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bootleg: buôn lậu

cohesion: sự gắn kết

almost indiscernible from a native E user

gauge (v): đo, đánh giá

(n): thước đo
Interdependent (a): phụ thuộc vào nhau

surpass = exceed = eclipse = top: vượt quá, đạt mức giá trị lớn hơn
VD: In 1999, the number of Internet users based in Asia surpassed that of Internet
users in the USA.
(Vào năm 1999, số lượng người dùng Internet ở châu Á đã lớn hơn số người dùng
Internet ở Mỹ)

surge (n/v) = a sudden and great increase

(tăng đột ngột)
VD: Over the whole period in question, France witnessed a surge in thermal electricity
production and reached the peak of 430 TW-h.
Over the whole period in question, the thermal power generation in France surged and
peaked at 430 TW-h.

music to my ear: nghe thích

Writing 1

burglary (n): trộm đột nhập vào nhà

robbery (n): cướp

Dynamic Charts (Biểu đồ động)

• Characteristics
There are 2 or more years.
There are changes in the numbers presented.

• Sentence structures
1. a In 2018, the number of dogs increased
b In 2018, the number of dogs saw an increase.
c In 2018, an increase was seen in the number of dogs.
2. The year 2018 saw an increase in the number of dogs.
3. There was an increase in the number of dogs in 2018.
[Tip paraphrase] : Đổi chủ ngữ của câu

• 1234 structure
Đoạn 1 1 câu, đoạn 2 2 câu, đoạn 3 4 mỗi đoạn 3 4 câu.

Paragraph 1 - 1 sentence
Paraphrase the question
Paragraph 2-2 sentences
Paragraph 3 / 4-3 / 4 sentences
Body 1 & body 2

- Opening: 1 sentence - paraphrase the topic
The number of foreign visitors to three different areas in a European country
between 1987 and 2007 are shown in the given graph.

The graph below shows the number of oversea visitors to three different areas
in a European country between 1987 and 2007.

graph below = given paragraph

shows = illustrates / demonstrates
oversea = international / foreign
visitors = travellers / tourists
three different areas in a European country = three types of natural landscape in a
country in Europe
between 1987 and 2007 = over the course of 21 years starting from 1987

→ The given graph illustrates the number of foreign tourists who visited three types of
natural landscape in a country In Europe over the course of 21 years starting from

• The given graph illustrates I what info I where I when
[Trend] - 1 sentence
+ sự thay đổi (của tất cả các số)
Coasts & lakes increased I moutains fluctuated
The number of coasts and lakes increased, while the number of mountains tluctuated.
The number of people who visited the coast and lakes increased, while that of the
mountains fluctuated.
that of = the number of people who visited

Add linking words and diversify grammar

⇒ Looking at the graph, it is clear that the number of people who visited the coast
and lakes witnessed an increase, while a fluctuation was seen in that of the

[Order] - Tìm số to nhất / bé nhất (của cả quá trình)

+ Coast - highest - for most of the time frame

It is also evident that the coast had the highest number for tourists for most
of the time frame.
or throughout the time frame (nếu như năm nào cũng cao nhất)

The given bar chart illustrates the global sales of different types of video games
over the course of 7 years starting from 2000.
Looking at the graph, it is clear that the worldwide sales of Mobile Phone
Games, Online and handheld Games all witnessed an increase, while a decrease was
seen in that of Console Games. It is also evident that Handheld Games had the highest
figure throughout the time frame.
The figure for Handheld Games was the highest throughout the time frame.
The figure for: con số cho cái gì đấy (VD con số cho doanh thu…)

Comparison of Energy Production (Power Generation)

The given pie charts compare different types/sources/forms of energy
production / produced in France in 2 years 1995 and 2005.
Looking at the two charts, it is apparent that Gas account for the lion's share of
the pie in both 1995 and 2005. It is also clear that the energy production of Petro
witnessed a decrease, while an increase was seen in that of Gas, Coal, nudear and
Looking at the charts, it is clear that the proportion of all sectors/categories
witnessed an increase, with the exception of Petro (while the number of Petro
It is also evident that the figure for coal was the highest in both years.

Average carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions per person, 1967 – 2007

The given graph demonstrates/depicts average amount of Carbon footprints
/ CO₂ emitted/released per person in the UK, Sweden, Italy and Portugal over the
course of 40 years (a four-decade period) starting from 1967.
Looking at the graph, it is clear that the average amount of CO₂ emissions per
person in Italy and Portugal witnessed an increase, while a drop was seen in that of
the UK and Sweden.
It is also apparent that the UK had the highest figure for CO₂ emissions
throughout the time frame.
Airport visitors, 1995 - 2000 (millions of passengers per year)
The given chart depicts the number of passengers (who used) using three
major airports in New York City over the course of 6 years starting from 1995.
Looking at the chart, it is clear that the number of travellers using Lar Guardia
and M. Newark airport all witnessed an increase, while … a fluctuation was seen in
that of John F. Kenedy airport. It is also evident that La Guardia airport had the highest
figure throughout the time frame.


Body 3 - 4 sentences
- Điểm đầu của 1 đường
- Sự thay đổi của đường đó
- So sánh với đường khác

soar (v): tăng mạnh

1. Oversea visitors
The graph below shows the number of oversea visitors to 3 different areas in a
European country between 1987 and 2007.

<Body 1>
In 1987, the number of tourists who visited the coast stood at 40 thousand.(1)
This figure then bottomed at 35 thousand in 1992, followed by a gradual increase to
75 thousand in 2007.
(1) The year 1987 saw 40,000 people visiting the coast.
(Or) In 1987, the coast welcomed 40,000 tourists.

Similarly, the number of people going to the lake soared from 10,000 to the highest
point which is 75,000 from 1987 to 2002, before decreasing slightly to 50,000 in 2007.
<Cách 2>
In 1987, the number of tourists who travelled to the coast stood at / registered
This number hit the bottom at 35,000 5 years later before sharply jumping to
nearly 75 thousand at the end of the period.
A roughly similar trend was seen in the number of visits to the lakes, where it
soared from 10 thousand to a peak of 75 thousand in the first 15 years of the period,
followed by drop of 25 thousand between 2002 and 2007.

<Body 2> Chỉ còn đường moutains

20 thousand tourists visited the mountains at the beginning of the surveyed
This figure fluctuated between its original number and 35 thousand for the rest
of the time frame.

In 1995, 29.63% of the total amount of energy generated came from gas. This
figure remained (stable / relatively unchanged) in/until 2005. A similar pattern was
witnessed in the number for coal, where it stood at around 30% in both years.
Meanwhile, the figure for Petrol dropped slightly by 10% from 29.27% (by 10% to
19.55%) after 10 years.
There is only ONE year.
There are no changes in the numbers.

1234 structure
• Paragraph 1 - 1 sentence: Paraphrase the question
• Paragraph 2 - 2 sentences _ Overview
• Paragraph 3 / 4-3 / 4 sentences _ Body 1 & Body 2

Ví dụ: bài dogs

% language
• The [percentage / proportion / allocation] of dogs in 2008 [occupied /
account for / take up / constitute / represent] 50%
• [The number for / the figure for]...........

20% → one fifth / a fifth
40% → two fifths
30% → three tenths / nearly a third / almost a third / south of a third / shy of (suýt
được) a third
35% → more than a third / over a third / north of a third
30%, 33%, 35% → about / approximately / around / roughly

25% → a quarter / a fourth

50% → a half
75% → 3 quarters
69% → more than two thirds
45% → over two thirds / shy of a half

Comparative Language
• A is (Adv) greater / higher than B
• B is (adv) lower / less than A
• A is twice as much as B
• A is double B (double - Adj)
• A doubles B (double - Verb)
• A is three times as much as B
• A is triple B
• A triples B

Listing multiple numbers

Số A và số B lần lượt là 2 và 5
• A and b were 2 and 5 respectively
Số A và B tăng từ 2 và 5 lên 20 và 50
• A and B increased from 2 and 5 to 20 and 50 respectively / accordingly / in

The given pie charts illustrate the [major / key] reasons why people entered and left
the UK in the year 2007

• Looking at the graphs, having definite job was the factor that most likely made
pp relocate
[Looking at the graphs, it is clear that employment was the main factor
influencing pp's immigration and emigration decision.]
• It is also evident that while the lowest percentage of those emigrating was to
pursue their study, that for pp immigrating did not give a reason.

• 1 ngành của 1 biểu đồ
• so sánh với ngành đó của biểu đồ còn lại
• so sánh cặp tiếp theo
• so sánh cặp tiếp theo nếu có

Body 1
The proportion of pp going to the UK due to pursuing formal study occupied 26%. This
number was more than six times higher than the percentage of pp who emigrated for
the same purpose (,which was only 4%).
The allocations of pp migrating to and from the UK accounted for similar numbers at
around 30%. (30% was the figure for both people immigrating and emigrating
the UK)

Meanwhile, the figures for pp entering and leaving the country were 12% and [22% /
nearly double that] respectively.
Body 2
• Viết màu xanh nhạt.
• Thú vị thay, tỉ lệ cho đỏ và tím cho cả 2 bên tương đối giống nhau và không
vượt quá 15%
In 2007, the percentage of pp getting in the UK without a reason took up 6%. This
figure was only a third for that of emigrants. Interestingly, the allocations of pp entering
and living the UK joining with fml members or other reasons were similar
(none of which exceed 15% / not exceeding 15%).
• Build / construct / introduce / erect
• Demolish / knock down / pull down / remove* / cut down* (cây)
Mở rộng
• Expand = enlarge (mở rộng diện tích) / extend* (chiều dài)
Biến thành
• make into / turn into / convert into / replace*
General trend (Opening)
• transformation / industrialization / urbanization / modernization

• The given [maps / pictures / images]
• The transformation
• changes / differences
• urbanization
• changing landscape
• Transformation / industrialization / urbanization / modernization

• of a suburban area
• rural
• between 1995 and today (from 1995 to today)

The given pictures illustrate the urbanization of a rural area between 1995 and today.

• Có nhiều thay đổi:
• Looking at the graphs, it is clear that there have been lots of dramatic
changes in the area
• The area has undergone many dramatic changes
• 2 thay đổi chính
Overall, A [has been accompanied by / has happened in tandem with] B
• The introduction of
• the expansion of
• the demolition of
• the repurposing of
=> Overall, the introduction of new roads have happened in tandem with the
demolition of the [area] fishing port.
The given images illustrate the changes of in the town of Kimsville between 2002 and

Looking at the graphs, it is clear that Kimsville has undergone lots of dramatic
changes. Overall, the introduction of new facilities has happened in tandem with the
expansion of the repurposing of the old cinema.

• Cách chia body: chia đôi lượng thông tin
• Không dùng trên dưới trái phải => dùng đông tây nam bắc
o đông bắc: north east (viết ngược = bắc đông)
o đông nam: north south
o đông nam á: south east asia

Body 1
• housing -> more
o In the north east of the area, more houses have been built, along with
the extension of one of the roads to facilitate the accommodation
needs of the residents.

o road -> extended

• farmland + forest park -> golf course + tennis course
o 1 câu:
▪ The fl and fp in the north east of the area have been made into a
golf course and tennis courts
▪ The fl and fp in the north east of the area have removed to make
room for / way for a golf course and tennis courts (to be erected)
o 2 sentences
▪ In 1995, the north east of the area was covered by farmland and
a forest park
▪ However, today, they have been removed to make way for a golf
course and tennis courts (to be erected) for recreational
• shops -> restaurant
o Meanwhile, the shops towards the southern end of the area have been
made into a chain of restaurants.

Body 2
• hotel có thêm parking lot
o In 1995, there was only a hotel in the south east of the suburb
o Nowadays, this area has also had a parking lot constructed right next to
the hotel
The hotel has remained in [its spot / in the same place] but a parking lot has been
introduced [next to / adjacent to] it.

• fish market -> apartment

o Moreover, the fish market, which used to be opposite to the hotel has
been replaced by the new apartments
New apartments has been erected as a replacement for the fish market next to the
• cafe -> cafe
• fishing port -> X
o Along with these changes, the fishing port in the south of the former fish
market has been removed.
While the cafe has remained, the fishing port in the south of the area has been

*Technique: add purpose of new facilities

• To facilitate the … need (recreation: giải trí)
• For … purposes
• To allow people to do sth
Tiếp theo là:

• After that / Then / Subsequently

• At this point / The next step is that

• Following this / The following step is that

• After which / At which point*

Ví dụ: Đánh răng -> Ăn sáng

• I brush my teeth. At this point, I eat breakfast.

• I brush my teeth, at which point, I eat breakfast.

This given picture illustrates

2 bước đầu cuối
Overall, there are 18 procedures. It begins with cultivating tea in China and India and
concludes with enjoying a cup of tea

Lá trà được hái và sau đó được phơi dưới mặt trời cho khô.

• The tea leaves are picked and then dried under the sun

⮚ Once the tea leaves have been picked, they are put in the sun to dry.

Hộp trà được cho lên xe tải và sau đó được đem ra siêu thị.

• The tea boxes are loaded onto the lorry and delivered to the supermarket.

⮚ After the tea boxes have been loaded onto the lorry, they are delivered to the
This diagram illustrates the production of tea and how to make a cup of tea.

Looking at the picture, it is clear that there are 18 steps in the linear procedure. It
begins with tea growing in India and China and concludes with enjoying a cup of tea.

Firstly, the tea seeds are sowed in China and India. After the plants have grown to a
certain extent thanks to the sunshine, the tea seeds have been harvested and put into
the basket before being dried under the sun. At this point, the dried tea leaves are
packed into boxes. Next, the boxes are loaded onto the truck and then are distributed
to the wholesalers and retailers, where customers can buy them.

… are distributed / shipped / delivered / dispatched to wholesalers and retailers,

where they / it can be purchased by customers.

In order to make a cup of tea, first of all, we need to buy some tea boxes. Once the
water has been boiled, we put the tea bag into a cup and pour boiled water in. The
initial cup of tea should be left for two minutes and then added milk and sugar. In the
end, we just need to drink and enjoy our upshot.
to drink
The diagrams below illustrate early tools from 1.4 million years ago and
800,000 years ago.

The given picture illustrates the transformation of prehistoric / primitive cutting

equipment between 1.4 million and 800,000 years ago
hoof: vó ngựa
albeit = despite = in spite of
● The given diagram illustrates the evolution of the horse through 4 phases, with
special emphasis on the formation of the foot into the hoof.
● Looking at the picture, it is clear that the modern horse is significantly larger
than its ancestors. It is also apparent that the main

The diagram below shows the process of milk production

The given diagram illustrates the production of milk (from start to finish).

Looking at the picture, it is clear that there are 8 steps in the linear (tuyến tính)
procedure. It begins with feeding cows and concludes with sale of the final products in
As previously stated, the initial stage in the process is cows feeding on grass in a field.
Twice a day, the cows are taken from the pasture to a milking facility where they are
milked by a milking machine. The resulting milk is kept fresh in large refrigerated
storage tanks. Everyday, the milk is collected by a truck and transported to a dairy
factory where further processes are applied to it in order to create a range of products.

In the diary, some of the milk is pasteurized to kill any harmful bacteria – while the rest
is converted into other dairy products: cheese, cream, and butter. Ultimately, the
finished dairy products are transported to shops and supermarkets where they may
be purchased by the general public.

The figure below depicts how to recycle and reuse plastic containers / convert plastic
bottles into usable materials.

Looking at the diagram, it is clear that there are 9 steps in the cyclical procedure. It
begins with tossing used plastic containers into a specified trash bin and ends with the
manufacture of products from the material.

As previously stated, the initial stage in the process is tossing used plastic bottles into
a recycling bin. At this point, the garbage truck comes and takes these containers to
the recycling center where they are classified by hand. Once the cans have been
sorted, they are squeezed tightly into a block. In the subsequent step, the resulting
blocks of plastic bottles are crushed into small pieces before being washed to remove
any dirt and impurities.

After being cleaned, the pieces are first poured into a machine that turns them into
plastic pellets. These pellets are then heated in order to create a raw material that can
be used in the manufacture of products ranging from clothes and bottles to containers
and pencils. These items are themselves recyclable and the process begins again.

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