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The Science of Paediatrics: MRCPCH

Mastercourse 1st Edition Tom Lissauer

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The Science of
MRCPCH Mastercourse
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The Science of
MRCPCH Mastercourse
Tom Lissauer
Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK

Deputy editor
Will Carroll
Consultant Paediatrician, University Hospital of the North Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, UK

Associate editors
Robert Dinwiddie
Formerly Consultant Paediatrician, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

Michael Hall
Consultant Paediatrician, Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton
Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Foreword by
Neena Modi
President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK;
Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK

© 2017, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

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Foreword, ix
Preface, xi
List of Contributors, xiii

1. The role of science and research in paediatrics, 1

Neena Modi, Anil Mehta
2. Epidemiology and public health, 9
Premila Webster, Sarah Rayfield
3. History and examination, 27
Will Carroll, Simon Li, Ian Petransky
4. Normal child development, 45
Nadya James
5. Developmental problems and the child with special needs, 61
Hayley Griffin, Katherine Martin, Nadya James
6. Paediatric emergencies and critical care, 79
Lynn Sinitsky, Michael Marsh, David Inwald
7. Accidents and poisoning, 101
Mark Anderson, Eleanor Dawson
8. Child protection, 119
Kerry Robinson, Alice J Armitage, Deborah Hodes
9. Genetics, 141
Richard H Scott, Shereen Tadros
10. Perinatal medicine, 157
Mithilesh Kumar Lal, Nazakat Merchant, Sunil K Sinha
With contributions by Helen Yates, Lawrence Miall, Steve Byrne
11. Neonatal medicine, 179
Mithilesh Kumar Lal, Nazakat Merchant, Sunil K Sinha
With contributions by Shalabh Garg
12. Growth and puberty, 217
John W Gregory v
13. Nutrition, 233
Mary Fewtrell
With contributions by Hannah Tobin
14. Gastroenterology, 253
Huw Jenkins, Lisa Whyte

With contributions by Toni Williams

15. Infection and immunity, 277

Christine E Jones, Manish Sadarangani, Graham Davies
With contributions by Mike Sharland, Omendra Narayan, Daniel Langer, Christian Harkensee,
Chris Barton, Kirsty Le Doare, Aubrey Cunnington

16. Allergy, 297

John O Warner, Paul J Turner

17. Respiratory medicine, 317

Will Carroll, Warren Lenney

18. Cardiology, 341

Robert M R Tulloh, Jessica Green

19. Nephrology, 365

Rajiv Sinha, Stephen D Marks
20. Genital disorders, 391
Daniel Carroll, Charlotte Slaney
With contributions by John Gregory
21. Hepatology, 403
Deirdre Kelly, Nicola Ruth
22. Oncology, 421
Daniel Morgenstern, Rachel Dommett
23. Haematology, 441
Irene A G Roberts, David O’Connor
24. Child and adolescent mental health, 463
Max Davie, Jacqui Stedmon
25. Dermatology, 479
Nicole Y Z Chiang, Timothy H Clayton
26. Diabetes and endocrinology, 499
John W Gregory
27. Musculoskeletal disorders, 521
Mary Brennan, Helen Foster, Flora McErlane, Rajib Lodh, Sharmila Jandial
28. Neurology, 543
Gary McCullagh, Dipak Ram, Nadya James
29. Metabolic medicine, 571
Elisabeth Jameson
30. Ophthalmology, 589
Louise Allen

31. Hearing and balance, 609

vi Kaukab Rajput, Maria Bitner-Glindzicz
32. Adolescent medicine, 627
Nwanneka N Sargant, Lee Hudson, Janet McDonagh
33. Global child health, 641
Dan Magnus, Anu Goenka, Bhanu Williams
34. Palliative medicine, 659
Richard D W Hain
With contributions by Megumi Baba, Joanne Griffiths, Susie Lapwood, YiFan Liang, Mike Miller
35. Ethics, 673
Joe Brierley
36. Pharmacology and therapeutics, 687
Elizabeth Starkey, Imti Choonara, Helen Sammons
37. Clinical research, 703
Simon Bomken, Josef Vormoor
38. Statistics, 723
Miriam Fine-Goulden, Victor Grech
39. Evidence-based paediatrics, 739
Bob Phillips, Peter Cartledge
40. Quality improvement and the clinician, 757
Peter I Lachman, Ellie Day, Lynette M Linkson, Jane Runnacles

Index, 771

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This book is a welcome addition to the publications that an intervention is effective and safe. Medicine as
from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child a science recognizes absolute proof, or truth, to be an
Health. It provides background material for trainees illusion and instead focuses attention on reducing
undertaking the ‘Theory and Science’ component of uncertainty. Hence the principle of the null hypothe-
the MRCPCH examinations. I hope that it will also be sis, and the objective to attempt to reject it that is the
widely read by paediatricians and other health profes- basis of scientific rigour. This book offers insight into
sionals involved in caring for children, as it provides the building blocks of scientific advancement, as well
a wealth of information on the scientific basis of clini- as the excitement.
cal paediatrics. I am very pleased to have been involved in the
Good medical practice that is effective and safe genesis of this book. It is innovative and original in
requires constant nourishment from a pipeline that assisting the reader to apply the principles of science
leads from discovery and evidence generation, through to paediatric practice, and in conveying the messages
implementation to evaluation. Each of these elements of science to our patients and their parents. It will
is important; discovery may be targeted (such as inter- inform and enlighten, and stimulate you to contribute
national collaboration to crack the human genome) to the advance of paediatrics.
or serendipitous (such as the discovery of penicillin),
but without successful implementation, discovery is Professor Neena Modi
barren, and without evaluation we cannot be certain President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

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Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

This book, The Science of Paediatrics: MRCPCH Master- children. We are harming our own patients on a daily
course, is about the application of science to paediatric basis if we misinterpret results of investigations or do
clinical practice. It is not about the underlying basic not obtain the most appropriate therapy for them.
science, such as biochemistry and the structure and Paediatricians have often thought that scientific ques-
action of cells, which is covered in undergraduate tioning cannot be applied to children because trials or
medical school. Instead, it is about how we can suc- investigations are too difficult to perform involving
cessfully apply that science in everyday paediatric care. them. Fortunately, this is rapidly changing, and we
The book has been designed to cover the curriculum hope that this book will stimulate paediatricians to
of the MRCPCH Theory and Science examination. It question their clinical practice and seek to discover the
is the culmination of many requests to provide back- latest evidence to answer their questions.
ground preparation for the exam. Our aim is to fill the In this book there are chapters on the importance
gap between the basic science of undergraduate of applied science in paediatrics, epidemiology, clini-
medical school and its application to paediatrics. cal research, statistics, evidence-based medicine and
Some paediatricians have questioned us about the ethics, which are particularly informative as they
need for in-depth knowledge about science in clinical contain many examples of their application to paedi-
practice. Yet we believe that in order to achieve and atrics. There are also chapters covering all the systems,
maintain excellence it is essential to adopt a scientific with a particular emphasis on embryology as this
understanding of all that we do, whether it is interpret- explains the origin of many congenital abnormalities,
ing clinical signs or investigations, prescribing drugs a brief reminder about the relevant anatomy and phys-
or identifying the best management for our patients. iology as well as a particular focus on understanding
Indeed, separating science from clinical practice is arti- the application and interpretation of investigations
ficial and often unhelpful, and it is this division that and of the use and mechanism of action of therapies.
we struggled most with in the preparation of this Rather than providing didactic details of what clinical
book. practice should be followed, we have tried to provide
We all wish to provide the best possible care for our information about the reasons and evidence base for
patients. Yet paediatricians have been responsible for it, whether it be the assessment of bruises and frac-
advocating practices that have turned out to be tures in child protection, different feeding practices in
harmful, such as the recommendation that babies lie nutrition or the management of shock in intensive
prone when sleeping, which substantially increased care. There is also a chapter of quality improvement,
the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or uncon- in view of its importance in providing high-quality
trolled oxygen therapy for preterm babies, causing care.
retinopathy of prematurity. These have resulted from Exam-style questions have been embedded in the
lack of scientific rigour when introducing new prac- chapters. Mostly, they come before the relevant section
tices. But it is not just the profession as a whole or in in the chapter, so that readers can check their know­
the past that has been responsible for causing harm to ledge and understanding before rather than after xi
reading about the topic. There are also many case We would like to thank all those who helped bring
histories and examples of recent advances in science this ambitious project to fruition. Finally, it is to our
that have been of benefit in the care of children. families we wish to extend a special thanks for putting
Further material to assist with exam preparation, up with us retreating to our computers at every spare
which complements this book, can be found in Clini- moment for the last couple of years.
cal Cases for MRCPCH Theory and Science (RCPCH). We Tom Lissauer

have assumed that readers will have read an under- Will Carroll
graduate textbook of paediatrics, and have tried to
avoid replicating their content.

List of Contributors

Louise Allen Chris Barton Mary Brennan

Consultant Paediatric Speciality Trainee in Paediatric Consultant Paediatric and
Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmology Oncology, Alder Hey Children’s Adolescent Rheumatologist, Royal
Department, Cambridge Hospital, UK; Hospital for Sick Children,
University NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Research Fellow, Institute Edinburgh, UK
Cambridge, UK; of Translational Research, 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Associate Lecturer, University of University of Liverpool, UK
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 15. Infection and immunity Joe Brierley
30. Ophthalmology MBChB FRCPCH FFICM MA
Maria Bitner-Glindzicz Consultant Intensivist, Paediatric
Mark Anderson BSc MBBS MRCP PhD Intensive Care Unit, Great
BSc BMedSci BM BS MRCPCH Professor of Genetic and Genomic Ormond Street Hospital, London,
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Medicine, University College UK
North Children’s Hospital, London Institute of Child Health, 35. Ethics
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals London, UK
NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle 31. Hearing and balance Steve Byrne
upon Tyne, UK MbChB, MRCP, PhD
7. Accidents and poisoning Simon Bomken Consultant Neonatologist
BMedSci(Hons) (retired), The James Cook
Alice J Armitage MBBS(Hons) PhD University Hospital,
MBBS BSc Specialist Registrar, Department of Middlesbrough, UK
Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatric and Adolescent 10. Perinatal medicine
Paediatrics, University College Haematology and Oncology, Great
London, London, UK North Children’s Hospital, Daniel Carroll
8. Child protection Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; BM BCh BA MA DM MRCS
Honorary Clinical Lecturer, FRCS(Paed)
Megumi Baba Northern Institute of Cancer Senior Lecturer, Department of
MBBS MRCPCH PgDip Research, Newcastle University, Paediatric Surgery, James Cook
Palliative Medicine Newcastle upon Tyne, UK University, Townsville, QLD,
Specialty Registrar in Paediatric 37. Clinical research Australia
Palliative Medicine, Paediatric 20. Genital disorders
Palliative Care, The Noah’s Ark
Children’s Hospital for Wales,
Cardiff, UK
34. Palliative medicine xiii
Will Carroll Max Davie Mary Fewtrell
BA MA(Oxon) Consultant Community Professor of Paediatric Nutrition,
Consultant Paediatrician, Paediatrician, Evelina London Childhood Nutrition Research
University Hospital of the North Children’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Centre, UCL Institute of Child
Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, UK Hospital, London, UK; Health, London, UK;

3. History and examination, 17. Convenor, Paediatric Mental Honorary Consultant

Respiratory medicine Health Association, London, UK Paediatrician, Great Ormond
24. Child and adolescent mental Street Hospital NHS Trust,
Peter Cartledge health London, UK
BSc MBChB MRCPCH 13. Nutrition
PCME MSc Graham Davies
Locum Consultant Paediatrician, MA FRCPCH Miriam Fine-Goulden
General Paediatrics, Leeds Consultant Paediatric MA MBBS MSc MRCPCH
Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Immunologist, Great Ormond ST8 Paediatric Intensive Care,
39. Evidence-based paediatrics Street Hospital, London, UK; Great Ormond Street Hospital for
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute Children, London, UK
Nicole Y Z Chiang of Child Health, University 38. Statistics
MBChB(Hons) MRCP(UK) College London, London, UK
Specialist Trainee in Dermatology, 15. Infection and immunity Helen Foster
Department of Dermatology, MD MBBS(Hons) FRCPCH FRCP
Salford Royal NHS Hospitals Eleanor Dawson DCH Cert Clin Ed
Trust, Manchester, UK MB ChB MRCPCH Professor Paediatric
25. Dermatology Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, Rheumatology, Newcastle
Northern Deanery, Great North University;
Imti Choonara Children’s Hospital, Newcastle Honorary Consultant in Paediatric
MBChB MD FRCPCH upon Tyne, UK Rheumatology, Great North
Emeritus Professor, Academic Unit 7. Accidents and poisoning Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
of Child Health, The Medical Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
School, University of Nottingham, Ellie Day Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Nottingham, UK MA MBBS MRCPCH 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
36. Pharmacology and therapeutics Consultant Community
Paediatrician, Camden Shalabh Garg
Timothy H Clayton Community Child Health Team, MBBS MD FRCPCH
MB ChB MRCPCH FRCP(Edin) London, UK Consultant Neonatologist, The
Consultant Paediatric 40. Quality improvement and the James Cook University Hospital,
Dermatologist, Dermatology clinician Middlesbrough UK
Centre, Salford Royal NHS 11. Neonatal medicine
Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK; Rachel Dommett
Consultant Paediatric PhD BMBS BMedSci Anu Goenka
Dermatologist, Paediatric Consultant Paediatrician in BSc MBChB DFSRH DTM&H
Dermatology, Royal Manchester Haematology/Oncology, Bristol MRCGP MRCPCH
Children’s Hospital, Manchester, Royal Hospital for Children; MRC/ESPID Clinical Research
UK Honorary Lecturer, University of Training Fellow, Manchester
25. Dermatology Bristol, Department of Paediatric Collaborative Centre for
Haematology, Oncology and Bone Inflammation Research, University
Aubrey Cunnington Marrow Transplant, Bristol, UK of Manchester, Manchester, UK
BMBCh PhD DTM&H FRCPCH 22. Oncology 33. Global child health
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Section of
Paediatrics, Department of
Medicine, Imperial College
London, London, UK
15. Infection and immunity

Victor Grech Richard D W Hain Nadya James
FRCPCH MRCP(UK) DCH FRCPE DipPalMed PGCertEd Consultant in Community
Consultant Paediatrician FHEA Paediatrics, Nottingham University
(Cardiology) and Associate Consultant and Lead Clinician, Hospitals, Nottingham, UK
Professor of Paediatrics, University Child Health, Children’s Hospital, 4. Normal child development, 5.
of Malta; Heath Park, Wales, UK; Developmental problems and the
Editor-in-Chief, Images in Visiting Professor, University of child with special needs, 28.
Paediatric Cardiology; South Wales; Neurology
Editor, Malta Medical Journal, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Bangor
Malta University, Bangor, Wales Elisabeth Jameson
38. Statistics 34. Palliative medicine BSc(Hons) MBBCh(Hons) MSc
Jessica Green Christian Harkensee Consultant Paediatrician in
MRCPCH MD PhD MSc DLSHTM FRCPCH Inborn Errors of Metabolism,
Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics, Consultant Paediatric Infectious Willink Biochemical Genetics
Bristol Royal Hospital for Diseases, Immunology and Unit, St Mary’s Hospital,
Children, Bristol, UK Allergy, University Hospital of Manchester, UK
18. Cardiology North Tees, Stockton-on-Tees, UK 29. Metabolic medicine
15. Infection and immunity
John W Gregory Sharmila Jandial
FRCPCH MD BSc MB BS DRCOG FRCPCH Consultant Paediatric
Professor in Paediatric Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Rheumatologist, Great North
Endocrinology, School of Free London NHS Foundation Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
Medicine, Cardiff University, Trust and University College upon Tyne, UK
Cardiff, UK London Hospitals NHS 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
12. Growth and puberty, Foundation Trust, London, UK
20. Genital Disorders, 8. Child protection Huw Jenkins
26. Diabetes and endocrinology MA MB BChir MD FRCP
Lee Hudson FRCPCH
Hayley Griffin MBChB MRCPCH FRACP Consultant Paediatric
MB BS BSc MRCPCH PGDip Consultant Paediatrician, General Gastroenterologist, Child Health,
Specialty Registrar in Paediatric Paediatrics and Adolescent Children’s Hospital for Wales,
Neurodisability, Nottingham Medicine and Department of Cardiff, UK
Children’s Hospital, Nottingham, Child and Adolescent Mental 14. Gastroenterology
UK Health, Great Ormond Street
5. Developmental problems and the Hospital for Children; Christine E Jones
child with special needs Honorary Senior Lecturer, UCL BMedSci BMBS MRCPCH
Institute of Child Health, London, PGCertHBE FHEA PhD
Joanne Griffiths UK Clinical Lecturer, Paediatric
MBChB 32. Adolescent medicine Infectious Diseases Research
Consultant in Palliative Care and Group, Institute for Infection and
Community Paediatrics, David P Inwald Immunity, St George’s University
Department of Child Health, MB BChir FRCPCH PhD of London, London, UK
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Consultant in Paediatric Intensive 15. Infection and immunity
Board, Swansea, UK Care, Paediatric Intensive Care
34. Palliative medicine Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, London, Deirdre Kelly
6. Paediatric emergencies and critical Professor of Paediatric Hepatology,
care The Liver Unit, Birmingham
Children’s Hospital;
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK
21. Hepatology xv
Peter I Lachman Warren Lenney Stephen D Marks
FRCP FCP(SA) FRCPI Professor of Respiratory Child Consultant Paediatric
Deputy Medical Director, Great Health, Keele University, Faculty Nephrologist, Department of
Ormond Street Hospital NHS of Health, Institute for Science Paediatric Nephrology, Great
Foundation Trust, London, UK and Technology in Medicine, Ormond Street Hospital for

40. Quality improvement and the Keele, UK; Children NHS Foundation Trust,
clinician Consultant Respiratory London, UK
Paediatrician, Royal Stoke 19. Nephrology
Mithilesh Kumar Lal University Hospital, Academic
MD MRCP FRCPCH Department of Child Health, Michael Marsh
Consultant, Department of Stoke-on-Trent, UK MBBS FRCP
Neonatal Medicine, The James 17. Respiratory medicine Medical Director, University
Cook University Hospital, Hospital Southampton and
Middlesbrough, UK Simon Li Consultant Paediatric Intensivist,
10. Perinatal medicine, 11. Neonatal MBChB BSc(Hons) MRCPCH University Hospital Southampton,
medicine Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics, Southampton, UK
Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK 6. Paediatric emergencies and critical
Daniel Langer 3. History and examination care
MBChB BSc(Hons)
PGDip(Paediatric YiFan Liang Katherine Martin
Infectious Diseases) BM BCh MA DCH FRCPCH MBChB BSc(Hons) MRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Epsom Consultant in Paediatrics, South Consultant Paediatrician, Child
and St Helier Hospital, Epsom, Tees NHS Foundation Trust, Development Centre, Nottingham
UK Middlesbrough, UK Children’s Hospital, Nottingham
15. Infection and immunity 34. Palliative medicine University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Nottingham, UK
Susie Lapwood Lynette M Linkson 5. Developmental problems and the
MA(Cantab) BM BCh(Oxon) MB CHB MRCP child with special needs
MRCGP Darzi Fellow 2013–2014, Quality
Head of Research, Education and Safety and Transformation, Great Gary McCullagh
Professional Development and Ormond Street Hospital for MB BCH BAO MRCPCH
Senior Specialty Doctor, Helen Children NHS Foundation Trust, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist,
and Douglas House Hospices for London, UK Royal Manchester Children’s
Children and Young Adults, 40. Quality improvement and the Hospital, Manchester, UK
Oxford, UK; clinician 28. Neurology
Honorary Clinical Fellow, Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Rajib Lodh Janet McDonagh
34. Palliative medicine PGCertMedEd PGDipClinRes Senior Lecturer in Paediatric and
Consultant in Paediatric Adolescent Rheumatology, Centre
Kirsty Le Doare Neurorehabilitation, Leeds for Musculoskeletal Research,
BA(Hons) MBBS MRCPCH Children’s Hospital, Leeds University of Manchester,
PGCertHBE Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, UK
Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Leeds, UK 32. Adolescent medicine
Diseases, Department of 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Paediatrics, Imperial College, Flora McErlane
London, London, UK Dan Magnus MBChB MRCPCH MSc
15. Infection and immunity BMedSci BMBS MRCPCH MSc Consultant Paediatric
Consultant Paediatric Emergency Rheumatologist, Paediatric
Medicine, Bristol Royal Hospital Rheumatology, Great North
for Children, Bristol, UK Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
33. Global child health upon Tyne, UK
27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Anil Mehta Omendra Narayan Irene A G Roberts
Hon Consultant/Reader, CVS Consultant in Paediatric Professor of Paediatric
Diabetes, University of Dundee, Respiratory Medicine, Royal Haematology, Oxford University
Dundee, UK Manchester Children’s Hospital, Department of Paediatrics,
1. The role of science and research in Manchester, UK Children’s Hospital and Molecular
paediatrics 15. Infection and immunity Haematology Unit, Weatherall
Institute of Molecular Medicine,
Nazakat Merchant David O’Connor John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford,
Consultant Neonatologist, West Locum Consultant in Paediatric 23. Haematology
Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Watford Haematology, Department of
Hospital, Watford, UK Haematology, Great Ormond Kerry Robinson
10. Perinatal medicine, Street Hospital, London, UK MA MRCPCH
11. Neonatal medicine 23. Haematology Consultant Paediatrician,
Whittington Health NHS Trust,
Lawrence Miall Ian Petransky London, UK
MB BS BSc MMedSc FRCPCH MBBS MRCPCH 8. Child protection
Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Paediatric Registrar, Department of
Teaching Hospital, Leeds, UK; Paediatrics, Chesterfield Royal Jane Runnacles
Hon Senior Lecturer, University of Hospital, Chesterfield, UK MBBS BSc(Hons) MRCPCH MA
Leeds, Leeds, UK 3. History and examination Consultant Paediatrician, Royal
10. Perinatal medicine Free Hospital, London, UK
Bob Phillips 40. Quality improvement and the
Mike Miller BMBCh MA MMedSci PhD clinician
MRCPCH MRCP MB BS Dip NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellow and
Pall Med Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Nicola Ruth
Consultant, Martin House Oncology, Centre for Reviews and MBChB BSc(Hons) PGA(Med
Children’s Hospice, Wetherby, UK Dissemination, University of York, Education) MRCPCH
34. Palliative medicine York, UK Clinical Research Fellow in
39. Evidence-based paediatrics Paediatric Hepatology, The Liver
Neena Modi Unit, Birmingham Children’s
MB ChB MD FRCP FRCPCH Kaukab Rajput Hospital/University of
FRCPE FRCS FRCP MSc Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
President of the Royal College of Consultant Audiovestibular 21. Hepatology
Paediatrics and Child Health, Physician, Great Ormond Street
London, UK; Hospital for Sick Children NHS Manish Sadarangani
Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Foundation Trust, London, UK BM BCh MRCPCH DPhil
Imperial College London, London, 31. Hearing and balance Clinical Lecturer and Honorary
UK Consultant in Paediatric Infectious
1. The role of science and research in Dipak Ram Diseases & Immunology,
paediatrics MBBS MRCPCH University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Paediatric Neurology Specialist 15. Infection and immunity
Daniel Morgenstern Registrar, Royal Manchester
MB BChir PhD FRPCH Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK Helen Sammons
Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, 28. Neurology MBChB MRCPCH DM
Great Ormond Street Hospital, Associate Professor of Child
London, UK; Sarah Rayfield Health at the University of
Honorary Senior Lecturer, UCL MB BS MSc MFPH Nottingham and Consultant
Institute of Child Health, London, Specialist Registrar Public Health, Paediatrician at the Derbyshire
UK Oxford Deanery, Oxford, UK Children’s Hospital, Derby, UK
22. Oncology 2. Epidemiology and public health 36. Pharmacology and therapeutics

Nwanneka N Sargant Lynn Sinitsky Robert M R Tulloh
Paediatric Specialty Registrar, Paediatric Registrar, London FRCP FRCPCH
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Deanery, London, UK Professor, Congenital Cardiology,
Trust, Bristol Royal Hospital for 6. Paediatric emergencies and critical University of Bristol, Bristol, UK;
Children, Bristol, UK care Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist,

32. Adolescent medicine Bristol Royal Hospital for

Charlotte Slaney Children, Bristol, UK
Richard H Scott BMBCH BA MA BMBCh 18. Cardiology
Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Staff Specialist in Radiology, Paul J Turner
Department of Clinical Genetics, Queensland X-Ray, Townsville, BM BCh FRACP PhD
North East Thames Regional Queensland, Australia MRC Clinician Scientist in
Genetics Service, Great Ormond 20. Genital disorders Paediatric Allergy & Immunology,
Street Hospital, London, UK; Imperial College London, London,
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Elizabeth Starkey UK;
Genetics and Genomic Medicine MRCPCH MBChB Hon Consultant in Paediatric
Unit, Institute of Child Health, Locum Consultant Paediatrician, Allergy & Immunology, Imperial
London, UK Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK College Healthcare NHS Trust,
9. Genetics 36. Pharmacology and therapeutics London, UK
16. Allergy
Mike Sharland Jacqui Stedmon
MD MRCP FRCPCH BSc PhD BPS DipClinPsy Josef Vormoor
Professor of Paediatric Infectious Associate Professor/Programme Dr med
Diseases, Paediatric Infectious Director, Doctorate Programme in Sir James Spence Professor of
Diseases Research Group, Institute Clinical Psychology, University of Child Health and Director of the
for Infection and Immunity, St Plymouth, Plymouth, UK Northern Institute for Cancer
George’s University of London, 24. Child and adolescent mental Research, Northern Institute for
London, UK health Cancer Research, Newcastle
15. Infection and immunity University, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Shereen Tadros UK;
Rajiv Sinha BMedSci BMBS MML MRCPCH Honorary Consultant Paediatric
MD FRCPCH(UK) CCT(UK) Specialist Trainee in Clinical Oncologist, Great North
Associate Professor, Paediatric Genetics, Department of Clinical Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
(Nephrology), Institute of Child Genetics, North East Thames upon Tyne Hospitals NHS
Health, Kolkata, India; Regional Genetics Service, Great Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon
Consultant Paediatric Ormond Street Hospital for Tyne, UK
Nephrologist, Fortis Hospital, Children, London, UK 37. Clinical research
Kolkata, India 9. Genetics
19. Nephrology John O Warner
Sunil K Sinha BA BM BCh MRCPCH FMedSci
MD PhD FRCP FRCPCH Trainee in General Paediatrics, Professor of Paediatrics, Imperial
Professor of Paediatrics and Barnet General Hospital, Royal College London, London, UK;
Neonatal Medicine, The James Free NHS Trust, London, UK Honorary Professor, Paediatrics
Cook University Hospital, 13. Nutrition and Child Health, University of
University of Durham, Cape Town, Cape Town, South
Middlesbrough, UK Africa
10. Perinatal medicine, 11. Neonatal 16. Allergy

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Stockdale, Gnr. J.
Stott, Gnr. F.
Tallent, Gnr. W.
Thornburrow, Dvr. J.
Tonkin, Gnr. J.
Turner, Dvr. J.
Tyson, Dvr. S.
Waddington, Dvr. E.
Waldwin, Gnr. W.
Wilson, Dvr. P.
Woodruffe, Dvr. F. E.
Wolsey, Dvr. S.

211th Brigade, R.F.A. (T.)

Other Ranks

Ashworth, Fitter-Cpl. R.
Ashworth, Gnr. S.
Bardsley, Gnr. H.
Baybutt, Cpl. A.
Bewley, Dvr. J.
Blenkin, Cpl. T. J.
Boardman, Gnr. T. H.
Bridge, Gnr. A.
Bush, Gnr. P.
Bushby, Gnr. E.
Chipchase, Gnr. J.
Clayton, Sgt. E.
Connor, Gnr. J. W.
Cook, Sgt. T.
Cook, Dvr. W.
Crickett, Gnr. J.
Cunnane, Gnr. T.
Curtis, Bdr. W.
Dixon, Gnr. R.
Dixon, Dvr. W.
Earnshaw, Dvr.
Edwards, Dvr. A.
Edwards, Gnr. R.
Fell, Bdr. J.
Ford, Gnr. A.
Fox, Sgt. W.
Gambles, Bdr. J.
Gray, Farr.-Sgt. W.
Hallworth, Cpl. T.
Hancock, Siglr. G. A.
Hardman, Gnr. E. C.
Hardy, Gnr. H.
Hart, Sgt. T. V.
Heaney, Dvr. W.
Henshall, Gnr. D.
Holliday, Gnr. R.
Holmes, Bdr. W.
Hope, Bdr. L.
Howarth, Dvr. C. J.
Hunter, Gnr. N.
Jeffrey, Dvr. H.
Johnstone, Gnr. H.
Kent, Dvr. S.
Lawson, Bdr. T.
McEvoy, Gnr. R.
McGee, Gnr. A.
Murray, Dvr. F.
Oliver, Dvr. A. E.
O’Neill, Dvr.
Reed, Gnr. M.
Rowbotham, Dvr. S.
Russell, Dvr. N.
Schofield, Gnr. J.
Sharpe, L.-Cpl. J. H.
Shaw, Cpl. T.
Shortland, Dvr. E.
Smith, Sgt. W.
Taft, Gnr. S.
Thompson, Sgt. J.
Threlfall, Gnr. L. H.
Varty, Gnr. T. B.
Waddington, Bdr. R.
Wagstaff, Gnr. S.
Warburton, Bdr. R.
Webster, Gnr. H. L.
Whiteley, Gnr. R.
Whitworth, Gnr. C.
Wilson, Cpl. J. G.
Wood, Gnr. W. H.


Other Ranks

Benson, Dvr. H.
Duerden, Cpl. E.
Harding, Dvr. A.
Holt, Dvr. L.
Pontefract, Dvr. V.
Prattley, Dvr. G. T.
Rolley, Dvr. J.
Whaite, Dvr. A.
Wilson, S/S. J.


427 Field Coy., R.E.


Eastwood, Lieut. R. A.
Mackenzie, Lieut. L. A.
Taunton, Lieut. O., M.C.
Ainley, 2nd Lieut. K. E. D.
Hunter, 2nd Lieut. J. K.
Malcolm, 2nd Lieut. W. N.

Other Ranks

Abrahams, 2nd Cpl. E.

Bailey, Sap. E.
Bancroft, Sap. A.
Barlow, Sap. E.
Bettley, Sap. J. H.
Bird, Drv. C.
Birkenshaw, Sap. F.
Bishop, Sap. T.
Bowker, Sap. A.
Bowker, Drv. T.
Broady, Sap. G. H.
Burke, Sap. F.
Burton, Sap. L.
Catterall, Sap. J.
Cawley, Sap. H.
Coglan, Sap. T.
Conway, Sap. T.
Dixon, Sap. R.
Dwyer, Sap. A.
Eastwood, Sap. H.
Farnworth, Sap. J.
Francis, Sap. F.
Garstang, Sgt. J. E.
Giles, Sap. W. D.
Gloyne, Sap. P.
Greenhalgh, Sap. E. A.
Halliwell, Sap. G. N.
Henderson, L.-Cpl. J. F.
Hopkins, Sap. H. B. J.
Horne, 2nd Cpl. W.
Hulme, Sap. J.
Hurring, Sap. W.
Jennings, Sap. A.
Later, Sgt. J. O.
Lee, Sap. H. A.
Lees, Drv. F. B.
Leppard, Sap. P.
Loxley, Sap. E.
Maher, Sap. R.
Melville, Sap. H.
Moss, Sgt. H.
Mottram, Sap. W.
Nolan, Sgt. J. W.
Owen, Sap. H.
Penny, Sap. A.
Perkins, L.-Cpl. F.
Probyn, Sap. H.
Ritchie, Sap. C.
Smith, L.-Cpl. E.
Smith, Sap. H.
Smith, Drv. J.
Sproson, Cpl. G.
Tolson, 2nd Cpl. H.
Wilkinson, Sap. W.
Wright, Drv. W.

428 Field Coy., R.E.


Carver, Capt. O. A.
Bull, Lieut. G. J. O.
Angus, 2nd Lieut. R. B.
Saint, 2nd Lieut. J. H.
Woods, 2nd Lieut. B. H.

Other Ranks

Atkinson, Sap. M.
Barlow, Sap. W.
Bold, Drv. C. H.
Bradshaw, Sap. A.
Brooks, Trmptr. W.
Brocklesby, L.-Cpl. E.
Butterworth, L.-Cpl. J.
Cooper, Sap. A.
Dunn, Sap. J.
Elliott, Sap. C. K.
Farmer, Drv. H.
Goldstraw, 2nd Cpl. R.
Gore, Sap. A.
Greenhalgh, Sap. H.
Greenwood, Sap. W.
Grimshaw, Sap. G. H.
Hampson, Sap. G.
Harwood, Sap. J.
Hinsley, Sap. T
Hodge, Sap. W. R.
Jackson, Sap. H.
Kelsall, Sap. J. H.
Kerridge, Cpl. W.
Knott, Sap. W.
Magee, Drv. J.
McLeavy, Cpl. G.
McLeod, Sap. W.
McQuinn, L.-Cpl. O.
Mellor, Sgt. W.
Moor, Sap. H.
Moscrop, Sap. J. A.
Mountfield, Sap. H.
Naylor, Cpl. W.
Nugent, Sap. J.
O’Donnell, Sap. F.
Palmer, Sap. J. E.
Pickston, L.-Cpl. H. V.
Potts, Sap. J.
Robinson, Sap. G.
Saunders, Sap. J.
Scott, Sap. J.
Shaw, Cpl. H.
Shaw, L.-Cpl. T. E.
Staresmere, Sap. W.
Stephenson, Sap. F.
Swift, L.-Cpl. H.
Taylor, Drv. J.
Warburton, Sap. H.
Ward, Sap. T. H.
Waterhouse, Sap. T.
Wielding, 2nd Cpl. T.

429 Field Coy., R.E.


Chapman, Lieut. D. C.

Other Ranks

Ashton, Sap. A.
Baker, Sap. W. F.
Barraclough, Sap. F.
Bates, Sap. S.
Carter, Sap. J. W.
Cooke, Sap. F.
Deedman, Sap. S. F.
Evan, Sap. J. T.
Flynn, Sap. J.
Galpine, Sap. H.
Hellon, Sap. J. W.
Holland, Sap. J.
Hynes, Cpl. W.
Jones, Drv. B.
Kershaw, Sap. G. B.
Mansfield, Sap. A.
McCannah, Sap. S.
Meckin, L.-Cpl. J.
Mort, Cpl. S. C.
Newton, Sgt. J. L.
Rooney, Sap. J.
Royles, Sap. J. H.
Scott, Sap. W.
Shaw, Sap. T. J.
Staveley, Sap. H.
Tomlinson, Sap. J.
Thompson, Sap. J. C.
Walker, Drv. A. W.
Walker, L.-Cpl. G. H.
Watson, Sap. H. H.
Williams, Sap. C.
Williams, Sap. R. C.
Wilkinson, Sap. W.
Wright, L.-Cpl. D.
Yates, Sap. S.

42nd Division Signal Coy., R.E.


Williamson, Capt. C. H., M.C.

Moore, Lieut. H. T. P., M.C.

Other Ranks

Aitchison, Sap. E.
Ardis, Cpl. J.
Bayley, Drv. T.
Broderick, Sap. J., D.C.M.
Couch, L.-Cpl. H., M.M.
Cox, L.-Cpl. R. S.
Dowd, Sap. H. W.
Edwards, S.S. T.
Fielding, Cpl. J., M.M.
Findlay, Pioneer R.
Garside, Sap. F.
Hall, Pioneer E.
Hartley, Drv. W.
Heap, Sap. C.
Heywood, Sap. A.
Higginbottom, Sap. G.
Humphreys, Sap. C. Y.
Jackson, Sap. F.
Kennedy, Cpl. J.
Latter, Sap. S.
Law, Pioneer J. W.
Ling, Sap. A.
Lorimer, Sap. W. E.
Lowe, Drv. J.
McGuire, Drv. J.
Naylor, Sap. E. C.
Penson, Sap. C. W.
Poole, Sap. A.
Richardson, Pioneer J.
Sheppard, Sap. F. W.
Sinclair, Sap. J.
Smith, Sap. J. W.
Sutcliffe, Pioneer N.
Walsh, Sap. J.



Clive, Lt.-Col. P. A., D.S.O.

Holberton, Lt.-Col. P. V.
Bentley, Capt. F. M., M.C.
Bridge, Capt. J. K.
Briggs, Lieut. W. L.
Hudson, Capt. A. P.
Jemkins, Capt. E. E., M.C.
Kay, Capt. G. C.
Milnes, Capt. S. H.
Paton, Capt. M. B.
Cameron, Lieut. W. G.
Frizelle, Lieut. E. S.
Fryer, Lieut. W. B.
Grant, Lieut. R. W. G.
Harrison, Lieut. C. H.
Hawksey, Lieut. B. R.
Hinckley, Lieut. A.
Hoyle, Lieut. H. K.
Mashiter, Lieut. T. A. G.
Morgan, Lieut. V. H.
Murphy, Lieut. G.
Page, Lieut. J. K. S.
Renshaw, Lieut. A.
Stafford, Lieut. A. D.
Stott, Lieut. W. E.
Tankard, Lieut. W.
Templeman, Lieut. J. W.
Thompson, Lieut. M. B.
Tristram, Lieut. E. B.
Whittam, Lieut. F.
Yapp, Lieut. W. C.

Other Ranks

Adams, Pte. H.
Alderson, Pte. R. A.
Aldridge, Pte. G.
Allcock, Pte. W.
Allen, Pte. H.
Allen, Pte. W.
Alliban, Pte. H.
Alston, L.-Cpl. H.
Andrews, L.-Cpl. H. H.
Andrews, Pte. J.
Andrews, Pte. R. A.
Ansins, Pte. G.
Antrobus, Pte. W.
Archer, Pte. E. J.
Armstrong, L.-Cpl. W.
Ash, Pte. G. V.
Ashton, Pte. A.
Ashton, Pte. J. H.
Ashton, Pte. R. J.
Ashworth, Pte. H.
Atkinson, Pte. W.
Austin, Pte. J.
Austin, Pte. R.
Bageant, Pte. F.
Bamford, Pte. B. P.
Bamford, Pte. W.
Bamford, Pte. W.
Banks, C.Sgt.-Mjr. W.
Barker, Pte. L.
Barker, Pte. T.
Barker, Cpl. T. H.
Barley, Pte. G.
Barlow, Pte. F.
Barnes, L.-Cpl. C. E.
Barton, Cpl. J. A.
Beardsworth, Pte. R.
Beaumont, Pte. J.
Bedford, Pte. C.
Bedford, Pte. C. J.
Bennett, Pte. J.
Bennett, Sgt. J.
Bent, Pte. W.
Berry, Pte. H.
Berry, Pte. J.
Berry, Pte. L.
Bills, Pte. H.
Birch, Pte. H.
Birchall, Pte. F.
Bird, Pte. W. T.
Bishop, Pte. C.
Boardman, Pte. C.
Boardman, Pte. D.
Boon, L.-Cpl. J. J.
Booth, Pte. N.
Booth, Sgt. H.
Booth, Pte. J. W.
Booth, Pte. S.
Boothman, Pte. J.
Bowden, Cpl. C.
Bowker, Cpl. T.
Bradburn, Pte. H.
Bradford, Pte. L.
Bradley, Pte. H.
Bradshaw, Pte. A.
Brand, Sgt. H.
Brennan, Cpl. J.
Brierley, Pte. J. J.
Brocklehurst, Pte. F.
Brooks, Pte. A.
Brooks, Cpl. W.
Brown, Pte. T.
Brown, Pte. G.
Brown, Pte. H.
Buckley, Cpl. E. F.
Buckley, Pte. J.
Bunn, Pte. A.
Bunn, L.-Cpl. J. J.
Burden, Pte. F.
Burke, Pte. J.
Burke, Cpl. P.
Burrows, Pte. C.
Burston, Pte. W.
Butterworth, Pte. A.
Butterworth, Pte. E.
Butterworth, Pte. F.
Butterworth, Pte. G.
Butterworth, Cpl. J.
Butterworth, Pte. J.
Butterworth, Pte. R.
Butterworth, Pte. W.
Butterworth, Cpl. W.
Buxton, Pte. G. V.
Calderbank, Pte. F.
Calverley, L.-Cpl. J. E.
Carless, C.Sgt.-Mjr. W., D.C.M.
Carmichael, Pte. R. F.
Carney, Pte. J.
Carr, Pte. J.
Carroll, Pte. W.
Carruthers, Pte. J. R.
Chadwick, C.Sgt.-Mjr. J.
Chamley, Pte. W.
Chapman, Pte. E.
Charles, Pte. D.
Charman, Pte. A.
Clarke, Pte. G.
Clarke, Pte. W.
Clarke, Cpl. S. E.
Clifford, Pte. M.
Cockcroft, L.-Cpl. E.
Coe, Pte. A.
Collantine, Pte. J.
Collinson, Pte. F.
Compston, Cpl. T. H.
Connell, Pte. W.
Connelly, Pte. J.
Consterdine, Sgt. W.
Cookson, Pte. H.
Cooper, Pte. A.
Cooper, Pte. W. E.
Corlett, Pte. J. A.
Corser, Cpl. F.
Cowley, Pte. J.
Crabtree, Pte. J.
Crabtree, Pte. W.
Crawford, Pte. H.
Crawford, Pte. W.
Crawford, Pte. W.
Crook, Pte. A.
Crossley, Pte. J. H.
Crowther, Pte. W.
Cryer, Pte. F.
Cullen, Pte. J.
Curran, Pte. J.
Curran, Pte. T.
Cutts, Pte. H.
Dakin, Pte. E. B.
Davison, Pte. T.
Dawson, L.-Cpl. W. L.
Dean, Pte. R.
Dearden, Sgt. F.
Dickie, L.-Cpl. D.
Dixon, Pte. C.
Dixon, Pte. F.
Dobson, Pte. T.
Dodd, Pte. T.
Douglas, Pte. J. W.
Duckworth, Pte. R.
Dudley, Pte. H.
Duncan, Pte. W.
Duxbury, Pte. W.
Eatough, Pte. L.
Eccles, Pte. T.
Eckersley, Sgt. E.
Eckersley, Pte. F.
Egerton, Pte. F.
Entwistle, Pte. D.
Evans, Pte. C.
Evans, L.-Cpl. E. R.
Fitzsimmonds, Pte. T.
Fletcher, Pte. G.
Flook, Pte. A.
Ford, Pte. J.
Foxcroft, Pte. A.
Foxcroft, Pte. W.
Fraser, Pte. J.
French, Pte. G.
Frith, Pte. C.
Garland, Pte. A.
Garner, Pte. G. H.
Garner, Pte. W. R.
Garswood, Pte. G.
Gibbons, Pte. C.
Glasgow, Pte. R.

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