I Mid Term Test - 2021 - 2022- English-converted (1)

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I MID TERM TEST – 2021 -

I. Choose the appropriate synonyms for the underlined words: 3x1=3

1. He was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid.
a) Educated b) unaware c) polite d) rude
2. She tried to console her but he pushed her gently away.
a) Sad b) distressed c) comfort d) joyfully
3. It was whispered that he would win.
a) Speak softly b) speak rudely c) speak violently d) speak actively
II. Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words: 3x1=3
4. The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall
a) Disregardb) worry c) responsibility d) trouble
5. A couple of butterflies flutter around the garden.
a) Calm b) hover c) beat d) wag
6. The little girls squealed with delight.
a) Charm b) pleasure c) happy d) dismay
III. Vocabulary: 4x1=4
7. Choose the correct homophones given in the brackets:
The teacher the reading in the class. (passed / paused)
8. Write the abbreviation of:
b) FAQ
9. Add a suitable prefix: _ fortune.
10. Add a suitable suffix: execute .
IV. Grammar:
a) Examine the following sentence and find out whether the given sentence Transitive
or Intransitive: 3x1=3
11. She tastes the dish.
12. They fought bravely.
13. The doctor will feel the pulse.
b) Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns: 3x1=3
14. The girls were not late to school but the boys were late and the teacher punished for
the act.
15. Meena invited _ and my sister for birthday party.
V. Answer the questions briefly: 5x2=10
16. What happened to Ramayya’s wife at the end?
17. What did the child want to tell her dad?
18. Who was suspected of stealing the diamond nose stud?
19. Where did the sparrow build the nest?
20. Who is ‘The Special hero’ mentioned in the poem?
VI. Read the following lines and answer the questions given below: 4x1=4
21. I would look up into your
eyes And all the love I would
see How did I get so lucky,
You were the dad chosen for me.
a) What did the child see in her father’s eyes?
b) Who is lucky here? Why?
c) Who does ‘you’ refer to?
d) Write the rhyming words from the given lines.
VII. Quote from memory: 1x5=5
22. From: When I ----------------------

To------------------love I would see.

VIII. Answer in a paragraph: 1x5=5

23. “We should never be greedy for what belongs to others.” Explain your answer.
IX. Letter writing: 1x5=5
24. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Municipal Committee of your locality to open a
‘Public Library’ in your area.
X. General Comprehension: 5x1=5
There were once five-and twenty tin soldiers, who were all brothers, for they had
been made out of the same old tin spoon. They shouldered arms and looked
straight before them and wore a splendid uniform, red and blue. The first thing
they ever heard was the words, “Tin soldiers!” uttered by a little boy, when the lid
of the box was taken off. They were given him for a birthday present and he stood
at the table to set them up. The soldiers were all exactly alike, except one, who had
only one leg; he had been left to the last, but they made him to stand firmly on one
leg and this caused him to be very remarkable. When the children came in the next
morning, they placed the tin soldier in the window. But the window flew open and
out fell the tin soldier, it was a terrible fall. It began to rain, till there was a heavy
shower. When it was over, two boys happened to pass by and one of them said,
“Look, there is a tin soldier. So they made a boat out of a newspaper and placed the
tin soldier in it and sent him sailing down.
Answer the following:
25. How were the tin soldiers made?
26. Who uttered the words?
27. Why was one of the tin soldiers different from the rest of them?
28. What did the children do the next morning?
29. Where was the tin soldier?

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