An Improved Digital-dimming Controller for Back-light Module Applying Frequency-shift Technique

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An Improved Digital-Dimming Controller for Back-light Module

Applying Frequency-Shift Technique

Chang-Hua Lin, Liang-Rui Chen*, and Kai-Jun P;ai

Department o f Electronic Engineering *Department of Aeronautical Engineering
' St. John's & St. Mary's Institute afTechnology National Huwei Institute ofTcchnolagy
Taipei 25 I , Taiwan,R. 0. C. Yunlin 632, Taiwan, R. 0. C.

range is restricted by the switching frequency range and the

Absfracf- A novel simple control method to improve the soft-switching is not easy to achieve over the entire switching
ignition behavior of cold cathode fluorescent lamp in frequency range. Although the voltage control has good
digital-dimming mode is proposed in this paper. The half-bridge dimming performance, the circuit is too complicated to
resonant inverter is employed in the presented back-light system.
To extend the lamp life, we realize a digital-dimming controller practically use [7] for low power applications.
with frequency-shift technique (DDC-FST) to reduce the high Nowadays, digital-dimming control is a new technique to
ignition voltage and to eliminate the ignition current spike. modulate the brightness of the CCFL. Basically, this method
Complete &analysisand design considerations are discussed in will widen the dimming range. Nevertheless, the lamp life is
detail in this paper. Simulation and experimental results are close reduced seriously due to the restriking caused by current spikes
to the theoretical prediction. The overall elfciency of the system during operation. For extending the lamp life, current spikes
achieved at the rated power is over 91%. The ignition voltage is
reduced ahout 30% without any lamp current spike occurred
must be suppressed by a proper control strategy. In this paper, a
under digital-dimmingoperation. novel DDC-FST for the single-stage back-light electronic
ballast is proposed. The employed back-light system
incorporates the DDC-FST to dim the lamp luminance, and
I. INTRODUCTION integrates feedback circuit to raise the system stability. The
In flat display panel (FDP) technologies, back-light module prototype of this back-light system presents the high efficiency
is a crucial component for driving light source and its without modifying original (compensation circuit. A design
performance will dominate the display quality of FDP. The procedure and complete measured results are both discussed in
LCD with cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) satisfies the detail.
demand on display performance, size, and efficiency [l-21. In
consideration of the cost, efficiency, and uniformity ratio of
illumination, the CCFL is still the best choice. FDP, PDA, GPS,
and portable instruments are examples of back-light
applications [3-41. In general, LCD back-light inverter can be The two-stage back-light system is a basic and conventional
classified into two categories based on its power stage structure topology, which has been used for years in many practical
[8-15]. One category is using the two-stage topology or applications. Fig. 1 shows the typical topology of two-stage
so-called current-fed push-pull parallel-resonant inverter back-light system, which general includes a buck stage and a
(CP-PRI); the other category is employing a single-stage current-fed push pull resonant inverter, and then possesses low
topology or called half-bridge parallel-resonant inverter cost and low efficiency characteristics. The buck stage is used
(HB-PRI). to regulate the input current far the push-pull inverter stage [2].
Recently, numerous circuit topology and control strategies There are lots of advantages for this topology such as low
are proposed to raise the system performance [S-91. To achieve current harmonics comparing with the voltage source inverter
the dimming capability, an additional control circuit is essential. (VSI), no isolation of the power switches SI and Sz required for
There are three familiar methods in use today, which are the driver circuit [3], [ 161, and the reduction of leakage current
duty-ratio control, frequency control, and voltage control, lo resulted from parasitic capacitance by utilizing floating lamp
dim the gas discharge lamp. The duty-ratio control is easy to structure and primary-side dimming control [3]-[4]. However,
regulate the lamp current, but the asymmetrical lamp current the mentioned techniques improve the efficiency only about
and higher lamp crest factor will result in discoloration of the 5% for CCFL driver circuit due to the structure of two-stage
lamp [5-61. The frequency control is the most common topology. Single-stage design shown in Fig. 2 is the hest way to
technique to control the lamp current. However, the dimming enhance the overall efficiency of back-light modules. Fig. 3a is
the circuit diagram of HB-PRI presented in this paper, which is
composed of choke inductor LR,resonant capacitor CR,ballast

0-7803-7906-3/03/$17.0002003 IEEE. 496

capacitor CB,and two alternative switching power switches SI, The reflected secondary impedance includes ballast
S2. This circuit is also accompanied with the boost transformer capacitor CB, lamp impedance, and parasitic capacitances. To
T I to generate sinusoidal voltage and current for driving CCFL. simplify the circuit model, we neglect parasitic capacitances,
The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 3b, where the choke and replace the CCFL with R! as shown in Fig. 3c. Hence, the
inductor LR,the magnetizing inductance L,of the transformer resonant frequencyf, can be given as
TI, resonant capacitor CR, and reflected secondary impedance 1
constitute the resonant tank. f, =-
2 a m

c, =
1 + 02C:R:

In order to ensure that the CCFL can be started in normal
situation, a boost transformer TI with tums ratio N determined
Fig. 1 Typical block diagram of the two-stage back-light system for CCFL
by the lowest input voltage V,,,, and the start voltage V,,m,,,,,
should be satisfied with the following equation:

I -
where N,, N, are turns of primary and secondary respectively
[17]. Since the CCFL has negative dynamic impedance after
igniting, the ballast capacitor Ce is required to stabilize the
lamp current [3]. For reducing the nonlinear behavior of the
CCFL, the reactance of Ce is arranged to be greater than the
CCFL impedance. The transfer function of lamp voltage vt
versus v,+ can he calculated from Fig. 3b by sinusoidal
Fig. 2 The proposed single-stage back-light system with modified approximation as follows:
digitaldimming control.
v,(j@ = NLm j G R , (7)
v,,(jo) L,+L, l - d L ( N ' C , +C,)+jw(C,R,-o'C,C,LR,)
The magnitude of (7) is obtained as

From (S), we see that the lamp voltage vt is closely related to

input voltage, operating frequency, lamp characteristics,
transformer characteristics (L, and N), and resonant tank
components (LRand CR).

Fig. 3 @)Half-bridge resonant invener, (b)equivalent circuit of Fig. 3a, Fig. 4 Conventional analog dimmer with potentiometer
(c)simplifisd equivalent of Fig. 3b

Fig. 8 Block diagram ol'the proposed DDC-FST.
Fig. 5 Schematic of IOW frequency dimming control.

Fig. 6 Waveforms of lamp voltage, lamp curenl, and LFD signal. Fig. 9 Equivalent circuit oftheDDC-FSTwith feedback control.

111. IMPROVED DIGITAL-DIMMING CONTROLLER FOR Fig. 7 shows the comparison of ignition characteristics of
SINGLE-STAGE BALLAST two different methods for CCFL, where the hard-start is a
Dimming control is used to conserve battety capacity as conventional igniting technique with constant frequency drives
ambient illumination is permitted. Fig. 4 shows the typical and the soft-start is the proposed method. The soft-start
configuration of the conventional dimming control circuit. The employs frequency-shift technique and substantially reduces
dimmer regulates the lamp luminance by adjusting R, via ignition voltage and lamp current spike by continuous
feedback loop [ 2 ] . The voltage on D, is a rectified half variable-frequency drives. The block diagram of the proposed
waveform which is proportional to the detected lamp current. digital-dimming controller with frequency-shift technique
The drawbacks of this technique are nonlinear and low (DDC-FST) is configured as shown in Fig. 8, in which
conversion efficiency especially in low level luminance. Fig. 5 waveforn-shaping circuit, voltage-controlled current source,
shows the digital-dimming technique, which controls the variable-frequency oscillator, and MOSFET gate driver are
lamp's on and off duration by low frequency dimming (LFD) included. In addition, we will select the optimal circuit
gating signal at rated lamp current. In other words, the average parameters of DDC-FST to eliminate the lamp current spike for
lamp brightness is inversely to the duty cycle of gating signal. achieving the theoretical predi,:tions. Fig. 9 is a designed circuit
However, this method may significantly reduce the lamp life example of DDC-FST based on the block diagram of Fig. 8. In
' because the CCFL is struck repeatedly during dimming this circuit, a low pass filter receives the standard LFD signal
operation as shown in Fig. 6 . To eliminate the above-mentioned and outputs an exponential-type signal vLFD to regulate the
high ignition voltage and high lamp current spike, a novel voltage-controlled current source (VCCS).
control strategy and its realization circuit are both proposed in Fig. 10 simulates the complete behaviors of the proposed
this paper. DDC-FST during frequency-shift phase. CCFL is in full
luminance or at rated power, and the operating frequency f =
62kHz while LFD signal is low. When LFD signal goes from
low to high, the filtered signal vLFD rises gradually and
generates auxiliary current i, to Cl, then the operating
frequency of vcris changing fi-om 62kHz to 82kHz as shown in
Fig. 10. In other words, with the additional current component,
the operating frequency of MOSFET gate driver is increasing
and shifting away from the normal operating point so as to tum
off the CCFL. As LFD signal goes from high to low, the
auxilialy current i, drops progressively to decrease the
Fig. 7 A comparison of CGntlOl strategies between hard-start and soft-stan operating frequency. Then the operating point will move hack
gradually toward the original one, i.e. closer to 62kH2, and
CCFL will be turned on. Therefore. the current of the extemal

capacitor C, is modulated to generate the mentioned ignition
behavior with continuously varied frequency.
From the preset conditions and (I), we have

Combining (IO) and ( I I ) , the derived parameters for this

design are given by LR=21pH (use 22.3pH), CR=0.96pF(use

3) Time constant of integrator

The LFD signal is converted to exponential-type
waveforms by the integrator as illustrated in Fig. 9.
Generally, the rise time t, and fall time !,of waveforms after

.82KHz 82Kllz - 61KHz

RC-integrating are both around five times of RC. Assume
that the dimming range is set to 5%, then the time constant
should he satisfied the following condition:
Fig. 10 The simulated wavefom of LFD signal, uIFD, i., and vm during
I, E 5RC 5 O.OST,, (12)
In Fig. 9, a saw-tooth waveform is compared with a dc
voltage Vd to produce the LFD signal according to the dimming
m.DESIGN CONSIDERATION AND EXPERIMENTATION level. The typical sink current of comparator, for which the
The CCFL is inherently a nonlinear load, and is LM358 is employed, is about 20tnA. Therefore, the maximum
characterized by its length, diameter, and structure. The hest value of R in time constant K can he determined as follows:
lamp current for driving CCFL is sinusoidal, which keeps the R,, 5--12"-6OOQ
crest factor near 1.414 so as to reduce EM1 and raise efficiency 20mA
[3]. The other approaches presented in [SI may provide higher The operating frequencyfLFDof LFD signal is usually above
luminance hut reduce the lamp life. In this paper, a practical 120Hz. IffLFD is too low, the flickering phenomenon will be
design example of single-stage hack-light electronic ballast induced. However, iffrFD is too high, the dimming range will
with digital-dimming controller is presented. A CCFL he reduced. In this paper, the adopted operating frequencyfLFD
FL-26315 is used with rated power of 3.6W; the operating of LFD signal is 120H2, so the period of LFD signal TLPD=II
voltage vt and current i, are 720Vm and 6mA respectively; the /&D =8.33ms. According to (12), we can obtain a suitable value

starting voltage v,, is llOOVm. We choose the operating of RC as

frequency f ranges between 62kwz and 82kHz, and the input RC 5 O.OlT,, = 83.3,uS (14)
voltage vD=l2 Voc. The related parameters such as tuns ratio In order to satisfy the above-mentioned requirement, we
N, magnetizing inductance L,, resonant inductor Ln, resonant choose R= 410Cl and C=0.2pF.
capacitor CR,ballast capacitor CBare considered as follows: Fig. 11 shows the typical measured waveforms of LFD
1) Turns ratio N=N& signal, lamp voltage, and lamp current under general
The boost transformer should provide enough tums ratio to digital-dimming control. As Fig. 11 indicates, the high ignition
ignite the CCFL. By substituting mentioned above voltage and high lamp current spike will significantly reduce
parameters vshn and VDinto (6), we obtain the lamp life. The measured waveforms of the proposed
hack-light system with DDC-FST under 95%, 50%, IO%, and
5% luminance are shown in Fig. 12a-I2d, respectively. In
every dimming level, the lamp voltages and lamp currents are
all under predicted operation mode without spikes. From the
2) Resonant inductor LR and resonant capacitor CR
measured results in Fig. 12, it is obvious to note that the
From (9), we get the actual value of tums ratio with 200. In
proposed control strategy can effectively overcome the
addition, we have the magnetizing inductance Lm=15pH, drawbacks in existing digital-dimming method. Remarkably,
ballast capacitor Ce=IOOpF, lamp resistor R,=vji,=lZOkR, during the dimming range, the luminance of CCFL is shown
and operating frequency f =62kHz. By substituting these stable and uniform in all these levels from low to high. Fig. 13
parameters into (8), we have depicts the measured luminance of CCFL at different duty

ratios of LFD signal. It can be seen that the dimming curve
presents good linearity even within wide operating range.
,, .
1 I& ' 'Lfb ' .
. . . :..i .:. . . "

....................... (3

Fig. II T h e 'ypical waveforms of LFD signal, v,, and i( under

digital-dimming control. (Ver: ZOV/div for LFD Ver:
IOOOVIdiv for v,; Ver: ZOmAidiv for i,; Hor: Zmsldiv)


............. ............ ...... .............

............ .....
............. .......... .............
............. ......... .............
0 20 4" M IO ,m
0°C" R*iaalLrOC/,

Fig. 13 Output luminance versus duty ratio of LFD signal. CND


In this paper, a single-stage back-light module with more GhD

than 91% overall efficiency is realized. The advantages of the

presented back-light system can be summarized as follows.
First, the number of power switches and transformer size are
both reduced. Secondly, the complete feedback control will
enhance the system stability without modifying the original
compensation circuit. Thirdly, The proposed DDC-FST is easy CNI)

to construct. It not only integrates the feedback circuit, but also .........
reduces the ignition voltage over 30% and eliminates the lamp CND
cwrent spikes completely. Therefore, we can conclude that this . . . .
dimming technique is attractive and feasible for extending
CCFL life in FDP.

This work was sponsored by the National Science Council, (4
Taiwan, R. 0. C., Project number: NSC91-2213-E-129-007. Fig. 12 Measured waveform of LFD signal, Y. and. i, at.luminance level of
(a)95%, @PO%, (c)lO%, (d)5% Wer: IOV/div for LFD. Vcr:
IOOOVIdiv for v,; Ver: IOmVdiv for i,; Hor: Zmddiv)

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