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Prepared by Minh Chien

24. Outdoor activities

1. Do you like outdoor activities?

- Yes, I absolutely love outdoor activities. Being outdoors allows me to
connect with nature, get some fresh air, and recharge my energy. Whether
it's hiking, cycling, or simply taking a walk in the park, I find outdoor
activities rejuvenating and enjoyable
2. Do you often take part in outdoor activities?
- Not really, My lifestyle and schedule don't always allow for outdoor
adventures. But when I have free time, I always try to participate in outdoor
activities. I make it a point to spend time outdoors to stay active and enjoy
the natural beauty around me.
3. What outdoor activities do you like the most?
- I don't have a specific favorite outdoor activity, but I enjoy occasional
leisurely walks in the park. It's a simple yet refreshing way to clear my mind,
stretch my legs, and enjoy a change of scenery without the commitment of
more rigorous outdoor pursuits.
4. Are outdoor activities popular in your country?

- Yes, outdoor activities are quite popular in my country. With diverse

landscapes ranging from mountains to beaches, there are plenty of
opportunities for people to engage in outdoor adventures like hiking,
camping, surfing, and more.
5. Do you think people in your country spend enough time being outdoors?
- No, I don't think people in my country prioritize outdoor activities enough.
In today's fast-paced society, many are consumed by work, technology, and
indoor entertainment, leading to a lack of appreciation for the benefits of
spending time in nature.

25. Neighbours
1. Do you know your neighbors?

- "Yes ofc, the first time I met them was 4 years ago when they invited my
family over for dinner to celebrate their house warming
Prepared by Minh Chien

2. What do you think of your neighbors?

- Honestly, I don’t meet or interact with them much in everyday life.

However, from my parents' words and their relationships with other
neighbors, they have left a very good impression on me. I can confirm that
they are very enthusiastic and attentive.

3. How do you get along well with your neighbors?

- To be honest, I don’t usually get along with my neighbors. However, in the

future, I will find ways to communicate with them more, because building
relationships with neighbors is important. Firstly, I will make an effort to
communicate regularly. Additionally, being respectful of each other's
privacy and property is crucial

4. Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with one’s neighbors?

- For me, it is very important to have a good relationship with neighbors. It

creates a supportive and secure environment where neighbors can rely on
each other for assistance. Moreover, a strong sense of community enhances
safety and contributes to the overall well-being and quality of life in the

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