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1) Basic Encryption/Decryption Tool: Build a simple web application where users

can input a message and choose an encryption algorithm (e.g., AES, RSA). The
application then encrypts the message and displays the encrypted result. It's a
hands-on way to learn about encryption techniques.

2) Password Strength Checker: Build a tool where users can input a password, and
the application tells them how strong or weak it is based on certain criteria
(length, complexity, etc.). It's a fun way to learn about password security

3) IP Address Tracker: Create a tool that allows users to input an IP address, and
your application will provide information about the geographical location of the
IP address and whether it's associated with any known security threats.

4) Password Generator: Build a password generator tool that generates strong and
random passwords based on user-specified criteria (length, character types,
etc.). You can use Django to create a simple web interface for users to customize
their passwords.

5) Data Breach Notification Service: Build a service that monitors data breaches
and alerts users if their email addresses or other personal information are found
in leaked datasets. You can integrate with public APIs like Have I Been Pwned to
check for compromised accounts.

6) Web Application Honeypot: Create a Django-based honeypot that mimics a

vulnerable web application. Monitor and log interactions with potential
attackers, analyze attack patterns, and gather threat intelligence.

7) Secure File Integrity Checker: Develop a tool that monitors file changes on a
server and alerts administrators if any unauthorized modifications are detected.
Use cryptographic hashing to verify the integrity of files and directories.
8) The Secure File Encryption and Decryption System is a web application that
allows users to encrypt and decrypt files securely. Users can upload files,
specify a passphrase or key for encryption, and then download the encrypted
file. Similarly, users can upload an encrypted file along with the decryption key
and retrieve the original file.

9) The Hash Value Comparator is a web application that allows users to compare
the hash values of files to verify their integrity. Users can upload files, calculate
hash values using different algorithms, and compare the generated hashes with
known reference hashes. This system helps users detect any unauthorized
modifications or corruption in their files.

10) The File Tracking System is a web application designed to track the usage of files,
displaying the number of times each file has been opened along with the dates
and times of each access. Users can upload files to the system, and each time a
file is opened, the system records the access event and updates the usage
statistics accordingly.

11) The One-Time Link Generator is a web application designed to generate unique,
expiring links that can be used for secure file sharing or access to restricted
content. Users can upload files or specify URLs, and the system generates a
one-time link that expires after a single use or after a specified time period.

12) The Chain of Custody Recorder is a web application designed to securely record
and manage the chain of custody for digital assets, such as files or evidence. It
allows authorized users to create and update custody records, track the transfer
of assets between different parties, and maintain a complete audit trail of
custody events.

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