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School of Health Sciences

of Pakistan

Midterm Exame April 2024
Microbiology Part I
Name: __________________________________________ Marks Obt: ___________________
Marks: 40 Time: 60 Minutes
Dated: 12-05-2024

1. Bacterial flagella are made up of

a) Flagellin b) Tubulin c) Spinin d) Microtubule
2. When gram +ve bacteria are stained they give
a) Purple b) Pink c) Dark purple d) None of these
3. Cell Membrane contain approximately------ lipids
a) 60% b) 40% c) 70% d) 80%
4. The symbiosis is beneficial to both organisms & relationship is called
a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) None of these
5. A_____________ consists of population of cell derived from a single cell
a) Pure culture b) Bacterial culture c) Bacterial culture d) All of above
6. Special equipment, manipulator is used to--------
a) Single cell isolation technique b) Serial dilution c) Spread plate d) All of above
7. Capsid of herpes viruses is made up of ____________capsomeres.
a. 162 b. 180 c. 220 d. 252
8. The cocci which mostly occur in pair?
a) Streptococci b) Diplococci c) Tetracocci d) None of these
9. The ........protects the genome. It also gives shape to the virus.
a. Capsid b. Envelope c. Nucleocapsid d. Spikes
10. All viruses consist of two basic components......and.......
a. Capsid and Nucleic Acid b. Envelope and Spikes c. Capsid and Enzymes
d. Nucleocapsid and Lipid Bilayer
Q No #2 Write the answer of the following questions(Any fifteen 2*15=30)

1) What do u know about discovery of bacteria?

2) Define streptococci with example?
3) Where do bacteria live?
4) List four ways bacteria is helpful to human?
5) What is Fimbriae in bacterial structure?
6) Who discovered bacteria?
7) Define Opportunistic bacteria.
8) What is capsule and slime layer?
9) Define bacteriology?
10) Define virus?
11) Write down the name of different shapes of the viruses?
12) Write down the number of capsomers in herpes and
13) Define envelope?
14) Define spikes and its role?
15) Are there non parasitic viruses?
16) Define reverse transcribing viruses?
17) Write the classes of Baltimore Classes of Baltimore
Classification of Viruses.

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