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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nitrogen is absorbed by plant roots in the form of

a. NO3
b. NO2
c. N2O
d. N2O2
2. Absorption of NH4+ by the root ___ the uptake of K+
a. enhances
b. had no effect
c. reduces
d. none of these
3. The uptake of NH4+ by the plant roots result in the release of
a. NO3
b. OH-
c. H+
d. H2O
4. The conversion of organic form of an element into inorganic form is termed as
a. Mineralization
b. Immobilization
c. Nitrification
d. Denitrification
5. The conversion of amino acids into ammonium is called
a. Aminization
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. Nitrification
6. C: N ratio which results in net mineralization is
a. 80:1
b. 60:1
c. 40:1
d. 20:1
7. The conversion of NH4+ into NO3 -is called
a. Nitrification
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. N fixation
8. About 80 % P is transported from soil to root surface through
a. Diffusion
b. Root Interception
c. Mass flow
d. Bulk flow
9. In acidic soils, P availability decreases due to adsorption and precipitation with
a. CaCO3
b. Fe/Al oxides
c. Organic matter
d. 2:1 type clay minerals
10. If a bag of fertilizer is labeled “23-19-17”, then it
a. contains 23% N, 19 % K, 17 % P
b. contains 23% N, 19 % K2O, 17 % P2O5
c. provides 23 % of P, 19 % of K, and 17 % of plant N needs
d. none of these
11. Advantages of synthetic fertilizers include
a. relative ease of application
b. their ability to increase crop yields
c. their quick availability to plants once applied
d. all of the above
12. An essential plant nutrient is defined as:
a. an element which a plant must have in order to complete its life cycle.
b. anything which the plant takes up from the soil.
c. nutrients which animals get when they eat plants
d. all of the above
13. Which three of the essential elements do plants get primarily from water and air?
a. C, O, N
b. O, H, C
c. O, H, N
d. none of the above
14. Which three macronutrients are included in a so called "complete fertilizer?
a. N, P, Ca.
b. N, K, P
c. P, K, S
d. all of the above
15. Which of the following is not an essential plant nutrient?
a. Molybdenum
b. Copper
c. Chloride
d. Cadmium
16. DAP is a fertilizer source for
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. both a & b
d. none of these
17. Phosphorus retention in soil is more if there is a dominance of
a.1:1 type minerals
c. 2:1:1 type minerals
b. 2:1 type minerals
d. chlorite
18. There will be more fixations of P in soils having larger amounts of
a. clay
b. silt
c. sand
d. all the three
19. Phosphorus availability in most of the soils is in the pH range
a. 5.5-6.5
b. 6.5-8.5
c. 3.5-5.5
d. 5.5-7.5
20. Organic compounds in soil increase P availability by
a. forming P complexes
b. anion replacement of H2PO4- from exchange complex
c. coating of Fe/Al particles
d. all the above
21. The most commonly used salt for potassium determination in soil is
b. NaHCO3
d. NH4HCO3
22. It is also termed as “muriate of potash”
a. K2SO4
b. KCl
c. KH2PO4
d. none of these
23. Conversion of inorganic element into its organic form is termed as
a. Nitrification
b. Ammonification
c. Mineralization
d. Immobilization
24. Pakistani soils have average o.m content
a. < 1%
b. 1-3%
c. 3%
d. none of these
25. Nutrients which are required by plants in larger amounts are termed as
a. Micronutrients
b. Beneficial nutrients
c. Macronutrients
d. Useful nutrients
26. Elements which are essentially required for all plants are
a. 9
b. 16
c. 17
27. A straight fertilizer is one having
a. only one nutrient
b. more than two nutrients
c. two nutrients
d. all the three
28. Nutrient ions present in soil reach to the root surface by
a. Root Interception
b. Mass flow
c. Diffusion
d. all the three
29. In the presence of chlorophyll, simple sugars are synthesized from
a. Carbon
b. Hydrogen
c. Oxygen
d. All the three
30. Delayed crop maturity is usually caused by too much
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. None of these
31. The process whereby Nitrate-N is reduced to nitrous oxide and elemental N is
a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. N fixation
d. Volatilization
32. Phosphorus fertility buildup factor values are usually low in
a. wheat-maize system
b. wheat-soyabean system
c. wheat-sugarcane system
d. wheat-fallow
33. The loss of nitrogen as NH3 gas from soil surface is termed
a. Nitrification
b. Denitrification
c. Leaching
d. Volatilization
34. The high analysis N fertilizer is
a. Ammonium sulfate
b. Urea
c. DAP
d. Ammonium nitrate
35. The primary source of soil P is
a. Organic matter
b. Weathering of apatite minerals
c. Fertilizers
d. Mica
36. To convert P to P2O5 multiply by
a. 2.29
b. 1.2
c. 0.43
d. 0.8
37. It is not part of any structural organic compound within plant body
a. N
b. P
c. K
d. Fe
38. Sulfate of potash has K2O
a: 50 %
b. 40 %
c. 60 %
d. 45 %
39. It is the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule
a. Mg
b. Mn
c. Fe
d. N
40. In flooded rice soils, best source of N is
a. Ammonium sulfate
b. Urea
c. DAP
d. all the three
41. Volatilization losses of NH3 are more when it is applied as
a. Foliar application
b. Broadcast application
c. Subsurface application
d. Band application
42. The most common method used in soil testing laboratories for P determination is
a. AB-DTPA method
b. Olsen method
c. Bray-1 method
d. Mehlic method
43. The most easily weatherable mineral which release K in soil is
a. Muscovite
b. Biotite
c. Feldspar
d. Chlorite
44. It can be replaced by Na in its osmoregulatory functions
a. NH4+
b. K+
c. Ca+2
d. NO3-
45. They are structural component of chlorophyll molecule
a. N & Mg
b. Fe & Mg
c. Mn & Fe
d. N & Mn
46. Adequate supply of _________ hastens maturity
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Calcium
47. They are involved in redox reactions in plants
a. Zn & Mg
b. Fe & Mg
c. Mn & Fe
d. none of these
48. Its deficiency in plants causes chlorosis first in older leaves
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Iron
49. Potatoes, sugarcane and banana has high requirement for
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Iron
50. These are the most commonly deficient micronutrients in Pakistani soils
a. Zn & B
b. Zn & Cu
c. Fe & Mn
d. Fe &Mo
51. Its deficiency in plants causes chlorosis first in younger leaves
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Potassium
52. This is mobile in plants and highly immobile in soils
a. Calcium
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Nitrogen
53. This does not form any biochemical compound in plants
a. Potassium
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Iron
54. VAM increases its availability to plants
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulfur
d. Potassium
55. The uptake of NO3- by the plant roots result in the release of
a. NH4+
b. OH-
c. H+
d. H2O
56. It is absorbed by plants in anionic as well as cationic form
a. Iron
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Nitrogen
57. High levels of these nutrients in the substrate antagonize each others uptake by
a. Zn & B
b. Zn & P
c. N & P
d. N & K
58. Excessive supply of-------delays maturity.
a. Nitrogen
b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium
d. Iron
59. Urea is an ____________________ fertilizer.
a. Organic
b. Inorganic
c. Synthetic
d. both a & c
60. One hundred kilograms of Urea contains---- kilograms of nitrogen.
a. 92
b. 46
c. 23
d. 40
61. The ability of soil to supply the essential nutrients for plant growth is called
a. Fertile soil
b. Productive soil
c. Soil fertility
d. Soil productivity
62. Organic soils are called ---------------.
a. Peat
b. Aridisols
c. Muck
d. Both a & c
63. The process in which radiant energy is absorbed by plants and transformed into chemical
compounds is called
a. Respiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Glycolysis
d. Anabolism
64. A soil with above pH 7 is called _____________________ soil.
a. Acidic
b. Alkaline
c. Normal
d. Saline
65. Lime is used to counteract the __________________ of soils.
a. Salinity
b. Alkalinity
c. Sodicity
d. Acidity
66. Capability of soil to provide maximum economic yield of crops is called
a. Fertile soil
b. Productive soil
c. Soil fertility
d. Soil productivity
67. Soluble Ca and Mg are obtained by extracting the soil by water and measurement of their
concentrations in the extract by titration with --------------------------------------
b. EBT
c. AgNO3
d. KCrO4
68. Standard solutions for measuring Soluble-K are prepared in de-ionized water, but for
measuring Extractable-K the standards should be made in -----------------------------
a. Ammonium acetate
b. Ammonium oxalate
c. Ammonium purporate
d. Ammonium citrate
69. The Pi test is a new approach to evaluate available --------- in soils, by using iron-coated
a. N & Ca
b. K & N
c. Cd & P
d. P
70. Large amount of --------- derived from muriate of potash decreases starch yield of potato
and makes potato poor for fries and the quality of potato chips deteriorates.
a. K+
b. Br-
c. Cl- & Br-
d. Cl-
71. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. Crop species differ genetically for nutrient uptake from soil.
b. Crop varieties differ genetically for nutrient uptake from soil.
c. Crop species and varieties differ genetically for nutrient uptake from soil.
d. only b
72. One of the most important factors affecting P fixation in soil is _______________
a. Temperature
b. pH
c. Moisture
d. Organic matter
73. Phosphorus fixation in soil refers to
a. P adsorption
b. P precipitation
c. P desorption
d. both a & b
74. Phosphorus adsorption in soil is_______________________________
a. more in warmer regions
b. more in temperate regions
c. less in warmer regions
d. both a & c
75. The important raw material for manufacturing of P fertilizers is
a. Strengite
b. Rock phosphate
c. Variscite
d. none of these
76. Sulfur is present in soil ______________________________
a. Organic form
b. Inorganic form
c. Precipitated form
d. both a & b
77. Abundant Sulfur bearing mineral in soil is _______________________
a. Gypsum
b. Dolomite
c. Chalcopyrite
d. Pyrite
78. Plant roots absorb Sulfur in the form of _______________________
a. SO4-2
b. SO2
c. SO3
d. S
79. In calcareous soils S precipitates with ______________________________
a. CaCO3
b. CaO
c. Fe2O3
d. None of these
80. Sulfates added to waterlogged soils reduce to_________________________
a. SO2
b. H2S
c. SO3
d. H2SO4
81. Thiobacillus bacteria are ___________________________ oxidizing organisms.
a. Mg
b. S
c. Ca
d. both a &c
82. with one-unit increase in pH, the availability of Zn in soil
a. 100 times decreases
b. 1000 times decreases
c. 10 times decreases
d. 100 times increases
83. Acid forming N fertilizers will
a. increase Zn availability
b. decrease Zn availability
c. has no effect
d. none of these
84. Soil fertility status can be assessed by
a. visual plant deficiency symptoms
b. soil analysis
c. plant analysis
d. all the above
85. In areas having low temperature, nutrient uptake is reduced because of
a. reduction in mass flow
b. reduced rate of diffusion
c. reduced mineralization
d. all the above
86. Calcium is absorbed by plants as ___________________________
a. Ca +2
b. CaO
c. Ca
d. CaCO3
87. Calcium availability in soil is reduced at _____________________________
a. Low CEC
b. High CEC
c. low AEC
d. none of these
88. It is required for auxin synthesis in plants
a. Boron
b. Zinc
c. Mangnese
d. Molybdenum
89. DTPA test can be used to determine the following micronutrients in soil.
a. B, Zn, Cu, Mn
b. Zn, Mo, Fe, Mn
c. Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe
d. Mo, Fe, Cu, Zn
90. They are required for photolysis of water in hill reaction of photosynthesis.
a. Mn, Cl
b. Mn, Fe
c. Mg, Cl
d. Mg, Fe
91. They can exist as interlayer ions in soils containing illite type of clay minerals.
Na+, K+
a. NH4+, K+
b. Ca+2, K+
c. Na+ , NH4+
92. Its deficiency causes cessation of growth in terminal buds
a. Boron
b. Iron
c. Magnesium
d. Copper
93. A typical symptom for the deficiency of ________________ is resetting.
a. Boron
b. Iron
d. Zinc
94. This element has been designed as the precursor of tryptophane.
a. Molybdenum
b. Iron
d. Zinc
95. _________________ is the most common source of potassium in our soils.
a. Feldspar
b. Mica
d. Montmorillonite
96. __________________ P is the major form of P in calcareous soils.
a. Organic
b. Inorganic
c. Solution
d. both a & b
97. Illite fixes ______________________ in soil
b. K+
d. Both a & b
98. It is required by urease enzyme
a. Nickle
b. Cobalt
c. Manganese
d. Copper
99. Calcite is related to _______________________ availability in calcareous soils.
a. Phosphorus
b. Boron
d. both a & b
100. Grey speck of oat is a typical deficiency symptom of _______________________
a. Copper
b. Zinc
c. Manganese
d. Boron
101. Which microorganism converts ammonium to nitrite?
A: Nitrosomonas
B: Nitrobacter
C: Azotobacter
D: Aerobacter
102. They are absorbed by plant roots as anions
a. Mo, B
b. Cl, P
c. Mo, Mn
d. both a & b
103. _________________ is nonessential beneficial element for plant growth
a. Silicon
b. Cadmium
c. Calcium
d. all the three
104. Their availability increases under flooded rice conditions.
a. Mn, Fe
b. P, Cu
c. Mg, Ca
d. all the above
105. The element mainly supplied to plant roots through mass flow is
a. Nitrogen
b. Potassium
c. Phosphorus
d. Both a & b
106. Potassium is mainly supplied to plant roots by ____________________________
a. diffusion
b. mass flow
c. root interception
d. all the three
107. Phosphate rock can also be a good source of P for _______________soils.
a. Calcareous
b. Alkaline calcareous
c. Acidic
d. all the three
108. Calcium uptake in plants is depressed by____________________
a. NH4+
b. Al+3
c. K+
d. All the above
109. Calcium carbonate may be a primary source of
a. Ca
b. C
c. O2
d. CO2
110. The most commonly used calcium salt in sodic soils is______________
a. CaSO4.2H2O
b. Ca (NO3)2 .3H2O
c. CaO
d. CaCO3
111. Losses of Calcium occur by __________________________________
a. leaching
b. precipitation
c. both a & b
d. none of the above
112. Calcium availability is affected by ________________________________
a. CEC
b. pH
c. type of soil colloid
d. all above
113. Magnesium constitutes about _______________________ of earth crust.
a. 1.93 %
b. 3.1 %
c. 2.5 %
d. none of the above
114. Epsomite is a mineral of ___________________________.
a. Calcium
b. Magnesium
c. Sulfur
d. None of these
115. They compete with K uptake in plants
a. Ca & Mg
b. N & P
c. Ca & P
d. N & Mg
116. Leaching of Mg is a problem in___________________________ soils.
a. sandy
b. clayey
c. loamy
d. fine textured
117. Magnesium occurs in soil as_____________________________.
a. exchangeable Mg
b. solution Mg
c. mineral Mg
d. all the three
118. Which of the following is not a source of Mg?
a. dolomite
b. gypsum
c. epsomite
d. biotite
119. Which is the “primary nutrient element”?
a: Sulpher
b: Cobalt
c: Sodium
d: Potassium
120. Which is the “essential” nutrient element?
A: Aluminium
B: Iodine
C: Boron
D: Barium
121. Which is the organic chemical fertilizer?
A: Calcium ammonium nitrate
B: Urea
C: Ammonium phosphate
D: Muriate of potash
122. Which of the followings is a straight fertilizer?
A: Ammonium sulfate nitrate
B: Calcium ammonium nitrate
C: Single superphophate
D: Ammonium phosphate
123. Which is the “ultra-micronutrient”?
A: Boron
B: Molybdenum
C: Zinc
D: Iron
124. Which one is the source of “micro nutrient”?
A: Calcium sulfate
B: Magesium sulfate
C: Potassium sulfate
D: Zinc sulfate
125. The number of essential elements required for the growth of N fixing legumes is
A: 18
B: 15
C: 17
D: 16
126. C: N ratio which results in net immobilization is
a. >30:1 c. 30:1
b. 15:1 d. 20:1
127. Under high moisture levels in soil, the availability of _____________ decreases.
a: Phosphorus
b: Iron
c: Manganese
d: Potassium
128. CaCO3 in soil is added to
A: lower soil pH
B: increase soil pH
C: reclaim sodic soils
D: increase soil water holding capacity
129. Which fertilizer contains sulfur?
A: Urea
B: Calcium ammonium nitrate
C: Sodium nitrate
D: Ammonium sulfate
130. % N in ammonium sulfate is
A: 24
B: 25
C: 21
D: 22
131. Single superphophate is produced by the reaction of rock phosphate with
B: H3PO4
C: H2SO4
D: both b & c
132. Concentrated superphosphate is produced by the reaction of rock phosphate with
B: H3PO4
C: H2SO4
D: HCl
133. The percent content of N and P2O5 in DAP is
A: 20-20
B: 18-46
C: 46-18
D: 18-18
134. The conversion factor to convert %P2O5 to %P is
A: 1.29
B: 2.90
C: 2.29
D: 0.43
135. If organic residues added to the soil have C: N ratio 40:1, there will be
A: net mineralization
B: net immbilzation
C: no mineralization & no immobilization
D: none of these
136. the plant factors having considerable influence on K uptake are
A: root length
B: root radius
C: rate of H2O upatke
D: all the above

137. Which form of Nitrogen if absorbed is toxic to plants?

A: NH4
B: NO3
C: NO2
D: amide
138. By denitrification, the green house gas which largely escapes to the atmosphere is
A: N2O
C: NO2
D: N2
139. Which organism can fix atmospheric nitrogen?
A: Azotobacter
B: Nitrobacer
C: Nitrosomonas
D: Psuedomonas
140. Which microorganism converts nitrite to nitrate?
A: Nitrosomonas
B: Nitrobacter
C: Azotobacter
D: Aerobacter
141. The conversion of ammonical nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen is known as
A: ammonification
B: nitrification
C: amminization
D: volatilization
142. Volatilization loss of N is relatively more in
A: acid soils
B: alkaline soils
C: neutral soils
D: all of the above

143. The ion that is more susceptible to leaching is

A: NH4+
B: NO3-
C: H3PO4-
D: HPO42-
144. The predominant ionic species of phosphate in soil at pH below 6.7 is
A: PO43-
B: HPO42-
C: H2PO4-
D: none of the above
145. Root development is stimulated due to the supply of
A: N
B: P
C: K
D: S
146. Micro nutrients occur in soil as
A: primary and secondary mineral
B: adsorbed to mineral surfaces
C: in solution
D: all of the above
147. Iron is absorbed by plants as
A: Fe3+ and Fe4+
B: Fe2+ and Fe4+
C: Fe2+ and Fe3+
D: Fe+ and Fe2+
148. As much as 75% of the total cell iron is associated with
A: Ribosomes
B: Cell membrane
C: Chloroplast
D: nucleus
149. Ferredoxins are proteins containing
A: Fe-Ca
B: Fe-S
C: Fe-Mg
D: Fe-Cl
150. __ is the nutrient concentration between just deficient for maximum growth and just
adequate for maximum growth.
A: critical nutrient concentration
B: critical nutrient range
C: critical nutrient level
D: all of the above
151. Fe deficiency symptoms show up first in
A: older leaves
B: younger leaves
C: the whole plant
D: roots
152. The solubility of Iron increases in soil when the soil is
A: well drained
B: water logged
C: cultivated
D: none of the above
153. The solubility of Fe increases when the soil pH is
A: above 7
B: below 7
C: un affected by pH change
D: neutral
154. Fe- deficiency occurs less frequently in
A: High pH soils
B: calcareous soils
C: low pH soils
D: both A and B
155. Chelates are soluble organic compounds that are bound to ions such as
A: Fe
B: C
C: O2
D: all of the above
156. The solubility of Zn
A: increases with decrease in pH
B: increases with increase in pH
C: un-affected by pH
D: none of the above
157. The dominant mechanism for Zn transport to roots is
A: Diffusion
B: Mass flow
C: root interception
D: none of the above
158. The affect of P on Zn uptake in rice is
A: synergistic
B: antagonistic
C: no affect
D: none of the above
159. In submerged conditions the availability of Zn
A: increases
B: decreases
C: un affected
D: none of the above
160. The most common Zn fertilizer is
A: ZnNO3
B: ZnCO3
C: ZnSO4
D: ZnCl2
161. Mn is involved in
A: photosynthesis
B: respiration
C: protein synthesis
D: none of the above
162. Mn deficiency occurs first in
A: older leaves
B: younger leaves
C: roots
D: the entire plant
163. Mn availability with increase under
A: anaerobic conditions
B: aerobic conditions
C: un-affected
D: none of the above
164. Most of the boron absorbed by plants is in the form of
A: B4O72-
B: H3BO3
C: BO3-
D: none of the above
165. The only non-metal among micronutrients is
A: Cu
B: Zn
C: B
166. The availability of which micronutrient increases with increasing pH
A: Fe
B: Cu
C: B
D: Mo

167. The micronutrient essential for microorganisms fixing N2 is

A: Cl
B: Co
C: Zn
D: Cu
168. Free NH3 is extremely toxic to _____________________________.
a. microorganisms
b. higher plants
c. animals
d. all the above
169. Generally, dicots have more requirement of ___________ compared to monocots.
a. N
b. K
c. B
d. Zn
170. Low concentration of _____________________ causes grass tetany in livestock.
a. Ca
b. Mg
c. S
d. K
171. Black heart of most of the root crops is due to the deficiency of ______.
a. Fe
b. Cu
c. B
d. Zn
172. They are involved in the synthesis of amino acids in plants.
a. Fe, S
b. N, S
c. S, B
d. Mg, S
173. ______ occurs in volatile compounds responsible for the taste and smell in mustard and
a. Fe
b. S
c. Mg
d. Zn
174. Molarity of 0.5 N CaSO4 would be _______________________.
a. 1 M
b. 0.5 M
c. 0.25 M
d. 0.125 M
175. 2.5 M NaCl would be equal to _____________.

a. 2.5 N
b. 5.0 N
c. 1.25 N
d. 1.0 N
176. When the concentration of an essential element is low enough to limit yield severely, it is
termed as
a. deficient
b. sufficient
c. critical range
d. toxic
177. Phosphorus concentration in most of the plants ranges between ________.
a. 1-4 %
b. 0.1-0.4 %
c. 1-5 %
d. 0.2-1.0 %
178. The nutrient concentration ranges in plants in which added nutrient will not increase yield
but can increase nutrient concentration is termed as
a. deficient
b. sufficient
c. critical range
d. toxic
179. Transpiration in plants is affected by the deficiency of ____________.
a. N
b. P
c. S
d. K
180. More than 95 % of the N in surface soil is present in ____________ form.
a. organic
b. inorganic
c. solution
d. mineral
181. The no of essential micronutrients required for normal growth and development are
a. 7
b. 6
c. 9
d. 8

182. Eutrophication in rivers and lakes is observed due to the excessive amount of

a. N
b. P
c. N&P
d. P&K

183. Phosphorus in soil can be determined by using ____________________.

a. flamephotometer
b. atomic absorption spectrometer
c. spectrophotometer
d. gas chromatography
184. Potassium in soil and plants can be determined by using
a. flamephotometer
b. atomic absorption spectrometer
c. spectrophotometer
d. gas chromatography
185. Bronzing in rice is produced due to ------ toxicity.
a. N
b. P
c. Fe
d. B
186. There will be net mineralization of organic P if
a. C/P ratio > 200
b. C/P ratio < 200
c. C/P ratio 200-300
d. both b & c
187. Strengite is mineral of Phosphorus found in
a. alkaline soils
b. acidic soils
c. neutral soils
d. sodic soils
188. Which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with a fertile soil?
a. high cation exchange capacity
b.. high % base saturation
c.. high sand content
d.. significant amounts of clay present
189. Phosphorus present in soil which can readily replenishes soil solution P is called
a) a. Intensity factor
b) Labile P
c) Quantity factor
d) Capacity factor
190. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria are mostly active in ___________________ soils.
a. aerated
b. waterlogged
c. submerged
d. all the above
191. The principle, which states that the level of plant production can be no greater than that
allowed by the most limiting of the essential plant growth factors, is called
a. the nutrient-carrier hypothesis
b. the essential principle
c. the selective factor
d. the law of the minimum
192. The prominent characteristic of an argillic horizon is the accumulation of
a. humus
b. oxide clays
c. silicate clays
d. calcium carbonate
193. Concerning macronutrients and micronutrients.
a. both are equally essential for plants.
b. macronutrients are larger in size than micronutrients.
c. plants usually take up macronutrients first followed by micronutrients.
d. all of the above.
194. Nitrogen concentration in most of the plant range between ______.
a. 1-4 %
b. 0.1-0.4 %
c. 1-5 %
d. 0.2-1.0 %
195. Mica has K content about ____________________.

e. 10 %
f. 6-8 %
g. 1-5 %
h. 1-2 %
196. Calcium is mainly supplied to plant roots by ______________.
a. Mass flow
b. diffusion
c. root interception
d. both a & c
197. Zinc is considered to be deficient in plants when its concentration is ____.
a. < 20 ppm
b. < 50 ppm
c. < 40 ppm
d. < 30 ppm
198. Soil solution P which is available to plants is called ___
a) Intensity factor
b) Labile P
c) Quantity factor
d) Capacity factor
199. Flooding increases P availability due to _______________________.
a. Dissolution of occluded P
b. Hydrolysis of Fe phosphate
c. Increase mineralization of organic P in acid soils
d. All the above
200. High amounts of applied P can _________________________ Zn uptake by plants.
a. increase
b. decrease
c. have no effect
d. none of these

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