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First Term Test – 2024 - Revision 02 Hours

English Language Grade 8

Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Admission Number …………………………………………………. Class No ……………………………………..

 TEST 01
Fill in the blanks with correct Preposition. (on/ at/ in) (05 marks)
1. My friend’s birthday is ………………….. April.
2. My Mother wakes up ………………….. 7o’ clock.
3. My sister was born ………………. 2010.
4. Please come to school ………………………. Friday.
5. The cab will be here ………………….. an hour.
 TEST 02
Complete the set of instructions about learning English using the correct word given within
brackets. (05 marks)
1. …………………… an English book everyday (Read / Copy)
2. ……….………….. ten or more new English words from the book you read. (Learn / Talk)
3. ……….………….. to a dictionary and find their meanings. (Take / Refer)
4. ……….………….. the words in an exercise book with their meanings. (Right / Write)
5. ……….………….. in English with your teacher and friends. (Use / Speak)
 TEST 03
Complete the sentences with correct wh-questions. (05 marks)
1. ………………………………. is that teacher in the black dress? (Who / Whose)
2. ………………………………. does Peter arrive to Sri Lanka. (When / How many)
3. ………………………………. is the Russian Empire in 1915. (When / Who)
4. ………………………………. old is your dog? (Who / How)
5. ………………………………. Is the Post office? (When / Where)
 TEST 04
Choose the correct word in the brackets to complete each sentence. (05 marks)
1. Are …………………………. Your shoes over there by the door? (those / that)
2. May be we can ask …………………………… man for directions. (these / that)
3. My raincoat is right here. ………………………… is my raincoat. (this / those)
4. Who was …………………………….. lady you spoke to yesterday? (that / these)
5. Please come here and read ………………………………. Page. (this / these)

 TEST 05
Read the email and fill in the blanks. (10 marks)

Dear Enosh,
Thank you for your e-mail and the photograph of your family.
Hope you (1) ………………….. well. I have good news for you. Last Saturday we (2)
……………… a story telling event in our school. Since our school (3) .................... a leading
one in the area it was selected as the venue. It (4) ..................... conducted by the British Council and
sponsored by a private bank. There (5).......................150 students from six selected schools for the
event. All the students (6)……………. very happy at the event. Here I (7)....................sending you
some photos of the event. We (8).................get our presents and certificates at the assembly
tomorrow. Our parents too (9)...................very much happy about the event. It (10)………………. a
great camp. We are lucky for the opportunity given for us.

were, had, am, are, was, is, will, are

 TEST 06
Complete the blanks of the given paragraph with the help of the words and the picture below.
(10 marks)

This is a picture of a (1) ____________. There are four (2) ____________ playing. The small girl is
(3) ____________ with her dog. She has (4) ____________ ball in her hand. Another child is (5)
____________ behind a (6) ____________. A puppy is peeping from a (7) ____________ in the
tree. The (8) ____________ is shining in the sky. We can see some fish are (9) ____________ in
the pond. A house can be seen in the background. All are in a (10) ____________ mood.

running, garden, a, hiding, children, tree, swimming, happy, house, sun, hollow

 TEST 07
You cannot come for cricket practices as you have sprained your leg. Write a note to your friend
explaining the reason for not coming. Ask your friend to tell the teacher in charge. (10 marks)
 TEST 08
Complete the sentences by putting the words within brackets in the right order. (10 marks)

1. My ambition is …………………………………………………………….....(a/ musician/ to/be)

2. I have already …………………………………………………….. (following/ course/ a/ started)
3. I started learning music …………………………………………………….(when/ young/ was/ I)
4. I can play a violin …………………………………………………………......(and/ too/ a/ guitar)
5. I think music is a ………………………………………………………….. (way/ good/ relax/ to)
 TEST 09

Read the poem and answer the questions. (10 marks)

At evening when I go to bed

I see the stars shine overhead;
They are little daisies white
That does the meadow of the night

And often, while I'm dreaming so,

Across the sky the moon will go;
It is a lady, sweet and fair,
who comes to gather daises there.

For when at morning I arise,

There's not a star left in skies;
She's picked them and dropped them down
Into the meadows of the town

1. What does the poet see when he goes to bed?
2. What are the words that describe daisies?
3. Who has picked up the daisies?
4. The daisies are compared to;
a) Stars b) moon c) a lady
5. Write the antonyms for the following words from the poem..

i. up................................................ ii. Rarely.........................................

 TEST 10

Read the following text and answer the questions given below. (10 marks)
The calendar is a way of measuring time. It divides time into days, weeks, months and years. Most
calendars are based on the length of time it takes the Earth to go round or orbit, the Sun. The oldest
calendar known was an Egyptian invention.

Some scientists think it was devised as early as 4241 B.C. This calendar divided the year into 365
days. The calendar most often used today is Gregorian calendar, invented by pope Gregory in 1582.
Chinese, Islamic, Hindu and Jewish calendars are also used in different parts of the world.
(Junior Encyclopedia of science -Aroras)
1. What is a calendar?
2. How does the calendar divide time?
3. What is the oldest calendar?
4. Who prepared the present day calendar?
5. What are the other calendars used in the world?

 TEST 11 (10 marks)

You are the secretary of the young photographers’ club in your school and the members have
organized an exhibition at the term end. Your teacher wants you to write a notice to be put on the
notice board inviting the teachers and the students to see the exhibition. Use about 40-50 words.
Include- Date, time, venue
- Who the chief guest is
- Exhibits: phots on wild life, birds, waterfalls etc.
 TEST 12
Write one of the following. Use about 150 words. (10 marks)
1. An essay about ‘Importance of keeping our environment clean’
2. Complete the following story.
He came home after work at about 5.00 p.m. He opened the gate. The dog was not there at
the gate to welcome him. …………………………………………………………………..

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