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2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Germany, 2w4

Analysis of Instabilities in Piezoelectric Transformers Driving Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps

G. Spiazzi, S. Buso

Deparhnent of Information Engineering

University of Padova
Via Gradenigo 6 b , 3513 I Padova ITALY
Phone: +39-049-827.7525 Fax: +39-049-821.759917699
e-mail: simone.buso@,,

Absfrud - This paper analyzes the behavior of power Usually the inverter design for driving PTs takes
supplies for cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) advantage of their well known linear model (Rosen-type, see
employing piezoelectric transformers (PTs). It has been [6]), considering a constant load resistance corresponding to
demonstrated that the non-linear equivalent lamp the lamp nominal power. However, it has already been
resistance interacts with the PT, that behaves like a demonstrated in [7-111, that the non linear nature of the
high-Q resonant circuit, giving rise to instabilities in the lamp equivalent resistance can cause unexpected behaviors
audible frequency range Ill]. Moreover, when the PTs when used in conjunction with high output impedance
are driven by a voltage-fed inverter and its DC supply drivers and also with PTs. In [I I], the PT-CCFL
voltage is used to control the lamp voltage, the relation combination has been analyzed considering a constant
between the control variable and the lamp current cau frequency inverter driving the PT through a series coupling
become non monotonic, depending also on the coupling inductor L,, employed mainly to achieve sol? commutation
uetwork used between the inverter and the PT. This of the inverter switches [Fig. l a and b]. In this paper, the
paper extends the aualysis reported in 1111 by analysis is extended by considering different coupling
considering different coupling networks as well as networks [Fig. IC and d] and taking, as the control variable,
considering the inverter switching frequeucy as the the inverter DC supply voltage as well as the inverter
control variable for controlling the lamp current. SPICE switching frequency. The analytical results are well
simulations and analytical models are employed to supported by SPICE simulations, using a suitable lamp
explain the unstable behaviors observed in different model, as well as experimental measurements.
experimental prototypes.
The converter structure we are going to analyze is shown
Piezoelectric transformers, cold cathode fluorescent in Fig. la: a half-bridge voltage-fed inverter produces a
lamps, lamp ballasts. square wave voltage U, that is coupled to the PT through a
suitable coupling network, that is employed to achieve
1. INTRODUflION zero-voltage commutations of the inverter switches. The
network can consist of different impedance arrangements, as
The efforts towards low-cost and low profile power shown in Fig. lb), c) and d). The well known Rosen-type
supplies for cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) have model is used to describe the PT behavior around its
led to the increasing use of piezoelectric transformers (PTs) fundamental resonant mode.
instead of the more conventional magnetic transformers,
The Rosen-type model parameter values of the PT used in
mainly for the following advantages [I-51: the experimental setup are reported in Table I. In the
inherent high gain at no load, that provides the needed following, the theoretical analysis and all simulations will
lamp ignition voltage, and a load dependent gain that use these parameter values.
avoids the use of the ballast capacitor in series with
the lamp;
absence of leakage magnetic field;
sinusoidal lamp current waveform, thanks to their
high Q factor, that enhances the linearity between the
average rectified lamp current value, that is usually R = 5.37a
the measured variable, and the true RMS current
value, especially during- dimming;
small size and weight;
high reliability due to the absence of a high voltage Preliminary experimental measurements done using
secondary winding. coupling network CN,, showed unstable operation modes in
open loop conditions, i.e. with no lamp current control. Two
dlfferent behaviors have been found: a large signal

~7803-8399-0/04/$20.0002004 IEEE. 2125

2004 35th A n n u l IEEE Power Electronics Specia1ist.F Conference Aachen, Germany, 2w4

__ .
Half-Bridge PT Rosen-type Model Lamp
"I r - - -- - r - - -- - r - -- - -
I Ls I

I--- --- I -
I _ _ _ _ _I

b) CNl c) CN2 4 CN3

Fig..1 -a) Scheme of the half-bridge inverter driving the PT for CCFL; b), c) d) differentcoupling networks.

instability, which makes the lamp behave like a bi-stable 111. REVIEW OF SMALL-SIGNAL AND LARGE-SIGNAL
circuit and therefore makes the system uncontrollable, and a INSTABILITIES
small signal instability, that makes the electric variables of
the system oscillate steadily around their nominal values. As demonstrated in [7-111, neglecting the non-linear
Examples of such experimentally found instabilities are nature of the lamp impedance hides many important
shown in Fig. 2 in the case of coupling network CN,with phenomena, when PTs are used to drive CCFLs. For this
L. = 28pH, f, = 6 5 a U& = 14.7V (upper curve: inverter reason, a suitable lamp model must be employed for both
output current iL, [INdiv]; lower curve: PT input voltage ui analysis and simulations: here the model proposed in [12]
[IOV/div]). The measured oscillation frequency is around has been considered, where the lamp resistance is
6kHz. approximated by an exponential function of the lamp power,
In the following section the origin of small-signal and i.e.
large-signal instabilities is reviewed and a suitable lamp
model is considered that allows to verify the observed R, = a e - b t , (1)
behavior both analytically and by SPICE simulations. where a and b are suitable coefficients to be selected based
on lamp measurements. The parameters of the CCFL used in
the experimental setup are reported in Table 11: for this lamp
the resistance variation can be reasonably approximated by
choosing a = 1.6uR and b = 0.43W' in (1).

Table 11 - CCFL Soeeifications

Starting Voltage (V) O°C - 25OC 1850 - 1474
Lamp Current (mA,,) 6.0
Ambient operating range PC) -10 to 70

The large-signal relation (i.e. the steady-state regulation

curve) between the lamp current and the control variable
(the inverter DC supply voltage U& or the inverter switching
frequency C ) is calculated in the following way: starting
Fig. 2 -Experimental small-signal instability with simple inductor from the desired lamp current value, the lamp voltage is
coupling network CNI(L, = 28pH at f, = 65kHz and Ud, = 14.7V). calculated from (I), then from the knowledge of the voltage
Upper c w e : inverter output current iLI [INdiv]; lower curve: PT gain between the fundamental component of the inverter
AC input voltage q [IOV/div]. output voltage ui, and the lamp voltage, that depends on the
considered coupling network and on the PT model, the


2o(w 35th Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Germany, 2W4

needed DC voltage Udc at fixed switching iiequency or the where R,, =ae-b5 is the lamp resistance at the
needed switching frequency f,, at fixed DC voltage are
calculated. In both cases, a square wave inverter voltage uinv considered operating point [U,, I.], PL= U,4, is the lamp
was considered, which is a good approximation only if the power, and o,= o L ( l - b P L ) , wp = o L ( l + b P L ) .Note
dead time between the half-bridge switches is small that the DC small-signal lamp resistance is negative, since
compared to the switching period (this is the case when w, and op have opposite signs, while, at high tlequency, the
coupling network CN, is used). When CN2 and CN, are RHP zero makes the small-signal lamp resistance positive.
considered, the inverter voltage looks more like a This behavior is in agreement with previously developed
trapezoidal waveform, but since the aim is to reveal non small-signal lamp models, like those described in [7,8].The
monotonic control characteristics, the approximation was low-frequency negative resistance can cause instabilities
still considered acceptable. when the lamp is driven by a low-impedance voltage source.
The same lamp model ( I ) can be used to analyze the
circuit behavior from a small-signal stability point of view. IV. COUPLING NETWORK CN,
In fact, the negative lamp small-signal resistance would
predict an unstable system in any condition, while many The series inductor L,, is the only coupling network that
combinations PT-CCFL are, indeed, stable. As explained in provides an almost true sinusoidal driving waveform for the
[7-111, this behavior can be theoretically explained by PT. Moreover, since the soff-switching condition requires
considering a delay T~ = I/% between the lamp power the capability of charging and discharging only the switch
variation and the corresponding equivalent lamp resistance output capacitances, a minimum reactive energy is
variation, which accounts for the plasma ionization time necessary. However, as already stated in many papers, the
constant. To this purpose, in the lamp PSPICE model, like series inductor introduces a resonance with the PT input
that reported in [12], the R-C low-pass filter, that is used to capacitance that modifies the overall voltage gain between
derive the average lamp power so as to calculate the lamp the RMS value of the inverter output voltage fundamental
resistance according to (I), also accounts for the component and the lamp voltage. Fig.4 reports different
aforementioned delay. The simulation performed with voltage conversion ratios as functions of the switching
wL= 150 kradk in the same conditions of the measured frequency fSwtaken at two lamp current values (L, = 42pH):
waveforms in Fig. 2, revealed the same instahility, but at a Mm represents the PT intrinsic voltage gain, M, is the
slightly higher oscillation frequency (IOkHz),as can be seen voltage gain between the RMS value of the inverter voltage
in Fig. 3. fundamental component and the RMS value of the PT input
voltage U,, and & = M,.Mpr represents the overall voltage
gain. It is interesting to note that the presence of the
coupling inductor L, introduces an additional voltage gain
(M,) that is frequency dependent and shows two resonance
peaks: one below and the other above the PT resonance
peak. These modifications make more problematic the
control of the lamp current using the switching frequency as
the control parameter, since, moving along the overall
voltage conversion ratio curve, the gain (i.e. the curve slope)
changes sign many times. However, with a proper choice of
the inductance value and of the DC link voltage it is possible
to change the lamp current by varying the inverter switching
frequency, as shown in Fig. 4, where the two switching
frequency values (f, and f2) corresponding to 6mAMs and
ImAws lamp current values are reported (with U, = 13V).
Time[lOOpldivl The chosen coupling inductor value allows to achieve soft
Fig. 3. Simulated Small-signal instability observed with simple switching in any condition (the worst case is the maximum
inductor coupling network CN,with mL = IS0 kmd/s (L, = 28vH at lamp current), as revealed by Fig. 5 that reports magnitude
f, = 65kHz and Uds= 14.7"). Upper curve: inverter output current and phase of the overall impedance Z, seen by the inverter
ib; lower curve: PT AC input voltage ui. for two different lamp current values. In both cases, the
needed switching frequency falls inside the interval in which
The instability occurrence can also be explained by the inverter output current lags the inverter output voltage,
considering the lamp incremental impedance, that can be thus allowing the inductor current to charge and discharge
derived directly from (I) by perturbation under small-signal the switch output capacitances during the switch dead time.
assumption (see (1 I]). The result is: The simulated inverter output current and voltage taken at
I, = 6mAws confirm this result, as revealed by Fig. 6.

2034 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Germany, 2034

but at the expense of loosing the sofi-switching condition at

nominal load.
IdBl The high non linearity in the regulation curve at constant
switching fkequency was verified by experimental
measurements: Fig. 8 reports the main converter waveforms
when the DC link voltage is slowly approaching the value at
W,l( which the regulation curve changes slope: the operating
point moves abruptly to a very high lamp current value with
a dangerous high PT input voltage value. This snap happens
at Udc =21V,a higher value compared to that predicted by
theoretical analysis (see Fig. 7b).
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 As already stated in the previous section, the small-signal
f,, [kHz1 behavior does not depend on the chosen control variable,
Fig. 4 -Voltage gains for coupling network CN,at tho different and a small-signal instability can arise, as shown in Fig. 2.
lamp current values (L, = 42pH). The desired overall voltage gains
M d needed to obtain the given lamp current values with U,, = 13V
are also reponed.

f,, [k&l
Fig. 5 -Magnitude and phase of the impedance Z, seen by the
inverter for two different lamp current values.
""" " ................................

13 13.5 14 14.5 15 115
b) ["I
Fig. 7 -Regulation curves with CN,(L, = 4ZpH): a) at constant
DC link voltage (U, = 13V): b) at constant switching frequency
(fBw = 65kHz).

Fig. 6 -Simulated main convener waveforms at I. = 6mAWs,

The regulation curve, i.e. I, = flfSw),is reported in Fig. 7a:

as can be seen, even using the switching frequency as
control parameter the variation of the curve slope reveals a
quite varying small-signal DC gain. This behavior becomes
much worse when a constant switching frequency operation
with a variable DC link voltage U, is considered, as
revealed by the regulation curve reported in Fig. 7b
(L, = 42pH): here, as stated also in [l 11, a too high coupling
.. . .. " .. ... . .... . .. ..
inductor value causes the regulation curve to become non , ~~ ~

Fig. 8 -Main converter waveforms when Udcis slowly

monotonic (its slope changes sign), thus making impossible approaching 21V (f, = 6 5 W L. = 42pH). From top to bonom:
the lamp current control. A regular curve is ohtained if a inductor current iLr[5A/div], lamp current b [IOmA/div], PT input
lower L, value is used, as shown in Fig. 7b for L, = 38pH, voltage ui [50V/div].


2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialisis Conference Aachen, Germany, 2004

CNz AND CN3 clearly the small-signal instability is mainly related to the
The other two coupling networks in Fig. I, that use a interaction between the lamp and the PT and is almost
parallel inductor L,, behave quite similarly, since they differ independent of the used coupling network.
only for the position of the DC blocking capacitor CB. For
this reason, the analysis reported in the following refers to
C N 2 , the analysis with CN3 giving the same results. CN2has
the advantage of eliminating the DC component from the PT
input voltage, which reduces its driving RMS voltage, but
slightly modifies the overall voltage gain as shown in Fig. 9,
that reports the voltage gains for two different lamp current
values (CB= IpF, L,= 20pH). For a constant Ua. voltage of
30V, the m e figure shows the overall voltage gains Mgd
needed to obtain the desired lamp current values, and the
corresponding switching frequencies fl and f2. As already 0
45 50 55 60 65 70 15 80 2
stated in [5], the parallel inductor arrangement can always
allow to achieve soft commutations of the inverter switches fsw IWI
if a sufficiently high reactive current is absorbed by the Fig. IO - Magnitude and phase of the impedance Z, seen by the
inductor. This is also revealed by the plot of the phase of the inverter for two different lamp current values.
impedance Z, seen by the inverter, shown in Fig. IO: with a
constant DC link voltage, the inverter operates at switching
frequency f, for I, = 6mA, and at fz for 1, = 1mA. In both
cases the inverter output current will be lagging the inverter
output voltage. However, differently from the previous case,
now the inductor current iLphas to charge and discharge also
the PZT input capacitance, that is much higher than the
switch output capacitances, so that the positive impedance
phase is a necessiuy but not sufficient condition to achieve
sofl commutations. Fig. 11, shows experimental waveforms
taken at f,,=651rHz and U&=2OV: as can be seen, the
inverter switches must have enough dead time to allow
charging and discharging of the overall output capacitance,
giving rise to a trapezoidal output voltage waveform.

Fig. 1 I -Experimental waveforms with coupling network CN2

(Lo = 20pH, CB= IpF,at f, = 65kHz and Ud. = 20V). Upper curve:
inductor current i, [INdiv]: center curve: lamp current i,
[2mA/div]: lower curve: inverter output voltage uinv[SV/div].


45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

fsw I W Z l
Fig. 9 -Voltage gains for coupling network CN2at two different
lamp current values (CB=IwF, L,= 20wH). The desired overall
voltage gains Msa needed to obtain the given lamp current values
with Udr= 30V are also reported.

Similarly to the case of CN,, also with CN, a sufficiently

low lamp delay causes the system to become unstable. This I I I I I t 1 I I I I
JI IB Y S R z sn w 2.88 Y o STOPPED
behavior is confmed by both PSPICE simulation and by
experimental measurements: Fig. 12 reports the inductor Fig. 12 - Small-signal instability observed with CNzat f, = 65 kHz
current iLp and the lamp current io measured at U,jc = 15V and U,, = I5 V. Upper curve: inductor current i,, [INdiv]; lower
and fW=65kHz, revealing an oscillation around the curve: lamp current io [ZmA/div].
operating point at fos=6.5kHz. The same analysis done
with coupling network CN3 reveals a similar behavior:

2004 35rh Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specia1isr.r Conference Aacken, G e m ) : 2004

Now we want to investigate the large signal behavior VII. REFERENCES

when the DC link voltage is varied at constant switching
frequency or when the switching frequency is used as Ray L. Lin, Fred C. Lee, Eric M. Baker and Dan Y.Chen, “lnductor-
less Piezoelectric Transformer Electronic Ballast for Linear
control variable at constant DC link voltage. In the first Fluorescent Lamp” IEEE Applied Power Electronic Conference Pmc
case, the regulation curve I, = f(u,) is shown in Fig. I3a, (APEC), 2001, pp.664469
while the regulation curve 1. =)&t is shown in Fig. 13b in Chin S. Moo, Wei M. Chen, Hsien K. Hsieh, “An Electronic Ballast
both cases a regular behavior is observed, that holds for with Piezoelectric transformer for Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps”
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industkd
different coupling network parameter values. Similar results Electronics (ISIE), 2WI, pp. 36-41,
are obtained with C”,.From this point of view, the coupling H. Kakehashi, T.Hidaka, T. Ninomiyq M. Shoyama, H. Ogasawara,
network with parallel inductor gives less control problems Y. Ohta, “Electronic Ballast using Piezoelectric transformer for
than the series inductor. Fluorescent Lamps” ”IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
Proc. (PESC), 1998, pp.29-35.
Sung-Jim, KyuChan Lee and Bo H. Cho, “Design of Fluorescent
Lamp Ballast with PFC using Power Piezoelectric Transformer”
IEEE Applied Power Electronic Conference Proc. (APEC), 1998,
M. San& P. Alou, R. Prielo, J. A. Cobos and I. Uceda, “Comparison
of different alternatives to drive Piezoelectric Transformers” IEEE
Power Electronics Specialists Conference. PESC’02, Proceedings
pp.358-364, 2W2.
Ray L. Lin. Eric Baker and Fred C. Lee, “Characterization of
Piezoelectric Transformers”, Procsedinm of Power Electronics
Seminarsat VirginiaTechSept. 19-21, I!%,pp. 219-225.
E. Deng, S. Cuk, “ Negative Incremental Impedance and Stability of
Fluorescent Lamps,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf Proc.
(APEC), 1997. pp.lO50-IOS6.
S.Ben-Yaakov, M. Shvartsas, S. Gloman, “Statics and Dynamics of
Fluorescent lamps Opsrating al High Frequency: Modeling and
Simulation,” IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, vo1.38, No.6,
Nov:/Dec. 2002, pp.1486-1492.
S. Glozman, S.Ben-Yaakov, ”Dynamic interaction analysis ofHF
ballasts and fluorescent lamp based on envelope simulation,“ IEEE
Trans.lndustrv Aoalication. vol. 37. Seot.Dct. 2001. DD. 1531-1536.
I v ~ l nR. &e, j.kimr.R w Erick;on;.Sdl-Si& Analysis
ofFrcquencyControllcd Electronic Ballast”. IEEE Trans On
Circuits and Sisams - I: Fund. Thvov and Applications. vol 50.
- ...
No.8. Aueust2003.o~.1103-1110,
I C. Spiazzi. S . Uuso. ”Anal)ra of I.argr.-Signal and Sdl.Signal
Instabilities in Piemlecmc Transformcn Driving Cold Callwde
Fluorescent I.amps.” IEEE Applied Power Elcctmnics Conf. CDRom
(APEC). .. FebNani. ..2004
64 66 68 70 71 [I21 M. Cervi, A. R. Seidel, F. E. Bisogno, R. N. do Prado, “Fluorescent
Lamp Model Based on the Equivalent Resistance Variation.” IEEE
b) fs, Wzl Industry of Application Society (IAS) CDROM, 2002.
Fig. 13 -Regulation curves with CN2 (Lp = 20pH, C. = IpF). a)
At constant switching frequency (f, = 65kHz); b) at constant D C
link voltage (U, = 30V).

The negative incremental lamp impedance of a cold
cathode fluorescent lamp can cause instabilities when the
lamp is driven by a piezoelectric b;msformer. Such
instabilities depend mainly on the PT parameters and lamp
characteristics, and only to less extent on the coupling
network usually employed between the inverter and the PT
in order to achieve soft commutation of the inverter
switches. These c o u p h g networks can also cause a strong
non linear regulation curve between the control variable
(either the inverter DC link voltage or switching Gequency),
that can, in the case of CNI, preclude a correct lamp current
control. SPICE simulations and analytical models havebeen
employed to justify the behaviors observed in different
experimental measurements.


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