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Brotoey I - SEcTION A Consider the given two statements: Fata Fave smears Don aT Sitement kay donot Plays my haven lin 1839, Theodore Schwann, a British Zoologist, [Statement [studied different types of animal cells and In: feported that cells had a thin outer layer which is foday known as the ‘plasma membrane’ T Statement [is correct, Statement IL is correct 2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement IH is correct 3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect 4, Statement I is incorrect; Statement IT is incorrect, onsider the given two statements: The outer nuclear membrane usually remains Jcontinuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and also bears ribosomes on it. Statement I: INuclear pores are the passages through which [Statement |movement of RNA from nucleus to the lu: |cytoplasm and protein molecules from the cytoplasm to the nucleus takes place [Statement I is correct; Statement I is correct [Statement I is correct; Statement IT is incorrect [Statement I is incorrect; Statement I is correct, [Statement I is incorrect; wfement IT is incorrect Plant and animal cells are different. Identify the correct difference: Plant cells possess cell walls, plastids and a large central lvacuole which are absent in animal cells Ii: [Animal cells have centrioles which are absent in almost all plant cells 1 Only Lis correct 2. Only ITs correct 3. Both I and Il are correct 4, Both I and Il are incorrect Reserve material in prokaryotic cells is stored in the cytoplasm in the form of 1. [inclusion bodies B: B._[magnetosomes i [earboxysomes [chromatophores ‘The mucleus was discovered by: T. Robert Hooke 2. Robert Brown 3. Anton Von Lecuwenhock 4, Purkinje FI seit te incorrect statement [Centrosome isan organelle usually containing two leylindrical structures called centrioles. [Both the centrioles in a centrosome lie parallel to each ).ther in which cach nas an organisation like the cartwheel |Centrioles are made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral [ibrils of tubulin protein ‘here each of the peripheral fibril isa triplet. The central part of the proximal region of the centriole is, laso proteinaceous and called the hub, Fj] Mesosome in bacterial cells is not involved in: T. cell wall formation 2. DNA replication and distribution to daughter cell spiration 4, photosynthesis PED Ho many ofthe given statements rearing esl wall are true? A non-living rigid structure called the cell wall forms an louter covering for the plasma membrane of fungi and [plants cell from mechanical damage and infection, it also helps |Cell wall not only gives shape to the cell and protecis the n cell-to-cell interaction and provides bartier to lundesirable macromolecules. The endomembrane system of a typical eukaryotic cell includes all the following except: JI. |Lysosomes: |2._|Golgi Apparatus B. [vacuole [&._ [Mitochondria FFP] Sodium ions will be transported to the outside of the cell ‘and potassium ions to the inside of the cell by: 1. [simple diffusion p. [3. fosmosis i foci [active transport diffusion An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous siructures consisting of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is collectively referred to as the: Algae have cell wall, made of cellulose, galactans, |mannans and minerals like calcium carbonate, while in other plants it consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, [pectins and proteins, hv: [The cell wall of young plant cell, the primary wall is lcapable of growth. The secondary wall is formed on the outer (lowards |middle lamella) side of the cell Resistance to an antibiotic is the character conferred to bacterial cell by: 1. Peptidoglycan cell wall 2. Main chromosomal DNA 3. Plasmid DNA 4, Satellite DNA. Statement Pl] Consider the given two statements: fin 1838, Matthias Schiciden, a German botanist, lexamined a large number of plants and observed at the presence of cell wall is a unique character} lof the plant cells, IStatement lin 1839, Theodore Schwann, a British Zoologist, IMTOC [vimentin [eytoskeleton [Contractile clements la BF] Consider the given two statements: in eukaryote cells, there is an extensive |compartmentalisation of cytoplasm, [Eukaryotic cells possess an organised nucleus lwvith a nuclear envelope. [Assertion (A):| |Reason (R): [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains the Ka). [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly lexplain the(A). B.[(A) is True; (R) is False [Both (A) and (R) are False | What type of plastids store oils and fats in plant cells? 2. [Amyloplasts [Aleuroplasts 116] Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis. Identify the correct statement [Several ribosomes may attach to a single mRNA and form la chain called polyribosomes or polysome. [The ribosomes ofa polysome translate the mRNA into Statement Lis incorrect; Statement IT is correct Statement I is incorrect; Statement Il is incorrect, jdied dtferen types of animal cells and hn: In: ported that cells had athin outer layer which is | [ifferent proteins, day known asthe ‘plasma membrane’ Statement [is corect Statement ITs correct i Joni BE. [oy Statement is correct Statement Ils incorrect B. [poh Tanda fi. [Neither Tor tt ‘which helps in cell division. This organelle is called: Animal cells contain a non-membrane bound organelle o [Golgi apparatus 2. [Mesosome B. [Centrosome ls. [Centromere [EE teeing te genetic material in prokaryotes Ii:_ |The main chromosomal DNA js linear Ii [Plasmid DNA is circular T. Only Tis correct 2. Only Is correct 3. Both Tand IT are correct, 4, Both I and Mare incorrect [I out ite four base shapes: Spherical bacteria are called as Coceus and Rod shaped fpacteria are called as Bacillus [Spherical bacteria are called as Bacillus and Rod shaped bacteria are called as Coceus [Spherical bacteria are called as Spirillum and Rod shaped [pacteria are called as Vibrios |Comma shaped bacteria are called as Vibrios and Spherical bacteria are called as Spicillum That cells divide and new cells are formed from pre- existing cells (Omnis cellula-c cellula) was first explained by: The correct description of prokaryotic ribosomes will be: [They are about 15 um by 20 nm in size and are made of fswo subunits - SOS and 308 units hwhich when present together form 70S prokaryotic kibosomes. They are about 15 nm by 20 nm in size and are made of {ovo subunits - 40S and 30S units jwhich when present together form 70S prokaryotic kibosomes. They are about 20 nm by 25 nm in size and are made of {ovo subunits - 60S and 40S units jwhich when present together form 80S prokaryotic kibosomes, [They are about 25 nm by 50 nm in size and are made of fwo subunits - 50S and 20S units jwhich when present together form 70S prokaryotic fribosomes Which organelle must be specifically stained with a IER divides the intracellular space into two distinct H: compartments, ic, luminal (inside ER) and extra luminal (cytoplasm) compartments. i aus Pasteur er Ro Tal dye such as anus goon so tat it an be seon unde a daiph Viehow fa [Francesoo Red rniezoscope? i SER b_ Miochondia [Ea]! ny ote ie semen ae me? bo Joneroniane Nacnoes BY The middie lamella is a layer of the cell wall complex in lant cells and is composed mainly of: IRER is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in protein synthesis and secretion, In: i. [Sodium alginate _[2. [Magnosium silicate . [ealeium pectate ig. [Alurninium hydroxide I,,RER ate extensive and continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the major site for * layathesis of lipid, in animal cells, lipid-like steroidal hormones are synthesised in SER. What is not tre regarding the detiled structure of a typical cell membrane? [The cell membrane is mainly composed of ipids and proteins. [The major lipids are phospholipids that are arranged in a layer. The lipids are arranged w lacad towards the inner sides land the hydrophobic tails towards the outer part. [in addition to phospholipids, membrane also contains cholesterol in the membrane with the pola YJ Tonoplast is: T. the internal membrane in chloroplast 2, membrane of vacuole 3. membrane of lysosomes 4, membrane of glyoxysomes Which alphabet represents carbohydrate in the given figure? Extracellular misider the two statements: [Besides flagella, Pili and Fimbriae are also surface structures of the bacteria but do not play la role in motility Statement I: LA 2B 3.c 4D Unicellular organisms are capable of Ii: __[independent existence division performing the essential functions of life Only Vand I are correct 2. Only I and IM are correct 3. Only Il and IMI are correct 4.1, Hand IIL are correct [EB Recording prokaryotes 1, [All prokaryotes have a cell wall surrounding the cell [Statement In: Pili and fimbriae help attach the bacteria to rocks in streams and also to the host tissues. [Statement I is correct; Statement IT is correct, [Statement I is correct; Statement IT is incorrect, sfement IT is correct fr i B.|[Statement Kis incorrect, [4 [Statement Tis incorrect; Statement Il is incorrect Read carefully: Select the location with respect to ‘eukaryotic cell where ribosomes are not expected to be found? 1. in the eytoplasm, 2. within the chloroplasts (in plants) 5. within the mitochondria 4, within the rough ER. Acid hydrolases in a eukaryotic eel! ar located within: [Glvoxysomes [Carboxysomes eroxisomes B. A peroxisome is a membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells and contains several oxidases and catalases, Why type of structure is the 2. Only Tis correct 3. Both I and IT are correct 4, Both I and IT are incorrect, In human beings, the membrane of the erythrocyte has approximately: 1. [52 per cent protein and 40 per cent lipids, [40 per cent protein and 52 per cent lipids. [50 per cent protein and 40 per cent lipids. [4. [60 per cent protein and 40 per cent lipids FEF] Bacterial cells, if motile, will move with the help of: i. [Cita p. [Myocytes i. [Flagella [Pseudopodia fnembrane except in mycoplasma, i. inclusion body B. [FISZ lemons Iu [All prokaryotes havea cell membrane except in B. [Microbody eysosomes “mycoplasma. x only Tit correct Bro.ocy I - SECTION B Which alphabet represents telocentric chromosomes in the given figure? hima coe> Which number represents the site for carbon fixation in the given figure? La Mi ot Ho IN=C—6. H cH, OH | OH T] Which of the following is a zwitter ion? H H 1.| R——}— coon | R ‘COOH NH. NH NH3 H H 5 1] R coo NH. NH) NHS PRT] Which number represents the site for Kreb's eyele in the ven figure? the incorre statement 1. [Each protein is a polymer of amino acids. )2.[A protein is a heteropolymer and not a homopolymer. 5. [Essential amino acids can be synthesized in our body. ls [Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal world, Which of the following components of the acid insoluble fraction ofa cell is not a macromolecule? 1. [proteins B. B._[polysaccharides kk Inucleie acids lipids Which element makes up the maximum % weight of the hhuman body? I. [earbon hydrogen trogen oxygen anti-cancer drug? Which of the secondary metabolites is an important RRicin Abrin [Atropine D B. [Vincristine fk Identify the molecule shown in the figure: 9° NH | N 0 By] State ‘whether the given statements are true or false: . Palmitic acid has 16 carbons including carboxyl] |statement arbon. [Statement [Arachidonic acid has 20 carbon atoms In: jincluding the carboxyl carbon, [Statement [Adenosine, guanosine, thymidine, uridine and in leytidine are nucleosides. [Statement [Nucleic acids like DNA and RNA consist of| liv: |nucleotides only. H [Statement I [Statement It [Statement III [Statement 1V [rac p. [thymine rr Ir Ir Ir B.[Cvtosine fi. [Guanine br Ir IF IF BE IF Ir Ir EI IF IF IF i [ser [RER b. [RER| [SER B._|RER [Golgi apparatus a [ser [Golgi apparatus Which umber represents. the site of ribosome biogenesis in the given figure? FRE) All the following are aromatic amino acids except: i. [prosine 2. [phenylalanine [5._|uyptophan [A [threonine ‘chemical in If we represent the chemical composition of living tissue from abundance point of view, the most abundant living organisms is: i. [Water . [Carbohydrates B.__ [Proteins ls._[Lipids Brotoecy II - Section A FE sr stage of mitosis is characterised which of the following key ¢ [Statement I [Statement I ents? [Centromeres split and chromatids separate. [Chromatids move to opposite poles. [Statement Tis correct and Statement Il is incorrect [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IL is incorrect [Statement Iis correct and Statement IT is correct [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IK is correct, In a polypeptide or a protein, amino acids are linked by a peptide bond which is formed: ‘hen the carboxyl (COOH) group of one amino acid reacts with the amino (-NH) group of the next amino acid] Ii: Iy,, it the elimination of a water moiety ihe process is called dehydration) TOnlyT 2. Only IL 3. Both I and I 4. Neither I nor I EJ What will not be true for the $ Phase of the interphase n the cell cycle? [ft marks the period during which DNA synthesis or leplication takes place. [2 [During this time, the amount of DNA per cell doubles, Tn the absence of an enzyme, the reaction catalysed by this enzyme: 1. will not take place 2. is very slow 5. produces some other product, 4. gels faster Inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by malonate isa n example of 1, Competitive inhibition 2. Non-competitive inhibition 3. Un-competitive inhibition 4, Allosteric feedback inhibition |Consider the given two statements: [Assertion (AY [High temperature destroys enzymatic activity [Enzymes generally function in a narrow range Reason (RV: lof temperatures [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains the Kad. [Both (A) and (R) are True but the (R) docs not correclly lexplain the (A). B[(A) is True; (R) is False [x Both (A) and (R) are False Identify the correct statements: [i the initial amount of DNA is denoted as 2C then it lincreases to 4C. b. la [There is an increase in the chromosome number, FIR] The famous Watson-Crick model of DNA helix bes its: 1. [Primary structure p. [Secondary structure 5. [Tertiary structure [4 [Quaternary structure la:[Plant cell walls are made of cellulose. [b:[Fungal cell walls are made of chitin, le:[Truc bacterial cell walls are made of lipapolysaccharides, [a:[Archaeal cell walls are made of sporopollenin. 1 Only aandb 2. Only a and e 3. Only bande 4, Only eand d TI] Co-enzymes: [ER Wee ofthe towing wit nat be comes far the steps of the catalytic eyele of an enzyme action? [First, the substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme, fitting into the active site. The binding of the substrate induces the enzyme to aller is L2.shape, fitting more tightly faround the substrate. 1 The active site of the enzyme, now in close proximity of Ihe substrate, breaks the chemical Joonds of the substrate and the new enzyme- product, {complex is formed, The enzyme gets consumed in the reaction while releasing Ihe product, jare organic compounds associated permanently with the spoenzyme, serve as co-Tactors in a number of different enzyme [catalyzed reactions. Jnave, many of them, vitamins as their essential chemical somponents, T-Only T and I are correct 2. Only Land IIT are correct 3. Only Hand IMT are correct 4,1, Hand IM are correct Enzymes that catalyse removal of groups from a substrates by mechanisms other than hydrolysis leaving, double bonds are classified as 1. [vases p. B._ [Transferases is @ ‘The direction of a polynucleotide chain! is: i pas B. B._[r-s ee rica: 1, [uring the S phase, DNA replication begins in the [Ligases [Oxidoreductases phosphodiester bond [in a nucleus [during the S phase, the centriole duplicates in the In: cytoplasm, [during the G> phase, proteins are synthesised in [HI preparation for mitosis Inv: [cell growth stops during S phase and Gp phase. T Tis correct; H, HIT & TV are incorrect 2.1& IV are correct; II & IIT are incorrect, 3.1 & IIT are correct; II and IV are incorrect 4. All the statements: I, I, IIT & IV are correct Kinetochores: 1, [a small dise-shaped structures at the surface ofthe lecntromeres. serve as the sites of attachment of spindle fibres to the Int: lchromosomes. lnt:fare same as centromeres [Tis correct; IT & Mare incorrect 2.1.& are correct; IIL is incorrect, 3. LIL & Mare correct 4,1, IL & IIL are not correct. Adult human haemoglobin consists of: 1:4 subunits LU: 4 types of subunits, 1. Only Lis correct, 2. Only IT is correct 3. Both T and IT are correct, 4, Both I and IT are incorrect, ‘Onion root tip cell has 16 chromosomes. This cell will have 16 chromosomes: Gy phase Ul: after § phase TIE: after M phase 1. Lis correct; I & IML are incorrect 2.1 & I are correct; IIL is incorrect 3.1, I & IM are correct 4.1, IL & IIL are not correct fa lis the prosthetic group in peroxidase and catalase In, |8 nota part of the active site of the peroxidase and [catalase T Only Tis correct 2. Only His correct 3. Both I and I are corre 4, Both I and I are incorrect, In an enzyme catalysed biochemical reaction, the formation of enzyme-substrate complex is: 1. optional and transient 2. obligatory and transient 3. obligatory and permanent 4, needed only in anabolic reactions FEB cots 0 the end of prophase, when vowed under the microscope, show: 1. Golgi complexes 2. endoplasmic reticulum 3. nuclear envelope 4, chromosomes TI] Almost all enzymes are proteins but a few may be: 1. faucleio acids Bp. [lipids a [carbohydrates [metal ions Some cells in adult animals do not appear to exhibit division. A typical example of such a cel willbe: i. [Skin epithelial cell B. [Neuron B._ [Fibroblast bi. [Phagoeyies ] Which end of the glycogen molecule is the reducing ond? 1. The left 2. The right 3. The right and the left both 4, Neither the right nor the left ‘onsider the given two statements: FEF] Nucleic Acids: [Assertion (A): [Plants continue to grow all thei lives I: Jare polynucleotides [Reason (R):__[Alleells ina plant divide all the time, fare constituents ofthe true macromolecular fraction of any] HH fiving tissue oF cel [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct lexplanation of (A). [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A). [(A) is True but (R) is Fale. [4 |A) is False but (R) is True, PEZIAY A fotowing evens take pve during the telophase stage of mitosis except: [Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles and their lidentty is lost as discrete elements. Nuclear envelope develops around the chromosome [2llusters at each pole forming two daughter nucle, [,[Nucleolus, Golgi complex and ER re-form, la [Microtubules get organised into spindle fibres A typical eukaryotic cell cycle is illustrated by human ells in culture. These cells divide onee i: 1. about 90 minutes. 2. approximately every 24 hours. 3. nearly one week, 4.120 days on an average, 7] Which metal ions is required as @ co-factor for the roteolytic enzyme carboxypeptidase’ T Only 1is correct 2. Only His correct 3. Both I and II are correct 4, Both I and If are incorrect The mumber of comect statements from the given statements regarding cell division in human somatic cells will be: [The M Phase represents the phase when the actual cell [*_aivision or mitosis occurs [The interphase represents the phase between two |successive M phases. [The interphase lasts more than 95% of the duration of ‘Teell cycle [During interphase, the cell is metabolically not active. In: [The sequence of amino acids Le, the positional I: information in a protein is ealled the primary structure of | la protein [A protein is imagined as a line, the left end represented It: Joy the first amino acid and the right end represented by the last amino acid, 1. [Magnesium [ine 8. |Copper lz ron Fg] Consider the given two statements: [Assertion (A):[Mitosis is also called as equational division, [The number of chromosomes in the parent |cells undergoing mitosis and progeny cells is Ithe same. [Reason (R): [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) isthe conrect lexplanation of (A. [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot the correct, lexplanation of (A. [(A) is True but (R) is False la |(A) is False but (R) is True, [The first amino acid is also called as C-terminal amino cid and the last amino acid is called the N-terminal lamino acid. Only Tand [are correct 2. Only and IMT are correct, 3. Only Hand IMT are correct 4.1, Hand IM are correct FJ Consider the given two statements: JMetaphase is the stage at which morphology [Assertion (A): | rchromosomes is most easily studied. \F metaphase, condensation of chromosomes Reason (R)? Es completed, [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct, "lexplanation of (A), [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A). [3.|(A) is Truc but (R) is False [4-|) is False but (R) is True Page: 22 ‘onsider the two statements: misider the given two statements: |Whether ris an exothermic oF spontaneous [Statement reaction or an endothermic or energy requiring, Imitosis, i: freaction, the “S' has to go through a much higher | [Statement [Higher plants show mitotic divisions only in lenergy state or transition state. It: ldiploid cells. statement 1, male honeybees, haploid cells divide by [Enzymes eventually bring down this energy fbartier of activation energy making the transition lof ‘S" to ‘P” more easy. \Statement In: [Statement Iis correct, Statement Il is correct [Statement I is correct; Statement IT is incorrect, [Statement I'is incorrect; Statement II is correct, [Statement Iis incorrect, Statement IT is incorrect Consider the given two statements: ]With the increase in substrate concentration, the velocity of the enzymatic reaction rises at first and the reaction ultimately reaches a |maximum velocity (Vmax) which is not lexceeded by any further rise in concentration lof the substrate. |Assertion (A): j JStatement Tis correct and Statement IT is incorrect, [2.[Statement Tis incorrect and Statement ITis incorrect. [3.|Statement I is correct and Statement Il is correct [4 [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IT is correct, Bro.ocy II - SECTION B FE Rezarting crossing over rossing over Is the exchange of genetic material [between two homologous chromosomes. [Crossing over is also an enzyme-mediated process and Ithe enzyme involved is called recombinase. ssing over leads to recombination of genetic material mn the two chromosomes, HThe enzyme molecules are fewer than the [Reason (®) | substrate molecules. [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains the Kay. JBoth (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly lexplain the (A) B.[(A) is Truc; (R) is False [a-[Both (AY and (R) are False Identify the incorrect statement regarding, prophase of mitosis: 1 lt follows the G» phases of interphase. li'is marked by the inilation of condensation of [chromosomal material, [The centrosome undergoes duplication during this phase in lanimal cells [By the end of this phase, chromosomes are seen to be l4 composed of two chromatids attached together at the centromere. [Tis correct; IT & TIT are incorrect 2.1 & I are correct; IIL is incorrect 3. 1,1 & Mare correct, 4,1, IL & IIL are not correct. [EG] rich see oF prophase 1 of meiosis is characterised by the dissolution of the synaptonemal complex and the tendency of the recombined homologous chromosomes of the bivalents to separate from each other except atthe sites of crossovers? I. [Zygotene p. B._[Diptotene a. [Pachytene [Diakinesis TY] What is incorrect regarding the second stage of rophase I? 1 vis called Zygotene. Chromosomes start pairing logether and this process of lassociation is called synapsis, [Such paired chromosomes are called heterologous kchromosomes. |Chromosome synapsis is accompanied by the formation of vomplex structure {called synaptonemal complex. FFT] The correct chronological sequence [earliest to last] of slages of prophase I of meiosis I will be: 1 [Leptotene, Pachytene, Zyyotene, Diplotene and Diakinesis [2|Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diakinesis and Diplotene. [3.[Zygotene, Leptotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis la [Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis, Er incomes statement egarding mitosis 77 All the following are key features of meiosis except: IMicosis usually resulls in the production of haploid {daughter cells with variable genetic complement. B.[The growth of multicellular organisms is due to mitosis. |Meiosis involves two sequential eycles of nuclear and cell h. division called meiosis I and meiosis II but only a single keycle of DNA replication. B. Mitosis restores the nucleo-eyteplasmic ratio. la [Mitosis replaces lost cells in multicellular organisms. In meiosis, the splitting of the centromere of cach chromosome takes place during [Metaphase | p. 5. Anaphase | i. [Metaphase It [Anaphase IT [EB Duss whieh sage of prophase of meiosis fhe four chromatids of cach ofthe bivalent chromosomes ‘become distinct and clearly appear as tetra 1. [Leptotene 2. |Zygotene 8. [Pachytene [iptotene |Meiosis Is initiated after the parental chromosomes have )2.feplicated to produce identical sister chromatids atthe S hase. IMeiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes and| 5.|recombination between non-sister chromatids of fnomotogous chromosomes. [4 [Four haploid cells are formed at the end of meiosis I Regarding anaphase I: [The homologous chromosomes separate, while sister chromatids remain associated at their lcentromeres. IStatement I: [Statement Iti the basis of segregation. FE tems the incorrect statement regarding diakiness of rophase I of meiosis I. [Statement I is correct and Statement IT is incorrect, [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IT is incorrect, 1 Jit is the final stage of meiotic prophase I. [2|itis marked by terminalisation of chiasmata o b. b.,|Statement Iis correct and Statement IT is correct [4 [Statement I is incorrect and Statement I is correct [During this phase, the meiotic spindle is assembled to [.jotepare the homologous lchromosomes for separation, [By the end of diakinesis, the nucleolus reappears and the lnuclear envelope also reappears. During prophase I of meiosis I, recombination between homologous chromosomes is completed: in the Zygotene in the beginning of the Pachytene by the end of Pachytene in the beginning of the Diplotene [Eg tow many of te sven statement are cones? 1198] In telophase I: Bie Ti acer montane nd acts appa [Statement |The chromosomes reach the extremely extended] state of the interphase nucleus, [Statement I is correct and Statement IT is incorrect [Statement Iis incorrect and Statement IT is incorrect fr B 5,|Statement I is correct and Statement II is correct, [4 [Statement I is incorrect and Statement I is correct, B] Consider the given two statements: |rwo daughter cells. lin an animnal cell, cytokinesis is achieved by the [Meiosis is the mechanism by which conservation appearance ofa furrow in the plasma membrane JAssertion lof specific chromosome number of each species fa; |!0 plant cells, wall formation starts in the centre ofthe | (A): fis achieved across generations in sexually * [coll and grows outward to meet the existing lateral walls heproducing organisms. [At the time of cytoplasmic division, organelles like Reason |Meiosis results in reduction of chromosome jmitochondria and plastids get distributed between the | [(R):_ number by half in gametes. fr Pp B. I [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the eomect lexplanation of (A). B. A le B [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot the correct lexplanation of (A). (CA) is True but (R) is False. Is [Ay is False but (R) is True 200 [Statement Jequator and the microtubules from opposite poles: I: sider the given two statements: [At Metaphase I the chromosomes align at the lof the spindle gct attached to the kinctochores of ister chromatids, [At metaphase II the bivalent chromosomes align [Statement Jon the equatorial plate and microtubules from the In: lopposite poles of the spindle attach to the [kinetochore of homologous chromosomes, [Statement Iis correct and Statement IN is incorrect, [Statement I'is incorrect and Statement IT is incorrect, [Statement I is correct and Statement Il is correct [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IT is correct Page: 25

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