu
Chapeau l'artiste !
COmme ils le disent eux-même : L'économie traditionnelle permet au pays de faire subsister la population sans problème, ave
environnementale et le risque d'Inondation de la zone, qui est bien réel et est une problématique contemporaine des Vanuatu

2.5 plays / 3,5 players (played both versions)

LIKE: The core of the game is the action selection phase, which I really enjoyed. It's a great mechanism, as itself. I liked how th
combined with the special powers.

DISLIKE: When a player's action is blocked, they get nothing, and a possibility a player could get to take zero actions in a round
times there were action spots that were useless, such as the treasure spot when no treasures were available, which felt odd.

OVERALL: The game is a mean worker placement, but if players can accept that everyone will be treated poorly, the game is p
NOTHING on a blocked turn, I wish they would have designed the game to be a little softer, say, getting a fish for being blocke

Strangely, the game makes me think of Steam.

First impressions: Took way too long with 5 srategic players because you will always think hard about the best move (there are
very unforgiven, so you don't want to screw up (but might look at how to screw up competitors)

Beeing the starting player (and holding it) felt way too powerful. The game can be quite mean because due to the (auction bas

The last rounds were rather boring, because there was barely anything to do at that stage (most resources and scoring places
surprise victory ... other than that, you can very much run away in points if you do it right, no catchup mechanisms.

Artwork was nice and thematic, components are good. Game felt repetitive after some rounds and the downtime with 5 think
This is not a worker placement game, but really an action selection/area majority game. It's all about whether you spread you
go big placing all your discs on 2 actions. The sequence of when you get to do your actions is also very important - you don't w
you can move your ship to the treasure, etc. It can be very AP-prone, as you have to guess what other players are going to do
anything a whole round. You have to be okay with that, but almost more importantly everyone at the table has to enjoy screw
but I screwed others out a lot, which put a bad taste in my mouth and made my win not as enjoyable. Turn order is so import

Ok. Played once with just 2 (learning game).

Firstly, I can't express how beautiful a production this really is. Great art direction, color selection, and design choices make th

Having said that, I feel that there were some significant sacrifices to function in favor of the presentation which ultimately don

The lines on the board and tiles (for placement of huts, sand drawings, etc..) are light enough that they are difficutl to see with
small, contributing to this annoyance. Some of the placement of other components and resources just isn't clear enough intu
either, leading players to have to reference the manual multiple times a game (or even more than once in a turn, in many case

All in all, the game mechanisms seem solid, but the application and design, while amazing to look at, are not serving the game

Hmm. Was hoping for more from this one.

Components: good quality

Complex: not hard to teach, could be hard to learn
Weight: medium- heavy
Players: 4
Length: 90 to 120 mins
Mechanics: worker placement-planning
Decisions: a lot, which actions will you go for, where to place your workers, which action will you do first...
Opinion: not a bad game, probably I was expecting more from it, enjoyed the game but not as much as I though I will. It is a ga
You try to score points around the islands of Vanuatu, and, for doing so, you have to plan your movements in order to build ho
The main phase of the game is the planning one, in your turn you place one of your workers on one of the 9 possible actions, b
on each spot), in case you have no majorities, one action is lost. And this is the best part of the game... thinking what actions y
The rest is a normal game, that clicks well. Select a character at the beginning of the turn, collect treasures (sell them or keep
different actions where you can score points.
Funny game with lot of interaction where the best part is the planning phase with your workers. Will play it when it hits the ta

Initial Rating: 7.5 (April 2019)

I love Vanuatu! It was my pick for game of the year 2011 for a while (now it´s my number 5) and I always enjoy it when we pla
identical ruleswise. Perhaps it’s due to its expansions as they are included in the second edition.

As I already wrote a lot about Vanuatu, I won’t do the same thing here. You can read my thoughts under its entry. For now I w

It´s great that Quined Games fulfilled the missing copies of previous backers, that´s amazingly generous of them.

Vanuatu (second edition) has new art and it’s pretty cool, the art is definitively superior to the first edition, however, the graph
camouflaged and gameplay suffers a bit due to this.

The treasures and fishes on water spaces are now MUCH more clearer and that´s very welcomed.

If you are accustomed to play on the old board, you can easily make a mistake here as the actions were moved and they are n

It is also very nice the game now comes with the promo tile (Governor) and the expansion which I haven’t played yet.

Bottom line, I´m very happy Vanuatu (second edition) is available as the game has a rocky past. Vanuatu is a great euro game w

Current Rating: 7.5

[b]Jgoyes´ Awards: [/b]


Tight victory point chasing game where your actions tend to provide, or be one conversion from, money, points, or both. The g
for actions. The two phases where the players place discs as bids to conduct action and then choose which actions to perform
board expands in geography, and the natural resources and sunken treasures are gobbled up by the players. That provides a v
collection. The visual arc does help connect to the game's setting. But even with that connection, there's no narrative. This is a

It's interesting that this sort of action selection hasn't been used more widely. Rurik uses a similar auction-based mechanism, b
turn-order bound (to an almost clunky degree).

I'd choose to play without the character tiles. They open the economies a bit and provide some semblance of get out of jail eff
times the character tile is useless when actions are executed. I'd gladly reduce play time (since you choose a role for each of th

Rating is closer to a 7 without the character tiles.




























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