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1. He works in the garden. He waters and fertilizes the plant. What is he? He is a ...

A. doctor
B. teacher
C. gardener

2. Aska: What happens to the plants, the flower are pale.

Bima: I don't know
Aska: ...
Bima: I'll try it. Thanks.
Choose the best sentence to complete that dialogue.
A. Give it more water and give it vertilizer!
B. Sell the flower and then buy a new ones!
C. Buy the flower and plant it!

3. Thea: "Hi David, we are going to holiday. Let's go to the cinema."

David : " ... I am free for this weekend. I will buy the tickets."
A. Never mind
B. That's good idea
C. Sorry

Long time ago in a small village lived an old woman who named mbok rondho.She lived alone,
her husband died. She wanted to have a child. So one day, she met buto ijo to ask a child. Buto
ijo gave her cucumber seed. He said if the cucumber seed was planted, it would grow to be a big
cucumber and in the big cucumber there was a beautiful baby. Buto ijo said again," I want to take
her when she is 16 years old."
Based on the text, how did mbok rondho get a child?
A. planting the cucumber seed and wait until it's grow to be a big cucumber.
B. met buto ijo
C. search a big cucumber

5. Based on the text, Buto Ijo wanted to take Timun Mas when she was ...
A. 14 years old
B. 15 years old
C. 16 years old

6. We mustn't ... before going to school.

A. sleep
B. drink soda
C. take a bath

7. A: " ... ,I can't go to the canteen with you."

Y: "It's ok."
Choose the best answer to complete that dialogue
A. I am sorry
B. Excuse me
C. Good idea

8. I have ... in the afternoon with my family at the restaurant.

A. Dinner
B. Breakfast
C. Lunch
9. Ika : "... help me to clean the white board, please? The board is dirty."
Ivan : "ok, I am going to clean it now."
Choose the best answer to complete that dialogue.
A. do you
B. could you
C. does you

10. Anita : "Today is your birthday's party! It's a gift for you!"
Ami r: "… , Amir."
A. How are you
B. How do you do
C. Thank you

11. Mr. Andi : "The whiteboard is very dirty. ... the whiteboard, please!"
Student : "Yes, sir."
A. clean
B. turn on
C. take

12. Q : What did Udin do in the class one hour ago?

A : He … how to play Keripik Jengkol game.
A. learn
B. learned
C. learnt

13. Siti will draw a picture of Monas. She will…… a drawing book, color pencil, and eraser.
A. use
B. uses
C. using

14. What … Siti …. to make a diorama of the house of Betawi?

A. will – uses
B. will- use
C. will - using

15. Thing that Siti use to make a Diorama Betawi House is …

A. scissor
B. ribbon
C. glue

16. Siti will … her hands back and for a while dancing Ondel – ondel.
A. moving
B. moves
C. move

17. Q : What is Mamat going to do tonight ?

Z : He … going to … for dinner.

A. is – cooks
B. is – cook
C. is – cooking

18. Uci : What is your plan at 7 P.M ?

Udin : I am going to my uncle’s wedding ceremony …..
A. tomorrow
B. tonight
C. yesterday.

19. I – going to – am – go to – tomorrow – Pasar Asemka.

The correct arrange of those jumbled words is …
A. Pasar Asemka I am going to go to tomorrow
B. I am going to go to Pasar Asemka tomorrow
C. Tomorrow Pasar Asemka I am going to go to

20. Udin will ….. Selendang mayang ice tomorrow.

A. make
B. made
C. eat

21. my – will - bike – I – ride – Sudirman Street – to.

The correct sentence is …
A. I will my bike ride to Sudirman Street
B. To Sudirman Street I will ride my bike
C. I will ride my bike to Sudirman Street

22. Mamat is going to …..his families in Jakarta.

A. visit
B. visited
C. visiting

23. His brother will ….. to Japan this month. He will ….. at Tokyo University.
A. go, study
B. fly, eat
C. meet, talk

24. A : What did you do this morning?

B : I … a fried rice.
The correct word to complete the dialog above is …
A. cooked
B. wrote
C. saw

25. my - friend – enjoyed – with – MRT – last night – I

A. I enjoyed MRT with my friend last night
B. I with my enjoyed MRT last night
C. I with MRT enjoyed my last night
26. Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit, well known as MRT, is a mode of transportation system that
provides fast rail transit for commuters in Jakarta.
MRT is .....................
A. Museum Rapid Transport
B. Mass Rapid Transport
C. Mass Rapid Transit

27. Miranda : Did you go to stadium last Sunday?

Miranda : ...............
A. Yes, I do
B. Yes, I did
C. Yes, I didn't

28. Sunny : .......?

Jesika : I studied traffic laws last week .
The correct question for the dialog above is ….
A. Where did you do last week?
B. Which did you do last week?
C. What did you do last week?

29. Condolences sentence is ......

A. I am sorry to hear that.
B. I am happy to hear that.
C. I am glad to hear that.

30. Rudi : What did you ............. ?

Akmal : I went to Jatinegara.
A. Today
B. Tomorrow
C. Last Sunday

Text for number 31-33

One day, there was a beautiful woman. Her name was Roro Jonggrang. Her beauty was so famous
around the country. Every man wanted to marry her. One of them was Bandung Bondowoso. He was a
young man with a supranatural power. Roro Jonggrang agreed to marry with him one condition. He had to
built one thousand temples during one night.

31. Bandung Bondowoso had a .... power.

A. great
B. amazing
C. supranatural

32. .... wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang.

A. No one
B. Every man
C. The King

33. Bandung Bondowoso had to built one thousand temples during .... night.
A. one
B. two
C. three

34. Majapahit was a .... long time ago.

A. kingdom
B. district
C. village

35. The legend of Malin Kundang is from ...

A. Jakarta
B. West Java
C. Sumatra

36. The opposite of south is ....

A. southeast
B. west
C. north

37. The opposite of small is ....

A. big
B. long
C. short

38. The sign mean "Untuk dijual" is....

A. For sale
B. Discount
C. Toilet

39. My mother wears a …. on her finger.

A. Necklace
B. Ring
C. Hair band

40. Mr Hendra is my father. He is a farmer. He works in a ….

A. Post office
B. Rice field
C. School

41. I read ... this morning.

A. Video
B. A magazine
C. Radio

42. Mr Sigit is a mechanic. He works at ....

A. Garage
B. Hospital
C. Gallery

43. Choose the correct sentence!

A. I read a newspaper
B. I newspaper read
C. Newspaper I readed

44. I am looking for new book reference in ....

A. Toilet
B. Swimming pool
C. Library

45. If you want to save your money, you have to go to a ….

A. Post office
B. Hospital
C. Bank

46. ... rises in the morning.

A. Moon
B. Star
C. Sun

47. My stomach is sick I have....

A. penicillin
B. headache
C. stomachache

48. Andi : Let's go to library

Rini : Ok They want to....
A. reading books
B. listening music
C. playing football

49. Dwi sakit kepala

The English sentence is ….
A. Dwi has toothache
B. Dwi has headache
C. Dwi has stomachahe

50. The meaning of "holiday" in Indonesia is . . .

A. Liburan
B. Berlibur
C. Hiburan

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