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Execution Insight Sharing:

5 Rights Approach for Effective

Lean Six Sigma Project Execution

Prepared by:
Rifki Rizal Derrian
CEO – SSCX International
5 Rights for LSS Project Successful Execution

Right Project Right Scope Right Method

Right Metric
Right Team for Right

Page 1
Right Project
• Align with Organizational Goals:
Ensure the project supports the
strategic objectives of the

• Provide Significant Impact: Focus on

projects that promise substantial
improvement in terms of cost savings,
quality enhancement, or customer

• Be Feasible: Choose projects that are

achievable within the given resources
and time frame (3-4 Months period for

Page 2
Right Scope
• Be Specific and Focused: Clearly
define the boundaries of the project
to avoid scope creep (area, process,
segment, product / service family,

• Avoid Overreach: Keep the scope

limited to avoid complexity and
ensure the team can deliver results
in a reasonable time frame.

• Be Careful of Secondary Metric:

Don’t interchange it with your
project scope
Page 3
Right Method
• Follow DMAIC: Adhere to the
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
and Control framework to structure
the project.

• Utilize Relevant Tools: Apply

specific Lean Six Sigma tools like
process mapping, root cause
analysis, and statistical analysis
where applicable. Use Lean
techniques to eliminate waste and
improve process flow.

• Be Data-Driven: Base decisions on

data rather than assumptions.

Page 4
Right Team
• Be Cross-Functional: Include members from
different departments to provide diverse
perspectives and expertise.

• Have Clear Roles: Assign specific roles such

as Project Sponsor, Project Leader, and Team
Members with defined responsibilities.

• Be Skilled: Ensure team members have the

necessary Lean Six Sigma training and skills.

• Be Engaged and Motivated: Select

individuals who are committed to the project
and willing to collaborate.

Page 5
Right Result
• Umbrella Goal and Objective: Fulfill the
UMBRELLA goals and objectives set at
the beginning of the project
• Right Metric: No mislead result.
• Be Measurable: Provide tangible
improvements that can be quantified
and verified.
• Be Sustainable: Implement changes that
are sustainable over the long term, not
just quick fixes.
• Deliver Value: Ensure the results provide
real value to the organization, such as
cost savings, improved quality, or
enhanced customer satisfaction.

Page 6
Be Sustainable

Page 7
Six Human Mental System Layers for Sustainable

6 Logical Levels in Neuro-Linguistic

Programming (NLP) developed by Dr.
Robert Dilts as a framework to
understand how people can achieve
sustainable and impactful change
1 on 1 Coaching, Leading by

Training, Workshop, Group


Policy, SOP, WI, OPL

Standard Work, Visual

Management: Visual Control,
Dashboard, Poka Yoke Page 8
Additional Tips for LSS Execution Success: Manage Stakeholders

1. Clear Communication: Ensure all stakeholders understand the project goals,

timelines, and their roles. Effective communication fosters alignment and
reduces misunderstandings.

2. Engagement and Involvement (Cont. Feedback): Involve stakeholders from

the beginning and throughout the project. Their input can provide valuable
insights and buy-in, increasing the likelihood of success.

3. Manage Expectations: Set realistic expectations regarding outcomes, resource

requirements, and potential challenges. Transparent communication helps
manage stakeholders' expectations and reduces surprises.

Page 9
DMAIC Stakeholders

Page 10
Stakeholder Perspectives in Each Phase

No Phase Stakeholders Perspectives Example per Phase

SteerCo & FinAcc: Business impact menarik? Mendukung agenda strategis?
1 Define Sponsor: membantu KPI departemen / divisi / sponsor? Lingkup terlalu kecil (tidak
berdampak pada KPI divisi / sponsor?

Sponsor: bagaimana progres pencapaian KPI? Apa sudah ada quick win yang
Member: arahan leader jelas? Jadwal jelas? Bisa bantu ijin ke atasan saya? Mengapa saya
2 Measure disuruh memetakan proses dan mengumpulkan data sekian banyak? Kalau di lapangan
tidak sesuai ekspektasi harus bagaimana (mis: data tidak tersedia)?
Process owner: mengganggu proses produksi / operasional? Khawatir dihakimi /
SteerCo: Masa analisanya cuma begitu begitu saja? Terlalu sederhana kalo buat LSS
Sponsor: bagaimana progres pencapaian KPI? Apakah quick win sudah dieksekusi
sehingga ada hasil-hasil lebih awal?
Member: arahan leader jelas? Jadwal jelas? Bisa bantu ijin ke atasan saya? Mengapa saya
3 Analyze disuruh memetakan proses dan mengumpulkan data sekian banyak? Kalau di lapangan
tidak sesuai ekspektasi harus bagaimana (mis: data tidak tersedia)? Page 11
Process owner: menurut saya root cause nya ini, kalau itu kita sudah tahu, kita hanya
Stakeholder Perspectives in Each Phase

No Phase Stakeholders Perspectives Example per Phase

SteerCo: Masa solusinya hanya SOP SOP saja? Kok solusinya tidak canggih? Ini sih
bukan tingkat LSS
Sponsor: bagaimana progres pencapaian KPI? Mana hasilnya?
Member: solusinya banyak, banyak yang dikerjakan, mengganggu job desc operasional
4 Improve Process owner: cara lama juga sudah ok, posisi saya terancam,menurut kami Solusi
kami lebih baik, kalau Solusi diterapkan itu malah membuat bertambahnya pekerjaan
dan membuat repot kami. Secara operasional malah semakin mempersulit pekerjaan
kami. Apa gunanya buat kami? Kami kok tidak dilibatkan…kan kami yang sehari-hari
SteerCo: Business Impact terealisasi? Tercapai? Apakah seluruh tim belajar sesuatu?
Kompetensi tim meningkat? Kerjasama antar departemen/divisi semakin baik (breaking
SILO)? Apakah sistem yang baik untuk overall project berhasil dibangun?
Sponsor: KPI sudah tercapai? Apakah team saya belajar sesuatu? Kompetensi tim saya
meningkat? Kerjasama antar divisi semakin baik (breaking SILO)? Apakah sistem yang
5 Control baik di lingkup project berhasil dibangun?
Member: keberhasilan ini diakui oleh siapa? Apa manfaatnya untuk karir kami?
Process owner: keberhasilan ini diakui siapa? Apa manfaatnya untuk pekerjaan kami?
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MR: Apakah sistem yang dibangun diselaraskan dengan MS di Perusahaan? Apakah
Thank You!

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